Konoha: I refresh a passive skill every month

Chapter 250 Naruto and Sasuke’s current situation, the ninja war begins (8K big chapter please subsc

Two years later.

Mt. Miaomu.

Naruto, who was raised by a group of toads and Jiraiya, was now five years old.

The child's lively and active nature was fully activated. Naruto was now barefoot and making mischief everywhere.


Jiraiya was chasing after him, and Naruto looked back, then swung his neck and ran away, splashing water from the bucket in his hand.

But how can two short legs outrun an adult?

"It's time to learn your lessons." Jiraiya grabbed Naruto's back collar with one hand and let his body fly into the air, flopping around randomly.

"Teacher, I don't want to go to class. It's boring, really boring!" Naruto struggled, looking a little happy, but it was slightly out of place since the beard was missing from his face.

Jiraiya sighed and put Naruto down, but still didn't let go. He was really afraid that Naruto would run away.

And he also knew that Naruto was lonely, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Li Cheye!

If it weren't for you, Naruto would definitely have a very happy childhood!

Jiraiya thought silently in his heart, and at the same time he knelt down and raised his hand to touch Naruto's yellow hair.

"Naruto, after class today, I will take you to a new place. You will definitely make many, many friends there."

"Really?" Naruto's eyes lit up, "Jiraiya-sensei, you are not allowed to lie this time!"

As long as Naruto could remember, he had been living in Mount Miaomu. Although the toads around him were very kind to him, the species were different, so Naruto and the toads everywhere couldn't play together at all.

Except for Jiraiya, Naruto has no contact with humans at all. Wanting to leave Miaomu Mountain to see the outside has almost become Naruto's main purpose at this stage.

"I'm not lying." Jiraiya shook his head and smiled, stroking Naruto's head with his big hand more gently, "I promise, you will make many like-minded friends."

In these years, in addition to taking care of Naruto, Jiraiya has also been lobbying everywhere, hoping to find a new harbor where his ideals can be placed.

But the ninja world is only so big, and there are only four countries that can compete with the Dragon Kingdom. There are not many for Jiraiya to choose from.

Along the way, Jiraiya had received glares, inducements, and threats. But in the end, the Cloud Hidden Village of the Kingdom of Thunder chose to accept Jiraiya.

Of course, Cloud Hidden Village accepted Jiraiya partly out of profit considerations, but compared to the other three hidden villages, Cloud Hidden Village was more sincere.

At the same time, this also has something to do with Jiraiya's compromise with reality.

Re-establishing Konoha and the Land of Fire has become a luxury hope. If Jiraiya still holds this idea, no country in the ninja world will accept him.

For Naruto, to fight Li Cheye, and for his own ideals, Jiraiya finally gave up the idea of ​​rebuilding Konoha Hidden Village and took Naruto to join Kumo Hidden Village.

And today is the last day for Jiraiya and Naruto at Mt. Myoboku, so this lesson must be learned properly.

After receiving Jiraiya's assurance, Naruto happily listened to Jiraiya's lesson without any distractions during the whole process.

"Jiraiya-sensei, can we leave now?"

After the simple lesson ended, Naruto blinked his eyes full of hope and stared blankly at Jiraiya in front of him.

Grinning, Jiraiya nodded.

"Okay!" Naruto cheered, "I can finally go out and see, and I can finally make new friends!"

Turning around, Naruto ran away quickly, "Jiraiya-sensei, I'm going to pack my things. You wait for me, don't leave first!"

Looking at the furious Naruto, Jiraiya still had a smile on his face, but there were tears in his eyes.

Over the years, his heart has been tortured all the time, and his persistence and ideals have been shaken several times.

He always felt that his past persistence was completely wrong. If it weren't for his original actions, Naruto would not be what he is now.

Clenching his fists, Jiraiya took a deep breath.

"I'm right!" Once again firming up his heart, Jiraiya strode forward and came to the cave of the Great Toad Immortal.

After waiting for a while, Naruto, who was covered in bags and bags, finally ran over.

"Jiraiya-sensei, let's go!" Naruto spoke briskly, not knowing what his future would look like after leaving Mt. Myoboku.

"We will pay a visit to the Great Toad Immortal and listen to his latest prophecy before we leave."

