Konoha: I, Naruto, Will Kill All Of You Today

Chapter 88 Open The Book! Explosive Ninjutsu!

[Ding! Involvement successful! You have forced Sarutobi Hiruzen to start involution and obtained 10,000 involution points!】

[Ding! Involvement successful! You have forced Sarutobi Hiruzen to start involution and obtained 10,000 involution points!】

[Ding! Involvement successful! You have forced Sarutobi Hiruzen to start involution and obtained 10,000 involution points!】

Immediately, the value of the exit volume began to be refreshed continuously.

Naruto was taken aback for a moment, and then looked like his plan had succeeded: "Huh? Third Generation is starting to make up for it. Are you ready for class?"

In a quiet classroom.

Only the sound of chalk rubbing against the blackboard.


Third Generation wrote the last formula to learn today.

Then, he turned around and looked at his classmates.

"Everyone, do you understand?"

Someone shook his head.

Someone nods.

Third Generation is not reluctant either.

At least someone can understand, it's not in vain for him to burn the lights last night.

He smiled kindly.

"Don't worry, biology itself is hard."

"You don't need to aim too high, just take your time."

Just at this moment.

The get out of class bell rang.

Hearing this voice, Third Generation trembled like a death row prisoner suddenly hearing an amnesty order, and then heaved a long sigh of relief...

it's over.

It's finally over!

so tiring!

Putting down the chalk, Third Generation squeezed out a kind face and said with a smile.

"Students, remember to review a lot when you go back, today's class is over here.

This is the last class for today.

But after the Third Generation finished speaking, no one left first.

A group of small powerhouses swarmed up and blocked the exit route of Third Generation.

"Grandpa Third Generation has worked hard!"

"I didn't expect Grandpa Third Generation to come to class again!"

"Grandpa Third Generation came to teach us in person, we are so happy."

"Grandpa Third Generation, I adore you so much, I will become a great ninja like you in the future!"

"Grandpa Third Generation is amazing!"

"Grandpa Third Generation..."

"Grandpa Third Generation....."

A group of people surrounded Third Generation, their eyes were full of admiration, and their mouths were chattering.

Didn't want to let Third Generation go at all.

Looking at the children surrounding him, Medai felt both relieved and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, I am still very popular.

The sad thing is, to give you lessons? Do you know how much hard work I have put in?

After looking up all kinds of information and staying up all night, my spirit has reached its limit!

And on the outside.

The Third Generation was directly surrounded by the three circles inside and three circles outside.

Shino frowned, seeming a little puzzled.

"Why does Third Hokage look tired? Is it my illusion?"

When the people next to him heard it, they immediately observed it carefully.

It turned out that it was exactly what Shino said.

"It's true, and I feel that Grandpa Third Generation's wrinkles are getting deeper, and the dark circles under his eyes are so heavy!"

Tooth let out a low cry.

Chōji nodded silently and said, "Grandpa Third Generation seems to have more gray hair, and he looks older than when he came last time."

A group of people are very puzzled.

It's only been a few days.

How come the Third Generation is older than when I saw it before?

And the crowd.

The brows of Third Generation began to twitch crazily at this time.

Although he is old.

But not deaf.

Hear the low-pitched discussions of the Xiaoqiangs.

He maintained a kind smile on his face, but he almost went crazy inside!

I look tired? Older?

What the hell!

You know why!

And not all because of Naruto!

In order to teach you physics and chemistry, I stayed up all night to prepare lessons for you!

If it wasn't memorized by rote, I don't know how many embarrassments I have made!

Think here.

Out of the corner of Third Generation's eyes, Naruto caught a glimpse. At this time, Naruto, with a serious face, was carefully checking the notes.

And seeing Naruto's face, Third Generation's anger suddenly weakened...

"Oh, forget it, Naruto also trusts me, that's why he asked me to come to class...

"After all, I am Grandpa Hokage that everyone trusts!"

"They trust me so much, just to repay their trust..."

Third Generation showed a painful smile, pain and happiness.

After school.

Naruto ate a bowl of egg fried rice at the Fried Restaurant, and then went home early.

Open the system panel.

Scan the bottom row directly.

Now a large number of involution values ​​have been accumulated.

Sure enough, when adults like Hyuga Hiashi and Sarutobi Hiruzen roll up, their strength is much stronger than that of ordinary Xiaoqiang!

"I don't know if I can get something good."

"System, start the lottery draw.

Naruto shouted to the system in his head.


The system's lottery roulette appeared in front of my eyes, spinning rapidly.

Three seconds later.

An abrupt stop.

Then came the system prompt.

[Blasting: A special ninjutsu that can mix the released Chakra with clay and transform it into explosives, which can be attached to objects to explode. 】


"Finally a different ninjutsu."

Naruto nodded silently.

This reward is okay.

Not too bad.

The blasting technique is equivalent to carrying a large number of bombs with you. It is more than enough to kill a Chūnin by surprise.

If you can practice the power of Deidara, it is not impossible to kill Jōnin.

Well, it's worth practicing.

Close your eyes, and synchronize your mind to the clone brigade in the distance.

Naruto immediately conveyed his will to the past.

open book!

And at the same time.

in the valley.

The clone captains No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 who were training stopped their cultivation of Gentle Fist after receiving the news.

