Konoha: I refresh a passive skill every month

Chapter 45 You are a bit mediocre, son!

The dinner for three people was very warm, and the laughter never stopped.

Li Che could also feel that Hatake Sakumo really valued him, and his love for his juniors was not an act at all.

After dinner, Li Cheya and Kakashi took the initiative to clean up the mess. Hatake Sakumo was picking his teeth leisurely, watching the two people busy with a smile in his eyes.

He even occasionally thought that Li Che would be his second son, which would actually be quite good.

After the two of them had finished packing, Hatake Sakumo stood up and took the initiative to walk to the small courtyard.

Li Che also looked at each other and Kakashi, and followed him out in a tacit understanding.

"You already have enough strength to graduate early, but if you want to become a real ninja or a strong person, you two still have a long way to go."

Hatake Sakumo turned his back to the two of them with his hands behind his back, and his figure looked tall under the moonlight.

“Whether it is actual combat experience, combat skills, or combat IQ, you are all very lacking.

That's not to say that mental strength and control of chakra are not important, but they need to be accumulated over time and cannot be achieved overnight.

Therefore, there is not much I can teach you now. I can only engrave some of my experiences firmly in your bones through my own way. "

Li Che knew he was going to be in trouble as soon as he heard this. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when Hatake Sakumo turned around with a smile on his face.

"Tomorrow." Looking at Li Cheye, "Bring your ninja tools, all kinds of ninja tools, and come find me at dawn."

"I understand, teacher." Li Che also nodded, bowed slightly and prepared to leave.

Watching Li Che leave the small courtyard, Hatake Sakumo smiled even deeper and turned to look at Kakashi, "Son, you have to prepare too. I won't hold anything back tomorrow."

"I know, father." Kakashi turned back to his bedroom with excitement on his face.

He hadn't let Hatake Sakumo move for a long time, and Li Che's tragic scene tomorrow had already appeared in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.


Early the next morning, Li Che was also fully armed, carrying various ninja tools. At the same time, the seal scroll placed in the ninja tool bag was also filled with all his wealth.

With a 28-fold ability bonus, even a one-sided beating is worth it!

But as soon as he stepped into the courtyard, Li Che suddenly felt a chill on his back. As he turned around, the corner of his eye glanced at Kakashi who was already lying on the ground.

Li Che also reacted very quickly. He immediately unsheathed his sword and swept it backwards. The flash of the sword suddenly rose, causing a sharp sound of wind behind him.


The half-moon-shaped sword energy spread rapidly backwards, and the strength and explosive power contained in it were shocking.

But if you can't hit anyone, it's all in vain.

Sneak attack!

Hatake Sakumo took advantage of Li Che before he could withdraw his move, and suddenly jumped out from the ground, formed the 'Yin' seal with his hands, and aimed at...

"Oh shit!"

Li Che was also pushed out, tears burst out of his eyes, he covered his crotch with his hands and screamed in agony.

Hatake Sakumo, you idiot!

Kakashi, who was lying on the ground, was smiling from ear to ear at this time, as if he had forgotten the same experience he had with Li Che before.

Hatake Sakumo was not a father, let alone a teacher.

And the case has been solved. The Millennium Killing was Hatake Sakumo's unique move, not Kakashi's. He just inherited his father's legacy...


Li Che also landed, shivering in pain.

However, Hatake Sakumo pretended to be serious at this time, "When encountering a sneak attack, you must not only pay attention behind you, but also pay attention under your feet and above your head.

Tetsuya reacts faster than Kakashi, but your moves are very powerful, but they are too cruel and leave no room for yourself, so it is easy for others to seize the opportunity. "

"I... understand, teacher!" Li Che also gritted his teeth, "But are you going too far?!"

"This way you can have a deep impression and always pay attention to your behind and your feet."

Hatake Sakumo suppressed a laugh, but what he said made sense. This loss to Li Cheya and Kakashi was somewhat reasonable.

After looking at Kakashi, Li Che finally understood where his evil temper came from. It was true that dragons and dragons gave birth to phoenixes, and Sakumo's son knew how to dig his buttocks.

It hurts, damn!

After letting the two of them calm down for a while, Hatake Sakumo stopped smiling and turned around to take the two of them deep into the Death Forest.

This is already considered leaving the village. After all, the Death Forest is so big that it is impossible to surround it entirely with a wall.

But in person, Hatake Sakumo only had to tell the patrolling ninja and everything would be settled, without any need to report.

"That's it. The environment is quite complicated." Hatake Sakumo casually threw the White Fang behind his back to Kakashi, "You've always wanted to use it, so I'll give it to you this time."

"Thank you father!"

Kakashi took White Fang, and his little hands enjoyed stroking his beloved wife as carefully and carefully, his tender and loving mood was beyond words.

"Let's come together." Hatake Sakumo just stood there with his hands behind his back, as if he was facing two airs.

Li Che and Kakashi looked at each other and walked side by side in a tacit understanding. When they were about to approach Hatake Sakumo, they suddenly chose to separate.

The sword-cutting technique!

As soon as Li Che came up, he faced him with the ultimate move he had practiced in the previous month, and he was very powerful.

Hatake Sakumo's eyes lit up, and he felt even more satisfied with Li Che when he saw the nine intersecting sword energies.

This strength is far beyond that of his peers. Even Kakashi can't match it, and even his childhood self couldn't keep up.

