Konoha: It’s Still Ruined

118 Significance Of The Third Test, Battle List

Might Guy standing behind Hokage turned to Kaka and said:

"I heard that in the Forest of Death, your team didn't shy away from other teams at all, and spent five days camping with barbecue?"

Then, Might Guy raised his fist excitedly:

"This is youth!"

Immediately, he lowered his head in frustration again:

"Our team is far behind your team, and it took five days to obtain the scroll with great difficulty.

Youth is like this sometimes, sometimes sour and sometimes severe. "

Saying that, Might Guy raised his head abruptly, staring at his team firmly:

"But that's okay, youth always comes with mistakes.

Next, I believe my team will not lose again!

Because youth does not allow easy defeat, no matter how difficult the front is, we are fearless!"

Might Guy gave a thumbs up and grinned with dazzling light.

Kakashi seemed to have just recovered, turned his head and said in doubt:

"Eh? What did you just say?"

Might Guy petrifies instantly.

off stage.

‘Is this Mr. Guy’s eternal opponent?’

Tian Tian stared at Kakashi curiously.

05 Then he covered his mouth and laughed, 'From the outside, Mr. Guy is a complete failure.

After a while.

Iruka brought the tenth squad into the hall.

Mitarashi Anko stepped forward and said:

"All the teams that passed the second exam of Chūnin's selection are here.

Next, Lord Hokage will introduce the third test. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen standing in the middle nodded slightly.


Taking a step forward, Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed lightly and said:

"The next third exam, before I introduce it, I have to make one thing clear to you.

The purpose of this exam is to improve the level of ninjas for the friendly coexistence among the allies.

At the same time, it is also a microcosm of the battle between the Allies. "

After a pause, Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette and continued:

"Historically, the current allies are neighbors who used to be at constant war.

In order to reduce casualties and avoid losing both sides, countries deliberately chose another form of fighting.

This is the origin of the Allied Chūnin examination.

In the third exam, it was the place where the country's prestige was put on the shoulders and they fought with their lives.

At that time, princes from all over the world, well-known figures, and high-level officials from various villages will come to watch your battle.

Your performance will affect the future mandates of countries.

If the strength gap is too large, the strong country will receive more mission entrustments.

Conversely, for weaker countries, mandates will be reduced.

The strength of the country is the strength of the village, which is also the strength of the ninja.

Your future is the backbone of the village.

Through the battles of the younger generation, the future combat power of the village can be judged.

This test is a stage to show the ninja strength of one's own country to other countries. "

After speaking, he glanced at everyone.

All calm, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded in satisfaction.

Gaara in the audience said:

"These are just the considerations of the higher-ups in your village.

Rather than wasting time talking about these, it is better to talk about the content of the next exam as soon as possible. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and said:

Well, because at that time, princes from various countries and high-level officials from various villages will come to watch your battle.

"The third exam still needs preparation time.

We need to inform the national daimyo and village senior officials that the Chūnin exam preliminaries have ended.

It takes time for the invitation to be sent out, and for them to come.

Moreover, this is also the preparation time for you candidates.

'This old man always talks around,

Kankuro looked impatient, and immediately said:

"I still don't understand! What do you mean?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen explained like an old dog:

"That is to say, to give you the preparation time to know yourself and your enemy.

Analyze the opponent's intelligence obtained in the qualifiers, set up a battle plan, and increase the time of winning. "

Hearing this, the candidates' hearts moved.

Each glanced at the opponent they thought needed attention.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded in satisfaction, and continued:

"It takes time for spectators from various countries to arrive in Konoha.

Then, for the sake of fairness, the third exam will start in a month.

Well, before the official competition, there is one more thing we need to do.

You each draw a lottery from the box in Anko's hand. "

On the side, Mitarashi Anko walked to the front of the Genin team with the box in his hands.

From left to right, one Genin is exhausted, and then the next.

The first one is Otonin Village Suigetsu who arrived first and stood at the front of the first column on the left.

Then to Neji from Konoha's ninth class.

Sand Shinobi Village Gaara.

Konoha seventh class Naruto.

Konoha tenth class Shikamaru.

Go back to Otonin Village again...

Five squads, Tian and five Genins were all drawn.

Yibixi, holding the file folder, said:

"All drawn, now, from left to right, announce the number of lots you have drawn.

Otoshimura Suigetsu flipped the number in his hand: "I am number eight."

Sand Shinobi Village Gaara: "I am number four."

Konoha Class Nine Neji: "I am number seven"

Konoha Class 7 Naruto: "I am No. 9."

Hearing this, Shuiyue on the 7th turned her head to look at Naruto, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Konoha Class 10 Shikamaru said with a dark face: "I am No. 15."

Candidates who have already guessed the content of the next exam can't help but look at Shikamaru.

On the 15th, I don't know if it's lucky or not.

If you are lucky, it will be a direct bye.

If you are unlucky, you will be inserted into a group and play a three-person round-robin match, playing one more game.

Then, Yinren said again: "I am number eleven."

Sand Shinobi Village Kankuro: "I am number fourteen."

Sasuke from Konoha's seventh class looked at Gaara and said, "I'm number three."

'second round. '

Knowing the plan, Naruto, Suigetsu, Shigego, and Kaorin were moved in their hearts.

Then one by one the candidates announced their number plates.

Sarutobi Hiruzen says:

"Alright, Yibixi, let's announce the battle list for the next trial.

Yibixi nodded, announcing the battle list for the third exam.

Game 1 263: Xianglin VS Locke Lee

Game 2: Gaara VS Uchiha Sasuke.

What comes next is not important anymore.

The battle list has been announced.

Unfortunately Shikamaru was placed in the last group for a three-man round.

At this moment, Shikamaru raised his hand and asked:

"Master Hokage, I have a question.

If it's a knockout match, there's only one person who wins in the end, right?

That is, is there only one person for this Chūnin exam?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and said:

"This test was watched by the judges including me, Kazekage, and senior officials from other villages.

We will make an evaluation through your knockout performance.

Those who are considered to have Chūnin potential can become Chūnin even if they lose in the first round. "

Temari said, "That is, as long as we play well in the game, can all of us become Chūnin?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his mouth and said:

"It is true, but it is also possible that there is none.

In the knockout round, winning is equivalent to having more opportunities to perform. "

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help looking at the unfortunate Shikamaru, the last group who had been inserted into the group.

Isn't the three-player round-robin a chance to ensure at least two performances?

Misfortune turns into luck again.

Noticing everyone's stares, Shikamaru couldn't help but muttered, "It's really troublesome."

There is no problem seeing everyone, Sarutobi Hiruzen said:

"Okay, after the second exam, five days of survival in the wild, you have worked hard, now, disband!"

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