The three captains gathered together, just like before, they planned to set a direction for the blasting technique, and then open the book according to the direction. .

Number One looked at Number Two and Number Three.

"You two, let us know what you think.

Number two pondered for a moment and said.

"I think it's good to have at least one object of comparison if you want to find a way forward.

"When it comes to demolition, it must be Deidara from the Land of Earth."

Number one and number three nodded silently, agreeing with number two.

Number two was recognized, and his expression suddenly became excited.

"Since you agree, we will use Deidara as a template, and then improve one by one to determine the future direction.

"Just start with the least powerful explosive in Deidara's hands."

Three asked.

"Which explosive is the least powerful?"

Number one gave the answer.

"It's C1, that group of little spiders."

No. 2 and No. 3 suddenly realized.

C1, I remember that the power is quite small, it can't even kill people, it can only blow up a rock at most. "

Number one pinched his chin and said.

"Blow up the rocks? How can this work? This kind of power is only enough to tickle the enemy!"


"Increase the power by 10 times first!"

Number two frowned slightly.

"Isn't this power too small? Even if it is increased by ten times, the base is too low, and there is not much lethality.

Number One looked at Number Two, frowned and asked, "Then..."

"At least 20 times?"

Number two said without hesitation.

"The power to blow up a pile of mines in one breath should be enough."

Number three shook his head and said.

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this what you guys are good at?"

"How can a mine pile be enough? At least one mountain must be blown up."

Number one and number two were taken aback, because number three's idea was a bit too exaggerated.

What the hell.

We're talking, but Deidara's weakest little spider bomb, are you going to blow up a mountain?

Then what level should the large bomb behind it be?

But it was only a moment of surprise, and the two quickly got used to it.

Yes, it doesn't matter whether he is reasonable or not.

Isn't the volume over?

Nodding his head, Number One said directly.

"According to what you say, a mountain is actually not enough."

"At least 2 mountains must be blown up."

Now it was No. 2 and No. 3's turn to look at him in shock.

But after the shock.

The eagerness to try remained on the faces of the two of them.

The impatient number three can't wait to turn around and leave.

"Then I'll go test it first."

Before he took a step, he was directly grabbed by No. 1.

"Why are you so anxious, now is the first step, there are other things besides power!"

Number three turned around suspiciously.

"What else? Isn't power enough?

Number One immediately raised his voice.

"Of course not enough!"

"If the light is powerful, but the accuracy of the result is poor, isn't it a waste of Chakra?"

Diyun is too rough, so there is nothing but power. "

"I want precise directional blasting, so as to avoid accidentally injuring friendly troops."

No. 3 scratched his head suddenly, with a sneer on his face.

"I was reckless, hahaha."

Number one rolled his eyes, then looked at number two.

"Then how are you going to accurately position?"

Number two pondered for a moment and said.

"Basically, it's like mining in a mine and blasting out the ore without affecting the stability of the mine.

No. 1 nodded silently, this is indeed his idea.

Precise and stable.

And it's even more difficult!

You know, a place like a mine will collapse if you don't pay attention.

Being able to blast out ores without affecting the stability of the mine already requires a very high level of technology.


"It's too simple at this level, I'm afraid we can practice casually."

Number one offered his opinion.

"Precise and steady words..."

"How about just the balloons, among a bunch of balloons, blast a designated one without affecting the other balloons.

"This difficulty should be fine."

Number Three was stunned.

With balloons piled together, a slightly more powerful explosion aftermath can blow up all the surrounding balloons, right?

Is this too difficult?

However, No. 2 shook his head and raised a further point of view.

"I think carving on glass is more of a test of precision."

"After all, glass is very fragile, and a slight strong vibration may produce irregular cracks.

Both No. 1 and No. 3 were dumbfounded.

Carving flimsy glass by blasting?

What the hell!

(Leaded by Li) This level of difficulty has surpassed the category of blasting, right?

Three wanted to refute.

But when the words came to his lips, he thought about the ninjutsu they had practiced recently. Aren't the goals all exaggerated to the point of being difficult to achieve?

Feel free to add one more.

No. 1 like

Reward nodded and said.

"Alright then, number two will be responsible for the accuracy."

"As for the power of the explosion, leave it to number three."

Number two and number three looked at number one suspiciously.

"how about you?"

"Don't you want to take the opportunity to be lazy?"

Number One shook his head and said.

"how is this possible."

"I'm in charge of handling.

Number two and number three spoke in unison.


Number One nodded.

"Don't bombs need maneuverability?"

"For example, if you drive 10 meters away and hit the target accurately."

"800 meters away, blow up the enemy's head with one shot."

"It would be even better if it could be equipped with automatic launch and tracking functions."

Hear the words of number one.

Two and Three immediately thought of Deidara's clay bomb.

Indeed, the handling is terrible.

It is completely thrown by hand.

And many of them are still inaccurate.

Number two frowned slightly.

"Just 10 meters away, isn't it too simple?"

said number three.

"That's right, it should be one kilometer away.

Number two wants to complain.

But I saw No. 1 showing a mysterious smile.

"How is one kilometer enough?"

"Our ultimate goal is to stand at the gate of Konoha Village, and then attack all corners of the ninja world!"

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