Konoha: I refresh a passive skill every month

Chapter 246 Two Giant Reincarnation Eyes, Kamui Shuriken VS Ginlun Tansei Blast


Descendants of Hamura, members of the Hyuga clan, Otsutsuki of the moon, they are living on the moon as usual.

However, under the seemingly peaceful farming life, there is an undercurrent. The main family and the branch family have differences in their attitudes towards the ninja world.

The giant reincarnation eye left behind by Hamura Otsutsuki after his death not only built a barrier similar to the atmosphere on the moon to protect the living environment of his descendants, but it could also be used to monitor the ninja world and the starry sky.

In addition to surveillance, before his death, Hamura Otsutsuki also gave his descendants a task, which was to guard the moon and Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was sealed on the moon.

But at the moment when Madara Uchiha awakened the Samsara Eye, the body of the heretic demon guarded by the descendants of Hamura, the Ten-Tails, was channeled to the ninja world.

It is precisely because of this that the opinions of the descendants of Hamura are divided. The main family advocates non-intervention, while the separate families advocate coming to the ninja world to recover the lost heretic demons and cleanse the source of the chaos.

From the emergence of the disagreement to the present, the conflict between the clan family and the branch family has become more and more intense, reaching the point where water and fire are incompatible.

Civil strife has been put on the agenda.

If Li Cheya and others had arrived a few months later, the descendants of Hamura who had lived on the moon for generations would most likely have followed the same old path.

But now that Li Che is here, they don't need to kill each other, but need to work together to resist foreign enemies.

"How did you get here! What is your purpose!"

Li Che and others stepped out of the space vortex without any intention of covering up. It was normal to be discovered.

Tilting his head, Li Che looked at the descendants of Hamura gathered in twos and threes in front, and looked at the white eyes in their eyes, and Li Che also grinned.

"Call your leader to come to me."

Several descendants of Hamura looked at each other, two of them turned around and trotted away, while the rest confronted Li Cheya and others without any intention of giving in.

They looked at Li Cheya and the others, but their eyes did not stay on the leader Li Cheye, but fell on Obito and Hinata Hiashi.

"Uchiha! Hinata!" The leader of the Hamura descendants said in a cold voice, "This is not the place you should come, let alone bring outsiders here."

"We will be our own soon." Obito immediately spoke, "Either surrender or die, it's a simple matter."

"Uchiha, they are an evil clan, a clan of thieves!" The man responded immediately, with resentment in his eyes, "We originally did not offend the river, why did you violate the agreement of our ancestors and steal the heretic demons that our clan has been waiting for for generations? picture!"

"Oh, when have I, Uchiha, ever given others a reason to do something?" Obito sneered, "It's just incompetence and rage. Since it is lost, that thing naturally no longer belongs to you."

As they talked, the atmosphere between Obito and the descendants of Hamura became more and more tense, but Hinata and Hinashi looked at each other with blank eyes.

Hinata and Moon Otsutsuki came from the same origin, and both had Byakugan in their eye sockets. Naturally, they could feel the purity of each other's Byakugan.

It was obvious that the purity of the opponent's Byakugan was higher than that of the Hyuga clan, and judging from their attire, their status within the clan was not very high.

The family structure of the Moon Otsutsuki clan is similar to that of the Hyuga clan in the ninja world. In addition to the differences between clans and divisions, the purity of the Byakugan also determines the status of the family.

"My clan and yours were the same clan five hundred years ago. If you accept the conditions proposed by Lord Longying, our clan will accept you."

Hinata Hizashi stood up to smooth things over, but his position was firm. He could distinguish reality.

"They are just a group of descendants of losers who were driven away. How can they be related to our clan!" But the other party did not buy it. "My clan is the Otsutsuki clan, and you people who are not worthy of inheriting the surnames of your ancestors are not here at all." Qualification to speak!”

"The surname Otsutsuki is very prestigious?" Li Che also interrupted at this time, "According to your words, it seems that there is no need to talk about it next."

After the words fell, several people behind Li Che also prepared for battle.


At this moment, a group of people ran up not far away, followed by puppets with different shapes and unknown functions.

The leader shouted, taking three steps and two steps at a time, squeezing through the tribesmen blocking the way, and stood at the front of the team.

"My clan doesn't want to conflict with you. If anything happens, we can discuss it."

As soon as he finished speaking, angry shouts rang out one after another behind him.

"Clan leader!"

"Chief, they are intruders!"

"Chief, what are you afraid of?"

Li Che was also curious, looking up and down at the person he was facing, "I'm also wondering, what are you afraid of?"

