“Einan, Goichi, this is my brother Uchiha Genha and my sister Uchiha Mei. Junshu took the initiative to introduce the two team members.


When they heard the name Uchiha Xuanyu, the two of them were even more shocked. Could this be the genius boy in the clan?!


Xuan Yu glanced at them and didn’t say anything.

“Brother, are you preparing to go on patrol?”

“No, it’s not time for us to take over yet. Didn’t dad follow your suggestion to rent a few shops this morning? Junshu took his younger brother a few steps away, and then said quietly.

Then he pointed forward,”We have rented several shops over there, and we have also stocked up on all the medicinal materials of our clan.” come down”

“Dad had no money, so he took the account on credit.”

He chuckled.

Although he didn’t know the specific plan, Junshu probably knew what he was going to do.

But he also knew that this matter was very important, so no one said it. Even renting these shops would make it easier for different people to It was rented by a few people.

Of course, their family is responsible for the management behind it.


Xuanyu nodded slightly, and then asked:”Is there any reaction from Konoha Village?””

He is not worried about what ordinary people or big families in the village will think. The only thing he needs to worry about is that the village’s top management may interfere with it.

Toshishu shook his head,”Our actions are relatively covert, so we shouldn’t be able to find them.”

They didn’t show up in person for all the actions. They all sent people to do it. The top management of Konoha should not be able to find out.

Hearing this, Xuanyu felt that his elder brother’s thinking was a bit too simple.

Even the actions of ordinary people in the village were… Under the surveillance of the Third Hokage, let alone the Uchiha clan, even if they can hide it from most people, the key ones will definitely not be able to hide it.

Thinking of this, Xuanyu said:”Brother, I I took Meiyi back.”

He has to go back and communicate with his father about the details of this operation.

“good. Junshu nodded and replied.

…… at the same time.

Hokage’s office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was writing with a huge brush, and next to him was a masked ANBU ninja kneeling on one knee.

“Are you saying that the Taihong family rented three shops in the village and stocked up on many medicinal materials?”

“Yes three generations! Although their actions are very covert, they are all under our control.”

“Shop, medicinal materials.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down his brush, thought for a while and then continued to ask:”What kind of medicinal materials are they?”

“Is it treating trauma and stopping bleeding?”

There is only one possibility for hoarding medicinal materials. It is that you have a premonition of the outbreak of war, want to make a fortune from a national crisis, or prepare for the Uchiha clan to launch a war.

However, there is no need to rent a shop in the village.

“No…it seems like they are all medicinal materials that assist in cultivation.”

“Medicinal materials to assist cultivation?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned for a moment. This was beyond his expectation.

“Sandai, should we seize this batch of medicinal materials in advance or close these stores?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a few minutes, and remembered the figure of the young son of Yasuhiro’s family in his mind.

Today that child seemed to have taken Naruto to practice again.

He learned the Three Body Technique in just two days.

By Naruto’s side There are also ANBU ninjas who monitor him 24 hours a day, and they are his direct lineage ANBU ninjas who report Naruto’s situation to him every day.

In addition, he also uses the telescope technique to observe Naruto from time to time, so Naruto’s movements are very important to him. There was no privacy at all. It took two days to teach Naruto the ninjutsu he needed to learn in four years of ninja school.

Even he couldn’t help but feel a little moved when he heard this report.

Moreover, Xuanyu really liked Naruto. Sincerely, unlike other people in the village who were very malicious, he was even considering whether to ask Xuanyu to be his grandson Konohamaru’s tutor.

After all, with such excellent teaching ability, any teacher in the ninja school could not compete with him. Nothing compares to it

“Forget it, it’s just a few shops, there’s no need to go to war”

“And only the police department has the law enforcement power to maintain public order. We have no reason to seal up other people’s medicinal materials and shops at will.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and said

“However, next, send two more people to monitor these stores to see what they want to do.”

He probably guessed why the other party opened a shop and stocked up medicinal materials.

The Uchiha clan has a medicated bath formula to assist in training. It is said that it can increase the training effect by about 5%.

It should be that the police department cannot issue it for several months. They had no choice but to open a shop to sell this medicinal bath formula and prepare to make money. In his opinion

, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not reject it but welcomed it.

The Uchiha clan should learn from the Senju clan. Integrate more into the village, and preferably become a civilian, so as not to pose a threat to Konoha Village.

Danzo wants to completely eradicate the Uchiha clan. He feels that the Uchiha clan is very powerful and will definitely hurt the enemy if they do it. Even though there has been peace for several years after the Third Ninja War, no one can guarantee when the Fourth Ninja War will break out. The Leaf Village fought with all the surrounding Ninja Villages.

In the war, the Uchiha clan played a mainstay role.

Once Konoha Village loses the Uchiha clan, its overall strength will drop by 40%. During the war, Konoha Village is in danger.

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