Konoha: It’s Still Ruined

188 Stormy Flowers And Raging Waves

"Can you really help me restore the country?"

Found Naruto from the lobby just now.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was a little nervous.

The words of the third husband raised her hopes.

At this time, I was worried that my hope would be dashed.

Fenghua Xiaoxue fell into a state of worrying about gains and losses.

Naruto nodded and said:

"The third wife has made it clear to you, right?

As long as you agree to my request, I can help you restore the country.

After being confirmed, Fenghua Xiaoxue's body couldn't help shaking.

In the past ten years, Tantan can't live all day long!

Is there such a simple solution to the problem that has been troubling her all this time?

As long as you pay for a copy of the scientific and technological materials, can you really take back the Snow Country?

Thinking about it, Fenghua Xiaoxue suddenly asked:

"If I don't say yes, how will you get what you want?"

The corners of Naruto's mouth lightly raised, and said:

"Do you want to hear the truth, or a lie?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue narrowed her eyes and said:

"What about true and false words?"

Naruto laughed:

"Let's just don't want it. If you tell the truth, you can only grab it by force."

Fenghua Xiaoxue stared at Naruto and said:

"That is to say, whether I agree or not, you have to get it?"

Naruto nodded and said:

"Of course, I have already come to the Land of Snow, so I can't return empty-handed."

Fenghua Xiaoxue nodded.

She was just testing Naruto's confidence.

Based on San Taifu's words alone, she is not sure whether Naruto can do it.

But now, Fenghua Xiaoxue also understands.

The preparations for the robbery are all ready.

Naruto didn't put the Wind and Flowers and the Land of Snow in his eyes at all.

That's right, even the Five Kingdoms of Fire and Konoha have nothing to do with him.

The mere Land of Snow is really out of the question.

Seeing this, Naruto asked:

"I don't know what Princess Snow's decision is?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue restrained her thoughts, bowed slightly and said:

"Then I will trouble you."


A smile appeared on Naruto's face.

After reaching an agreement, Fenghua Xiaoxue asked:

"When are you going to take action against Feng Hua Nu Tao and Xue Ren Village?"

Naruto shrugged and said:

"Anytime, and now.

But it's better to wait for the ship to dock. "

Naruto doesn't want to run on the sea.

anytime? now?

Fenghua Xiaoxue choked on Naruto's words.

Take it easy.

Glanced at Naruto, Hinata Ino.

Fenghua Xiaoxue said in surprise:

"Just, don't you?"

Naruto said strangely:

"if not?"

Then he laughed and said:

"Princess Little Snow, you are too overestimating the strength of Feng Hua Nu Tao and Xue Ren Village."

Spike Avalanche, Crane Wing Blowing Snow, and Winter Bear Freezing Rain are already the strongest ninjas in the Land of Snow.

There is also the strength of the wind and flowers and raging waves is not bad.

But at best Jōnin average.

That is, the Chakra armor is a bit of a hack.

Otherwise, it's even worse than Jōnin's average.

Snow Country is a small country.

It's not bad to have so many ninjas with the strength of Jōnin.

But compared to their Uzumaki Village?

There are more than one hand that can fight against the entire Snow Country by one person.

Only Fenghua Xiaoxue overestimated Fenghua and Raging Waves because of her childhood experience.

Fenghua Xiaoxue bit her lower lip, the hatred in her eyes said:

"At that time, I will also act together with you, and I want to see Fenghua Futao's death with my own eyes.

It is human nature, Naruto gestured to Crane Wing Fuxue who was writing quickly:

"Okay, after docking, I will let Crane Wing Chuixue notify Fenghua Nutao to come over."


Knowing that Crane Wing Fubuki has been controlled by Naruto, Fenghua Xiaoxue nodded decisively.

This time is the only chance.

If it fails, Fenghua Xiaoxue will not have the courage to live anymore.

After a few days.

A snow ninja reported to Fenghua Nutaohui:

"My lord, I received a message from Crane Wing Chuuxue that Princess Xiaoxue has been captured!

It’s just that Wolf Fang Avalanche and Winter Bear Freezing Rain were seriously injured, and Crane Wing Chuuxue hoped that we would go to help them.

Hearing this, the wind and flowers stood up violently!

