Chapter 46 Post-war

The scorching hot wind of summer gradually dissipated, and the time has come to autumn unconsciously.

In the evening, the sun has not fully set.

The crimson afterglow bloomed above the sky, like a sea of ​​flames, just like... the forest fire a few days ago.

"This kind of weather and temperature is comfortable for traveling. Think about when we left the village before, we were wet from head to tail every day, sweating."

On his back was a small backpack loaded with supplies needed for the field, and Souji's pace was very leisurely and comfortable.

And beside him, Hyuga Xingcai is the same, with unconcealable joy and happiness on his face.

Since the end of the battle that day, the two of them have remained high and excited, and they have not stopped.

"Master Ryosuke, do you want some water?"

Xingcai enthusiastically handed Ryosuke the jug filled with clear spring water.

Ryosuke smiled lightly and rejected her offer, "No, thank you."

"Master Ryosuke, do you want something to eat? You just took a break at noon today, shouldn't you eat something to replenish your strength?" Zongji also smiled flatteringly, and handed over some edible and delicious wild fruits.

"This is no longer necessary."

Ryosuke continued to politely decline.


Just as Zongci was about to speak, he continued to take some other things from the small backpack.

Ryosuke, who had been walking in the front, stopped, turned around and looked at the two smiling faces, and said helplessly, "Can you two be normal, are you a little too enthusiastic towards me recently?"

In the past, they had dedicated themselves to being branch houses, adhering to the mission of protecting the clan and accompanying him by his side.

But since they knew about their supercilious eyes, their attitude changed all of a sudden.

Although the attitude was very respectful before, it was more because of the family system, the politeness and lowliness that appeared because of Caged Bird.

Now in their respectful attitude, there is a bit more respect in it.

No longer because of the system, but from the heart.

The difference between the two is so great that Ryosuke is not used to it.

"No, no, this is what we should do."

Looking at Ryosuke who was staring at him, Souji stepped back cautiously, scratched his head and said, "You are a clan, and you have such...unique eyes."

"You want to become a character like Uchiha Madara in the future. We are very satisfied to have the opportunity to assist you for a while. Please give us this opportunity."

Xingcai, who was beside him, also nodded in approval of his words.

When they saw those eyes and felt the difference in Ryosuke's eyes, they realized so many things in their hearts.

Including why the patriarch arranged for the two of them, Chūnin, to act as guards, and why Master Ryosuke would have the opportunity to join the clan and so on.

Their Hyuga's white eyes can really transform like Uchiha's Sharingan, and have more powerful abilities.

Could it be that the era of their Hyuga clan is finally coming!


Ryosuke chanted this word, smiled and shook his head, "Since I will show my ability in front of you, it is natural that I have some consideration and trust in you."

"So you don't have to be so enthusiastic. After returning to the village, your attitude will make me stand out and expose my existence."

"This... I'm very sorry!"

As soon as he said these words, Zongci and Xingcai in front of them already took a few steps back in panic, bowing and apologizing.

They were afraid that the existence of the two of them would affect the future of the Hyuga clan.

"You really don't need to do this, just face me according to the previous attitude."

Ryosuke looked at them distressedly, "About my ability, I believe you have guessed it, it has always been the most secret thing in the clan, the less people know about it, the better."

"At least, until I grow up, this thing will be our biggest secret in Hyuga."

Hearing his words, Zongci and Xingcai quickly promised: "Master Ryosuke, don't worry, we will never reveal a single word to others, including our family!"

"We've all known each other for so long, and of course I believe your words."

Gently nodding to them, Ryosuke continued: "About me, the only people in the village who know about me are my father, the head of the clan, the chief elder of the clan, and Hinata."

"And you, as the fourth and fifth people, including the person in charge of the branch house, that is, my Uncle Hyuga Hizashi, don't understand this matter."

Zongci and Xingcai clenched their fists and became excited with these heartfelt words.

This feeling of being trusted by Ryosuke was too much for them to hide their emotions.

"When I go back, Souji, I will propose to my father that I assign you the number of guardian ninjas in the Daimyo Prefecture that we won from the daimyo."

"At that time, you will become an important hub between our Hyuga and those nobles, and many exchanges will be completed by you. At the same time, the people in the branch house should pay more attention to you, and those who are more radical may win over you. work."

"I hope that when that time comes, you can still stand by my side and work with me to straighten out this broken Hyuga."

After digging out his heart, he gave another heavy burden, Ryosuke stared at Souji closely, with a smile on his face all the time.

This is a habit of his, especially in this relatively important conversation environment.

The more important the conversation, the more sincere and kind he will smile.

Nodding happily, Hyuga Zong once again assured: "I will never disappoint your expectations! The white eyes you have are the future of our Hyuga. Those radical people in the branch house don't understand the clan's intentions at all. .”

"very good."

Ryosuke nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, long ago, when he exposed his ability in front of the two of them, he already had a plan in mind.

Although in the process of growing up, he needs to hide himself and not let too many people know about his abilities.

But it is only necessary to limit the number of people.

After all, Ryosuke can't do everything by himself, he always needs someone available who can share some things for him.

Otherwise, he would do everything himself.

Every time he takes a shot, when he needs to consider hiding himself, he must clear the field before doing things, or clear the field after doing things, so as not to expose his abilities.

But this kind of thing is possible once or twice. If there are too many times, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be leaked.

Therefore, Ryosuke needs to train some trustworthy subordinates to be his right and left hands.

And people like Souji and Xingcai, who have always been friendly to the clan in the Hyuga branch house, and who have been friends with Ryosuke for a while, are undoubtedly the most suitable candidates.

Sorry, there are a lot of things at work today, only one update.

(end of this chapter)

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