Konoha: It’s Still Ruined

150 Powerful Barrier

Put your hands away.

Qing picked up a piece of 1,000 tael notes from the Land of Water, turned to the boatman and said:

"Boatman, come and do me a favor."

The boatman who was about to leave saw the one thousand taels in Qing's hand, his eyes lit up immediately!

Quickly jumped off the boat and came to Qing, said:

"Master Ninja, please tell me."

Qing raised the one thousand taels in his hand and said:

"Go a few steps forward, this is yours..."

Hearing this, the boatman walked forward a few steps without asking any questions.

Qing stared at the enchantment.

In Baiyan's vision, the boatman walked through the barrier, but nothing changed.

'Common people won't react. '

Qing's heart moved slightly, and she immediately said to the boatman:

"Okay, come back."

The boatman came back and looked at it carefully again.

Qing handed one thousand taels to the boatman.

The boatman thanked twice gratefully, as if worried that Qing would repent, he quickly sailed away.

Seeing the boatman leaving, Terumi Mei, who has not disturbed her all this time, asked:

"Well, what did you find?"


"It should be a barrier of perception.

Passing by those with Chakra will activate the enchantment.

Common people will not respond. "

Hearing this, Terumi Mei held out her hand and said:

"This location?"

Qing, who was staring at the enchantment, saw circles of ripples appearing on the enchantment again.

Immediately said: "Do you feel anything?"

Terumi Mei shook her head.

Seeing this, Qing couldn't help exhaling, and said:

"If I hadn't looked blankly at 070, I wouldn't have noticed the problem."

Terumi Mei laughed:

"The Uzumaki clan, isn't it normal.

I'm getting more and more interested in Uzushio Village. "

This kind of perception enchantment can also be established by the enchantment class of Mist Ninja Village.

Just can't cloth so big.

After covering several kilometers, it will be sprayed.

No matter how big it is, it will be unstable and affect normal operation.

But if it's the Uzumaki clan, it's no surprise.

Qing Q&A: "Then shall we go in?"

Terumi Mei shook her head and said:

"Since it has been discovered, let's wait here."

Waiting here implies that they have seen through the barrier, but there is no malicious meaning.

One is to show ability, and the other is to show sincerity.

Of course, Terumi Mei thought she had seen through the barrier.

Just see the first layer.

In essence, this enchantment is on the fifth floor,

the other side.

Eddy tide village.

Formation class, monitoring room.

This monitoring room is Naruto's reference to Third Hokage's crystal ball.

Combined with modern dynamic monitoring, a conception is put forward.

Then it was researched and constructed with Kushina.

In front of the monitoring room, there are pieces of special glass with functions similar to crystal balls, which are used in conjunction with the enchantment.

As long as people from Chakra pass through the barrier, the barrier will transmit images to the glass wall of the monitoring room.

The glass wall is equivalent to the monitoring room in the previous life, the TV wall that relays the monitoring images.

The enchantment is a dynamic monitoring device.

The monitoring room in Urgent Tide Village is very powerful!

At this time, I saw nearly 10 monitoring personnel sitting in front of the glass wall.

He stared intently at the glass in front of him.

In addition, there is a ninja with a pen, ready to record at any time.

There is also one who looks at the location of the trigger.


A picture appeared on the glass wall in front of him.

One of the monitors quickly made a judgment and said succinctly:

"Two ninjas, one male and one female, recognize each other.

Another monitoring ninja reported the trigger location:

"The enchantment triggers due east."

The monitoring personnel with a pen quickly made a registration record.

The division of labor in the monitoring room is clear and orderly.

For each class of monitoring ninjas, there is a person in charge who judges the other party's intentions and makes graded reports.

If the Ninja Squad comes in, or pretends to be a Common, it's sneaky.

It is necessary to arrange for the ninja team to intercept and interrogate.

If a large number of ninjas enter the barrier, it means that foreign enemies have invaded.

Need to report directly to Vortex Office.

As for the two fog ninjas discovered now.

Apparently the enchantment has been discovered, but they are waiting in place.

On the contrary, it is a bit difficult to handle.

Those who can discover the enchantment will not be simple ninjas.

I found the enchantment, and I stood there waiting carelessly.

It's not easy.

It shows that the other party is showing kindness.

To whom do you show your kindness?

The upper echelon of the village.

Do you want to report directly to the village senior management?

It is time to test the eyesight and judgment of the person in charge of the eyesight monitoring room.

At this time, the person in charge kept checking the important figures of Mist Ninja in his mind. (afdh) After a while, my heart moved slightly.

Turned around and said:

"This is Terumi Mei from Mist Ninja Village, go and report to Uzumaki office immediately.


A monitoring officer responded and immediately left the monitoring room.

It's a pity that Uzumaki Village lacks research talents for communication equipment.

Otherwise, call directly.

For the convenience of reporting, the monitoring room of the enchantment class is just downstairs of Kuo Ying's office.

In less than half a minute, the surveillance personnel came to the door of the Voying Shadow office.

Tuk Tuk Tuk~!

knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The voice of Namikaze Minato came.

The monitoring personnel pushed open the door and said:

"Master Minato, Master Naruto."

The village has not yet been formally established.

Namikaze Minato is not called Uzumaki yet.

The ninjas of the village still call Namikaze Minato Master Minato.

I saw Namikaze Minato jaw slightly.

The monitoring personnel quickly reported:

"Master Minato, Terumi Mei of Mist Ninja Village and a Mist Ninja triggered the barrier due east.

Now the two are standing outside the barrier. "

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato and Naruto looked at each other.

How did Terumi Mei find it?

After Namikaze Minato was resurrected, he also made up for it. In recent years, powerful ninjas have emerged in the ninja world.

So Mist Ninja Terumi Mei also knows.

At this moment, Naruto opened his mouth and said:

"Understood, you go back first and leave it to us to deal with."


Wait for the surveillance personnel to leave the door.

Namikaze Minato looked at Naruto and said:

"Naruto, are you interested in Terumi Mei?"

The corner of Naruto's mouth twitched slightly.

Immediately, he joked:

"Father, how much older is Terumi Mei than you.

If you are interested, I will also call your father in the future.

Can you take it?"

The question of this age was first mentioned by Kushina.

Say what she and Minato were 24 years old when they died.

Now resurrected, the couple should be 24 years old.

Anyway, I would never admit that I am nearly 40 years old.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

So Naruto would use it to tease Namikaze Minato from time to time.

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato scratched his head in embarrassment.

Since he was not interested, Namikaze Minato asked:

"Naruto, do you know her intention of coming to Uzushio Village?"

Naruto nodded and said:

"Probably guesswork.

Fog Ninja Village Fourth Mizukage Yagura implements blood mist policy.

Terumi Mei secretly gathers a group of reformists to overthrow the rule of Fourth Mizukage and revive Wunin Village.

Now their strength is not enough to overthrow Mizukage, it is estimated to come to ask for help. "

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato couldn't help sighing:

"If it succeeds, then she will be the number one female shadow in the ninja world."

(Tsunade didn't become Hokage, so the ninja world hasn't produced a female movie yet.)

Naruto nodded and said:

"Yes, this Terumi Mei is not simple, she has big ambitions.

Alright, my lord father, let me go over to receive this future Fifth Mizukage first. ".

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