Konoha: Inventory of the Top Ten Show Operations at the Beginning

Konoha: Top 10 Sassy Operations at the Beginning Chapter 116

【Tsunade: "Haha! What kind of nonsense is this?"】

【Sakura: "Kakashi-sensei still has such a side..."】

Of course, Obito in the cave was also gnashing his teeth at this time!

"This guy! Looking at it now, I still want to beat him up!"


Obito in the video is also a bit annoying!

"What do you mean by reaching out? I don't have anything to give you."

After hearing Obito's words, Kakashi spoke harshly.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, it won't be a good thing to give anyway, and giving me useless things will only become a burden."

Not to mention what will happen to Obito in the video, all the Xiaoqiang outside the video have already started talking about it.

【Sasuke: "Mr. Kakashi, you are really poisonous!"】

【Sakura: "I'll go, I always thought Kakashi-sensei was just a coquettish guy, but I didn't expect him to be black-bellied...scary!\

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