Konoha: I refresh a passive skill every month

Chapter 228 Three concessions and three concessions, the Fire Country changes hands

The ninja world has undergone tremendous changes in one day.

The landscape is about to change.

The five major nations are still the same five major nations, but the Fire Nation has become a thing of the past. Although Li Che has not yet agreed to return to the Country of Fire, everyone knows that as long as Li Che nods to go back, the Country of Fire will inevitably disappear in the long river of history.

The four major countries are anxious, especially the big names of the four major countries.


In the mansion of the Daimyo of the Country of Fire, the Protector Ninja came to present documents, "These are the Daimyo of the Country of Thunder, the Daimyo of the Country of Wind, the Daimyo of the Country of Water, and the Daimyo of the Country of Earth. They are the diplomatic documents delivered by them."

The Fire Country Daimyo nodded, reached out and took it and turned over it briefly.

Immediately, I felt mixed emotions.

The daimyo of the four major countries have repeatedly promised not to seek the land of the Fire Country and fully support the Fire Country in rebuilding the Hidden Leaf Village.

They also said that they would work together to collect the ransom demanded by the Xiao organization. The only requirement was that Li Che was not allowed to return to the Land of Fire.

Does the Daimyo of the Land of Fire think so?

Of course I don't want to.

But comparing the daimyo of the four major countries with Li Che, the daimyo of the Fire Country knew clearly who was closer and who was further away. Regardless of right or wrong, Li Che always came from the Land of Fire.

And with the special skills that Li Che has always shown, the daimyo of the Fire Country would rather believe in Li Che than the daimyo of the four major countries.

It is true that the Daimyo of the Fire Country and Li Che had a grudge, but there was no family affection at all in the Emperor's family. All they had was the entanglement of interests and power.

Obviously, the current Daimyo of the Fire Country has been completely defeated, but if he agrees to the request of the Daimyos of the four major countries, he can indeed feel comfortable for a while.

But in the future, the Fire Country will inevitably be divided among the four major countries. This meat will be divided by outsiders. One can imagine the fate of the Fire Country's daimyo.

But if Li Che is asked to come back in one step, even if the Fire Country is renamed the Dragon Country, it will be rotten in one's own pot.

The current daimyo of the Land of Fire will even get a happy old age and even be blessed with future generations because of his awareness of current affairs.

The reason why the Fire Country Daimyo had such an idea was naturally because of Li Che's consistent performance, which made the Fire Country Daimyo feel at ease.

No matter what Li Cheye thinks in his heart, he is open-minded and honors his promises. As long as he puts everything on the bright side, Li Che will not break his promise.

This is the role of personality charm. It is better than a lot of lobbying at critical times. Li Che doesn't need to say how good he is, his past deeds will speak for him.

The most important thing is that the three kunai certificates left by Li Cheye left a step between the current Fire Nation daimyo and Li Cheye.

Tear it apart.

The Daimyo of the Country of Fire directly tore into pieces the diplomatic documents submitted by the Daimyos of the four major countries.

"Bi and ink." The name of the Fire Country waved, and a servant soon brought it to him.

Writing quickly, the name of the Fire Nation's eyes showed helplessness and determination.

He has no control over his own affairs and no one can control what he does. Li Che also wanted to understand what he meant at the beginning now.

Leaving three kunai as a promise was not for the Fire Nation daimyo to blackmail, but to beg Li Cheye.

Isn't it just three concessions?

He understands!

Do you understand but don’t do it?

The hidden village of Konohagakure has been wiped out, leaving only three or two big cats and kittens. How dare he, the great name of the Land of Fire, not do the same?

If you do it, you can still have some dignity. If you don't do it, Li Che will help you have some dignity.

After writing the handwriting and using his own seal, the Fire Country Daimyo sat back in his chair feebly and waved his orders tiredly.

"Keep a copy of my warrant as a backup, and then publish the contents within the Land of Fire and the entire ninja world.

Remember, this is not a threat, it is a request. "

The senior official wearing a tall hat took it with both hands. Just when he was about to nod, he caught a glimpse of the content written in the handwriting from the corner of his eye. He was so frightened that he immediately knelt down.

"Daimyo, are you... giving up your position to Li Cheye?"

"Yes, give up your seat, willingly."

"But Daimyo, this...this, this, this..."

"You can save your life by doing this, and you can save one or two generations of wealth. But if you don't do this, when the four major countries take over the Fire Country, you, me, and him, no one will be able to survive."

"But Li Che also said, just in case..."

"I give way to Li Cheye. He is in the right position. He can silence the people of the Fire Nation and control the Fire Nation as quickly as possible, with the least trouble, and in the most reasonable way.