Excitedly said:

"Good! Crane Wing Fubuki did a great job!

Let's go, welcome our princess immediately!"

As for the serious injuries of Wolf Fang Avalanche and Winter Bear Freezing Rain?

The wind and flowers and raging waves don't care at all!

An airship quickly rushed towards the location reported by Crane Wing Chuuxue.

the other side.

On a certain snow mountain in the Land of Snow.

Naruto, Hinata, Ino, Fenghua Xiaoxue, and the controlled Crane Wing Fubuki are waiting for the arrival of this storm.

The third husband was not there.

He rushed to various parts of the Snow Country to gather loyal friends who were loyal to Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Naruto is looking at the information written by Fubuki Tsuruba.

There are only more than a hundred ninjas in Snow Ninja Village.

As for the Chakra armor, except for the wind and flowers, and the wolf tooth avalanche and a few others.

Other snow ninja can only use some defective products.

Naruto also has a general understanding of how to use the Chakra armor.

Also tested it.

Common ninjutsu and genjutsu are immune.

But Mangekyō Pupil Art, Seal Art, and Spiritual Mystery Art are not immune.

For Naruto, the Chakra armor also has a certain increase effect, but not much.

But for ninjas with good strength but not very strong, the effect is good.

Just immunity to illusion, ninjutsu, and a few functions that increase one's own ninjutsu can already be very powerful.

And in the future, we can continue to develop for defects!

On the side, Fenghua Xiaoxue clenched her fists tightly, her face full of nervousness.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Hinata's pupils shrunk while observing the surrounding situation.

I saw an airship appearing in Baiyan's field of vision.


Really fly in the sky!

Although the information written by Crane Wing Fubuki also contained information about airships.

But seeing it with his own eyes, Hinata couldn't help but get up.

The technological strength of the Snow Country is indeed much higher than that of the Ninja World.

Without thinking any more, Hinata turned around and said:

"Naruto, here we come."

Fenghua Xiaoxue tensed her body subconsciously.

Seeing this, Naruto laughed and said:

"Relax, there's nothing to worry about."

As if infected by Naruto's relaxed demeanor.

Fenghua Xiaoxue took a deep breath and relaxed.

Naruto gestured to Ino, Hinata.

The three of them hid behind a tree.

After a while.

An airship appeared in the sky.

In appearance, it is somewhat similar to the Kirov airship.

I saw the wind, flowers and raging waves standing at the hatch, excitedly said:

"Welcome back, Snow Princess.

Hexagonal crystal, have you brought it with you?"

"it's here."

Fenghua Xiaoxue took off the hexagonal crystal pendant on her neck.

Then he lifted it up and shook it at the Wind Flower Raging Wave 080 on the airship.


Fenghua Futao's face was full of joy, and he couldn't wait to toss the cloak on his body.

Show off the Chakra armor on your body, and immediately jump off the airship!

A pair of wings spread out from Chakra's armor and flew towards Fenghua Xiaoxue!

Seeing that the wind and flowers and raging waves are about to fly, Fenghua Xiaoxue's heart tightens!


Naruto's figure appeared in front of him!

Adamantine Sealing Chains!

Dozens of Gold chains burst out from Naruto's body!

Blast out towards the wind, flowers and raging waves!


The sudden change made Feng Hua Nu Tao's pupils shrink!

The wings on Chakra's armor flapped violently, trying to dodge it.

Just burst out Gold chains are extremely fast!

Straight through the stormy Chakra walls!


Bind him up!

The wind and flowers roared in disbelief:

"No, how is it possible!"

How could the defensive wall on the Chakra armor not work!

"Master Furious Wave!"

Seeing this, Xue Ren on the airship controlled the airship to stop on the snow mountain.

Dozens of Snow Ninja rushed towards Naruto quickly!


Dark Row Technique!

The pitch-black silk and satin descended, enveloping Xue Ren in a dark world in an instant!

Chakra armor is not available for all Xuenin!

Only a small number of elites have it.

But it can only affect a small area around the body.

And both Hinata and Ino are in the dark.

Xue Ren couldn't tell where they were at all.


Yukino wearing the Chakra armor was killed by Hinata hiding in the darkness!

The rest of the snow ninjas shrouded in the dark technique were also ruthlessly harvested their lives!.

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