Konoha: I Turned On The Limiter In Ninja World

Chapter 327 Meeting (For Subscription)

Chapter 327 Meeting (for Subscription)

Under the scorching sun, tall buildings stand on the ground one after another,

These buildings are arranged in a very regular way, one after another, forming a large square area.

Except for the place where the urban area is located, the outside world looks a bit desolate.

Looking down from the map where the satellite is located, on this planet, except for the ocean, there are mostly yellow sand areas.

The cities inhabited by human beings only occupy a very small part.

Since the development of the planet under our feet by humans has become more serious, the ecological environment of the planet itself has become extremely harsh.

Although the development of science and technology has been greatly improved, but at the same time, hidden dangers have emerged.

The weirdo is born because of this.

Human beings who resented the pressure of life and turned into weirdos,

Because of dissatisfaction with human beings, and turned into weird animals, there are all kinds of strange aliens.

Even... human beings themselves have begun to increase the scale of wars and destroy humanity because of their scientific and technological achievements.

In order to test the power of a weapon, the people in that city are targeted, and there are all kinds of people who launch terrorist attacks.

This world... is extremely chaotic.

Humans are against the planet, humans are against animals, and humans are against humans.

Fortunately, in this survival mode, human beings are not without trying to save themselves.

Gradually abandon the estrangement between countries, forming a big family, with the city code as the boundary, to divide the area and reduce the war.

In order to fight against these heresies that are enemies of human beings, the so-called Heroes' Association was established to encourage everyone to do good deeds.

City Z is the code name of one of the cities.

In the Heroes Association, there is a huge flow of people coming and going,

In addition to the staff in the association, whether they are clients, heroes, or even heroes who want to be heroes, there is an endless stream.

There are different levels of heroes in this world. There are S-level heroes who are strong enough to fight natural disasters that threaten human beings, and weak C-level heroes who catch thieves and help maintain city law and order.

The duties of the heroes are varied, they accept the taxes and privileges of the citizens of each city, and at the same time protect the city.

"Saitama... an S-class hero."

And amidst the people coming and going, an ordinary-looking man was looking up at the electronic ranking list of the Heroes Association.

On top of this, the fourth place in the ranking of S-level heroes is the man he has been thinking about day and night—— Saitama.

This ordinary man is undoubtedly Ryosuke.

After the family stabilized and the two children had a certain strength and cognition, he embarked on a journey to this world.

And it turned out... even smoother than Ryosuke imagined.

The last time he came to this planet as Poros, he was an invader and had a great impact on this planet.

Afterwards, he stood on the opposite side of Saitama as a matter of course, and without even saying a few words, he fought directly until he was finally defeated.

So this time, Ryosuke didn't intend to stand out, but came to this planet and this world as an ordinary person.

In order not to draw attention to his handsome appearance, he even disguised himself to look like an ordinary citizen.

He intends to entrust Saitama to fight with himself in a normal way.

"Excuse me, if I want to entrust, what process do I need to go through?"

Ryosuke slowly came to the counter and asked the receptionist gently.

"A commission? What kind of commission is it going to be?"

It seems that this question has been asked countless times before Ryosuke, so the front desk is almost formulaic Kaidō: "The consignment categories of C-level heroes are wolf-level and tiger-level, and the average commission price is..."

"Sorry, I want to entrust an S-rank hero."

After quietly listening to her description of the C-level heroes, and seeing that she was going to explain the B-level heroes, Ryosuke quickly said: "But the content is very simple, it is to have a contest with me for the purpose of actual combat."

"... an S-rank hero?"

The front desk frowned slightly, "I'm sorry, the scope of A-level and S-level heroes is already related to the survival of human beings, so they hardly accept commissions, but directly request and issue tasks from the Hero Association."

After a pause, she looked at Ryosuke's clothes up and down, and then considered the word "competition" in the task, "Your task sounds simple, A-level is better, we can assist in communication according to the entrusted content, Help you to entrust."

"I believe that as long as you can afford a certain price, there will be A-level heroes willing to accept this mission from you."

"But S-level, you need to contact yourself."

She looked very sorry.

But what she said, Ryosuke can understand.

According to the content announced by the Hero Association, the level of strength of an S-level hero can at least destroy a city.

With such strength, ordinary people would definitely not be able to command them, let alone ask them to complete tasks.

"Then please tell me the public information about Mr. Saitama, and I will visit him to discuss with him."

It's not that Ryosuke didn't expect this, so he spoke again skillfully.

Heroes who joined the Heroes' Association like this, regardless of level, will have a certain degree of public information for the public to know.

While enjoying benefits, the hero will also expose part of his privacy to the group as a public figure.


Hearing the name, the receptionist was obviously taken aback, "Are you actually entrusting him? Although he is very strong and seems to have never been defeated, but his temper is a bit weird, and he may not accept your entrustment."

"If you simply want to practice martial arts, I suggest that you entrust Mr. Chalanzi. He is a disciple of the former S-level hero Banggu and has extremely rich experience in martial arts and combat."

"If you are lucky enough, you may not necessarily be able to join the Banggu Dojo."

"Then... give me both pieces of information?"

Ryosuke said with a smile, "I'll always come and see."

"I can give you a lot of information about Mr. Cha Lanzi."

The front desk tapped the keyboard on the computer, "However, I can only provide you with very little information about Mr. Saitama."

"He doesn't like to contact the outside world. A lot of information is also provided by his disciple, Mr. Genos. We can disclose very little."

Not long after, she handed two documents to Ryosuke, "but the most basic information is there, about their address and contact information."

"Thank you."

Ryosuke expressed his gratitude while taking the document in his hand.

After paying the service fee and bidding farewell to the front desk, he quickly left the Heroes Association.