"But... the Great Toad Sage has been sleeping, and he doesn't know when he will wake up." Naruto bit his finger, "Jiraiya-sensei, why don't we leave first and wait..."

Before he finished speaking, the huge stone gate blocking the entrance to the cave rose upwards, and the old voice of the Great Toad Immortal came from the cave.

"Jiraiya, bring little Naruto in."

"Yes, Great Toad Immortal."

With a pious look on his face, Jiraiya led Naruto into the cave.

"Big Toad Sage." Jiraiya brought Naruto to greet him, but the latter was obviously more curious than awe, and he didn't salute properly, with his eyes looking everywhere.

The Great Toad Sage didn't criticize Naruto too much, and he didn't even bother to mention it. Gamamaru knew Naruto's identity very well.

"I saw the light of day." Gamamaru said, "Jiraiya, do what you want. Although the night is long, the light before dawn is very bright."

With just one word, Jiraiya's heart, which was in desperate need of comfort, came back to life.

"Big Toad Sage, Naruto's words..."

"He is the savior." Gamamaru answered firmly, "He will save the ninja world from danger, there is no doubt about it."

Jiraiya nodded, while Naruto looked confused, "What is the savior?"

Tomamaru didn't answer, but snored loudly, which was obviously to chase people away.

Jiraiya was very sensible and made a silent gesture, pulling Naruto out of the cave.

"What? It's not polite at all." Naruto complained, "He can't understand what he's saying, and he doesn't answer when people ask him questions. How can he sleep!"

Hearing what Naruto said, Jiraiya's head was full of black lines, and he couldn't help but raise his palm and give Naruto a slap on the back of the head.

"The Great Toad Immortal is an immortal who has existed for thousands of years. He can see a corner of the future, and he can..."

Jiraiya was educating Naruto, and the more he talked, the more devoted he became, and even Naruto had a different sense of Tomamaru.

Obviously, Naruto was led by Jiraiya and also fell into the blind worship of Gamamaru.

"That's amazing...!" Naruto sighed, while his eyes were frighteningly bright, "Jiraiya-sensei, am I really the savior?"

"Of course." Jiraiya nodded, "Love is the greatest power in the world, and mutual understanding is the cornerstone of a perfect world.

In addition, any act of coercion, violence, suppression, etc. is a breeding ground for resistance and unrest. "

Jiraiya never spared any effort in instilling his philosophy of 'love and peace' into Naruto. And Naruto, because of his young age, also likes this.

If you raise a person from a young age, even if you say that the earth is square, he will believe it deeply when he grows up, and may even regard the 'round earth theory' as a heresy.

"Jiraiya-sensei, I understand!" Naruto nodded, agreeing and deciding to implement this idea.

Jiraiya was very pleased, raised his hand to touch Naruto's head, and led him away from Miaomu Mountain to Kumogakure Village.

"Jiraiya, welcome to the Cloud Hidden Village." The fourth generation Lei came out to greet him personally, giving Jiraiya a great deal of face.

Jiraiya smiled and nodded, pulling Naruto over to introduce the Yondaime.

The Fourth Lei listened patiently and showed enough attention to Naruto. Finally, he knelt down and asked Naruto, "Isn't Naruto old enough to go to school?"

"I'm...five years old...should it be here?" Naruto was a little nervous. He looked up at Jiraiya three times during the time he said a sentence.

Jiraiya didn't help. This was the first step for Naruto to integrate into collective life, and he needed to do it himself.

Fortunately, Naruto was a Jiraiya, and he was also a Sheniu. He could talk to anyone, and the little nervousness in his heart quickly dissipated.

"Lord Raikage, are you going to arrange for me to enroll in school?"

"Of course." Sidai Lei nodded, "I think you can make many good friends in school."

Naruto grinned and asked hurriedly, "Can I enroll in school today?"

"Haha, if you are so anxious, I will do something special today and arrange your admission in the afternoon."

"Thank you, Raikage-sama!" Naruto bowed in thanks, causing the Fourth Raikage to laugh again.

"Mabui." The Fourth Rai summoned his secretary and handed Naruto over to her, "Take Naruto to go through the admission procedures. I want to talk to Jiraiya alone."

"Yes, Raikage-sama." Mabuyi nodded and held Naruto's hand very gently, "Let's go, follow my sister."

