Konoha: I’m Really Not A Bad Person

105. I Am Boiling, And I Must Make Lin Laugh Again (20 Monthly Tickets Will Add More Updates)

Kakashi stared at Obito with dead eyes.

"Obito, I'm not stopping you from entering Anbu, but are you sure you are suitable to join Anbu?"

As a ninja of Konoha, everyone is familiar with the Anbu organization.

Anbu's ninjas pay attention to obeying orders. After putting on the mask, they need to completely hide their identity and suppress their personal emotions.

Transformed into a sword in the hands of Hokage, everything is based on completing the mission.

This is simply a kind of torture for the restless Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Obito understood what Kakashi meant and smiled wistfully.

"Forget it then. I thought about it and I'll just hang out with Hokage-sama. Kakashi, let me tell you, Hokage-sama values ​​me very much!"

Uchiha Obito couldn't help but start showing off again.

"Hokage-sama is super charming. I think he is even more charming than Minato-sensei. He is also very generous with his actions. Only Hokage can read the sealed book. Hokage-sama also allows me to learn the ninjutsu on it. And... "

Obito kept talking for a long time and showed no interest in seeing Kakashi. He gradually closed his mouth and lost interest.

Then, Uchiha Obito ignored Kakashi and turned his attention back to Nohara Lin.

I don’t know why, but Uchiha Obito looks at Nohara Rin now and feels that Nohara Rin looks much better than before.

My skin is better, my temperament is more mature, and I am more feminine.

Every glance and smile makes Uchiha Obito particularly obsessed.

At this time, Uchiha Obito also noticed the disappointment at the corner of Nohara Lin's mouth, and felt a little sad in his heart.

'It seems that ever since that incident happened, Lin has never smiled again.

Uchiha Obito couldn't help but think back to that rainy night.

If Uchiha Suke hadn't arrived in time that day, Kakashi almost killed Nohara Lin.

However, Obito didn't understand why Lin hadn't come out yet even though the matter was over and had a happy ending. Seeing Lin frowning beautifully, Obito felt particularly distressed.

He, Uchiha Obito, wanted to make Rin smile again.

However, Uchiha took the lead and tried every means, and Nohara Lin did not have any mood swings.

Even Nohara Rin didn't even look at him most of the time, which made Uchiha Obito feel a little discouraged.

After all, when he was acting weird before, he could still arouse Lin's anger, but now he doesn't even have the anger anymore.

Lin looked at him as if she were a stranger.

Uchiha Obito felt very uncomfortable in this way.

'No, I must find a way to make Lin smile again. If she looks sad like this, she will definitely not have enough to eat and sleep well. If she doesn't get enough rest, she will get sick easily. If she falls ill, then I will feel even more distressed. .

In a daze, Uchiha Obito suddenly remembered an image.

'No, Lin hasn't laughed at all since that incident, she has also laughed!"

Obito recalled the scene when Rin was rescued by Uchiha Suke.

Although it was a bit indecent for him and Kakashi to be hung in the air by a rope at that time, there were a few moments when Nohara Rin showed a shy smile when she was in Uchiha Suke's arms.

'At that time...what was Lin laughing about?'

‘It can’t be because I’m in Uchiha Suke’s arms, right?”


‘Lin didn’t know Uchiha Suke before, so how could she laugh just because she was in his arms?

Uchiha Obito interrupted this train of thought instantly.

‘Why are you smiling? Is it the joyful smile after being rescued?

'If that's the case, Lin shouldn't be depressed all the time now. ’

'What on earth is Lin laughing about?'

Uchiha Obito looked a little sad.

In annoyance, Uchiha Obito couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, I felt the sadness that a young man should not have.


Uchiha Obito saw a bird flying over his head, and a flash of light suddenly appeared in his mind.

"I know, I know."

If it weren't for the above reasons, it would be because Nohara Rin was flying in the air, so she smiled.

0...Please give me flowers...0

Flying is free and happy!"

‘In other words, if I can make Lin fly again, I will definitely be able to make Lin regain her beautiful smile.

After understanding the reason, Uchiha Obito regained his confidence and high morale!

However, he soon lost his temper again.

Because he can't fly.

Flying is an extremely rare thing for ninjas.

In Uchiha Obito's perception, it seems that Uchiha Suke is the only one in Konoha who can fly.

"Am I going to ask Uchiha Suke to take Lin to fly again?"

Uchiha Obito subconsciously wanted to rule out this idea.


He couldn't say why, he hated Uchiha Suke, it was a kind of rejection from his soul, as if Uchiha Suke would take something away from him.

However, Uchiha Obito saw Lin frowning all the time. From the time they came to the Ichiraku ramen stall together, Lin had barely moved a chopstick, and Obito felt even more distressed.

Uchiha Obito began to do ideological work for himself.

‘If it really doesn’t work, if it really doesn’t work, I’ll go and beg Uchiha Suke, no, I’ll beg Hokage’s assistant, Tenjin.

'As long as I am sincere, Assistant Hokage is such a good person, he shouldn't reject me, right?'

‘Let Assistant Hokage take Lin to fly again, then Lin will be very happy!”

‘Maybe Lin will be able to get out of the shadow of the war and return to her previous self. ’

'Soon, Master Hokage will be able to restore my body to its original state, so that everything will be back to what it once was.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito stood up directly and ate without even caring about the food.

"Lin, I have thought of a way to make you happy. Just wait for me to come back."

The author has a hunch that the number of monthly tickets in October will exceed 20.

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