Konoha: I Turned On The Limiter In Ninja World

Chapter 330 Home (For Subscription)

Chapter 330 Home (for subscription)

Just like when browsing the webpage, you can see the frame parameters of various webpages by pressing F12.

Just like Baidu,

Lines of code correspond to the page layout,

In addition to the layout, there are cloud documents uploaded to the server one by one, called libraries.

Call the path of the picture from the library, and Baidu's LOG will appear in the center of the page.

And if it is opened by webpage compiling software, you can modify and control the code of this webpage, try to modify the path file in the library, for example, change the path of Baidu's LOG image to Sogou's LOG.

Even, the button options clicked by the mouse, such as the data hyperlinks contained in the options such as search, home page, etc., can be modified and changed into other codes.

Experienced old programmers are familiar with various source codes and databases, and often directly apply other people's codes in their own projects by copying and replacing.

And this rule is also similar to programming.

There are rules between plants and trees, there are rules between planets and the universe, where life will be born, and where life will not be allowed to exist, all of these are arranged by various and extremely complicated rules.

But it's different from those bitter mechanical code worlds that Ryosuke built in the first place.

The rules of these worlds are codes with life.

They are like artificial intelligence, as long as a string of characters is input, they will automatically derive subsequent ten lines, one hundred lines, one thousand lines... and even more characters as they learn.

These rules are extremely complex.

Some worlds have data such as aura, superpowers, Chakra, etc. within the framework, while some worlds have no magic and prohibit the appearance of these energy elements.

Therefore, a non-magic world that is advanced in technology, or an extraordinary world that is advanced in cultivation, is derived.

Even if they are both extraordinary worlds, with the same world framework of energy elements like Chakra, the developed worlds are also different.

For example, the ninja world is basically a high-magic world, with the existence of magical techniques that can destroy the world and travel through time and space.

For example, the mind ability that is almost the same as that of Chakra appears in a world that contains energy matter that exists in the hunter world, but it can only be regarded as a medium level, and it does not even appear to be enough to destroy it. A star-level powerhouse.

Thought ability and Chakra are called differently, but they are very similar in nature. They both operate through the life energy and spiritual energy of the human body.

Comparing the two, one is a high magic world, and the other is a relatively low-end middle level, which shows the difference in the size and level of the two "databases".

But there are differences between the world and the world,

But one thing, no matter which world is the same, that is the rules.

Rules are the essence.

Ryosuke also understood this after reaching this level.

The rules are placed at the top of the heavens and worlds,

And the use of body and soul, abilities and skills are all under it.

People who are familiar with the rules, even if their real strength is far inferior to an ordinary person, can adjust the rules of the world to make themselves have unparalleled strength, such as Saitama.

His physical strength is extremely ordinary. Although he is much stronger than ordinary people in this world, he is much worse than ordinary people in the ninja world and the pirate world.

But even so, in this world, he is an invincible existence.

Just like Yuan Dagu is also a semi-invincible existence in the Tiga world.

The difference between the world and the world is destined to encounter different possibilities when people from different worlds meet.

Just like Toichiro Suzuki in the super world, he is the strongest group of people in the super world, and every gesture has the power to shake the world situation.

But in another world, such as the ninja world and the pirate world, he can only be reduced to a middle-level person.

It's like a person in the world of martial arts who spent his whole life reaching the peak of martial arts, but by chance, crossed into the world of immortals, and suddenly fell from the strongest to the third-rate, defined as a mortal.

The levels of the world are not equal. Maybe Ryosuke is strong in this world, but in another world, he will not have that strength.

But if you master the power of the rules, it will be different.

Using time travel as a comparison, you can't buy things from the Han Dynasty with the coins of the Ming Dynasty, but if you exchange them for hard currencies such as gold and silver, then no matter which era you go to, you can figure it out.

If Ryosuke masters the rules, even if he goes to the Dragon Ball, which can erase even the universe at will, he still has the strength to compete with those Saiyans.

