“finish watching? Quan was stunned for a moment, then raised her forehead and shook her head.

Then she asked directly:”Herbal medicines have four qi and five flavors. Which four qi are they?” What are the five flavors?”

This is the most basic theoretical knowledge in medicine books.

If you don’t even understand this, let alone reading medicine books, you won’t even be able to recognize many herbal medicines.

“The four qi, also known as the four properties, refer to the cold, hot, warm and cool properties of the medicine.

Xuanyu answered directly without thinking.

Then he added:”The five flavors refer to the pungent, sour, sweet, bitter and salty properties of the medicine.””

“In general, herbal medicines have different smells and tastes, and their curative effects are also different.”

His current theoretical research is comparable to that of a master of medicine. Such a simple question cannot trouble him at all.


I saw the pen in Quan’s hand falling on the table, and his expression looked very surprised.

She didn’t expect that Xuanyu could really answer this question, and that he would be so standard.

“Do you know this herbal medicine?”

She opened another herbal atlas. There were thousands of herbal medicines recorded in it. Most of them were recorded in the form of pictures, and a few were painted.

The herbal medicine she was referring to had no real pictures, just a few strokes.

Xuanyu glanced at it and said:”Mandala.”

“Its medicinal properties are toxic and it is mainly used as a sedative and can also relax muscles….Also, its son can treat insomnia”

“No, how can this have the effect of treating insomnia!”

Quan was surprised for a long time. Even she couldn’t recognize the herb based on the picture alone. But

Xuan Yu recognized it and could even tell the specific effect.

But she felt that Xuan Yu’s answer was a bit wrong.

Because There was no mention of Datura’s medicinal effect in treating insomnia in this atlas.

Hearing this, Xuan Yu just took out another medicine book and handed it over.

“Page 217, third line of the fifth paragraph, Datura does have the effect of treating insomnia, but the dosage needs to be paid attention to.”

Hearing this, Quan was shocked.

She immediately flipped through the book, and after a while she looked at Xuan Yu with shocked eyes.

“Do you even know which page and which line it is on?”

“is it hard? well enough.”

Xuan Yu smiled slightly.

Not to mention more than a dozen medicine books, he could easily memorize dozens more.

Quan was silent for a long time. She knew that she had misunderstood the other party. She was not trying to be cool but really had this strength.

“I have a few questions!”

Although Quan has been studying medicine by herself for a while, she still has a lot of confusion. She wants to ask Xuan Yu


Xuan Yu nodded and said you can ask whatever you want.

In the next half hour or so,

Quan asked a lot of puzzled questions. Some of them were just that she didn’t know enough about herbal medicines, and some were caused by inconsistencies in the records in different medicine books. In this regard, Xuan Yu also answered with all his knowledge.

In the end, Quan’s expression when he looked at Xuan Yu was no longer as cold as before, but there was a hint of admiration.

She is also very interested in medicine, which makes Quan feel like she has found him. During the relationship, she also learned the name of

Uchiha Xuanyu. Everyone around me is saying that there is a genius boy in the clan, and it seems that his name is Uchiha Genha

“Xuanyu, thank you!”

Finally, Quan bowed to express his gratitude.

If Xuanyu hadn’t helped her answer, I’m afraid she wouldn’t have been able to get out of her confusion for a long time.

“It’s okay, this can be considered my compensation.”

Xuan Yu scratched his head and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Quan’s reaction was not as big as before, but his cheeks still turned red, and when he finally turned around, his neck was all pink.

“I went back. Quan said softly

“oh oh”


Xuan Yu waved his hand to her.

The medicinal bath formula has been solved, and he still has to see if there is any ninjutsu that suits him.

After all, he only has the fireball technique now, and the attack method is too single.

It is best to learn it again A ninjutsu from another department.

However, when Xuanyu browsed the entire second floor, he found that there were no ninjutsu above C level.

Then he asked someone and found out that the second floor was for all Uchiha clan members. There are no restrictions on learning, so the level of ninjutsu is relatively low.

If you want to learn higher-level ninjutsu, you need to go to the third floor. There are only B-level and even A-level ninjutsu.

It’s just that you have permission to enter the third floor. It’s not casual. You can go in.

Uchiha people can get merit points for completing tasks. After accumulating merit points, they can go to the third floor to select a Ninjutsu scroll.

A B-level Ninjutsu scroll requires one hundred merit points.

Usually, it takes about a dozen C-level ones. Missions are all.

In addition to completing missions, you can also get merit points by joining the police department. The higher your position, the more merit points you will get.

Xuanyu is still just a ninja trainee and has no merit points at all, so he wants to go to the third floor. It is impossible to learn high-level ninjutsu

“Little brother, you probably haven’t graduated yet, right?”

“There are so many C-level ninjutsu on the second floor, which is enough for you to learn, but don’t aim too high.”

After hearing that Xuan Yu was going to the third floor, several people around couldn’t help laughing.

Even they were not qualified to go in, let alone a student who had not graduated.

“yes! It took me more than a year as a genin to accumulate more than a hundred merit points. I still haven’t fully mastered the B-level ninjutsu I chose at that time.”

“Yes, B-level ninjutsu is difficult to learn and consumes more chakra. Sometimes it is not as practical as C-level ninjutsu.”

“Little brother, why are you leaving? Did you hear what we said?”…

Xuanyu ignored these people, as long as he knew that higher-level ninjutsu was on the third floor.

So he walked directly up the stairs towards the third floor

“Tsk, this guy has no merit points, he’s just waiting to be kicked out.”

“yes! You can’t borrow merit points, you can only earn them by doing tasks yourself. This little kid hasn’t graduated yet. I wonder how he gets in!”

“The old man on the third floor is very fierce. No matter whether it is a child or a woman, if he is upset, he will be scolded and may even be kicked out of the library permanently.”

“Look, he’s on the third floor!”

A group of onlookers gathered together downstairs, wanting to see Xuan Yu being thrown down later.

However, after they waited for a few minutes, they found that there was no movement.

Then someone suddenly shouted:”He’s in.! The old man let him enter the third floor!”

“Let me go, this is impossible!”

“Isn’t that little kid the old man’s grandson? Otherwise, how could you be qualified to enter?”

“I’m so angry, I want to complain!”

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