Konoha: I Turned On The Limiter In Ninja World

Chapter 63 Hyuga's Situation

Chapter 63 Hyuga's Situation

Uchiha is a strong unstable factor, and the clan is plotting a coup d'etat in an attempt to return to Konoha's power center.

Shimura Danzō, who can't stand the slightest bit of sand in his eyes, can't tolerate this kind of thing, and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is Third Hokage, can't tolerate it either.

Therefore, even though he didn't want Konoha to lose such a powerful combat power, he kept hesitating.

But for Danzo's actions, he undoubtedly acquiesced.

In this village, Anbu is everywhere, and his eyeliner is everywhere.

Some important people, such as who Naruto contacts every day, he knows very well, let alone Danzo who is more important than Naruto.

You must know that in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart, although he relies on Danzo, he is also wary of Danzo.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen can tolerate Danzo's attack on Uchiha, which doesn't mean he can tolerate the decline of Hyuga, the only pupil family in the village.

When Ryosuke looked at Hyuga and Konoha from the perspective of a bystander, he found that the situation of the Hyuga clan was not as complicated as he and his father imagined.

In the outside world, there are countries that have always been interested in the Kingdom of Fire.

However, the inside of Konoha has been consuming combat power. Whether it is the death of Fourth Hokage or the extermination of Uchiha, it has had a great impact on the village.

Hyuga is not the same as Uchiha.

Although their family is proud of their outstanding talents, they are relatively low-key and easy-going when they come into contact with the people in the village.

Although the Hyuga clan also had the idea of ​​invading the center of power in the village, they kept it well hidden.

As for the people in the branch house, because they are called Caged Bird, they cannot have free thoughts like Uchiha.

When Hyuga Hiashi gave orders and requests to be kind to the rest of the village, they had to do so.

Under such circumstances, their image of Hyuga in the village is well maintained.

It is also for this reason that they have not been driven to the outskirts of the village like Uchiha, but have always been in the center of the village and are admired by many villagers.

Not to mention the attitude of the common people in the village towards Hyuga, even many ninjas in the village have received the favor of Hyuga.

You must know that the role of white eyes on the battlefield is very huge, and it can play a role in deciding the situation of the battle.

Many ninjas have been saved by Hyuga, and many victories were won because of Hyuga's perception ability.

As a powerful family in the village, Uchiha may be exterminated, and everyone may applaud, but if something happens to Hyuga, most people are still quite worried.

Hyuga is equivalent to the eyes of Konoha. Without these eyes, many advantages will be lost in the future battlefield.

Therefore, under such circumstances of external and internal troubles, the status of their family is still relatively high.

As long as they maintain the stability and kindness in the past, although Konoha will be afraid of them, in fact, they will not attack them, because there is no reason.

Konoha Village does not tolerate geniuses or the strong, but those unstable factors and those who want to engage in individualism instead of considering the interests of the group.

Even if there is, there can only be Shimura Danzō, because Sarutobi Hiruzen is confident that he can catch him.

Under the desk lamp, Ryosuke's face was expressionless, and his eyes were a little cold.

When all the intelligence materials are gathered in his mind and he thinks about sorting out these situations, he needs to maintain absolute reason.

The best judgment can only be made if you don't mix any personal feelings, stand in any angle, and don't consider yourself as Hyuga.

thump thump——

The high-speed thinking was interrupted, and the white eyes suddenly opened. Ryosuke's indifferent eyes directly penetrated the wooden door and saw the situation outside the house.

Afterwards, his indifferent gaze slowly retracted and became soft.


Ryosuke shouted to the people outside the house, and he heard it.

Quickly put away the two scrolls and put them back to their original places.

He turned off the lamp and went to the door.

Gently turning the door handle, Ryosuke opened the door.

Outside the house, the girl's long lavender hair fluttered with the airflow when the door opened.

Hinata's eyes widened and she raised her head high to watch Ryosuke's face.

"Ryo... Ryosuke, you've grown taller."

Seeming to be naturally alert to the study, her voice became quieter and her tone was extremely cautious.

Although it was only three days, it seemed like it had been a long time since we hadn't seen each other.

"Ang, something happened recently, and I have grown a lot taller." Ryosuke lowered his head, looked at Hinata, who was a head shorter, chuckled Kaidō, and reached out to pat her small head.

Then, he turned his gaze to the night outside the house, "So it's already night?"

There are no windows in the study room, and only the desk lamp provides the light source in the dim room. He was immersed in his thoughts and did not develop his perception. He didn't realize that it had passed so much just now.

With half-closed eyes, Hinata enjoys petting like a kitten, "Aunt Aunt said you have been out once, let me ask you if you have dinner."


Ryosuke nodded, retracted the palm on her head and walked outside.

And behind him, Hinata seemed to be in a good mood, bouncing along beside him.

"What have you been doing these days? My father won't let us see you, and won't tell us why. Hanabi and I are very worried about you."

"Because the practice has reached a relatively important stage, I need a relatively quiet environment to do some insights. I'm sorry that I didn't explain it to you in advance, which made you worry."

"It's okay... But during your absence, a lot of things happened in school. That Uzumaki Naruto turned out to be so good. In the recent practical course, he won the first place. I can't even beat him!"

"But the main thing is that Uchiha Sasuke didn't attend class, and something seems to happen at home..."

While chatting and listening to Hinata tell interesting things about the school, they walked towards the cafeteria.

Did Naruto take the first place?

Ryosuke was a little surprised, after all, he had never fought against Naruto, let alone watched him make a move.

His impression of him is temporarily limited to the tail of the crane in the original book, and the top three theoretical courses in the current timeline.

Although he knows that Naruto's personality has changed a lot from the original timeline, but he doesn't know his actual strength.

Unconsciously, he asked a few more questions.

"The main thing is that Naruto's Wind Style ninjutsu is very powerful."

Hinata said distressedly: "I haven't learned Eight Trigrams Air Palm yet, just relying on Gentle Fist, I can't get close."

"And he seems to have plenty of Chakra. He uses all kinds of ninjutsu continuously, and I don't know Revolving Heaven. Even if I see his technique through the eyes, I can't make a good response."

"In addition, his physical skills are actually not weak, and his physical fitness is much higher than ordinary people..."

"It sounds like...he has a comprehensive grasp of his strength."

Listening to Hinata's narration, Ryosuke was a little surprised, but thinking about it carefully, the difference between the current Naruto and the original book is quite big.

Under his guidance, Naruto now often pesters Third Hokage.

Although there is no formal apprenticeship, in fact, Third Hokage's guidance to him is no different from that of his own disciples.

Naruto's own talent is good, but because of the influence of Nine Tails Chakra, he is very clumsy in control and cannot use ninjutsu well.

Now, with the guidance of Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is a doctor of ninjutsu, it seems inevitable that his strength will surpass his peers.

Thanks to the book friends Shaohualuojin and Daguzhuotang for their reward and support. I recommend you to advance to Wuwuwu, Qiuqiu follow-up reading, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards. If everything goes well, you can see me in Sanjiang three weeks later .

(end of this chapter)

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