Naruto was held gently by Mabuyi. It was his first time contacting the opposite sex. His cheeks turned red and his body felt uncomfortable everywhere.

But besides being unhappy, Naruto was filled with attachment, which was related to his childhood living environment.

He had been abducted by Jiraiya since he was a child, and he had never experienced what maternal love was.

Mabuyi also took good care of Naruto and did not take him to the ninja school immediately. Instead, he took Naruto to have a delicious meal.

As he ate, Naruto cried.

"Naruto, what's wrong with you? Is it something my sister did wrong, or..."

"Sister Mabuyi, I am so happy. I have never eaten such delicious food, and no one has ever invited me to eat. I..."

Before Naruto could finish speaking, Mabuyi patted Naruto on the shoulder and smiled softly.

"This is just the beginning. You will have many friends and a lot of happiness in the future. Just treat this place as your home."

"Yes, I will!"

Naruto could feel the kindness released by Mabuyi. He enjoyed the current atmosphere and looked forward to his happy life in the future.

"In that case, after you finish eating, I will take you around the village."

"Is that okay?"

"Of course." Mabuyi still smiled gently, "This is your home."

Naruto nodded vigorously, and was held by Mabuyi's hand obediently. Figures of one large and one small walked up and down the street, talking and laughing.

The scene changes.

Raikage's office.

"Jiraiya, this is the greatest sincerity of our Hidden Cloud Village." The Fourth Rai spoke sincerely, "Just rest assured, Naruto can receive the best education here and have the most peaceful and stable growth environment.

It's just that the Dragon Kingdom...may be making big moves. "

Speaking of this, the fourth generation Lei sighed, "This will be a catastrophe for the ninja world. Even if the four major countries join forces, they may not be able to withstand Li Cheye's blade."

This point does not need to be said by the fourth generation Ledo, everyone can understand it.

As early as two years ago, Li Che had the ability to sweep the entire ninja world. The reason why it took another two years was simply because he didn't have enough soldiers. It was easier to attack the river than to defend the country.

"In addition, information asymmetry is also our number one trouble. None of the spies we have penetrated into the Dragon Kingdom have survived for more than a year."

Yondaime Lei followed again, then remained silent, his eyes falling on Jiraiya's face.

"I understand." Jiraiya knew what the Fourth Raid meant, "I am good at collecting information. I can go to the Dragon Kingdom to investigate the information."

The fourth generation of Lei then grinned and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

Jiraiya nodded, "This is what I should do. I just hope... that the days of peace can be longer, and it is best for Naruto to grow up safely."

"This is a bit difficult." The Fourth Lei did not hold out much hope. "If Li Che has accumulated enough power to sweep through the ninja world and be able to govern the ninja world, I think... he will not hesitate."

"It's better to take it one step at a time. Li Che can't always win." Jiraiya said firmly, "The truth will be on our side."

After the words fell, Jiraiya stood up and said, "Lord Raikage, I will set off as soon as Naruto is settled."

The Fourth Raid nodded, stood up and sent Jiraiya out of the office.

When no one was around, Sidai Lei sat back in his chair and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's time to think about the future." Looking out the window, the fourth generation Lei was thinking about how to arrange the inheritance of the Kingdom of Thunder and Yunyin Village in case of defeat.

Compared to Fourth Generation Lei's sorrow, Longyin Village was peaceful with few worries.

Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, the new generation runs and plays freely on the wide streets, and the pedestrians standing on both sides of the street are infinitely tolerant of this.

This is the future of Longyin Village and must be taken care of.


"Here we come." Uchiha Sasuke put his hands in his pockets and walked towards him coldly and lazily. "Do you feel that you are capable again today and want to challenge me?"

Hinata Neji was stunned, and his eyes immediately flashed with fighting intent. But just as he was about to respond, Hinata Hinata, who was standing behind him, pulled him.

"Tomorrow, I'll beat you again tomorrow and you'll have teeth all over the floor."

"Why do you have to postpone today until tomorrow?" Sasuke raised his eyes and looked at Hinata behind Neji, "Afraid of embarrassment?"


Neji couldn't help but clenched his fists.

For some reason, Neji couldn't suppress the anger in his heart when talking to Sasuke. He really wanted to press Sasuke to the ground and rub him a hundred and eighty times.