"I know you, I have seen you more than once in the giant reincarnation eyes.

I know you and know that you are strong, so I don’t want to conflict with you, but I am not afraid of conflict with you either.

And I'm just worried that after the conflict with you, it will cause irreversible damage to the moon and destroy its internal seal. "

Li Che also looked at him seriously, "What do you call him?"

"Otsutsuki Hebei."

"Chief Bingwei, of course I am willing to talk to you about how I can achieve my goal through negotiation."

Otsutsuki Heihe breathed a sigh of relief.

He is really not afraid of Li Cheye, nor does he lack the courage to fight Li Cheye. But if he also fights with Li Che, it will definitely be earth-shattering, and Yue Yue may not be able to bear it.

The meaning of the existence of their Lunar Otsutsuki clan is to guard the seals left by their ancestors. The heretic demon statues have been lost before, and the remaining ones cannot make any mistakes again.

"Tell me why you're here." Otsutsuki Hei said straightforwardly.

"Come here and get some classics." Li Che naturally did not hide them, "And they are all. Of course, they are not necessarily all originals. You can also make copies."

"I can agree to this." Otsutsuki Hebei agreed readily.

Even if Li Che took away these classics, they would not be of much use. Sooner or later, the benefits would fall into the hands of the Hyuga clan in the ninja world.

In the final analysis, the good is still rotten in one's own pot, so there is no need to object.

Otsutsuki Bei is still very sober and can understand some things clearly. But most of the remaining Moon Otsutsuki clan were excited.

"Clan leader, why should I hand over my clan's classics to them!"

"Why do you accept the condition that the man named Li Cheye said, and you don't want to lose the face of our clan?"

"Clan leader, you are betraying the interests of our clan and it is our shame!"

"I object!"

Listening to the indignant noise around him, Li Che couldn't help but shake his head, "Chief Bingwei, it seems you can't completely make the decision?

How can you and I talk if we can't make the decision? So, do you need me to help you? "

Otsutsuki Hebei's face immediately turned ugly, "Ryuukage, I will naturally solve my clan's affairs, and it's not your turn to intervene yet.

You just need to know that I will definitely do what I promised you. Now, you just need to tell me if you have any other requirements! "

"Since you are so confident, my second condition is to know how to artificially make a giant reincarnation eye." Li Che also glanced not far away, "And I also know that the second reincarnation eye you have created, then I need to take it."

"Don't go too far!" Otsutsuki Heiwei said with a gloomy expression, "The giant reincarnation eye is the foundation of our clan's existence, and it must not be left in the hands of outsiders.

Moreover, the giant reincarnationan is not a tool used to wage war, but a weapon used to guard the peace of the ninja world and resist foreign enemies! "

"Just leave the matter of resisting foreign enemies to me. I think I can do the job." Li Che also naturally knew who the foreign enemies in Otsutsuki Bingwei's words were. "But it depends on what you mean. You don't want to agree to this condition."

Otsutsuki Heibei fell silent, and after a moment, he spoke again, "Ryuukage, please change the condition. Our clan will never fake the giant reincarnation eye."

"Then there's no need to talk." Li Che also said indifferently and glanced at the growing number of tribesmen gathered behind Otsutsuki Bingwei. "And besides you, your tribesmen are eager to rush up and kill them right now. And me."


After the words fell, Li Che suddenly drew his sword.

Now that there are differences, be decisive. It will undoubtedly be a waste of time to continue arguing. If it doesn't make sense, then let's fight first and then talk!

The purple sword light shot forward. Otsutsuki Hebei did not expect that Li Che would be so decisive. While retreating hurriedly, he launched a counterattack.

Clang Clang Clang.

There were bursts of metal collision sounds, and the many puppets behind Otsutsuki Bei combined and superimposed on each other to form a metal barrier.


The purple sword light struck and bombarded the defense composed of many puppets. Just at the moment of contact, the defense composed of puppets immediately melted into molten iron, and huge knife marks immediately appeared.

Can't stop it!

Kick, kick, kick.

Otsutsuki Heibei took two steps back again, the light in his eyes flowed, and the pure white color changed, turning into a pair of blue eyes in an instant.

At the same time, a beam of light shot out from the temple where the giant golden reincarnation eye was stored, wrapping Otsutsuki Heibo inside and dyeing it a bright green.

Tenseigan Chakra Mode!

He raised his palms suddenly, pressed his palms against the purple sword light coming from him, and pushed forward with all his strength.

Shinra Tianzheng!


Invisible repulsion exploded, and a circular shock wave was centered around Otsutsuki Bei. It shattered the purple sword light and pushed away the high temperature at the same time.

