Chapter 7 Am I good looking qwq

Panic, at a loss.

Standing in front of the three of them, Hinata panicked.

This is different from what Ryosuke said, after she did what he said, the three guys in front of her didn't apologize to her.

For a moment, all kinds of emotions came to her heart, and fear and retreat once again occupied her heart.

Sweat dripped from his back unconsciously, and he wanted to lower his head, but Hinata found that he couldn't.

"Indeed, you are right."

She was surprised to find that she had spoken unconsciously, and her voice was as calm as before, without the panic expressed in her heart.

"It is indeed free to express one's own views on people, things, things, etc.."

"But it doesn't mean it's correct, especially talking about me in front of the person involved, that is, in front of me."

Staring flatly and indifferently at the three boys in front of her who were much taller than her, Hinata did not show the usual weakness. Although her tone was calm, it carried a certain edge.

This is an aura that she doesn't have as usual.

The boys, who were still laughing unscrupulously, suddenly became dazed, and looked at Hinata a little at a loss.

But she didn't stop her words because of their doubts, but continued to speak, "At first, I thought this was just a matter between us children, so I came to you and wanted you to apologize to me, Then act as if nothing happened.”

"But now I feel that it doesn't work to reason with you."

"Then after a while, I will visit your home and talk to your family members about this matter. After all, someone always needs to listen to me to explain this matter clearly. I believe your parents will be very happy at that time." Yes, let you apologize to me."


The three of them who were at a loss because of Hinata's sudden change, became anxious when they heard that they were looking for their parents.

But they just clenched their fists and planned to take a step forward.

"I advise you not to take your proud military power seriously. The two behind me are real Chūnin." Hinata's cold voice continued.

"I reminded you just now, as long as you don't take the initiative to do something, they won't do it. We Hyuga clan will not do things to bully children."

Along with her voice, Hyuga Zongji and Hyuga Xingcai, who stood behind her, who had been equally at a loss since just now, and had no idea what happened to their young lady, seemed to remember their mission.

Cooperatingly, he released the killing intent on his body, and stared at the three children coldly.

Their gazes were like the biting cold wind in winter, chilling the three children from head to toe, it was a kind of...unspeakable fear.

But compared to the two people behind, what scares them the most is the small figure in front of them.

They can be sure that the girl in front of her is definitely not the person she used to bully, she is definitely not the weak young lady of the Hyuga clan.

"Yes... sorry!"

The first person to bend down and bow his head was the child he met in the restaurant.

He seems to have a good relationship with his father, as can be seen from the meal just now.

But at the same time, he seemed to be very afraid of his father, and didn't want to cause trouble at home because of this matter.

"Sorry we were wrong."

Immediately afterwards, the other two apologized one after another.

And at this time, Hinata seemed to have returned to her original appearance, and waved her hands in a panic, "I...I accept your apology."

Her voice was soft, and she didn't have the domineering feeling she had a minute ago.

Hinata is in a daze now, she doesn't understand what happened in the whole process.

Of course she was conscious during the whole process, but it was more like a bystander's perspective, her body seemed to refute the three of them naturally, and then...

They lined up easily and bowed down in front of her to apologize.

Is this... really me?

When the three boys in front of him fled the park, Hinata raised his palm in confusion and looked at it with his head tilted.

Standing outside the park, the bulging veins around Ryosuke's eye sockets slowly subsided, returning to calm.

Of course, this matter could not be done by Hinata alone. From the beginning, he didn't think that Hinata could make the three children apologize with just one sentence.

If a person wants to change his personality, it needs a process that accumulates over time, and it is definitely not something that can be done in a day or with a piece of encouragement.

All the words Hinata said just now were spoken by Ryosuke relying on the illusion ability of his white eyes to control her consciousness.

And the fact that his white eyes have illusion ability is top secret, the less people know, the better.

So, when Hinata took Hyuga Soji and the two of them into the park, he didn't follow, but stayed outside the park to hide.

