Konoha: It’s Still Ruined

111 The End Of The First Scene, The Forest Of Death

Seeing that after Naruto finished talking about the second to ninth questions, but did not talk about the first question, Shigego asked doubtfully in his mind.

"Well... Naruto, where's the first question?"

Naruto was speechless.

Isn't the first question a point question?

It won't either?

Shuiyue didn't even ask!

Naruto had no choice but to tell the answer to the first question.

Talking again and again, looking at Shui-yue's figure again and again.

I saw Shuiyue's right hand holding the pen kept waving.

All right.

Naruto understood.

Neither will Shuiyue.

A few years ago Naruto proposed to Orochimaru to release all blood follower ninjas.

Otherwise, Shuiyue and Chongwu might still be locked in a certain basement.

They all have high potential and have not received the unified training of Yinnin Village.

All trained by Kimimaro.

It is estimated that Kimimaro, a fighting madman, would not teach these.

Forget it, forget it.

Soon, 45 minutes passed.

The chief examiner Yibixi said:

"Question 10, before I do that, I want to explain the rules first, you first decide whether you want to take the tenth question or not."

A Genin asked:

"What happens if you choose not to answer?"

The examiner Ibixi said:

"If you don't take the test, you will lose your qualifications for this test. Of course, the other two members of the team will also lose their qualifications."

Hearing this, another Genin said:

"Of course the test! It's too messy."

Ibixi said:

"There is another rule here, choose the test, that is, if you can't answer it correctly..."

After a pause, the corners of Yibi Xidao's mouth curled up and said:

"Then you will be permanently disqualified from taking the Chūnin exam!"

Hearing this, Naruto also knew that the rules had not changed.

After a while, the examiner Yibixi finished explaining.

Many Genin who took the exam chose to give up the exam.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon, it will be the end of the exam.

Yibixi scanned the remaining Genin with sharp eyes and said:

"There is 1 minute left, and the exam is about to end. Has anyone chosen to give up answering the tenth question?"

I saw struggles on the faces of several Genin.

And Yibixi's fierce eyes are placed on these Genins from time to time, creating history.

"I give up."

Finally these Genins who had been hesitating couldn't help but raised their hands.

Naruto shook his head secretly.

The title of the tenth question has not been released.

There are still tens of seconds left in the exam and it will be over.

Yibixi was still asking if anyone gave up answering the tenth question.

Isn't that obvious?

Whether to take the test is the real question of the tenth question.

Quite a few Genins have already seen through.

Now it's fine if you don't see through these few, there are still thousands of seconds left to not hold on.

Finally, the time came to the hour and the exam time was over.

The chief examiner, Yibixi, showed a smile on his face and said:

"Congratulations! I am here to announce that those who choose to stay are all qualified!"

After letting the candidates choose to answer the tenth question, Yibixi kept putting pressure on the candidates present.

Choose the exam, but can't answer it correctly, and you will always be eligible to take the Chūnin exam.

Do you want to take the exam?

Do you want to answer?

Has anyone chosen to give up?

Just ask every two or three minutes.

Some of the trustees mixed in among the candidates, he bought and gave up.

What to say when you give up

"I'll just give up"

"I still don't want to drag people down"

"If you don't take the test this time, you will have another chance next year."

"If you don't answer right this time, you will never have a chance."

Give hints to shaken candidates time and time again, let them choose to follow the trend.

Those who are not firm in mind have already been taken away by wave after wave.

Those who are left now are all people with firm minds, who have basically seen through the essence of this exam.

So after Yibixi announced that they were all qualified, no one asked any questions.

Even if you really didn't see through it, seeing that everyone has no opinions, you don't feel embarrassed to ask.

Seeing this, Yibixi put her hands behind her back, nodded in satisfaction and said:

"For those of you who have the courage to answer the questions, I believe that you will face difficulties in the future.

As ninjas, you already possess excellent qualities.

The first exam of Chūnin's selection is over!

Best of luck to everyone on the next exam.


A ninja wrapped in a banner broke through the window.

Clang~! One sound!

The glass window of the examination room was smashed in an instant!

The female ninja quickly shot the Kunai tied with the four corners of the banner to the upper and lower corners of the examination room.

Duk~ Duk~ Duk~ Duk!

The banner unfolds instantly!

I saw a plump female ninja wearing a tight fishnet suit, a brown skirt, and a flaxen coat standing in front of the banner.

0...seeking flowers...

I glanced around, Yinri said:

"I am the examiner for the second exam of Chūnin Selection, Mitarashi Anko!

For the next exam, you... come with me!"

After speaking, Mitarashi Anko jumped out of the window that was just broken.

Come fast, go fast, a resolute appearance.

The candidates present did not react and could not help but look at each other.

I don't know if I should keep up.

Naruto also couldn't help being stunned.

Without thinking too much, Naruto stood up after being dazed for a while.

"Come on."

Turning his head to Hinata, Sasuke gestured, and quickly jumped out of the window.

Immediately, the candidates present immediately reacted, and one by one followed suit and jumped out of the window.

A few of them pretended to be chic and followed the broken window out.

Yibixi took a pen and registered the Genins with broken windows one by one.

Well, just ten times, no, a hundred times the compensation every day.

the other side.

Mitarashi Anko, who was running ahead, turned his head and took a look.

Seeing that all the candidates followed, he nodded secretly in his heart.

Immediately speed up.

Some candidates with poor strength began to slowly fall behind.

The distance is getting farther and farther.

Mitarashi Anko turned his head, and said loudly on the spur of the moment:

"If you can't keep up, you will lose your qualification for the next exam!"

It was said that every examinee seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

Those who were already lagging behind gritted their teeth and tried to catch up quickly.

Seeing this, Mitarashi Anko couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

All the way to the periphery of Konoha, I ran quickly for nearly ten minutes.

We came to a forest surrounded by a barbed wire fence more than ten meters high.

Pedestrians are not allowed to enter.

I saw a big warning sign on the barbed wire.

In one place, the gate of the forest is guarded by several Konoha Shinobi.

Mitarashi Anko stopped at the door and immediately waved his hand.

The candidates who followed all the way stopped behind Mitarashi Anko.

Naruto and others who caught up at the first time all looked relaxed.

Gradually catching up, the candidate who was holding back his energy was panting heavily.

Those with poor strength even collapsed to the ground.

Mitarashi Anko turned around and waited for a while.

After seeing all the candidates come, he nodded secretly in his heart.

Mitarashi Anko crossed his slender waist and said:

"This is the venue for the second exam, the 44th theater, Death Forester.

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