Such things as the power of rules are no longer within the scope of combat power, and cannot be defined by ordinary cultivation!

After another few months, Ryosuke learned to analyze more rules of this world by relying on the power of his own rules.

Under the night, in the wasteland,

Countless white lights slowly floated up, forming a human frame in mid-air that resembled meridians, and then bones, flesh and blood, and finally, a completely humanoid body.

When the white light had a human form, it slowly dissipated.

Until the end, Ryosuke stood there calmly, using the power of rules to construct a piece of clothing out of thin air and put it on.

It is not an easy thing to create something out of nothing, even with the help of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements escape techniques, it is not so simple to do.

But if it is carried out by rules, it is as simple as drinking water.

But this does not mean that at this moment, Ryosuke is invincible.

The rules are also divided into high and low.

Like changing the rules of a small stone to the rules of a cloud, it involves very few things and is extremely easy.

And it is not so difficult to create some dead objects with easy materials.

But if the object is replaced by a life, a small animal, or even a human being, it will be completely different.

All living beings have extremely complicated threads of fate,

Modifying their own existing rules also requires finding one that meets their requirements from the hundreds of millions of rules, which is by no means an easy task.

But fortunately, Ryosuke's thinking ability is more flexible than that of supercomputers, and has a larger information computing ability, so it is not impossible to sort out so much rule information and modify it appropriately.

But it takes time, and he hasn't been around for a long time.

Instead of looking for Saitama in the first place, Ryosuke opened the gate of time and space and returned to the ninja world.

He is still not sure about applying the power of rules to the battle, so he doesn't plan to meet him for the time being.

Besides, he wants to see his family more than Saitama.

At the beginning, Ryosuke's attitude towards Saitama's world was extremely dignified, which also made Hinata and the others extremely worried.

So this trip, he didn't take it easy like before, but he brought a situation that was enough to involve the nerves of the family.

Now that he has digested the power of rules that Saitama brought to him, he inevitably needs to go back to report his safety.

At least the world doesn't look as dangerous as I thought.

Through the light curtain formed by light blue light, Ryosuke returned to the ninja world.

Before he traveled through the void again and returned to Hyuga's house, he couldn't help being fascinated by everything in front of him.

"This flower..."

"This stone..."

"This sky..."

He stared at the world in front of him fascinated.

Ryosuke's vision has long been different from that of ordinary people. What he sees is not the surface of these things, but the inner part of these things. It is the essence that gives them existence, and the strings of rules with life!

"Somewhat similar, even somewhat similar."

Ryosuke looked at the rules in every part of the world in his eyes, and found that some of them were very similar to Saitama's world!

He thought that in different worlds, the rules are completely different.

If you want to have the greatest authority in a world, you need to spend a lot of time analyzing and deciphering the rules of different worlds after going to each world.

But now...he discovered that the rules of different worlds are similar!

"I have to go to other worlds to see, I have to go to other worlds to see!"

He muttered to himself, wanting to open the time-space door of other worlds again.

But soon, Ryosuke's movements froze.

No, he had to go home first to report his safety.

Hastily, Ryosuke stepped through the twisting void and returned to Hyuga's main house.

Then the first thing he saw was Hinata who was playing with two children in the courtyard, then Hanabi who was swinging next to him, and finally, not far from them, Hyuga Hiashi was sitting on a deck chair, shaking Basking in the sun and sleeping soundly.



Unanimous voices sounded from the voices of big brother and sister.

Although the two children were not the first to discover Ryosuke in the courtyard, they were the most excited.

Seeing the two children rushing towards him, Ryosuke originally planned to leave a message, but then slowed down his intention to leave in a hurry.

"If you don't know how to be a good pair of parents, you might as well not have children, otherwise it is not a good thing for your children or yourself."

