Konoha: I Turned On The Limiter In Ninja World

Chapter 332 Two Years (Subscribe)

Chapter 332 Two Years (Subscribe)

"No...how could it not be."

The majestic city built in the wasteland, after two years, everything in front of me is almost the same as when Ryosuke left.

The restaurant was still the same restaurant, not far from the Heroes Association in City Z, and I was still familiar with the location by the window, where I could clearly see the pedestrians on the side of the road, and the food I ordered was exactly the same as a year ago.

But that doesn't bring Ryosuke back.

His focus is on the rules in front of him.

Unknowingly, two years passed quickly again.

Ryosuke returned to Saitama's world again, of course, because he was sure of defeating him.

But defeating the opponent does not mean that he has mastered the rules.

It is not so easy to master the rules of each world.

Even though Ryosuke's thinking ability is extremely active, even if his calculation ability is far superior to that of a supercomputer, the rules involve a whole world of data and the laws of special calculations, and it takes a lot of time to complete.

At the beginning, the rules were mastered smoothly, on the one hand because of Saitama's help, and on the other hand because Ryosuke picked those simple moves.

However, in two years, although he has only reached a very superficial state of rules, it is already much better than when he could only use rules to replace rules.

It can be estimated that the progress of this mastery, Ryosuke estimates that it may take more than ten years, even decades, or even longer for him to fully understand the rules.

Because he didn't know whether Qiyu could wait for him for so long, he could only think of other ways.

For example, use the progress bar in your mind to shorten the time for mastering the rules.

But it's a pity that the progress bar that doubled my efforts in three years in the past has lost its effect this time.

This time, the rules he mastered seem to be a kind of accumulation of knowledge because they are different from the contents of the body and soul, even if they are able to read and write. Therefore, after three years, the control of the rules has not increased at all. .

But besides this method, Ryosuke still thought of another method.

But before that, he still wants to see if there is a reason why Saitama exists in the rules.

First of all, judging from Saitama's own attitude, he doesn't seem to know that his strength is achieved under certain rules.

Secondly, Ryosuke himself wants to see what the invincibility rule is.

Unfortunately, he didn't find it.

Even though his eyes looked through most of the city and saw Saitama in no man's land, he still didn't understand half of the reasons for such powerful rules from the other party.

Among the rules carried by him, the reason for this period was not explained.

"Let's go to the door and ask."

Ryosuke thought for a moment, and finally decided to come to the door.

Saitama treated him well, and before the official duel, he intentionally told the other party what he knew.

Same as last time, Ryosuke bought a lot of relatively high-end ingredients and came to Saitama's house.

But compared to being cautious last time, he flew over directly this time, and he didn't care about other people's eyes during the whole process.

"Yo, Ryosuke, you're finally back."

Soon footsteps were heard inside the house, followed by the door being opened from the inside.

Saitama is still the same as when Ryosuke left this world two years ago, even her attire hasn't changed much.


My own concerns may not necessarily come true. Maybe the power of rules in this guy will make him immortal.

Thoughts flashed in Ryosuke's mind, but the expression on the surface remained unchanged.

"Sorry, I left without saying goodbye last time."

He shook the things in his hand apologetically, "I think there is nothing more important between you and me than a happy battle."

"After the previous was over, I still didn't have the confidence to defeat you, so I didn't come to see you."

Speaking directly of that battle, Ryosuke and Saitama have not met several times, and the friendship was originally extended on the basis of this battle.

One is Saitama, who has been lonely for many years and longs to fight evenly.

One is Ryosuke, who is obsessed with past lives and tries to improve himself. They have the same purpose, so getting along is very simple.


Qiyu was a little surprised, "So...you are already sure to fight me?"

He looked at Ryosuke with some surprise.

Is it so fast...

"Actually, I didn't make a full shot in the last duel."

He reminded, "You should be clear about this, right?"

After all, the last duel was agreed to be a test, so although he was a little bit unstoppable later, he definitely didn't use his full strength.

Ryosuke thought that it was possible to defeat him so quickly, could it be that the punch at that time was regarded as the basis for his efforts?


Ryosuke shook the things in his hands helplessly, "Why don't you chat while eating? Apart from this battle this time, I actually have some questions that I want to confirm with you, Mr. Saitama."

"Sorry sorry."

It was only then that Qiyu realized that they had been standing at the door for a while, so he couldn't help apologizing and hastened to welcome them into the room.

After briefly processing the ingredients, the two sat opposite each other just like last time.

"What do you want to confirm?"

Saitama's way of speaking was the same as before, straight to the point, and he didn't even want to be too polite.

"I want to confirm whether Mr. Saitama has ever felt doubts about the source of his strength."

Ryosuke didn't hesitate, and asked with a smile, "100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10-kilometer long-distance running every day, and no matter how hot you can't turn on the air conditioner, this kind of exercise can exercise such a powerful combat power. Do you think this is reasonable?"

"……Any questions?"

Qiyu looked puzzled.

As for the appearance he took for granted, Ryosuke half-closed his eyes, "Don't you think that your exercise intensity is actually very low compared to other people's exercise intensity?"

"Eh? Will it..."

Saitama seemed to be completely unaware of the problem, Kaidō said while eating: "In fact, it is a very hard thing to persevere every day."

One chopsticks vegetables, one chopsticks beef.

He didn't eat fast, and didn't seem to think deeply about Ryosuke's words.

And this attitude made the atmosphere a little quieter.

"As far as I know, Mr. Banggu in the Banggu Dojo is your old acquaintance?"

After a long time, Ryosuke asked again: "You should have watched Mr. Banggu practice? Have you seen how he teaches his disciples?"

