Konoha: It’s Still Ruined

191 Gaara Wakes Up, The Snow Country Is In Trouble

The earth vein heating device makes the land of snow, which is snowing all the year round, glow with emerald green vitality like a miracle.

Fenghua Xiaoxue's reputation has reached its peak.

It's logical.

The orthodox heir of Snow Country, Fenghua~Xiaoxue is the new monarch.

With the support of the new monarch, Crane Wing Chuuxue became the leader of Xueren Village.

There is no wind, flowers and raging waves to absorb the blood of the people.

The Land of Snow has regained its vitality.

And Naruto became the leader of Snow Ninja Village after Crane Wing Fubuki.

The research on Chakra armor, airship technology materials, equipment, and talents in Xueren Village was directly brought back to Ushio Village.

Then accompanied Ino and Hinata on vacation in the Snow Country.

the other side.

Gaara woke up from her deep sleep.

Lying on the hospital bed, looking at the white ceiling.

A hint of doubt rose in the depths of Gaara's eyes.

Sit up slowly.

Seeing that he was getting an infusion, he glanced at the ward again.

Gaara's heart twitched slightly.

This is not Sand Shinobi Village.

Sand Shinobi Village will not have such white walls.

There will not be such a luxurious ward.

Temari, who was in the lounge next door, noticed a faint sound coming from the ward, and quickly walked to the ward.

Seeing Gaara sitting on the hospital bed, Temari said pleasantly:

"Gaara, you're awake!"

Seeing Temari, Gaara remembered what happened before she fell into a coma, and her heart moved slightly.

'Did Temari bring me here?'

Seeing Gaara staring straight at himself and falling silent, Temari's heart tightened, and he said:

"Gaara, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Do you recognize me?"

After recovering, Gaara nodded slightly and said:


Seeing that Gaara recognized her, Temari breathed a sigh of relief.

Walked to the hospital bed, poured a glass of water, and handed it to Gaara:

"Gaara, drink a glass of water first."

Gaara took the water and poured it down in one gulp.

Temari sidewalk:

"Are you hungry? It's just that you just woke up and don't know if you can eat now.

Gaara, wait, I'll ask Shizune first. "

After speaking, he was about to stretch out his hand to press the call light on the hospital bed, but Gaara grabbed his hand.

Temari was taken aback for a moment.

Gaara let go and asked:

"Why am I here? Where is this place?"

Upon hearing this, Temari explained:

"I don't know where to take you after you're in a coma.

I saw you holding Flying Thunder God Kunai, so I took you..."

Temari will take Gaara to the Uzumaki Village and give a general account.

If it weren't for Naruto's Tailed Beast Bomb blasting on Sand Shinobi Village's head.

After Kimimaro and his party leave.

Baki is worried about the village and Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Scattered ninjas from Sand Shinobi Village, looking everywhere.

Temari really couldn't recognize Gaara's Flying Thunder God Kunai.

After listening to Temari's narration, Gaara said:

"Uzumaki Naruto is willing to take us in?"


Temari hummed and nodded.

Hearing this, Gaara fell silent.

In the ninja world, Gaara is also aware of how sensitive Jinchūriki's identity is.

Taking them in, I'm afraid they will have to bear a lot of pressure from the ninja world.

And he also destroyed Sand Shinobi Village...

Gathering his thoughts, Gaara said:

"Where's Uzumaki Naruto?"

Temari said:

"I went out to perform a mission. I came to see it before I left Uzumaki Village. He said it would take more than a month to come back."

Putting down Flying Thunder God Kunai, Temari did not say.

She also didn't want to disturb Naruto's mission because Gaara woke up.

Gaara nodded.

Seeing this, Temari said: Help the doctor. "

Gaara nodded, "Okay."

Temari reached out and pressed the call light.

After a while.

Shizune came up and checked Gaara's body.

Throughout the whole process, whatever Shizune asked, Gaara would answer.