This sentence suddenly appeared in his mind, and in Ryosuke's memory as an ordinary person, this sentence is the most profound.

The memory of the three lifetimes, the weakest is the life as an ordinary person, but also, it is also the life as an ordinary person that he understands the most truths, more than the truth of Poros's first life.

As an orphan, he tried his best to climb up, but he was not ordinary tired.

After successfully gaining a foothold in society, he set some rules for himself, such as never being an unqualified parent.

The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon.

He almost... became an irresponsible father.

"You've gained weight again, you two brats."

The thoughts in Ryosuke's mind, but only in a flash.

He quickly stretched out his palms to hug the two children, and weighed them lightly with his arms, "Dad is not at home, have you listened to mom, grandpa and aunt?"

At this moment, the tone was gentle enough to be Ultimate, and the eagerness to master the rules in his heart could not help but be given a priority.

Compared with at home, the matter of mastering the rules can still be delayed.

Ryosuke doesn't want to study hard for a few years to figure out the rules thoroughly, but his two children don't recognize him as a father.

When the time comes home, I will be asked, "Who are you looking for, Uncle?"

"Of course, of course, we two are good."

Without hesitation, Hyuga Yuichi opened his mouth and said, "I went to barbecue a few days ago, and my sister and I helped my mother catch a big wild boar!"

"It's clear that you two want to eat."

At this time, Hinata approached with a straight face, "The wild boar is a special breed. Although the meat is delicious and tender, there are very few remaining in this ninja world."

"In recent years, the clan has intentionally arranged people to keep these wild boars alive, and prohibit others from hunting them."

"The result...you two stinky brats are guarding yourselves. After eating it once, you find all kinds of excuses to steal it. Today you say you found this wild boar had a heat stroke, and tomorrow you say that the wild boar drowned. I don't know who taught it. !"

As she spoke, she glared at Hanabi who was giggling over there.

"Eat it."

Ryosuke diffused his perception, "Yo, the number is indeed rare, and there are only ninety-six in the entire ninja world."

"It just so happens that we will kill three tonight and eat them to our heart's content."

"In the future, you can eat whatever you want. It's a good thing that the two children want to eat."

He casually decided the life and death of these ninety-six rare wild boars.

"Thank you father!"

"I love you the most, Dad!"

One person on one side, spitting two big mouthfuls, and the face was full of saliva when kissed by Ryosuke, "Don't, don't, I'm not old yet, so you don't have to call me daddy."

He laughed and put the two down, and under Hinata's puzzled eyes, he casually moved the three wild boars into the courtyard through the secret technique of the Imperial Palace.

And seeing their father's actions so quickly, the two children who were already greedy but were suppressed by their mother cheered.

"Don't plan to ask me, why do you spoil the two of them so much?"

The two children and one older child each carried wild boars to the housekeeper to discuss how to cook the dinner at home.

Ryosuke, accompanied by Hinata, returned to the room.

"It's not that I don't know your usual temper."

Hinata helped him take off his coat, and took out household clothes from the cabinet, "There must be some reason for you to do this."

"Those who know me are Madam."

Ryosuke smiled and nodded, "These two children have inherited our blood, and their innate advantages are far superior to ordinary children. If they can't be educated well, they may become two demon kings in the future."

"It's not a good thing to keep pressing them down."

"One day in the future, when they grow up and have the ability to leave our sight, no one will suppress them, maybe they will do something asshole."

"We can't just suppress them, we have to follow their thinking, guide their thinking to a certain extent, let them mature gradually, and have relatively correct values ​​and thinking."

With that said, he changed into the clothes he wore at home.

"Wanting wild boars symbolizes that they are possessing desires, and wild boars are equivalent to extremely rare treasures."

"It is not a bad thing to have desires. Only when people have desires can they go further."

"But to have this desire, you must have the reason and thinking that can manipulate this desire. We can take this opportunity to cultivate their vision and ideas."

(end of this chapter)

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