Chapter 96 The Ignored Fact

Because it is something that has already been decided synchronously, it doesn't take a lot of time.

Before the first half of the night was over, Hyuga Hiashi went back to his room to rest a little bit unbearably.

Although what he experienced was not an extremely dangerous battlefield, from yesterday to today, he has been negotiating with the high-level officials in the village and forcibly recording various information.

This kind of high-intensity operation of the mind consumes no more energy and pressure than stalking and killing any enemy on the battlefield.

Father left first, Ryosuke and Hinata did not leave the study immediately, but talked about the content of the synchronization just now.

Every time the three of them gathered in the study to discuss some important matters, Ryosuke always needed to spend some time explaining to Hinata after the conclusion.

Although children in this world are very precocious, and Hinata is even more precocious, but after all, experience and experience are there.

She couldn't understand many things, so she could only write them down silently and ask Ryosuke later.

Over time, this habit has developed.

"The upper echelons of the village can only accommodate people centered on the village. You should be able to tell from the past employment records in the village."

"So, if we take down the real power of the guard, it is not a good thing. Although we may be very comfortable before the alliance is reached, as time goes by, we are likely to be targeted."

"This possibility is unpredictable, so instead of betting that the people in the village will be scruples, it is better to start with other aspects to reduce conflicts of interest..."

While explaining to Hinata, Ryosuke gathered his thoughts.

This process can be regarded as a replay, or it can be said that it is more intuitive to make one's thinking clear through language description.

Hinata listened silently, memorized it in her head, and didn't take notes to prevent these things from leaking out.

After Ryosuke's own thinking became clear and he fully absorbed all the information learned today, Hinata also understood Hyuga's position in Konoha, and Ryosuke and his father's grasp of the situation in the ninja world.

She understands though, Ryosuke is talented.

I also know that my father and the others have been hiding this matter, giving Ryosuke time to grow up.

Perhaps when Ryosuke grows up, the situation in Konoha Village will change drastically.

But she didn't know how complicated the process was.

In Hinata's previous thinking, isn't this something that can be done by hiding and not having much contact with other people?

It wasn't until now that she saw clearly that if they wanted to grow steadily, they had to hold certain things in their hands.

"It always feels like Ryosuke and his father think more than other ninjas."

After hesitating for a while, Hinata couldn't help but said: "Others are thinking about how to fight for their interests, how to become stronger, but your direction seems to be not here..."

Compared to becoming stronger, compared to embezzling benefits, the intuitive goal of controlling power.

She even felt that the direction of Ryosuke and the two seemed to be more complicated, becoming a bit less like a ninja.

"Being able to see this shows that you have really grown up."

Ryosuke looked at her with a chuckle, and asked, "What level do you think your father's strength in the clan is?"

He is relieved that Hinata can see this aspect of things.


After pondering for a moment, Hinata was a little uncertain about Kaidō: "The first one should be Ryosuke."

As the patriarch, his father is of course the strongest in the clan.

But she noticed that a wound suddenly appeared on her father's body some time ago.

It is not a simple matter that the patriarch's father was injured, and the person who caused all this can only be Ryosuke, and only he has this opportunity.

Correspondingly, Ryosuke was normal in those few days. From these details, she speculated that Ryosuke's strength may be higher than that of her father.

Unfortunately, she guessed wrong.

Ryosuke shook his head, "Based on actual combat strength, father's strength is only ranked sixth in the clan."

"Of course, I haven't seen many people take action. I just rely on some intelligence judgments. The actual ranking may be lower."

Not to mention other people, Hyuga Hizashi who went to the country of waves with him before, and the actual combat power of Hyuga Iroha are definitely better than Hyuga Hizashi.

While he doesn't think any Jōnin in his clan is capable of defeating his father, he feels that most Jōnin should be able to.

The premise is that Caged Bird is not used.

" is it possible?"

Hinata frowned suspiciously, a little disbelieving, "Father is the patriarch..."

"It doesn't mean that the patriarch is the strongest."

Shaking his head regrettably, Ryosuke stood up from his seat and strolled to the bookshelf, "I remember I told you once that being the head of a clan requires more than just combat power."

"To become a qualified patriarch, the abilities required include, but are not limited to, the ability to strategize and rule, and the willingness to dedicate everything to the family, and the idea of ​​putting the interests of the family first, is also essential."

While talking, he took out a scroll from the bookshelf and threw it to her, "This is a message from a Jōnin named Hyugata in the clan, and it contains his father's evaluation of him, you can read it. "

Hinata was stunned, and just about to speak, another scroll came oncoming.

In a hurry, she first put the scroll in her hand on the table, and then quickly reached out to catch the flying scroll.

"This is a Jōnin named Hyuga Fire Gate..."

"You have met this Hyuga, who was your bodyguard before..."

Scroll after scroll, five full scrolls, all recorded information about a Jōnin.

Among them, there is also the evaluation of the father.

It is not difficult for Hinata to see from the evaluation and the actual task records of each Jōnin that they are stronger than their father.

"Is this... right?"

Although he doesn't have great strength, he can control people who are stronger than himself. This is a situation that Hinata has never thought about.

She has always felt that the reason why her father is the patriarch is because he is the most powerful.

But now, that idea is broken.

Hinata discovered a problem that she had been inadvertently ignoring all along.

"Does this mean that... just because I am a clan from birth, then I am the heir of the future clan head of Hyuga, even if I am not the strongest ninja, even if I don't have enough talent, everyone has to listen to me of."

Hinata tilted her head and looked at Ryosuke strangely, "Ryosuke, I think we are very strange, why do we, Hyuga, not rely on our excellent talents to elect the patriarch, but rely on...blood?"

"If there is a bad patriarch in any generation, wouldn't our Hyuga be messed up?"

Facing her puzzled gaze, Ryosuke was a little complicated. When he heard her first sentence, he thought that Hinata would take it for granted.

But unexpectedly, as a party enjoying this system, she would refute that there are loopholes in this system.

Thanks to book friends Messy Memories o, King of Introverted_Dream Eater for their reward and support.

(end of this chapter)

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