There was no impatience as before.

After confirming that there was no problem, Shizune helped Gaara prepare a nutritious meal.

After a nutritious meal.

Temari chatted with Gaara without saying a word.

I thought about it.

Today is probably the time she and Gaara talked the most.

It's as good as the past year.

After waking up, Gaara's personality has changed a lot.


After receiving Terumi Mei, Namikaze Minato came to care about the situation of Temari and Gaara.

After confirming that there is no problem.

Arranged a place for Gaara and Temari.

As for the arrangement agreed with Naruto at the beginning, Namikaze Minato did not mention it for the time being.

Wait for Naruto to come back and deal with it.

After more than a month.

Fenghuacheng is the capital of Snow Country.

At this time, Naruto was sitting in the council hall, watching Fenghua Xiaoxue's organized materials.

There are too many scientific and technological materials that were promised at the beginning.

There are as many as many large boxes.

Naruto couldn't understand either.

Just simply look at a directory listing.

At this time, Fenghua Xiaoxue handed over a document and said:

"Naruto, are you interested in investing in these companies?"

Naruto raised his head, took the file, and glanced at it briefly.

Then he wondered: "Share?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue nodded and said:

"The scientific and technological materials you want range from a thorough understanding, to cultivating talents, to establishing heavy industries.

It takes a lot of money and a long time.

The country of Urtex has limited land, I think if you want to build heavy industry, you can only go to other countries.

And our snow country has ready-made industries and talents.

Why don't you consider investing in these companies, and expand production on the basis of our Snow Country?"

The research and development of the earth vein heating device has exhausted the assets of the successive monarchs of the Fenghua family.

Then there are winds, flowers and raging waves that absorb the blood of the people.

In the current land of snow, the road is like a wash.

Moreover, the earth vein heating device is only a semi-finished product, and it needs to continue investing in research and development and upgrading.

Subsequent maintenance also needs to spend a lot of money.

Fenghua Xiaoxue, who wants to boost the economy of Snow Country and increase fiscal revenue, thinks of Naruto.

At the same time, Naruto can also be tied to the Snow Country Chariot.

Except blood relatives and couples.

The strongest relationship is the relationship of interests.

Fenghua Xiaoxue is also a little clever ghost.

Hearing this, Naruto was slightly taken aback.

It's not that he hasn't considered expanding production on the basis of Snow Country.

But she didn't expect Fenghua Xiaoxue to be willing to accept it.

After pondering for a while, Naruto smiled and said:

"Okay, I will send someone to discuss with you about the follow-up issue of the shareholding."

Hearing this, Fenghua Xiaoxue showed a smile on her face, stretched out her hand and said:

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Naruto stretched out his hand, and Hefeng Hua Xiaoxue gently squeezed it.

After Hefeng took Xiaoxue's farewell.

Naruto first sent Hinata and Ino back to Uzumaki Village.

Then he found Kaduo and handed over the company information provided by Fenghua Xiaoxue to Kaduo.

After reading the information, Kado's eyes brightened and said:

"Master Naruto, the railways and trains in the Land of Snow are very good!

It's just too wasteful to be in the Snow Country alone.

I suggest building railways to the surrounding countries of the Snow Country first, and then gradually connecting the entire Ninja World.

At that time, the transportation business of the entire ninja world can be controlled in your hands!"

As a shipping king, he naturally sees business opportunities in the railway transportation industry.

"Okay, Cardo, I'll leave it to you."

Naruto also thinks this way.

As for business matters, I should leave it to Cardo.

As for the safety of the trains and rails, the ninjas in Uzumaki Village are naturally responsible.

PS: After waking up, I found that the computer could not be turned on, so I hurriedly fought against the host computer and went out to repair it.

Looking for a computer repair shop, looking for more than an hour.

Finally, it was found that it was a power supply problem, and the power supply of Jinhetian was replaced.

So the update is late, cell B.

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