Chapter 74

Hyuga's clan is well protected because of the system.

Although they will also go to the battlefield, but that will only happen under extremely special circumstances.

As a ninja, Hyuga Hiashi was of course also on the battlefield when he was young.

And for his overall contribution to the war, he was awarded the status of Jōnin.

But... from the middle of the Third Ninja World War until now, he hasn't really been on the battlefield for a long time, and he hasn't even left the village a few times, being dragged down by various government affairs.

Guns that aren't sharpened often get rusted, and so do ninjas.

Gradually focusing on the family, he abandoned personal promotion, and focused on coordinating the rights and interests of the family and his status in the village.

These things consume his heart and strength.

Although Ryosuke is young, the two transformations have already made him stronger and stronger, and he has been improving.

Although Hyuga Hiashi is older and experienced, he is always lowering his own strength. In contrast, the age gap between the two is constantly being narrowed.

And on this point, Ryosuke is clear, and Hyuga Hiashi is equally clear.

"I have made a decision, do you want to challenge me?"

In the courtyard, sitting on the porch.

Hyuga Hiashi watches the red glow of the sunset while drinking tea.

As soon as Ryosuke returned home because of the wave issue, he explained to Hyuga Hiashi that he wanted to challenge him.

Without hesitation, Ryosuke said seriously to Kaidō: "Because of the land of waves, I will probably go there, so... I need to be qualified to leave the village."

"I guessed that you couldn't settle down, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Hyuga Hiashi seemed to have expected it, and put the tea cup in his hand on the plate next to him, "Okay, but you need to wait for me for a while."

He shifted his gaze from the setting sun to Ryosuke.

To be honest, being challenged so quickly gave him a feeling of being slighted.

Dazed for a moment, Ryosuke didn't understand what he meant, "You mean...we still need to make an appointment?"

"Of course, I need to take some time to prepare."

Hyuga Hiashi nodded, with a stiff smile on his serious face, "I haven't really done anything for a long time, my body is almost rusting."

"Since I told you, I will only allow you to leave the village if you defeat me."

"Naturally, it was about defeating me as a Jōnin, not me as the leader of the Hyuga clan."

Although the job title is different, Ryosuke understands what he means now.

"How long do you need...?"

he hesitated and asked.

Because he was not sure when the clansmen sent to the country of Bo would be able to hear the news clearly, so he hoped to make his father feel at ease as soon as possible.

"One week."

Hyuga Hiashi stretched out a finger, "Since I mentioned this to you, I have been adjusting my body, and it is almost the same now."

"Although there is no way to play to the peak state when I was fighting on the battlefield, from the perspective of ninja position, I have been able to play a level that a Jōnin should have."

"I look forward to fighting with you."

Facing the serious Hyuga Hiashi, Ryosuke also had a smile on his face, "About our appointment, let's not tell Hinata and them, lest they worry."

For this face-saving father, he can only do his best to cooperate.


Hyuga Hiashi nodded with a gesture.

The father and son looked at each other and smiled, and both saw the excitement in each other's eyes...

Although the Kingdom of Waves is a small vassal country of the Kingdom of Fire, it is ultimately on the border of the Kingdom of Fire.

If you want to reach the border from Konoha Village and start at full speed, the time required is not short.

In just one week, Ryosuke can still afford to wait.'s not a wait.

Under Hyuga Hiashi's serious attitude, he couldn't help feeling pressure rising in his heart.

Jōnin's strength, he has been exposed to in previous battles.

In Konoha Village, there are three levels of ninjas.

Genin, Chūnin, Jōnin.

And these three levels, the rule of distinction is not pure strength, but considering the overall comprehensive quality.

Genin, most of them are ninjas who have just graduated, similar to so-called interns. They have neither strength nor rich combat experience, nor a relatively perfect state of mind, and are easily affected by many emergencies.

So at this stage, ninjas are mostly in groups of three, led by a veteran Jōnin to perform tasks.

And Chūnin is an official ninja who has left the internship stage.

At this stage, each ninja already has certain strength and combat experience, and the most important thing is to have a certain ability of independent judgment when performing tasks.

As for the village, in addition to the job of shadow, Jōnin, the highest ninja rank, needs to have the ability to complete tasks independently.

Most of the time, Jōnin receives and completes tasks independently.

They can face most emergencies without a companion.

Rich combat experience and perfect combat awareness allow Jōnin to have extremely sharp thinking in combat. They can have combat intuition similar to the sixth sense and avoid many troubles and injuries.

It's like Ryosuke was facing Uchiha's Jōnin back then.

Whether it was a surprise attack, or a follow-up attack with Xingcai and the others, this Jōnin always reacted extremely quickly to the enemy.

If it weren't for the two companions who dragged him down and affected his mood again and again, if he was alone, Ryosuke and the others would not be easy to hunt down, and they might be escaped by him.

At that time, Ryosuke had two ninja helpers who were close to Jōnin level, Xingcai and Zongji, but due to assessment reasons, they temporarily stayed at the Chūnin stage.

But this time, he will face a Jōnin alone.

Although this Jōnin is a spear that has not seen blood for a long time and is rusted with Madara Madara, but according to his father's words, he has already begun to polish it to let the rust fall off.

But... of course he still has a chance.

After all, the current Ryosuke is completely different from the Ryosuke at that time in terms of overall strength.

The inner Chakra began to surge, and the bluish-white eyes on his face became brighter.

To think of myself is to confront a Jōnin head-to-head.

Ryosuke couldn't help being a little excited in his heart, and couldn't restrain his excitement.


Accompanied by the surging mood, the coercion that has already made perfect was compressed to Ultimate, and the ground within one meter beside Ryosuke formed a circular gully amidst the huge roar.

Standing on a tiny rock pillar, Ryosuke glanced at the deeply sunken ravine under his feet, "It has been able to cast it immediately, if it is in the case of sufficient Chakra, it can almost replace Revolving Heaven and become a new Absolute defense."

The ravine is about a few meters deep, and it is coercion that compresses the range to Ultimate, the maximum power he can display at present.

(end of this chapter)

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