Not in a hurry to open the file, Ryosuke first found a casual restaurant, sat down by the window, ordered some food, then slowly opened the folder bag and took out two files.

At first glance, he saw the familiar man.

With a bald head and a cloak, there was a little indifference in his eyes that despised everything.

In addition, his expression was the same as before, as if telling everyone in the world that for him, no matter how powerful the enemy was, they were just clouds.

"I didn't expect that after decades, you are still the same."

There is no aging at all, the memory in Ryosuke's mind seems to overlap with the previous life, seeing the back that he saw at the last moment of his life decades ago.

Putting the other document aside, he carefully read the information from that man.

"A B-level hero? It seems that the Hero Association is not very reliable."

Right away, Ryosuke found out his hero level when he was fighting against him.

When he saw the words of a B-rank hero clearly marked on it, he laughed out loud without hesitation.

If Saitama's level at that time was considered a B-level hero, then how terrifying are these S-level heroes?

When he came to this planet as Poros, although he didn't face these S-level powerhouses directly, it was not without indirect fights.

When he fought Saitama back then, those S-level powerhouses seemed to be held back by his two subordinates. If you want to come to the Heroes Association, the rating is not purely based on strength, but also on merit.

And then, he looked down again.

Regarding his combat records, as the front desk said, there were very few.

But every battle is almost enough to determine the life and death of human beings, and every time, he firmly holds the victory in his hands.

"Even I, the overlord of the universe, has been defeated. Do the weirdos on this planet still want to resist him?"

Ryosuke let out a laugh, but quickly relented as the waiter brought the food.

Very ordinary, almost no substantive effective intelligence.

There is no record of what kind of tactics he is good at, where his strength comes from, and how he usually cultivates.

Because there was still time, Ryosuke picked up another document.

Compared with Saitama, this document is much clearer.

Under the tutelage of the former S-level hero Banggu, he practiced the ancient martial arts-Liu Shui Yan Sha Fist, and possessed extremely refined boxing attainments.

The general essence of Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist, how he fought against the enemy, and even where the source of the actual combat videos of him fighting monsters on the news, were all clearly recorded in the document.

And finally, there is a small advertisement in this document, people who feel that they are talented and interested in martial arts can contact the person in charge of the Bangu Dojo or something like that.

This is commercializing the title of hero.

Ryosuke shook his head and put away the two documents.

After finishing his lunch quietly, he sat in the restaurant for a while, and then walked away slowly.

Traveling like an ordinary person, he took the subway to the east of City Z, bought a lot of high-quality ingredients at the vegetable market, and was picked up by a taxi driver to the no-man's land.

Standing in front of a very ordinary-looking house, Ryosuke tidied up his appearance and removed the disguise he had made before, and then politely rang the doorbell.

He treated him so solemnly and politely, it didn't look like he was about to face a life-and-death enemy at all.

In fact, Poros in his previous life never felt any hatred for Saitama killing him.

At the beginning, he just came to the earth for a prophecy from thousands of miles away, looking for an opponent who could be his enemy.

Defeat and death are just a matter of course.

There is something in Poros' heart, but he is just unwilling.

I am not reconciled to my defeat, I am not reconciled to not seeing the opponent's full strength, I am not reconciled to my weakness.

Especially at the moment before he died, the inexplicable disappointment in the other party's tone was so familiar.

The other party is also feeling lonely because they don't have a qualified opponent! Exactly the same as before.

Compared with the hatred between life and death enemies, that disappointment made Poros feel more uncomfortable.

After waiting for a long time, there was a response from the door.

"Who is it?"

There was a slight dissatisfaction in the tone, "I don't know if the elderly pay much attention to naps?"


Accompanied by the sound of the doorknob being pulled open.

What caught Ryosuke's eyes was a shiny bald head.

"Mr. Saitama doesn't look old at all."

Looking at the same face before him, Ryosuke said from the bottom of his heart, "It doesn't look like a person in his forties or fifty years old."

"You are……"

Qiyu looked at the person in front of him suspiciously, it was a face he had never seen before.

However, his anger at getting up because of the interrupted nap was inexplicably disturbed by this guy's nostalgic look, and he couldn't get angry anymore.

"I am the client. The task I entrust is to compete with you."

Ryosuke said bluntly, without any intention of hiding anything.

"A contest?"

Saitama looked Ryosuke up and down, and when he heard the word commission, he originally planned to refuse directly.

But after hearing the content clearly, he suddenly stopped.

"As far as I know, you have been looking for an opponent who can compete with you." Ryosuke said with a smile, "I am in the same situation as you, because I have not been able to find a suitable opponent, so I have always felt very... …lonely."


Saitama hesitated for a moment, "Yes, I will accept your commission."

Like Ryosuke's straightforwardness, he also responded directly to this invitation, "Then shall we start fighting now?"

Although it was very inexplicable, although he didn't know why the other party knew him, he could still feel the faint fighting spirit coming from the other party.

The other party was not lying, he was indeed here because of World War I.

Since the other party's idea is so simple, Saitama doesn't want to think too complicated, he has always been a person who is afraid of trouble.


But Ryosuke was a little uncomfortable with his simplicity, and said with a smile, "Actually, I'm sorry to disturb your nap."

"So I want to apologize to you first, such as having a meal or something..."

As he said that, he shook the ingredients in his hand, "Okay... Actually, I want to say, I think I need to prepare first."

"Actually, I want to sit down and talk to you first. Right now, I'm not sure I can beat you."

He spoke frankly.

Yes, Ryosuke was not actually sure of winning the opponent.

He felt that he was still lacking something, and these things, he hoped to make up for it through the following conversations.

(end of this chapter)

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