Although Li Che also forced me to do this, it shows that he has good means and strength, and I did what he wanted. He must accept my feelings and make me decent. "


It's very hypocritical, but this approach can eliminate Li Che's shortcomings of "taking the lower part to overcome the upper part", which is the most perfect solution.

The Daimyo of the Fire Country insists on handing the Fire Country into my hands, what can I do?

Not surprisingly, Li Che also refused.

At the same time, the fact that the Fire Country Daimyo wanted to hand over the Fire Country to Li Cheye quickly spread throughout the Ninja world and became a topic of conversation among people after dinner.

"Did you hear that?"

"The Daimyo of the Fire Country wants to hand over the Fire Country to Li Cheye?"

"Yeah, what exactly is going on?"

"Hey! Have you heard about the Akatsuki Organization? The leader of this organization single-handedly wiped out the village of Konoha. Without the guards of Konoha Hidden Village, the position of the Fire Country's daimyo will be unstable."

"But why do you want to hand over the Fire Country to Li Cheye? The Fire Country Daimyo can definitely think of other ways..."

"You don't know this. It is said that this Li Cheya is a genius ninja that comes only once in a hundred years in Konoha, but when he was young..."

With the narration of this traveling businessman, the general context of Li Che's past events was clearly told.

"Finally, Li Cheya, who was forced away by Konoha, still didn't forget his old feelings, so he took out three kunai and broke them off."

The traveler made a couple of gestures and said with great joy, "Li Che also said at that time that due to differences in ideas, I will leave Konoha to establish a new branch from now on, but these three kunai are my promise. No matter what difficulties there are in the future, , take out the kunai certificate, he will do his best!"


Snap, snap, snap.

There were loud noises all around, and there were endless voices praising Li Cheye for his benevolence and righteousness, and for his knowledge and knowledge.

Smiling slightly, the traveler bowed slightly to the people around him, and immediately showed off even harder.

No one here knows more than him!

"This Li Che is also truly benevolent and righteous, and this famous figure from the Fire Country also feels guilty, so he begs Li Che to return to the Fire Country in this handwritten letter.

But Li Che has already established his own business, so how can he come back? "

The traveler clapped his palms, "But the Daimyo of the Fire Country said again that if Li Che is willing to come back, he will give up the position of the Daimyo of the Fire Country to Li Cheye.

But Li Che also said that he didn't want to take advantage of others' danger. If the Fire Country was in need, he would definitely try his best to help, but he would never accept this position of daimyo. "


Just when the foot merchant was working hard, a strong man wearing a bamboo hat, with long white hair reaching his waist, and holding a baby in his arms, overturned the table.

"He Li Che is also a traitor and a scheming villain!" His eyes were bloodshot, "The Akatsuki organization received secret funding from Li Che, and he was the mastermind behind the destruction of Konoha Hidden Village!"

"Hey, how can you talk like this!" Someone immediately retorted, "What things did Li Che also do for his brothers, comrades, and villagers that were fake?

Are you willing to die to save your brother's girlfriend?

Can you still remember the past relationship when you encounter betrayal?

You can't, so why are you being sour and slanderous here? "

Suddenly, the strong man lifted his bamboo hat, revealing his face.

It's Jiraiya.

"I am the Sannin of Konoha..." He wanted to sign up for his number, but Jiraiya's heart suddenly twitched, Konoha was gone, and the Sannin of Konoha also fell apart that day.

Shutting his mouth, Jiraiya took out the banknotes and threw them on the table that fell to the ground. He put on his bamboo hat again and turned around to leave.

Ignoring the abuse and condemnation behind him, Jiraiya lowered his head to comfort the child in his arms.

"Naruto, you will be the savior and put this twisted world back on track."

As the words fell, Jiraiya's eyes lit up, and his will became firm again. He believed in his ideas, the way of ninja, the predictions of the Great Toad Sage, and even more deeply believed in the words of the Sage of Six Paths.

He once again chose to ignore reality and continue to live in his dream.

Is it worth it?

Li Che doesn't care or care about it, as long as Jiraiya thinks it's worth it, then it's worth it. But if Jiraiya blocks the road again next time, even if Jiraiya has the help of the Six Paths old man, he will not be able to escape Li Cheya's knife!

"Lord Longying, the second handwriting of the Fire Nation's daimyo."

Terumi Mei came in with a smile on her face and a wide grin, "Maybe I will call you by your name in the future."

"We'll discuss this later." Li Che also waved his hand, "Please decline politely and be more sincere in your words."

"Ah? You still refuse." Terumi Mei's eyes flashed with confusion, "Just agree. The public has a high voice for you."