However, the tribesmen who were closer to Otsutsuki Heiwei were also thrown away by the repulsive force of this indiscriminate attack. Fortunately, no casualties were caused, otherwise Otsutsuki Bei would have become a criminal.

At the same time, Li Che also flashed and used the space blood boundary to shuttle forward. The invisible repulsion that hit him had no impact on him at all.

Kill it casually!

Whew, another purple sword light shot forward, but Otsutsuki Hebei seemed unhurried at this moment.

With the blessing of the Tsangikan chakra mode, his body underwent earth-shaking changes.

The robe he was wearing had already undergone unusual changes, becoming a Six Paths Royal God robe with six black magatama printed on the chest and six black magatama printed on each cuff.

At the same time, three jet-black Tao-seeking jade also appeared behind him, and a black tin staff representing his six-path combat power and identity also appeared in his right hand.


Otsutsuki Biewei also swung his hand, and a wave of air mixed with powerful chakra shot forward, colliding with the purple sword light that Li Che also waved casually.


The air wave exploded, high temperatures radiated to the surroundings, and circular shock waves spread in circles.

Just as Li Che was preparing for the next attack, Uchiha Obito, Kakashi, Metkai, Hinata Hizashi, Kimimaro and others also moved.

At the same time, a man who looked about the same age as Ōtsutsuki Hei also entered the Tsangikan chakra mode at this time.

This is the lair where the Tenseigan was stabbed!

In an instant, different from the golden giant reincarnation eye left behind by Hamura Otsutsuki after his death, the color of the giant reincarnation eye used by that person was purple. It was obviously the one that the descendants of Hamura later thought were created.

It was precisely because of this giant purple reincarnation eye that the branch family of Moon Otsutsuki was able to launch a rebellion and massacre the entire clan family.

Obito's eyes flashed, and he gave up his plan to help Li Che also besiege Otsutsuki Hei, and focused on the person who also entered the reincarnated eye chakra mode.

"I won't kill unknown people!" Obito shouted, his eyes instantly turned into the shape of the Mangekyo Sharingan, and the kaleidoscope pattern similar to a boomerang rotated rapidly clockwise.

"The one who killed you is Otsutsuki Koya!" Otsutsuki Koya also set his target on Obito, "Uchiha, your Mangekyo Sharingan is not enough in front of these eyes!"

Obito smiled disdainfully, and then it turned into an Uchiha-style laugh.

"Hahaha!" With a smile, Obito's eyes suddenly shed tears of blood, "Otsutsuki Kōya, I'm going to let you see Uchiha's ultimate power!"


Suddenly, the complete blue Susanoo rose up from the ground, and flapped its huge wings twice, stirring up air waves and raising smoke and dust into the sky.


Otsutsuki Koya swung the black tin staff in his hand, and the six-path god robe on his body moved automatically without wind. The three Taoist Jade behind him also flew into his palm and began to spin rapidly.

Yinlun's life explodes!

Suddenly, Otsutsuki Koya threw the three spinning jade stones in his hand towards the blue complete Susanoo, which was more than 200 meters high in front of him.

In his opinion, the complete defense of Xuandao Yu is just papery in front of Qiudaoyu and will definitely be broken at a touch.

But Obito's perfect Susanoo has weapons, and his weapons are not ordinary things.

That's the Kamui Shuriken with space attack capabilities!

Obito crossed his arms and stood in the complete Susanoo rhombus-shaped transparent cabin, with tears of blood flowing from the corners of his eyes again.

Simultaneously, the complete blue Susanoo also moved.

The wings behind his back flapped, and the two-hundred-meter-tall Susanoo rose into the air, with a dark shuriken appearing in his hand.

Throwing one arm forward, the Kamui Shuriken shot forward and collided with the three Tao-seeking Jade that were rushing towards him.

In an instant, there was a roar and a violent explosion shock wave... Before it had time to spread, it was completely swallowed up by the swirling space fluctuations. It appeared that the thunder was louder than the raindrops, and the contrast between the front and back was huge.

The blue reincarnated pupils in Otsutsuki Koya's eyes shrank, and the three seeking jade he launched actually fell into a disadvantage in the collision just now.

It was torn into pieces by the space power erupted from the Kamui Shuriken!

"But so what!" Otsutsuki Kōya raised his hand, and the Dao-seeking jade that had been blown to pieces regrouped. "In front of these eyes, no matter how strong your eye skills are, you will only be defeated!"

Obito raised the corners of his mouth in disdain.

Today, he will use the Powerful Eye Technique to defeat the reincarnated eye!

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