But when Sasuke saw Ningci's appearance, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he couldn't help but increase his firepower output.

"Actually, today and tomorrow are the same. As a defeated general, you will fail one day sooner or later. This doesn't mean anything to me."

"Sasuke, you!"

"I'm sorry to have touched your sore spot." Sasuke didn't look like he was apologizing. "But it's not a bad thing to admit your failure, just like I always knew that I was good. It's a kind of self-recognition."

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you today." Neji had no intention of continuing to argue with Sasuke, "This is my sister Hinata. She rarely goes out. I think..."

"I'm not interested in women." Sasuke refused immediately and was about to turn around and leave.

"Hey, Hinata, like you, entered school a year early."


Sasuke stopped and turned to look at Hinata, looking her up and down unscrupulously.

Then he shook his head and said, "I don't see anything worthy of my attention in her."

"I want you to take care of her!" Neji yelled at Sasuke, squeezing his neck.

"If you can beat me, I will think about it." Sasuke put his hands in his pockets and couldn't help but shrugged, "Also, her own character problem is that she cannot rely on others to take care of her. She must learn to be confident.

If you are not confident and fearful of too many things, you will never become a strong person in your life. "

"Can you tell me something else?" Neji couldn't help but pat his smooth forehead. Without being branded as a caged bird, he was no longer so deep and became much more lively.

"If strength can be counted as anything else, you'd better not talk to me."

Seeing Sasuke's apathetic look, Hinata Neji gave up the idea of ​​taking Hinata Hinata to get to know her future new classmates in advance.

However, knowing people but not knowing the heart, although Sasuke couldn't do anything about his strength and looked down on Hinata Hinata, he took Hinata Neji's words to heart.

If he is lucky enough to be assigned to the same class as Hinata Hinata, he will secretly take care of her.

"Whatever you want, annoying guy." Hinata Neji said no more, "By the way, Sasuke, why do you have time to wander on the street today?"

"You can just hang out if you want. What do you care about?" Sasuke put his pocket in his pocket and left. "See you later. Remember to come to the station to find me tomorrow. I haven't taught you a lesson in three days."

Watching Sasuke go further and further away, Hyuga Hinata poked her head out from behind Hinata Neji and said, "Brother, although he is fierce, I can feel that he has no malicious intent."

"Uchiha always looks like this." Neci clenched his fists, "But don't worry, Sasuke will take care of you after school starts."

"I... can do it myself..." Hinata mumbled and lowered her head with a fearful look.

"Speak for yourself, can you?" Neci pulled Hinata, "Let's go, I will take you to meet the other people."

"Who are they?" Hinata's eyes were timid, "Are they all as aggressive as Sasuke?"

"No, the rest are some girls. I inquired about them specially. They have very good personalities. You will definitely be able to play together."

Neji is really concerned about taking care of Hinata, and he really cares for her from the bottom of his heart. This has a lot to do with the fact that there is no caged bird on his forehead.

Not only Neji and Hinata, the relationship between the Hyuga branch family and the main family has eased a lot since there was no caged bird. Although the older generation still has conflicts, the relationship between the new generation is very harmonious.

Neji took Hinata to meet new friends, while Sasuke continued to walk on the street with his pocket in his pocket, paying attention to the direction of the village entrance from time to time.

A training freak like Sasuke didn't want to be lazy and go out for a walk today, but today was the time for Uchiha Itachi to return from a mission.

Although Ryuyin Village has abolished the ninja employment system, the function of ninjas as violent machines has not changed.

In matters related to national interests, it is still normal for dragon ninjas to go out to perform tasks.

However, the money they receive is no longer commissions, but has become subsidies. Those who can drive them are no longer ordinary people who can afford commissions, but are directly appointed by the senior officials of Dragon Kingdom.

At the same time, the mission assignments accepted by the dragon ninjas are no longer just about killing. Solving crimes, settling cases, and mediating disputes have also become one of their missions.

In the Kingdom of Dragons, ninjas have more and more power. Once the ninja world is unified, the ninja class will become the top ruling class.

Looking eagerly in anticipation, Sasuke finally caught a glimpse of Uchiha Itachi who had just entered the village among the crowd.

