Konoha: Inventory of the Top Ten Show Operations at the Beginning

Konoha: Top 10 Sassy Operations at the Beginning Chapter 232

"Xiao Li! Although you are indeed different from Neji!"

"You don't know ninjutsu and genjutsu, nor are you a physical genius!"

"However, you will become someone beyond Neji's ability!"

Locke Lee said in disbelief: "You don't need to comfort me!"

Maitkai lowered his head and said with a smile, "Baga! I'm not comforting you!"

"because of you……"

"He is a genius who works hard!"

Hearing his teacher Kai's words, Locke Lee stopped kicking, then hugged the big tree and said tremblingly (good job).

"Is what you said true?"

"Actually, I have always believed in it!"

"As long as I put in twice or three times more effort than Neci, I will surpass him!"


"Recently, I feel... Can hard work really produce results?"

"I've been trying my best to challenge Neji, but... I can't beat him anyway..."

"It's the same when I'm doing the task. My face keeps shaking... I'm scared... I... the factory"

While talking, Locke Lee actually shed tears on the spot!

These are the tears of not being strong enough for myself!

Tears of self-doubt!

Tears of unbelief for the future!

At this moment, Matt Kai, who was behind Locke Lee, suddenly became very serious, and he said coldly.

"Guys who don't believe in themselves are worthless!"

Locke Lee raised his head when he heard this sentence.


Then, the memory is over! .

Chapter Super Rewards, Unlimited Eight Gates!

In the video, Locke Lee stood up tremblingly, raised his head with a sad face, and suddenly found that his teacher Kai was smiling at him. At this time, Locke Lee also suddenly became energetic!

Gaara's sand has already attacked Locke Lee.

Sakura worriedly yelled: "Don't! If you continue to fight, Li will die!"

Naruto also said with a sad face: "Thick eyebrows..."

However, the next moment, Locke Lee did escape Gaara's attack very easily, and then looked at Gaara with great energy as if he had recovered his physical strength!

Everyone at the scene was stunned and didn't know what was going on.

And the people outside the video, after seeing the memories of Locke Lee and Mikey, also remembered what Mikey said just now.

"Guys who don't believe in themselves are worthless!"

What an inspiring sentence, maybe this is why Locke Lee has been working so hard?

Moreover, his performance just now may have really mastered Maitkai's exclusive physical skill, the eight-door dunjia!

Konoha Village.

Sakura looked at Locke Lee in surprise: "What's going on? Didn't you run out of energy just now? Why did you suddenly become energetic again?"

Tiantian also said in amazement: "Li, although I know that your physical skills are very good, Lianhua just now should have exhausted your physical strength, right? Why do you still have the physical strength to avoid the opponent's attack? I thought you were hit !"

Naruto: "Thick eyebrows, what tricks do you have?"

At this time, Locke Lee looked at himself in the video with blurred eyes, and finally he looked at Naruto and others.

"That... maybe I'm using the eight-door dunjia the teacher taught me here?"

He knew that only in this way would it be possible to explain why he could move freely despite his lack of physical strength.

However, he didn't expect to come up with his own trick so soon...

In the video, Locke Lee understood his teacher's expression, and quickly jumped aside.

Kakashi, who was present at the scene, had already seen that Locke Lee opened his forehead, which is why he suddenly exploded with power. He felt that Maitekai had gone too far, but Maitekai did not take it seriously, thinking that Kakashi I don't understand Locke Lee...

As time passed, the atmosphere on the scene became tense again.

Gaara also noticed something was wrong at this time, his face became serious.

Locke Lee faced Gaara, and then suddenly covered his eyes with his hands, talking nonsense.

"Anyway, this move will be over!"

"I shouldn't lose here!"

"Ningji, Sasuke, and..."

"I can't be the only one who loses here!"

"Teacher Kai, recognize me!"

As the tone became more and more powerful, the Chakra on Locke Lee's body was moving crazily!

Finally, he looked up to the sky and roared loudly.

"The third door, the door of life, open!"


The video has just ended here!

At this moment, everyone was stunned in shock.

Before they guessed that Locke Lee would use the Eight-door Dunjia, it was just a guess, but after seeing Locke Lee use it, they felt a little unbelievable...

Xiao organization.

Didara said angrily: "Damn! This kid knows nothing, but he has learned this awesome eight-door dunjia. He really has a good teacher!"

Guixie nodded and said: "Perhaps it was Maitekai's words, which completely stimulated this kid's potential. When a person is confused, having someone guide you will change your life!"

Fei Duan said with a grin: "Yo, Kisame would say such a thing too? Haha!"

Scorpion: "Maitkai and his apprentices should be careful when we meet in the future..."

Deidala: "Hmph! What are you doing on guard? I want to become his disciple, and I also learn the eight Dunjia. This physical skill can completely shine my art!"

Everyone else looked at the excited Didara in astonishment...

In Muye Village, many Xiaoqiang were chattering and making noise around Locke Lee.

But Kakashi looked at Mitekai in surprise and said, "How can you teach him such physical skills? Isn't that..."

Matt Kay looked ahead with a smile.

"Kakashi, you don't understand Lee's past, when you stand in (cieb) his angle, you understand how important it is to him that I do this."

"A person who doesn't know ninjutsu or illusion, you let him be a ninja?"

"What did he use to fight with others?"

Kakashi thought for a while, then sighed slightly: "That's not necessary... Maybe you saw the old you in him?"

Mitekai was still smiling, but didn't answer Kakashi's question.

And the people in other villages also felt a lot of emotion at this time.

In Wuyin Village, Terumi Mei looked at Chojuro in front of him, couldn't help but smiled, and said: "The other party is probably about the same age as you, I wonder if you will be his opponent?"

Changjuro blushed and said, "This...I'm afraid it won't work..."

Terumi Mei shook her head.

This Changjuro has been following her all the time, and she was deeply moved when she saw what Matt Kai said to Locke Lee. Who doesn't want their people to become stronger?

However, Chojuro just lacks self-confidence. If it weren't for his great talent, it would be difficult to achieve anything.

In Yanyin Village, Heitu looked at Onoki and said.

"Grandpa, tell me, Didara was able to follow your teachings, so he has become the most powerful person in our village?"

When Onogi heard his granddaughter mentioning that unfilial apprentice, he was instantly unhappy and said, "Hmph! That kid didn't understand my intentions at all, and he walked on a path he shouldn't have taken!"

"If he simply listened to me like Locke Lee in the video, how could he join the Akatsuki organization?"

Heitu covered his mouth and smiled, but didn't answer his grandfather's words.

She understood that her grandfather loved Didala the most, but the punishment given to Didala by her grandfather was indeed a bit harsh, which made him be targeted by the Xiao organization and betrayed the village...

And not long after everyone discussed, the leader of the list also stood up.

【"Okay, everyone, be quiet, let's let Hinata and Locke Lee draw their own rewards!"】

Not long after speaking, Locke Lee and Hinata both drew rewards.

[The leader of the list: "Congratulations to Locke Lee and Hinata for jointly extracting all the doors that can activate the eight doors of Dunjia without injury, but it can be maintained for at most one minute, otherwise it will cause damage to the body, and after using it once, it will take a week before it can be used again. Open!\

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