Chapter 20 One Year


With the sound of piercing through the sky, the two black shadows collided and confronted constantly on the flat ground of the Hyuga Clan's training ground.

"Eight Trigrams Two Palms"

Two different voices rang out following the confrontation.

And as the voice fell, the last Indian knot came out of the mouths of Hyuga Ryosuke and Hyuga Hiashi.

The white pupils in the eyes are locked on each other, and Chakra surges all over the body, flowing freely in the meridians with the movements of the body, and finally gathers in the palm of the hand, condensing and forming!

"Four palms."

The same moves, the same techniques, but the fighting methods are different, and the order of the moves is also different.

Every attack on each other will be resolved and counterattacked.

But because both of them were too familiar with Eight Trigrams Palms, they were in a stalemate for a long time. Nearly 500 strokes failed to hit any of the acupuncture points in the opponent's body, and cut off a trace of Chakra circulation.

Eight Trigrams Palms in the Gentle Fist method of the Hyuga family of secret arts. There are a total of sixty-four palms, and each palm represents an acupuncture point of the human body.

Chakra flows through the meridians in the body, and the acupoints are important hubs connecting the meridians.

Hitting different acupoints through the Gentle Fist method can make the Chakra circulation of the human body be staged, and can also give birth to various negative states of the human body, such as dizziness, or short-term loss of consciousness, immobility and so on.

Ryosuke was engrossed in the fight, which was not like the real ninja fights it used to be.

There is no strategy to kill the enemy, just a simple frontal battle.

But this battle made him more excited and enjoyable, but again, his mind was extremely calm, dodging and parrying Hyuga Hiashi's attacks, and constantly looking for opportunities to counterattack.

Whether it is him or Hyuga Hiashi on the opposite side, it is clear that both sides are so proficient in Eight Trigrams Palms, as long as either side of the two sides relaxes, it is likely to be firmly seized, and a single blow can cause a battle rout.

"Eight palms...sixty-four palms!"

After fighting seriously, Ryosuke, who kept his face expressionless from the beginning to the end, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly tried to change his moves, changing his fighting style during the battle.

At the same time as the change, the complete Eight Trigrams Palms will be played directly without any reservations.

Opening the white eyes, and such a high-intensity duel, has a great disadvantage for Ryosuke.

Although his physical fitness is based on the blood of returning to his ancestors, he is far superior to his peers.

But compared with Hyuga Hiashi, it is still much worse.

Physical fitness has not kept up, so of course the amount of Chakra is the same.

Now that the battle has lasted for so long, Hyuga Hiashi still cannot be won. Although Ryosuke is not in a hurry, if it continues without making changes, it is tantamount to admitting defeat.

"A bold idea."

Facing him, Hyuga Hiashi quickly sensed the change in Ryosuke's movements and gave a compliment.

However, his movements were not at all loose because of opening his mouth, on the contrary, he became more vigilant.

"There is a flaw!"

Changing one's own fighting style during the battle also means this process, and the Eight Trigrams Palms played by Ryosuke may have errors and omissions in the fluency.

In less than ten strokes, Hyuga Hiashi caught one of his loopholes, with a stern look in his eyes, and swung his palm towards the acupuncture points on his body.

As long as the palm falls, the chakra mixed in the hand will block the flow of chakra in Ryosuke's meridian, then his movements will become slow, and the outcome will be decided.

But just when his palm was about to press on Ryosuke, in Hyuga Hiashi's white eyes, the Chakra in Ryosuke's body exploded and surged.

"Revolving Heaven!"

The chaotic moves changed suddenly, and the remaining Chakra spewed out from various acupuncture points in Ryosuke's body, forming a spiral Chakra cyclone, wrapping him firmly in it.

And Hyuga Hiashi, who had already observed this scene with supercilious eyes, had long since given up on the slap just now, and stepped back a few steps to avoid Revolving Heaven's counter attack.

Ordinary ninjas can only transmit Chakra through some parts, such as hands, mouth, and feet.

But the Hyuga family has white eyes, understands the major acupuncture points of the body, and can transmit Chakra from any acupuncture point of the body at will.

Revolving Heaven is a secret technique handed down by word of mouth in the Hyuga clan. With the help of the characteristics of white eyes, Chakra can be instantly spewed from various acupoints all over the body, forming a spiral cyclone around the body. While resisting the enemy's attack, it can rebound part of the attack.

"That's it, you don't have enough Chakra to fight me, you lose."

Hyuga Hiashi closed his eyes, turned his hands behind his back, and looked at Ryosuke who was panting heavily in front of him.

"Indeed, I no longer have the ability to fight."

Ryosuke also smiled and closed his eyes, and put away his fighting stance, "I never thought I could beat you, at least I don't have a chance right now."

It has been a year since my physical fitness reached the standard and I formally practiced the Gentle Fist method.

During this year, Ryosuke has learned all the mysteries of the Hyuga clan and mastered them thoroughly.

But based on his physical fitness, Chakra volume, and Chakra's control level, he is still far behind Hyuga Hiashi. In actual combat, there is no chance for him to go all out.

"It's good to see your strength clearly, so let's stop here today." Hyuga Hiashi nodded, turned and left.

But after walking a few steps, he paused again, "Tomorrow you and Hinata will be preparing for school, you two should rest early."

After finishing speaking, he left the practice field slowly, appearing extremely calm.

And at this time, Hinata, who had been silently observing the battle at the edge of the practice field, took water and trotted to Ryosuke's side to hand it over.

"You are so good, Ryosuke, you can fight on par with your father." She looked at Ryosuke with some excitement, her tone full of envy.

"You think too highly of me. There is still a big gap between me and my father."

Ryosuke took the water with a smile, and took a big gulp, "Now it's time for you to practice. I told you yesterday about the Gentle Fist Chakra operation method, are you proficient?"

Although after chatting, Hinata has given up such an unrealistic goal.

But she still has to work harder. Without damaging her body or affecting her development, she completed her body training a year and a half earlier than expected.

However, Ryosuke also helped her to correct the reason for her practice.

"It''s almost there."

Facing Ryosuke's question, Hinata whispered, "If you can guide me a few times, I should be able to remember."

Laughing softly, Ryosuke looked at her helplessly, "I told you to draw with paper and pen several times, let your mind remember it first."

"It will be easier for me to get acquainted if you personally supervise me and guide me with your fingers." Hinata looked at him eagerly.

Compared with repeatedly drawing on the picture, she felt that in the process of running Chakra, letting Ryosuke slide and guide the way on her body surface with her fingers would make her feel more real.

"Okay, okay, but I have to rest for a while, my current amount of Chakra is difficult to keep my eyes rolling." Ryosuke looked at her dotingly, and sat down cross-legged.

His flaws are obvious, but it will take time to fix them.

Practice is not a temporary thing, but needs to be accumulated over time. Whether it is physical fitness, Chakra quantity, or Chakra control, although it seems basic and easy to get started, the ends of these roads are far away. Every improvement The process is even more difficult.

(end of this chapter)

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