Konoha: I’m Really Not A Bad Person

071. Sarutobi Hiruzen, You Are Old (1St Update)

The warm sun shines down,

Uchiha Suke's voice appeared in the ears of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Third Raikage along with the cool breeze.

After hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't think anything of it.

Uchiha Suke came at the right time. If it weren't for Uchiha Suke's arrival, Third Raikage would not have let go so easily.

Even though the reason why the Third Raikage decided to give up attacking Konoha was not because of the arrival of Uchiha Suke, it did make the Third Raikage calm down a lot.

However, Uchiha Suke's casual attitude made the Third Generation movie very unhappy.

It felt like he was afraid of Uchiha Suke, so he chose to stop.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, it seems that you are really in trouble. I didn't expect that the leader of Konoha would be replaced by such a frivolous young man."

Third Raikage sneered, and then looked at Uchiha Suke.

"One Two Seven" "Young man, we Cloud Shinobi are preparing to retreat, not because of your so-called reinforcements, nor because we are afraid of you Konoha, but because of our generosity, we have given you a way to survive!"

Although Third Raikage spoke with confidence, he glanced at Mizukage Yagura behind Uchiha Suke and Three Tails floating on the sea, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes inadvertently.

There are two decisive reasons why he is preparing to retreat. One is that he does not want to be the first bird, fearing that Rock Shinobi will gain nothing.

The second one was the arrival of Mizukage Yagura and Three Tails, which made him confused.

Sarutobi Hiruzen heard the voice of Third Raikage and smiled helplessly.

The coup in Konoha was unexpected not to mention other ninja villages. As a person involved, he is still confused about the matter.

Uchiha Suke seemed to appear out of nowhere.

And now behind him are Mizukage Yagura and Three Tails, giving Uchiha Suke a mysterious light.

When the Third Raikage eliminated Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Suke also led people to the center of the battlefield.

Forming a triangular opposition with the Konoha Shinobi led by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the Cloud Shinobi ninjas behind Third Raikage.

Uchiha Suke glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen casually, then looked at Third Raikage meaningfully.

"Whether you are afraid of Konoha or not, that is your business, but whether you can leave or not is up to me, Uchiha.

"Bold!" Third Raikage roared.

Then, Third Raikage turned to look at Sarutobi Hiruzen without even looking at Uchiha Suke.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, is this your attitude in Konoha?"

The bitter smile on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face became even stronger, "Third Raikage, please don't worry!"

Although Konoha has the power to fight to the death with Cloud Shinobi Village, not only Cloud Shinobi Village does not want to see this happen, Konoha also does not want to do this.

This is a last resort option.

In Sarutobi Hiruzen's opinion, Cloud Shinobi's retreat at this time is the best choice for Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to persuade Uchiha Suke.

"Uchiha Suke, words are not..."

However, as soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Uchiha.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen Jōnin, please call me Assistant Hokage. As the commander-in-chief of Konoha's front line, don't you know that you should have the due respect for me?"

Konoha's system is, Genin, Chūnin, Jōnin, Shadow.

The status of Shadow Assistant ranks third among Jōnin, second only to

After Sarutobi Hiruzen abdicated, he became the Jōnin of Konoha.

Mizukage Yagura was in a good mood after seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen being beaten by Uchiha Suke.

Since the war, he has been led by Uchiha Suke and feels very humiliated.

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen, the former Hokage and Third Generation player, is receiving the same treatment. He suddenly feels that what happened before is not so unacceptable.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless for a while, looking at the young Uchiha Suke holding a chicken feather as a token, he was speechless.

But the overall situation was more important, and Sarutobi Hiruzen endured it.

"Assistant Hokage, Third Raikage is the shadow of Cloud Shinobi Village, and we should respect him."

Uchiha Suke laughed directly after hearing this.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, when did Konoha need to respect its enemies? Didn't you see the bodies of the Konoha Shinobi lying around? Their deaths were all due to the invasion of Cloud Shinobi. They are the heroes of Konoha, now You want to tell me, let me respect Cloud Shinobi, is this what you mean?

Uchiha Suke said casually.

After hearing this, all the Konoha Shinobi around subconsciously clenched their fists.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke, they thought Sarutobi Hiruzen was right...

At this time, Konoha should really focus on appeasing Cloud Shinobi and let Cloud Shinobi retreat.

However, at this moment, they saw the dead bodies of Konoha Shinobi around them and looked at their former companions, and they fell silent.

'Yes, Cloud Shinobi is obviously an enemy, why should we respect him?'

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless and felt extremely awkward.

In the past, he liked to use his righteousness to suppress others, but he didn't expect that Uchiha would use his righteousness to suppress him.

At this moment, he seemed to be called a traitor in Konoha.

Feeling the questioning eyes of all the Konoha Shinobi people, I felt uncomfortable all over.

Of course he understands what Uchiha Suke said, but...the overall situation is more important.

Provoking Cloud Shinobi Village now will only plunge Konoha into the quagmire of war, and more companions will die by then.

It is better to let the living die than

It is better to let the dead die in their proper place.

I do this all for the living...

Sarutobi Hiruzen comforted himself in his heart, and then his eyes returned to determination.

"Assistant Hokage, I know you are young and vigorous, but the deceased has passed away, and we must consider the living.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen...." Uchiha Suke laughed disdainfully. Instead of answering Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, he turned to look at Third Raikage and continued, "You are indeed old."

Third Raikage met Uchiha Suke4.9's gaze, with a hint of menace flashing in his eyes.

"Assistant Hokage, I hear you are planning to keep us."

"It's funny, what are you relying on? Is it the Mizukage behind you, or the Three Tails?"

The appearance of Mizukage Shikura and the appearance of Three-Dimensional Isofu did make Third Raikage somewhat unexpected.

However, these two variables are not enough to make him back down.

If Uchiha Suke doesn't give a reasonable reason, he doesn't mind giving the young man a memory.


As soon as Uchiha Suke opened his mouth, Third Raikage was stunned......

I felt unwell yesterday,

Update (1)!

Please flowers, please flowers, please flowers!.

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