His face was extremely solemn, and even his body posture couldn't help entering the moment of fighting.

Originally, Ryosuke just wanted to explain something to Saitama, and then began the long-awaited battle.

But now it seems that he inexplicably feels something unusual from the other party.

And this feeling made him feel a little horrified.

"Yes, I sometimes visit him as a guest."

Saitama nodded, "I have also seen his cultivation methods."

"For example, sitting under a waterfall and washing the body through the rapids."

"Or through the beating of external force, to exercise the body..."

He took it for granted that every kind of training method was mentioned, and each of them was more difficult than the ridiculous training method he said.

"...Then don't you think this matter is a bit unfair? Compared with Bangu's cultivation, your cultivation seems a little too easy."

Ryosuke asked again, the bowls and chopsticks in his hands had already been put down.

Comparing the two, no one should know which one is more difficult to cultivate, right?

Regarding this point, Qiyu suddenly stopped his voice, and even the movements of his hands stopped.

His sudden change made Ryosuke secretly vigilant.

Fortunately, Qi Yu did not violently hurt anyone.

Also lost his voice for a long time, he said casually to Kaidō: "Maybe."

When he said this, Saitama's expression was completely different from before. Whether it was Ryosuke's life-and-death contact in his previous life, or the two friendly contacts in this life, he had never seen him like this.

Not only was his face expressionless, but even the aura on his body became completely different from every previous meeting in an instant.

With a sense of isolation, Ryosuke felt that there was a gap between him and him out of thin air.

The gap between heaven and earth.

However, this change was only momentary. After saying that sentence, Qiyu quickly moved his chopsticks to eat again, and his expression returned to his previous easy-going appearance, as if nothing had happened.

"Then do you know... the rules?"

Of course, Ryosuke will not give up asking because of this small change.

He continued, "Actually, after I fought against you last time, I discovered that your physical strength is actually not strong. Your strength comes from the rules of this world."

"Every time you make a move, the rules of this world will be superimposed on you, making every attack of yours feel like you are carrying the whole world in battle, so it is so powerful."

"Fighting with the world on your shoulders?"

Saitama's focus was very strange, "Then I'm going to be exhausted?"

"I mean, this is why your strength is so strong."

Ryosuke explained, "If you long for a smooth and smart battle, maybe leave this world, your great power will disappear, and the evenly matched battle you are looking forward to can come."

"Leaving this world?"

Saitama scratched his head in a daze, "So...you are from another world? The comic book said, Otherworld?"

This statement is very novel, but it cannot be unacceptable.

As a world of multi-element development, this world is also full of entertainment, with a variety of comics and games.

"Yes, if you leave with me and go to another world."

Ryosuke tentatively said, "Your strength may disappear in an instant, and you will no longer have such a powerful strength."

Different worlds have different rules. Since the source of Saitama's power is the rules of this world, then if he goes to another world, he may no longer have such strength.

"Is this how you think you can beat me with confidence?"

Saitama looked at him strangely.

"That's not the case, I just want to tell you the truth before the battle begins." Ryosuke shook his head, "I'm not someone who takes advantage of others' dangers, and I have no intention of dragging you to other worlds, etc. After you lose this power, I will get rid of you."

"Furthermore... no matter what your strength is based on, I want to fight against your strength, not you."

When he understood that Saitama's power comes from the rules, and even the mastery of the rules was not obtained through his own practice, he actually knew that what he wanted to face was this kind of helplessness. rivaling strength.

As for who has this kind of strength, it doesn't really matter anymore.

What Ryosuke wants is to fight against the rules of this world, not Saitama anymore.


Originally, Qiyu, who was quite normal in expression, suddenly retracted his dazed look, and suddenly returned to his previous expressionless look, "You are really interesting."

That sense of isolation passed through him again.

Switching between these two imposing postures in a short period of time makes Ryosuke feel more real than the first time.

It's like changing a soul.

Ryosuke stared at the "Saitama" in front of him, not only in momentum, but also in ability.

For example, facing Saitama before, his Tenseigan can easily see the other party's body and soul cleanly, allowing the other party to show it in front of his eyes without reservation.

But facing the current Saitama, his Tenseigan can't see through.


A pale yellow eyeball emerged from Ryosuke's side.

And as the eyeball emitted a faint fluorescence, his vision became clearer.

Until the end, he saw clearly the Saitama in front of him.


Ryosuke frowned slightly, his eyes saw through this Saitama, but he didn't seem to see through.

Because his eyes passed directly through the other party, under the amplified ability of Pale Yellow Tenseigan, the existence of Saitama was lost in his vision.

"Aren't you going to fight me?"

There was no figure in front of him, but Saitama's voice still came out from that position, "Since you said, I rely on the existence of the rules you mentioned in this world, and I am almost invincible."

"Then I want to see how you plan to defeat me in this world."

There was almost no emotion in his tone, it was a completely different person.

Although Ryosuke couldn't see clearly what happened, his body floated up slowly, "You will see."

As he said that, he took a deep look at Saitama, and his figure rushed straight from the balcony.

He was no longer using the pale yellow Tenseigan to amplify his abilities, so he saw Saitama's existence.

And Saitama also didn't hesitate, didn't even look at the food on the table, also soared into the sky, and left following Ryosuke's figure.

And this time...he used to fly.

You must know that the last time Ryosuke saw Saitama, he couldn't fly at all, and he even used running to drive.

Although the speed is fast, the use of power is really rough.

At that time, Saitama was like a child with a gun. He had the power of rules all over his body, but he couldn't use it, and he didn't even know the existence of these powers of rules.

But this time, he seemed to be different.

Or in other words, another existence is operating this body.

(end of this chapter)

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