Konoha: I Turned On The Limiter In Ninja World

Chapter 77 Ninja's Reaction Speed

Chapter 77 Ninja's reaction speed

"No rules, no limits, until it knocks me out of the fight."

A dark forest that is not illuminated by the sun.

Ryosuke and Hyuga Hiashi stand opposite each other like two tall pines and cypresses standing straight.

Since he has not yet become a ninja, Ryosuke only wears ordinary body armor.

And Hyuga Hiashi, instead of wearing a loose kimono as usual, put on a special Jōnin vest made by Konoha Village, and even tied up his hair tightly. He changed his previous arrogant and majestic posture, giving him a murderous feeling.

"So...have you started?"

Although it is said that the battle between ninjas is the winner is king, no matter what method is used.

But after all, it was his father on the opposite side, and Ryosuke also wanted to defeat him openly, so he took the initiative to ask a question.

Without getting an answer, Hyuga Hiashi had disappeared on the spot in the next second after he glanced at him indifferently.

Chakra surged in his body, and his figure had already appeared in front of Ryosuke in the blink of an eye.

And the white eyes on his face had already been opened in the process of moving.

"Eight Trigrams, sixty-four palms."

Just like a mirror.

When Hyuga Hiashi's figure approached, Ryosuke blocked it with the same movement.

His white eyes also opened in an instant.


bang bang——

There was a dull beating sound.

After the second metamorphosis, although Ryosuke is young, the height gap with Hyuga Hiashi is not too big.

The movements of the two waved their palms with an overlap of nearly 90%, and the remaining 10% was when they were aware of the opponent's attack rhythm and corrected their own moves.

The attacks as dense as water droplets collided with each other, and the airflow, with the sound of collision between flesh and blood, centered on the two of them, turned into a cyclone and spread in all directions.


The branches and leaves of the dense forest wailed, and large pieces fell to the ground, but none of them flew within the attack range of Ryosuke and the two of them.

Neither of them opened their mouths, they silently observed each other's demeanor, while predicting the movement while blocking the opponent's attack.

In less than a minute, they have tried to swing more than a hundred palms at each other, but unfortunately, they failed to press the first palm on each other's body to cut off the flow of Chakra in each other's body.

But that doesn't mean the battle will end in a draw.

The two sides seem to be fighting back and forth, but in fact, Ryosuke's heart is slowly relaxing and sinking.

Hyuga Hiashi, on the other hand, frowned and became more dignified.


Seventy percent...

Staring blankly at Hyuga Hiashi in front of him, the white eyes in Ryosuke's eyes locked on all his movements.

Swinging one palm after another, he tried to counterattack while blocking his father's attack.

The strength of the whole body is improved little by little during the movement, slowly allowing himself to enter the best fighting state.

Because he didn't know his father's ways and had no real experience in fighting him with all his strength, Ryosuke didn't use his full strength at first, but held back his strength.

While observing his father's attack, he was also trying to numb his nerves.

With white eyes, and in such a close combat situation.

They can stare at each other firmly, no matter the external actions or the inner flow of Chakra, they cannot avoid the insight and perspective of these eyes.

So, none of them use ninjutsu.

The interlacing of palms and palms, this kind of pure martial arts makes this battle a bit less like a battle between ninjas, and more like a duel between martial artists and fighters.

Although there are many ways to win head-on, Ryosuke wants to use physical skills, so he is waiting for a blow that will be fatal and end the battle.

He could feel that the strength of Hyuga Hiashi was weakening, but his own strength was constantly increasing.

Because I used all my strength from the beginning, did the momentum weaken when the offensive was fruitless?

Although I have some doubts in my heart, because the strength and speed displayed by Hyuga Hiashi, it seems that there is not much difference from the previous sparring with him.

However, this does not affect Ryosuke's explosive strength.

There were no extra words, the expression on his face remained unchanged, but the moment the palm was swung out, it was suddenly covered with substantial Chakra.

The dark blue Chakra condenses into the shape of a lion in his hands, which is a secret technique passed down from generation to generation by the Hyuga clan. It requires proficient mastery of Chakra's shape change to use the Soft Step Double Lion Fist.

The moves have changed, and the strength has been upgraded to Ultimate.

With a single palm swing, Ryosuke's boiling substantial Chakra brought a gust of wind and swept it towards Hyuga Hiashi.

But this sudden change relieved Hyuga Hiashi's frown.

As if he had been waiting for this scene for a long time, he did not avoid this majestic palm, instead of retreating, he changed his fighting direction with extremely subtle movements, and also swung a palm towards Ryosuke.

His speed and strength have also improved, just now Hyuga Hiashi is also hiding his ability value!

However, his action is not to avoid Ryosuke's attack, but to exchange injuries for injuries.

Dodge the attack and fight back at the same time. Doing this will reduce the success rate of many successful counterattacks to win.

Therefore, he chose to exchange for the more core Chakra flow point in Ryosuke's abdomen at the cost of intercepting the flow of Chakra on his left arm.

During the battle, the thinking flexibility of the two of them was beyond usual. Although the thinking time seemed to be a long time, in fact, only a second passed.

Whether it's Ryosuke or Hyuga Hiashi, the expressions on their faces have not changed at all for the next palm that is about to hit each other.

With a cold face, they looked at each other.

Since he wanted to surprise him just now, the range of motion Ryosuke swung this palm is naturally not small.

It was too late to change his actions at this time.

But... it is not uncommon to exchange minor injuries for major injuries.

Although he didn't expect Hyuga Hiashi to be so reckless in the battle with him, Ryosuke still did enough mental preparation that he might encounter such an enemy in the future.


It is definitely too late to use Revolving Heaven, but Baiyan's coercive ability is already handy for Ryosuke today.

Immediately, the Chakra in Ryosuke's body surged and converged towards the eye sockets.

His white eyes gleamed with a trace of translucent light.

At this time, Hyuga Hiashi, who was originally calm, also reacted immediately. He gave up the palm that might end the battle, and galloped back.

His Body Flicker Technique reached Ultimate at this moment, and in less than a second, he had already retreated more than ten meters away.

But also in the blink of an eye, there was a sudden roar around Ryosuke.

The dust scattered, and the gravel shot in all directions like stray bullets.

Although Hyuga Hiashi's reaction is already very fast, even though Chakra attached to the bottom of his feet has reached Ultimate, as a Jōnin, his reaction power, physical skills, and ninjutsu have all been brought to Ultimate at this moment.

But unfortunately, he never had time to withdraw from this area before the coercion came down.

As if being crushed by a boulder, Hyuga Hiashi who was running was crushed to the ground with a bang, and he only felt that the bones all over his body were creaking.

In the next second, a palm covered the back of his neck, "Father, I won."

Ryosuke's regretful voice sounded, the battle only lasted less than five minutes.

(end of this chapter)

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