Konoha: I Turned On The Limiter In Ninja World

Chapter 26 Seemingly Unchanging Timeline

Chapter 26 Seemingly Unchanging Timeline

"It's not easy? What's so difficult about living in this world?"

Hyuga Hiashi obviously didn't understand Ryosuke's words.

As the Hyuga clan, there are such a large number of branch house people, and the desperate protection of the servants, even in times of war, the clan line can be intact, let alone the current peacetime.

But soon, as if he had thought of something, the anger on his face gradually stagnated, followed by surprise, and then disbelief.

"What... did you see again?" Hyuga Hiashi asked in a low voice.

Now that Ryosuke has spoken like this, if he doesn't understand, then he is really confused.

Is it not easy to live in this world?

When other people say this sentence, it may not hold so much weight in Hyuga Hiashi's heart, but now that this sentence is spoken from Ryosuke's mouth, it has a great weight in Hyuga Hiashi's heart.

He almost forgot that this kid's eyes can see the future.

With Hyuga Ryosuke's current status in the Hyuga clan, everyone feels that it is difficult to live in the future, and one can imagine how complicated crises will appear in this world in the future.

But now that the entire ninja world has finally entered a period of peace, is it going to start the fourth ninja world war again?

So... How long can this current peace last?

Just realizing this, the doubts in Hyuga Hiashi's heart popped up one after another.

With Konoha's status and power in the ninja world, there shouldn't be enough power to endanger Hyuga, right? At least the other four countries have not achieved it after such a long struggle.

So... who will the enemy be?

Seeing Hyuga Hiashi's bewildered face, Ryosuke smiled again and offered comfort, "There are a lot of troubles, but father don't have to worry, everything is up to me."

"... Can you not reveal anything?" Hyuga Hiashi asked a little unwillingly.

But before Ryosuke could speak with a smile, he asked himself and answered, "I understand, after I say it, the future will change, and it will affect your and my judgment."

For this matter, he is already very skilled.

Ever since he learned about Ryosuke's eyes, he would always talk to Ryosuke about major events and decisions in the clan, hoping that he could reveal some future content.

But it is a pity that every time Ryosuke uses this ability to be ineffective every time, or he can't reveal too much to prevaricate, and can only get some cryptic answers.

But in the general direction, these vague answers still gave Hyuga Hiashi a lot of help.

But it's a pity that he didn't know that those suggestions were actually given by Ryosuke based on his own judgment based on the actual situation, instead of seeing the so-called future.

"Okay, you guys go to rest early."

Hyuga Hiashi gave up asking, and gave up trying to correct Ryosuke's dreams and goals.

He doesn't understand what Ryosuke is facing, let alone what the family will face in the future.

"Then let's take our leave first, father, and you should go to bed earlier." Ryosuke chuckled, pulled up Hinata, who was silently acting as a transparent person, and left the room.

After Hinata completed her body training ahead of time through her own efforts and began to practice the Gentle Fist method, she officially participated in the conversation between Ryosuke and Hyuga Hiashi.

Although every time I stood silently on the side, did not speak, and listened carefully.

But Ryosuke kept her with him, and Hyuga Hiashi didn't let her go.

As the future Patriarch, she should learn and know these things.

Watching the back of the two leaving, Hyuga Hiashi was silent for a while, then sat back on the chair again and closed his eyes.

After calming down, he realized his gaffe just now.

But it’s no wonder that Ryosuke’s goal is too short-term. Without understanding the actual situation, his first reaction can only be to hate iron for steel.

But thinking about it now, Ryosuke is already too good, even if his goal is really that, he is destined to be extraordinary.

He has learned everything that should be taught and learned, whether it is as a ninja or as a Hyuga clan, he has learned very well.

Now Hyuga Hiashi has nothing to teach Ryosuke, so he can only give him some guidance in actual combat.

But this progress is shortening rapidly, and every time the battle starts, Ryosuke can give him new surprises.

If it weren't for reasons such as physical fitness and Chakra volume, Hyuga Hiashi felt that he might be surpassed by Ryosuke soon.

"Perhaps... the arrangement for him to face real combat and fighting should be put on the agenda."

With this thought in mind, Hyuga Hiashi reopened his eyes and started dealing with things in the clan...

"Then this class ends here, and the get out of class ends."

On the podium of the ninja school, after Iruka announced the end of the class, he called out to the yellow figure in the last row, "Naruto, follow me to the office."

After speaking, he packed a Genin kit and left the classroom.

Sitting next to Ryosuke, after hearing what Iruka said before leaving, Naruto fell limply on the desk and said very irritably: "Ah... Teacher Iruka must have asked me to go again Why is he so busy reciting the content of the class just now?"

However, in his irritable tone, there was still a bit of happiness.

"Who told you not to listen well in class? He wants you to remember this knowledge, so he can only use the time after class to give you a small lesson. No one else has this kind of opportunity." Ryosuke replied with a chuckle, waving to him hurry up.

And Naruto didn't delay too much, after lying on the ground for a while, he jumped up and left the classroom under the disgusting eyes of some people in the class.

A week passed, and the study at the ninja school was much more boring than Ryosuke imagined.

However, he is very patient. The knowledge of practice is new to him, and it is very fresh.

It’s like comparing research on the energy nature of Chakra, a common thing in the ninja world, with becoming a Hokage, being the head of a village, which is a great thing in the ninja world, Ryosuke will choose without hesitation Same as the former.

As long as it is something related to practice, he can keep novelty and patience for a long time.

In terms of communication, since he is at the same table with Naruto, Ryosuke must not say nothing to him.

Occasionally they still have a sentence or two, although not many, but after a long time, they gradually become familiar with each other.

This kind of thing is inevitable, but it is also very common, and it has not attracted anyone's attention.

It is worth mentioning that after the first day of school, Naruto seems to have really followed Ryosuke's advice and went to Third Hokage to ask something.

I don't know why he was bewitched. When he came to school the next morning, Ryosuke found that his whole personality had changed. He became positive and cheerful, and he unswervingly aimed at Hokage.

He kept shouting in his mouth, wanting everyone in the village to recognize his existence.

And on the first day of school, Iruka, who had hated Naruto like some people in the village because of a misunderstanding, seemed to be interviewed by Third Generation and told part of the truth about Naruto's life experience.

This incident made the hatred in Iruka's heart instantly turn into guilt and sympathy.

And this change also made him attach great importance to Naruto. As long as it is his course, Naruto will truly master the knowledge, and he will not let him relax in the slightest.

After feeling Iruka's kindness, Naruto also slowly accepted him. Although he always disliked him, he cherished this importance in his heart.

Everything seems to have not changed because of the appearance of the character Hyuga Ryosuke, as if... everything is turning according to the original history.

But with a butterfly like him, how could the timeline be the same as before?

(end of this chapter)

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