Chapter 91 Thousands of Hands (Part 2)

“The wood escapes, and the tree world is born! ”

On the ground below Ye Yu, a large number of branches and vines knotted like giant dragons broke out of the ground and grew crazily.

A group of older Konoha ninjas looked at the scene in front of them. They were all dumbfounded, and their hearts were filled with confusion. A stormy sea arose。

“This is… the first Hokage’s secret wood escape technique! ! !”

“Why? Why did Ye Yu escape?”

“what on earth is it?”


These older Konoha ninjas are the same generation as the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Among them, there were many who had witnessed the first Hokage releasing his wood escape when they were young.

At this moment, looking at the scene of a large number of branches and vines breaking out of the ground, they actually had the illusion that time and space were confused, and they were dreaming back to the past.

They looked at Ye Yu who was standing in the sky with his palms together. His body shape was vaguely overlapped with that of the First Hokage.。

“Unexpectedly, one day I would witness Mu Dun with my own eyes! ”

While the Konoha ninjas were shocked, a large number of branches and vines appeared under their feet.

But under Ye Yu’s control, these branches and vines did not attack them.

They stood on the growing branches and vines, As if standing on the crest of the undulating waves, the figure is constantly rising and falling。


Compared to the other Konoha ninjas, the treatment of the Kumo ninjas was not that good.

Seeing the large number of branches and vines sweeping over the sky like a huge wave, the cloud ninjas were extremely horrified.。

“This is the Wood Release of the First Hokage!”

“The scope is also too large。”

“There’s no place to hide。”

“Don’t think about evading, hurry up and support Raikage-sama! ”

A guard of the Raikage overcame the fear in his heart and took the lead in charging towards where the Third Raikage was.

Someone took the lead in charging, and other Kumo ninjas also reacted and chased after them.

The Third Raikage was the first to charge. Yes, he was also the fastest.

In front of the huge waves of branches and vines, the Third Raikage was leading the way.

Running at high speed, his figure was like a spear with lightning attached, directly facing the “big wave” They collided together.

Bang bang bang…

A large number of thick branches and vines broke under the brutal collision of the “thunder spear”.

But soon, those broken branches and vines grew back and moved toward the third generation. Raikage attacked。


Not long after the Third Raikage plunged into the sea of trees, a group of Raikage guards followed and met the “big wave” head-on.

They are not the Third Raikage.

Facing the branches and vines “flying all over the sky”, they could only use the swords in their hands to cut them down.

But the thick branches and vines were far tougher than they imagined.

A sword slash can only penetrate three points into the wood.

The branches and vines are not painful or itchy.

Soon, one of the Thunder Shadow guards was tied up by the branches and vines that came from all directions.

Ah –

then, amidst screams, the Thunder Shadow guard who was tied up by branches and vines was strangled by the branches and vines.。

“So… so strong! ”

A Konoha ninja standing on the branches and vines saw that in just a dozen breaths, all the Raikage guards were “squeezed” to death by the branches and vines. His heart was filled with emotion and his eyes were shining.。

“Of course,

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] this is Wood Escape! ”

The older Konoha ninja next to him said something proudly, and then looked in the direction of Ye Yu.。

“The two adults of the second generation and the third generation spent so much effort trying to recreate the glory of the first generation, but they failed.。”

“Unexpectedly, Ye Yu mastered it silently!”

“What a genius! ”

After sighing in his heart, he turned his attention to the Third Raikage.

He saw the Third Raikage, who was wrapped in thunder armor, rushing left and right, constantly destroying the branches and vines around him.。

“If we stay here, we can only drag Ye Yu down.。”

“withdraw! ”

Although the Raikage guard gate was killed by Ye Yu in one go,

there are still a large number of cloud ninjas who are fighting Konoha ninjas in other places.

They are going to support other Konoha ninjas.。


Ye Yu stood in the sky, looking down at the Third Raikage who was working hard to “cut down” trees below.

His joined hands suddenly let go.

At the same time, his figure also slowly descended, and finally landed on a thick branch and vine.。

“So that’s it, is this the strongest spear? ”

Ye Yu’s pair of Mangekyō Sharingan has already seen through the movement of all the chakra in the body of the Third Raikage’s “Ipkan Hand”. Please give me flowers. This means that he has already used the


Raikage’s “Ipkan Hand”. “Hand” was copied。

“The poison that descended from the Flower and Tree Realm may have a limited impact on the Third Raikage even if he is prepared.。”

“Just open it up! ”

Ye Yu thought in his mind and began to absorb the natural energy around him.

Soon, Ye Yu entered the immortal mode.

Before the third generation thunder shadow in the tree world had finished cutting down all the remaining branches and vines, Ye Yu’s legs A sudden slap of the palm。

“Immortal magic, really thousands of hands! ”

Buzz –

the next second, the entire scene where Konoha and the Kumo ninja army were located, the ground began to shake.。

“what happened?”

“Why did the ground start shaking? ”

The Konoha ninjas and Cloud ninjas who were fighting were all in shock and confusion.

Soon, in their horrified eyes, a huge thing rose from the ground. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Because they were too close, they

could not see clearly the whole picture of this huge thing that suddenly rose from the ground.

All they could see were hands.

Incomparably huge wooden hands, densely arranged. Together, they form a “high mountain””

“What on earth is this? ”

All the Konoha ninjas and Cloud ninjas who were fighting stopped and looked up one after another.

Looking at the big guy covering the sky in front of them, they all involuntarily shook their dry throats and their legs couldn’t stop shaking.。


A few kilometers away, Sarutobi Hiruzen and other Konoha ninjas were rushing towards the battlefield.

Suddenly, at the end of their field of vision, a huge figure rose slowly。

“Hokage-sama, something appears in front of you! ”

Next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, a Konoha ninja reminded him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his eyes and looked up.

From where they were, they could clearly see the full view of the huge thing.

I saw that it was a A huge Buddha statue surrounded by wooden hands。[]

The moment he saw the huge Buddha statue, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt as if he had been struck by lightning.。

“Are those… the first generation’s true thousands of hands?”

“How can this be?”

(There is a brother urging me to update, there will be another update soon! people).

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