Konoha: I’m Really Not A Bad Person

127. Everything Is For, Uchiha Itachi (2Nd Update)

over time,

Uchiha Suke looked at Uchiha Fugaku, his eyes gradually became subtle.

When Uchiha Suke was in Jōnin school, Uchiha Mikoto married Uchiha Fugaku and the family moved away.

At that time, Uchiha Suke didn't have any romantic feelings for Uchiha Mikoto, and it was impossible to have them. They were too young.

I just felt that Uchiha Mikoto was the only sister who was kind to him after his parents died.

But, it's different now.

After Uchiha Suke knew that Uchiha Mikoto was his woman, he felt unhappy with Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Suke now just wants to kill Uchiha Fugaku with a knife, that is his sister!

The murderous look in Uchiha Suke's eyes could not be concealed at all. Uchiha Fugaku noticed it and spoke quickly.

"Assistant Hokage, I have never touched Uchiha Mikoto, not even her hands."

Uchiha Suke laughed directly after hearing this, "Chief Fugaku, do you think I am a three-year-old child? Do you think I believe it or not?"

Although Uchiha Suke thinks that what Uchiha Fugaku said about him being a eunuch should not be false. After all, no man would take the initiative to say that about himself. In the real situation, men will exaggerate. If they are 5cm, they say they are 15cm, and if they are 15cm, they say they are 28, unless it is true.

But just because the eunuch has lost the ability to do that kind of thing, it doesn't mean that he is no longer lewd.

Didn’t the ancient royal palace still have the word ‘taishi’?

From Uchiha Fugaku's description just now, it is not difficult to see that Uchiha Fugaku must like Uchiha Mikoto, otherwise he would not have opened Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Assistant Hokage, I don't know how to make you believe it, but please don't forget that I am the leader of the first family in the ninja world. As the leader of the Uchiha clan, I have my own pride, and I will not allow the Uchiha clan to Being stigmatized because of me.”

"What I trusted and wanted most was power, but after gaining power, I realized that what I really wanted was already by my side."

"To be honest, if Itachi wasn't still young, I wouldn't want to live."

Uchiha Fugaku said dejectedly, as if he had lost his energy for a moment.

The Uchiha clan gains strength through love, but also loses love through strength.

Then Uchiha Fugaku raised his head and looked at Uchiha Suke with a complicated expression. "Whether you believe it or not, over the years, when I was with Uchiha Mikoto, I used genjutsu to fool her so that she didn't notice anything was wrong."

"This illusion is similar to the Narakumi Technique. The difference is that the Narakumi Technique is about seeing the thing that scares you, while the illusion I use is about seeing the person you love."

Uchiha Suke was quite surprised. He was so young at that time and didn't expect his sister.

No wonder, when I was a child I always played...

Thinking of this, Uchiha Suke felt extremely ashamed and angry!

Sister Mikoto, wait!

Uchiha Fugaku did not notice the change in Uchiha Suke's eyes and continued.

"To tell you the truth, even if I lose my ability to be a man, I have thought about having Uchiha Mikoto, but when I use genjutsu, all Mikoto calls me is you."

"That kind of stimulation made me feel like I had been splashed with cold water. It made me feel terrible about my inferiority complex. I only dared to look at it from a distance. Do you understand that feeling?"

To be honest, Uchiha Suke already believed it after hearing this.

However, he didn't understand Uchiha Fugaku's mood, nor did he want to understand.

It was because of this incident that Uchiha Suke finally understood why Uchiha Fugaku always felt unhappy with him and always hated and hated himself.

You must know that before this, he was just an insignificant member of the Uchiha clan, and he was still the kind of clan member with extremely poor talent. How could he receive special treatment that the clan leader hated?

Now all the problems are solved.

However, Uchiha still felt a little confused.

Ever since he met Mikoto-san when he last left Konoha, Uchiha Suke had the idea of ​​snatching Mikoto-san back from Techiha Fugaku.

So when Uchiha Fugaku was brought into the war later, he always treated Uchiha Fugaku coldly.

However, before he could take action, Fugaku surrendered.

Isn't this road just wide?

Uchiha Suke was thinking hard, but he never thought that the real situation was like this!

Seeing that Uchiha Suke didn't answer him for a long time, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but ask again.

"Assistant Hokage, please promise me to sleep with Mikoto one more time. Just once!"

However, Uchiha Suke did not nod.

"Chief Fugaku, is there something you haven't figured out yet? Now, Uchiha Mikoto is not your wife, she is my woman!"

"Don't you think there's something wrong with what you said?"

When Uchiha Fugaku heard this, his face instantly became extremely pale, and he subconsciously took half a step back.

After a long time, Uchiha Fugaku nodded in despair.

"Yes, Mikoto has never been mine, so who am I to ask you?"

However, Uchiha Fugaku also understood what Uchiha Suke meant at this time.

Uchiha Suke didn't agree to him, not because Uchiha Suke didn't sleep with Uchiha Mikoto.

But as Uchiha Suke is Uchiha Mikoto's man, sleeping with Uchiha Mikoto is a matter of course. Even if he doesn't say anything, Uchiha Suke will go to bed. 103

On the contrary, Uchiha Fugaku, as an outsider, is not qualified to ask or require Uchiha Suke to do anything.

However, this in itself is the result Uchiha Fugaku wants.

Although Uchiha Itachi is not his son, Uchiha Itachi was born to Uchiha Mikoto!

After so many years, Uchiha Fugaku has long regarded Uchiha Itachi as his own son, and is closer to him than his own son.

In this case, Itachi's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan will be found, and I will be content.

Uchiha Fugaku comforted himself in his heart.

Although the course of the matter was not as he expected before coming, fortunately the ending was quite the same.

"Assistant Hokage, in this case...I'm going to leave now. 1"

Achieving Purpose Uchiha Fugaku doesn't want to stay in this place any longer.

Here he revealed all the secrets he had hidden in his heart for more than ten years and tore apart his disguise. This was his sad place.

'But it's all for Itachi. '

Thinking of this,

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes became firm again...

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