"It's not enough." Li Che also shook his head, "The more this time comes, the more important it is to stay calm and not to rush."

"But I think it's enough." Yuzuki and Mei Terumi united the front, "If you refuse any more, the Daimyo of the Fire Country may regret it and accept the help of the four major countries."

"No." Li Che also shook the three broken kunai on the table, "Three kunai will naturally come three times, not even one less!"

"Then...I'll go get ready." Terumi Mei didn't persuade her any more. She placed the second handwritten letter from the Daimyo of the Land of Fire on the desk and turned to leave.

"I'm going to supervise Terumi Mei so that she can save her from scribbling." Yuzuki followed suit.

It can be seen that Yuzuki and Mei Terumi are very concerned about the matter between Li Cheya and the Daimyo of the Fire Country.


After the two women left, Li Che also let out a breath, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

The process of making three concessions and three concessions must be completed. This is not to say that it is pedantic, but that this process has its own reasons.

When you stand on the shoulders of giants, you must be so steady. After all, for a country with almost five thousand years of war history, the accumulated heritage is not trivial.

Not only must it be conquered, but it must also be conquered, both physically and mentally.

Soon, Terumi Mei and Yuzukito drafted the diplomatic document and brought it over to Li Cheya to read.

"Yes, this is how I respond to the name of the Fire Country."

The scene changed, and by the time the Fire Nation daimyo received the news, it was already the next day later.

Without even looking at it, the Fire Country Daimyo followed up with another handwriting, lowering his words and posture, almost kneeling down to kowtow to Li Che.

After going back and forth, the arrogance in the heart of the Fire Nation's daimyo was completely wiped away.

Let Li Che also express his sympathy?

You have to beg people to show mercy to you!

When the third handwritten letter from the Fire Country daimyo was sent to Li Cheye's desk, the public's respect for Li Cheye had reached its peak.

Even Li Che didn't agree, so he just asked for help from all the people.

However, Li Che still refused, and it was also the last time.

But the people don't care about this. The great names of the Fire Country have used up their reputation and dignity, and there is no need to say more about Li Cheye's power.

Is this the highest state of ‘mutual understanding and reconciliation’?

In Li Che's opinion, this is the case, but the premise is that you have the strength to deal with those who don't want to understand you.

Obviously, Li Che also has it, and it's very hard.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just beat them up first and then talk to each other, if they don't understand each other, then kill them and replace them with the next one.

This is true mutual understanding. Li Che does not accept refutation, and there is no dead person who can refute him.

"The name...Li Che also refused again."

"I will call him daimyo from now on." The daimyo of the Fire Country breathed a sigh of relief, "I have no other ideas. I will be satisfied if I can live my life well."


"It's no use, I'm not willing to do it, I even hate it!" The Daimyo of the Fire Country picked up the pen, "But is it useful? When your life is in the hands of others, don't think about other things. Living is the first priority. "

Ants are greedy for life, let alone the great names of the Fire Country.

The first time, he felt that Li Che would also treat him like a king. The second time, he felt that he could be rich and noble for the rest of his life. The third time, he only had to live.

Li Che also put too much pressure on the Fire Nation daimyo. The Fire Nation daimyo could no longer tell whether he and Li Che were acting in a tacit understanding, or whether the other party really disliked them.

But the desire to survive made the Daimyo of the Land of Fire write his fourth handwriting.

At the same time, the people of the Fire Country and the Dragon Country also spontaneously urged Li Che to come.

Everything falls into place.

"I agree reluctantly, I really don't want to take on this mess." Li Che also stood up and sighed seriously.

Yuzuki and Terumi Mei suppressed a smile, but the look in Li Cheye's eyes became very unusual.

Power is poison for men and women. It may not represent everything, but if you have strength and power at the same time, no matter who you are, as long as you are an individual, you will be tempted.

"Lord Longying, are you leaving for the Country of Fire now?"

"Isn't the Fire Country's daimyo on the road with his senior officials and his seal?" Li Che also tilted his head, and the teak man understood instantly.

"Then I will arrange for someone to escort the Fire Country Daimyo over." Terumi Mei got ahead of the Yuzuki man.

"Kakashi, Kai, and Obito, let them lead the team." Li Cheye's eyes flashed coldly, "The four major countries will not watch helplessly like this."


The two women nodded, with murderous intent in their eyes, and turned to leave the office to arrange various escort matters.

"Ha." Li Che also smiled, "The Country of Fire and the Hidden Leaf Village are things of the past.

And the future of the entire ninja world will become the past tense. "

After standing up, Li Che also stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the office, looking into the distance, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Everything he could see and everything he couldn't see were the kingdoms he conquered!

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