"Great job Hinata, well done."

Not stingy with his praise, Ryosuke strolled into the park and came to Hinata who was still a little dazed.

Facing Ryosuke's compliment, Hinata was very embarrassed, but his mind was still clear, and he approached his ear in a low voice and asked: "Ryo... Ryosuke-kun, did I do it just now? Didn't you... help me? "

"Of course you did it. Everyone here is watching, and you persuaded those three brats to apologize to you." Ryosuke chuckled Kaidō.

On the side, Hyuga Zongji was surprised, but also very happy to say, "Yes, Miss, you looked very handsome just now, and you look a bit like a patriarch."

"That's right, when the clan meeting was held before, the clan leader liked to train people like this."

Xingcai quickly agreed.

But the compliments of the two of them are definitely from the heart, and there is no flattering meaning.

Hinata's performance just now really surprised them.


Hinata blushed and wanted to explain what just happened, but she didn't know what happened.

But before she could say it, her hair was held down by a warm palm.

"You've done a good job. Look, you're actually very good, but you just lack a little self-confidence." Ryosuke's voice was gentle, and she swallowed back the words she was about to speak.

I was not confident at first, and thought that it was not what I did, so I was a little bit scattered.

Could it be... did you really do it yourself?

Hinata was full of doubts in his heart, but soon, he was distracted by the warm palm on his head.

"Don't lower your head, as the future patriarch of the Hyuga clan, you have to keep your head up at all times, looking straight at everyone in front of you, no matter what the situation is."

Ryosuke looked at the girl in front of him with half-closed eyes who was so comfortable in front of him with a smile, and stopped stroking, "It's almost time to go back, father should have returned from the meeting."

"All right……"

There was a lost Kaidō on Hinata's face.

But for some reason, she felt very comfortable in her heart, very...very excited.

She felt that she was slowly starting to become different.

And as soon as this thought came up, Hinata's gaze fell to the center, those people who had taken good care of her before.

They were also looking at her, as if they had been paying attention to what happened just now.

Facing her gaze, Shikamaru and the others nodded in a friendly manner.

In the face of their friendliness, she never dared to take the initiative to talk to others, let alone try things. At this moment, Hinata felt that she could do it, and she had the courage to try.

"Ryosuke-kun, please wait for me."

Hinata left a word, and under Ryosuke's puzzled eyes, trotted to Shikamaru and the others.

"Hi there."

Greeted politely as always.


Shikamaru and the others responded politely, but they all looked at her with strange eyes.

"Although it's impolite to ask like this, I always care about this point. May I ask... am I ugly?"

Under that impulsiveness, Hinata, who came in front of several people, blurted out after asking this sentence, his head suddenly buzzed and began to congest.

She stood in front of several people with flushed cheeks, but she still held back and waited for an answer.

It's embarrassing, who would ask people so bluntly whether they look good or not, would they think I'm narcissistic.

But...but I really care about whether Ryosuke-kun praised me for being good-looking just to comfort me.

Those three guys said they were telling the truth, is it true, or like Ryosuke-kun said, they just have no aesthetic taste.


Sitting on the shoulders of the sculpture of Third Hokage, Ino couldn't help laughing out loud, the laughter was hearty.

Immediately afterwards, under Hinata's nervous gaze, she jumped down and landed firmly on the ground. Although Shikamaru had been warning them not to have too much contact with Hinata, she still couldn't help it now.

Coming in front of Hinata, Ino stretched out his palm and rubbed it on Hinata's hair, "It's beautiful, you look good, and you're also very cute."

While kneading, she also looked towards Ryosuke, "Is that your future husband? You look so sweet."

Her moves are from Ryosuke.

Just now, she saw such a scene from a distance, and somehow felt very sweet in her heart, which broke some of her cognition about emotions.

It's like... the hero and heroine in the romance stories I've seen in the past have an image.

(end of this chapter)

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