Ignoring putting his hands in his pockets, Sasuke turned on running mode.

"elder brother!"

Uchiha Itachi turned around and saw Sasuke running towards him. He grinned, squatted down and caught Sasuke who was rushing towards him.

"Ha." Kisame Kisaki on the side also grinned, "Itachi, Sasuke is really clinging to you. I heard that among the new generation, Sasuke is famous for being cold and difficult to get along with."

What's wrong with you?

Sasuke glanced at Kisame Kisaki with displeasure in his eyes.

"Sasuke, have you forgotten what I told you?" Itachi smiled and patted the back of Sasuke's head.

Reluctantly, Sasuke said hello to Inikisaki Kisame, "Hello, Kisame-senpai."

"Haha." Inakisaki Kisame laughed even louder, "Then I'll take advantage of Itachi again. It's not easy for Sasuke to call him senpai."

Sasuke didn't answer, he just stood beside Itachi very attached, holding his hand and not wanting to let go.

The average Uchiha has both younger brother and older brother control, which is really impressive.

"Brother, this mission is completed. Can you tell me what you have done?"

"It's not a big deal. We solved a local injury incident and picked up local graduates to come to the village for further study."

After the education in the Kingdom of Dragon has undergone major reforms, it has now formed a complete education selection system centered on Longyin Village and radiating to all parts of the country.

Junior and intermediate ninja schools have been established in various villages, towns and cities in Longyin Village. After selecting the best from the best, the best among them will be selected to go to the higher education institution in Longyin Village for another four years of further study.

The new generation in Longyin Village also follows the same selection process. Only the best will enter the advanced ninja school to learn more profound ninja and liberal arts knowledge.

With this education system in place, even if all people in the Dragon Kingdom are ninjas, their talents will never be forgotten.

With the support of strong national power, strong educational assistance, and powerful ninjas as the cornerstone, it would be difficult for the Kingdom of Dragon not to look down upon the ninja world.

"Are these again?" Sasuke said with little interest, "Didn't you encounter enemies or something?"

"Enemies?" Itachi shook his head, "Whether they are bandits, wandering ninjas, or ninjas from other countries, there is no difference between wanting to enter our country and seeking death.

Unless they are willing to accept our round-the-clock surveillance, they will not be able to conduct any activities in our country. "

This is the rule set by Li Che. Through this method, the Kingdom of Dragon has become a paradise for merchants in the ninja world.

When doing business in the Kingdom of Dragon, not only is there a convenient transportation network extending in all directions, but as long as the regulations are not violated, there will be no other expenses except paying taxes.

Without the harassment of rogue bandits and wandering ninjas, the caravans can do business with peace of mind. Even most of the guard warriors they used to support have been fired by the merchants.

The only drawback is that when leaving the Dragon Kingdom to do business in the four major countries, merchants cannot hire dragon ninjas to protect them. They can only hire ninjas from the four major countries to protect them at the border locations.

Because except for the national merchants of the Dragon Kingdom, no caravan has the right to hire Dragon Kingdom ninjas to serve them.

Therefore, many multinational businessmen are vying to become national businessmen certified by the Dragon Kingdom, and for this reason, they spend a lot of money to compete for the quota that changes every year.

The financial revenue of Dragon Kingdom has naturally increased.

At the same time, Li Che is still implementing the agent system in order to prevent the ninja class from becoming direct managers and causing irreconcilable conflicts with the lower-level ruled classes.

Li Che didn't want to do anything about the dragon slayer eventually becoming an evil dragon.

In Li Cheye's vision, after the ninja world is unified, ninjas will become like a 'cultivation sect', while civilians will become a 'secular' class, managed by agents who are also ordinary people.

"Cheye, what are you looking at?" The teak man looked at Li Cheye angrily.

"Nothing, I saw brothers Itachi and Sasuke."

"Has Itachi completed the mission?" Terumi Mei flipped through the notes in his hand, "This time it was very fast, two days ahead of schedule."

Li Che also nodded, and his eyes turned back to Terumi Mei's face, then moved down twenty centimeters, and finally stopped.

Terumi Mei noticed Li Cheye's gaze, and did not mean to be shy. Instead, she slightly gathered her arms in front of her body, making her career line deeper.

Now that both of them are adults, some things are no longer taboo.

