Konoha: I refresh a passive skill every month

Chapter 40 Eight Gates Dunjia, obtained!

"Eight Gate Dunjia..."

In the cabin in the forest, Matt Dai was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Li Che and others surrounded him, listening very seriously with their ears raised.

"According to my expectation, everyone will have a channel that binds chakra in their body, which is beneficial to the individual.

Because the power of chakra is too violent, otherwise many powerful ninjutsu would not be derived from it.

But it is not without its disadvantages, and the only disadvantage is the same as the benefit. The bound chakra becomes docile in the body, but it loses its original violent power.

As we all know, chakra has the function of activating body cells. It can enable us to gain stronger strength, faster speed, and stronger explosive power in the process of activating body cells.

However, while the chakra bound by the channel becomes docile, it also loses its original power, making it impossible for us to maximize its use when activating body cells.

The Eight Door Dunjia I developed is to completely liberate the human body's potential by opening the channels that bind Chakra and absorb all the original power of Chakra into one's own body. "

Speaking of this, Matt Day paused, his eyes shining with an inexplicable light.

Who would have thought that a genin who had wasted more than twenty years would be able to serve as a teacher one day, and the students attending the class were also representatives of Konoha's new generation.

Emotions such as excitement and the joy of suffering came to mind one after another.

The corners of his eyes couldn't help but feel a little moist.

My persistence was finally seen by others!

This is all my youth!

Even if someone other than his son learns from it, it is still worthwhile. After all, everyone must realize their own value in life, and passing on his youthful ideas is the only way for Matt to realize the value of life.

After all, he had received too many looks and ridicules in the past twenty years, and now that all the hardships had come, he was attracted to it.

Wiping the corners of his eyes, Mattei blinked and smiled, "This is the entire crystallization of my youth. If you have any questions, I will try my best to answer them."

"I don't dare." Nohara Lin was the first to speak, "Uncle Dai, with my limited ninja knowledge, I can't give a definition to the Eight Door Dungeon you developed, but I'm still a little worried."

After considering the wording, Nohara Lin slowly answered the question, "Uncle Dai, have you ever thought that after liberating the channels that bind chakra and releasing its original violent attributes, the human body... and the meridians that run chakra will , how can it be possible to hold on?"

"I have considered this." Matt Dai grinned and showed his big white teeth, "The human body is fragile, but it also has endless potential. We can make the body stronger through day and night training.

Therefore, I developed a medicinal diet and urged myself to strengthen my body day after day, just waiting for the day when it will bloom in the future! "

"Uncle Dai, how long do you think it will take to practice before you reach the level you expected?" Obito asked immediately.

"I don't know either." Matt Dai shook his head, "My talent is average, and I can only open six doors now."

He turned to look at Metkai, "But my son Kai, he is better than me. He will definitely inherit my youth and make full use of it!"

That's what it's like when talking to Matt Day, you can say he's a jerk, you can say he doesn't express what he means, but that's the kind of person he is.

You need to be patient.

Li Che also knew that it was time for him to take the stage. If Matt Dai continued to use the word "youth" to express it ambiguously, it was estimated that no one present except himself and Kai would be able to listen.

"Uncle Dai, what kind of power can you unleash after you open the six doors?" Li Che also got straight to the point.

"With my strength, after opening the six gates, I can fight against special jounin. In other words, the power that can be unleashed after the eight gates are opened is due to the user's own original strength."

"Will it decrease?" Li Che also asked crucially.

"No!" Mattei replied resolutely, "If you are a chuunin, after opening the six gates of the eight gates of armor, and without considering other factors, if you just use taijutsu to duel, you can fight against the jounin! "

Li Che also looked at each other and Kakashi, and Kakashi looked at Obito and Lin again, and the four of them nodded in unison.

Eight Gate Dunjia is a strength amplifier, and the increase is a very fixed multiple.

If you don't take into account the side effects and the difficulty of practicing this technique, Bamen Dunjia is indeed a very rare trump card.

But it’s not like there’s no such thing as sanity in the world, like Obito.

"I'm sorry Uncle Dai, the Eight Door Dunjia is very strong, but it's not suitable for me." Obito shook his head with a look of pity on his face, "I can't possibly spend most of my day on physical training. "

Obito was absolutely right. He has Uchiha bloodline, and taijutsu is only an auxiliary. The same is true for ninjutsu in the later stages. Only Sharingan and pupil jutsu are their foundation.

Although the effect of Eight Door Dunjia is very attractive, the effort and reward are not directly proportional in the short to medium term. This is not in line with the future growth path Obito has set for himself.

Li Che did not persuade him, but instead focused on Kakashi.

"I can try to learn, but it's impossible to master it." Kakashi also shook his head, "In the swordsmanship passed down by my family, there is a move that uses thunder escape to activate human cells. Although its upper limit is not as good as the Eight Gate Armor, its growth curve is smoother. ."

Kakashi's considerations are also very reasonable and sober. He can minor in Eight Door Dunjia, but it is not all he has.

As for Nohara Lin...Li Che automatically ignored it.

She never put much effort into fighting and killing. Her goal from beginning to end was to become a medical ninja who could save lives and heal the wounded. Fighting was just her side job.

So going around and around to learn the forbidden art of Eight Gate Dunjia is really my goal.

"Everyone knows my talent. Since you don't study it, or you only minor in it, then I will do my part."

Li Che also smiled, and his face became serious when he stood up, "Uncle Dai, I will trouble you in the future!"

He straightened up and turned to look at Metkai who was standing aside, "And Kai, I will be your direct competitor."

"Tetsuya, you really..."


"That's great!" Metkay stood up immediately, "I have always hoped to have a partner on the road to youth, and now...it has come true!"

Kakashi and Obito looked at Metkai who was so excited that he shook his head and smiled at the same time.

"Tetsuya, aren't you afraid of biting off more than you can chew?" Kakashi interjected, "You don't practice swordsmanship anymore? You draw your sword ten thousand times a day!"

"Then you may never be able to learn my Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique in this life."

"That's not necessarily true." Kakashi shook his head proudly, "My Hatake swordsmanship is not bad, and my advanced moves can also achieve this effect."

"Use thunder to escape chakra and White Fang?"

"Absolutely." Kakashi nodded, "Ninjas still focus on ninjutsu, and my Hatake swordsmanship can also be considered a type of thunder escape ninjutsu, but the carrier is swordsmanship."

"Is it Ninjutsu?!" Obito smiled mischievously and bumped Kakashi with his shoulder, "Or is it Human-Based Technique?"

"Get out!"


There was a burst of laughter, marking a small comma for this initial journey of learning Eight Gate Dunjia.

After politely bidding farewell to Matt, Kakashi, Obito, and Lin left laughing, leaving Reacher alone.

"Uncle Dai, let's start our teaching." Li Che also smiled and tilted his head, "I can't wait!"

"Okay, let me first tell you how to open the first door of the Eight Doors Dunjia."

Matt Dai entered the teaching mode again and patted his son on the shoulder, indicating that he also listened carefully.

At this time, the Eight-door Dunjia that was originally supposed to be mastered by Metkai alone was now joined by Li Cheye, and the time for Metkai to learn the Eight-door Dunjia was advanced by three years because of Li Cheye.

However, this was all within Li Cheye's expectations.

The family is slowly becoming richer!

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