But in an instant, Hatake Sakumo still shook his head. There was no problem with the move, but the timing of Li Che's use was not satisfactory, and there was still room for improvement.


Hatake Sakumo's electric current was added to his body, and his body was activated by Thunder Chakra, giving him extremely fast speed and strong explosive power.

He dodged and kicked Kakashi on the shoulder, who was sneaking up from behind, and rushed towards Li Cheye who was on his side without thinking.

With a flip of one hand and a kunai in hand, Hatake Sakumo quickly made a straight slash from top to bottom.

Li Che also reacted quickly, lowered his abdomen and lowered his waist, raised his Ninja sword horizontally, and was ready for defense.

But at this moment, Hatake Sakumo suddenly withdrew his attack, twisted his body at a tricky angle in mid-air, and the kunai stabbed Li Cheya directly under his arm.

When he was about to succeed, he flipped his wrist, changed his stabbing into a punch, and knocked Li Che away hard.

His heart was hit hard and stopped suddenly. Li Che also felt that he couldn't breathe. The feeling of death was very close to him.

“When defending, you should pay attention to false movements. How to distinguish mainly depends on the subtle muscle movements of the limbs, as well as the intensity and angle of the opponent’s attack.

This is a necessary element when the enemy changes his moves, and there are always loopholes in defense. Attack is your priority when facing the enemy. "

After saying a few words, Kakashi rushed up from behind again, and he learned quickly. While he feinted with a shot, he chose to hit Hatake Sakumo from the ground.


With a flying kick of his left leg, Kakashi was kicked far away. Hatake Sakumo yelled, "Idiot, you just used the move you just learned on me and you don't know how to adapt it!"

There is no doubt that when Hatake Sakumo was beating two people and teaching at the same time, that was the only time he had a flaw. After all, he was always distracted when talking, so Li Che saw the opportunity and rushed forward again.


A shallow pit was dug out of the ground under his feet, his body was like a sharp arrow leaving the string, and the ninja sword in his hand was swung again.

Still using all his strength.

The blade turned red, and the sword light that swept forward was also red. Although the temperature was not high, the speed at which the air could be rubbed into flames was definitely not low.

Red Moon Slash!

Hatake Sakumo frowned. Although the incoming sword light was very powerful, Li Che did not hold back his strength this time, leaving no way for him to retreat.

To deal with people who are weaker than yourself, it is indeed a matter of one blow, and even stronger people can be caught off guard, but when facing yourself...

This is a fatal flaw!

Change it, you have to help him change it!

Hatake Sakumo was ready to strike hard, and his reaction was extremely fast.

He tilted his body back at 45° and let the hot sword light pass through the tip of his nose. He slapped the ground with both hands and straightened his waist. He reached out and grabbed Li Cheye's ankle, who was fleeing in panic in mid-air.

Hit it hard with all your strength.


Li Che also turned into a ball of smoke and shattered.

"When?!" Hatake Sakumo was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, "It was under the cover of the sword and the wind pressure that the shadow clone technique was perfectly applied, and the smoke that would be generated was integrated into it. To leave no trace.

It was a perfect fake move, and I learned it quickly! "

The corner of his mouth curled up, but Hatake Sakumo had already guessed two possible hiding places for Li Che.

"Hope is on top of my head." Hatake Sakumo suddenly bent down and punched the ground, and the moment the tip of his fist touched the ground, the ground collapsed.

The power was very bluffing, but he still kept his hand.

"Is it really on top of your head?" Hatake Sakumo felt even happier, "Toruya gave me many more surprises than Kakashi, and you are so good, so as a father, I will inevitably target you! "

He stood up, turned his wrist, and the kunai was held in his hand. The thunder escape chakra, which had been processed through changes in properties, also covered the kunai.


The half-moon arc formed by the Thunder Chakra quickly moved upwards, just in time to meet the sword light that Li Che also swung from top to bottom.

Just when the two attacks were about to collide, Li Cheye's body suddenly appeared behind Hatake Sakumo.

Kakashi formed a double-team with Kakashi who rushed forward again.

Hatake Sakumo changed his moves quickly and successfully blocked the two attacks, but he felt a huge wave of panic in his heart.

"When did it happen?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Just when I swung the Red Moon Slash, I used the transformation technique to disguise myself and hid in the shadow of the sword."

Li Che also slowly told the truth, "It's dark under the lamp, and the Red Moon Slash also glows, which fits this strategy very well."

"Learn and apply the old and bring out the new. You have finally understood how to use fake movements in battle." Hatake Sakumo praised Kakashi without hesitation, and at the same time flicked Kakashi's forehead with his finger.

"Compared to Toruya, you are as stupid as a fool."

"Actually, it's just a little short." Kakashi's true voice came from behind Hatake Sakumo, "I also have a shadow clone..."

Seeing the shadow clone that turned into smoke in front of him, Hatake Sakumo felt a little better, but he still didn't intend to look down on Kakashi.

"There are surprises, but not many, especially with Tetsuya Juyu in front, you are a little mediocre, son!"

Kakashi lowered his head, with fire beating in his heart, "I will get better, father!"

"Okay, let's take today as the deadline." Hatake Sakumo raised a finger, "Do it again and let me see how quickly you gain combat experience!"

Kakashi and Reach also looked at each other, and regardless of their own fatigue, they joined forces to attack Hatake Sakumo again.

Combat experience is the most valuable asset, bar none!

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