Da da da.

The teak man couldn't help but reach out and knock on the table, "Can you be more serious during working hours?"

Li Che also touched his nose in embarrassment and glanced up and down at the teak man, taking in his graceful figure and career line that was not inferior to Terumi Mei's.

At this moment, Yuzuki stopped talking and became two vases like Terumi Mei.

"Ahem." With a slight cough, Li Che also returned to his seriousness, "Tell me about the number of ninjas in service in the country."

"Currently, the number of adult ninjas in service has reached 10,000, reaching the goal you set before." The Yuzuki man reported immediately.

At the same time, Terumi Mei also flipped through the notebook in his hand and continued to report, "The agents have been selected. They are very well-behaved, especially Fire Adou, who is very aware."

"Of course he must have a high consciousness." Li Che also grinned, "This is a good opportunity for him to stand up again, but we still have to guard against what we need to guard against. Just let them be puppets on strings and don't give too much. real power.”

"We understand." The two women nodded.

"Well, now that the selection has been made, starting from tomorrow, we will recall all the dispatched ninjas to prepare for the Fourth Ninja World War."

"Is it finally going to start?" The teak man's face turned red, "I thought you would delay it for another two years."

"There is no need to delay it any longer." Li Che also shook his head, "We have enough strength and enough personnel for follow-up management. If we don't take action now, are we still preparing for another two years?"

"I thought you would ascend the throne first." Terumi Mei looked deeply at Li Cheye, "Shouldn't you start a family first and then start a career?"

"Same." Li Che also ignored Terumi Mei's hint, "What I want more is that when I ascend the throne, the names of the four major countries will be kneeling under my feet."

"What happens after that?" The teak man asked unwillingly.

"Of course it's to get a wife and have children." Li Che also knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he simply said straightforwardly, "Marry you two."

"Who comes first?" Terumi Mei asked again with a cold face.

"I go first, you last." Li Che responded, and then waved his hand, "These arguments are not very nutritious. Focus on the current business."

"You just want the two of us to keep fighting, right?" The Yuzuki man rolled his eyes, "Aren't you afraid that one day we will suddenly get together..."

"Do you think it's possible?" Before Li Che could speak, Terumi Mei crossed her arms and looked at Yuzuki with an unhappy expression, "I think you should let Minister Tsunade treat your psychological problems. I can't tell you. Will voluntarily quit."

"You have a psychological problem!" Yuzuki said like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, "I know the feelings between Tetsuya and I very well, there is no need for you to make irresponsible remarks!"

"Oh, I remember there is a mental illness called..."

"Okay." Li Che also interrupted the two of them, "Go and get ready. I don't want to wait any longer."


The two women put aside their prejudices for a second, responded in unison, and turned to leave. However, when they were leaving the house, the two women began to fight openly and covertly again. Their shoulders were pressed together, neither of them letting go, and they squeezed out of the door frame together with great difficulty.

Li Che also shook his head. The disputes between the two women have intensified in their adulthood, and they have broken the tacit agreement not to talk about love affairs during work. They often quarrel and become jealous.

But no matter what, Yuzuki and Terumi Mei did not miss work, and Li Che couldn't be too harsh.

It's Tsunade...

Li Che also had a headache.

Ever since he became an adult, Tsunade was like a mouse meeting a cat, often avoiding him, and Li Che obviously did nothing.

However, Tsunade couldn't escape this time.

Early the next morning, Li Cheye's summons took effect, and the top combat forces of the Dragon Kingdom gathered together.

Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Fugaku, Tsunade, Hinata Hinata, contemporary Inokacho, Obito, Kakashi, Metkai, Nohara Rin, Shiranui Genma, Ebisu, etc.

In addition to these people who have been famous for a long time, the rising stars of Dragon Kingdom are also dizzying.

Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, Kisame Kisaki, Minazuki Kaki, Minazuki Shiro, Kimimaro and others are also talented people who can stand alone.

Who can come to such a rich battle without being confused?

In the Fourth Ninja War, Li Che even wanted to lose but didn't know how to lose!

"Obito." Li Che also crossed his hands and rested his chin, "I'll leave the declaration of war to you. I think you are very good at this."

Obito nodded, a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan flashed, the Fourth Ninja World War started!

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