Chapter 109 International Student Plan Chapter 109 International Student Plan

Chapter 109 International Student Plan

“So, you turned into an uncle before to test the character of Xiaonan and I.”

After hearing Kizaru’s explanation, Yahiko showed a clear look.

“But, you are still going too far!” Yahiko, who had just burst into tears, could not help but complain.

Standing next to Yahiko, Konan nodded in agreement.

Regarding the golden shining brother Kizaru who had deceived him and Yahiko, Konan stared at him with a pair of big eyes, looking at him “viciously” and fiercely.

“Oh ho ho! I’m so sorry!” Kizaru said with a smile while touching the back of his head.

“There is no sincerity at all!” Yahiko said angrily with his hands folded in front of his chest.

“That’s really embarrassing! I’ll do it next time!” Looking at the two angry guys, Kizaru said with a smile.

“That’s too much!” Yahiko said unhappily, looking at Kizaru’s smiling face.

Bending down and reaching out, Kizaru’s right hand pressed on the angry Yahiko’s head.

After touching Yahiko’s head and then Konan’s head, Kizaru looked at the two of them, suppressed his smile, and said seriously: “I’m so sorry! Yahiko! Konan!” ”

I forgive you, Kizaru brother!” The smile returned to his face, and Yahiko immediately became happy.

“Me too, Brother Kizaru!” Xiaonan on the side looked at Kizaru and said softly.

“That’s great!” Kizaru said with a smile, retracting his right hand and straightening his waist again.

“Brother Kizaru, have we passed the test?” Yahiko asked nervously, looking up at Kizaru and eager to become his disciple.

Looking down at the two little ones who were nervous and expecting, Kizaru smiled and said nothing. He deliberately paused for a while. When the two little ones became more and more nervous, he finally spoke.


Hearing Kizaru’s reply, Yahiko and Konan became excited. They looked at each other with happy expressions on their faces.

Looking at the two happy little ones in front of him, Kizaru also smiled happily.

Take these two little guys back to the village and train them carefully. They will definitely become your own high-quality students and subordinates in the future!

As for what Yahiko said on the way that after completing his studies, he would return to the Land of Rain to change the predicament here, Kizaru was not worried.

After taking the two of them back to Konoha, Kizaru was ready to send them to a ninja school as soon as possible.

There, the two of them will get to know Nagato, make many new friends, and establish a deep bond with Konoha.

With the constraints of the bond, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the two of them to leave Konoha and return to the Land of Rain.

Even in the end, Yahiko still insisted on his childhood ideals and wanted to return to the Land of Rain, but Kizaru would not stop him.

Not only will they not stop him, Kizaru will also strongly support him!

Growing up in Konoha, he was taken care of by himself, established an emotional bond with the ninjas in the village, and was deeply influenced by the will of fire.

What is the difference between such a Yahiko returning to the Land of Rain and becoming the new leader of the Rain Hidden Village with the support of Konoha, and a Konoha ninja becoming the leader of the Rain Hidden Village?

At that time, under the leadership of Yahiko, Amegakure Village will become Konoha’s loyal partner!

Therefore, regardless of whether Yahiko will leave Konoha and return to the Land of Rain in the future, it is in the interest of the village.

Even Yahiko’s ideals brought a lot of inspiration to Kizaru.

Referring to the practice of a large country in the previous life, Kizaru felt that if he became Hokage in the future, he could establish an advanced ninja school in the village.

This advanced ninja school can, on the one hand, absorb outstanding graduates of the ninja school for further education, and on the other hand, it can create an international student system.

Next year, some of the free, even exam-free places will be given to Xiao Ninja Villages outside the five major countries.

With Konoha’s strong reputation, and some of the conventional intermediate and advanced ninjutsu that are common in the five major ninja villages, the free international student system will definitely tempt some small ninja villages.

Kizaru knew that some people in these small ninja villages would definitely see the conspiracy, but in the face of such temptation, there would always be people who couldn’t help it.

As for the foreign student system, as long as it persists, Konoha will gain a group of ninjas from other villages who have received elite training and have a good impression of Konoha in the entire ninja world.

If these trained and capable ninja from outside the village can ascend to high positions with the support of Konoha, Konoha’s voice in the entire ninja world will gradually increase.

Of course, there will definitely be white-eyed wolves and spies here, but as long as the gains far exceed the losses, it’s great!

Soon, a set of planned plans appeared in Kizaru’s mind.

“Teacher Kizaru, what are you thinking about?” Standing next to Kizaru, Yahiko couldn’t help but speak out when he saw that Kizaru had been silent.

Withdrawing his divergent thoughts and putting the plan in his mind for the time being, Kizaru lowered his head and looked at Yahiko.


“It’s too early to call me teacher, Yahiko.”

“Why? Didn’t you say we have passed the test?” Yahiko asked anxiously.

“After you return to Konoha with me, you must first enter the ninja school. Only after you graduate from the ninja school will I serve as your instructor.” Kizaru explained with a smile.

“I understand!” Raising his hands, fists together, Yahiko encouraged himself and said, “I will definitely graduate from the ninja school as quickly as possible!”

After saying that, Yahiko looked at Konan and said encouragingly: ” Xiaonan, let’s work hard together!”

“Yes!” Nodding to Yahiko, Xiaonan replied firmly.

Just as the two little ones were cheering each other on, an eagle call came from outside the cave.

The sound was not loud, but Kizaru, with his keen sense, still heard it.

Sensing the familiar chakra, Kizaru knew that it was the ninja eagle used by the village to deliver messages.

“Let’s get out!”

After hearing Kizaru’s words, Yahiko and Konan quickly followed Kizaru and walked out of the cave together.

Walking out of the cave, Kizaru first touched the head of Youlu who had already stood up under the surprised gazes of the two little guys.

“This is Matou, my good friend!”

Matou, who had just become angry after being rubbed on the cat’s head, couldn’t help but froze when he heard Kizaru’s words, and all the anger in his heart dissipated in an instant.

Good company? This annoying guy can still talk occasionally!

He felt happy in his heart, and his eyes when he looked at Kizaru became much softer.

After introducing Matori to the two little guys, Kizaru ignored the excited two people and looked up at the sky.

The ninja eagle hovering in the sky spotted Kizaru walking out of the cave, and swooped towards Kizaru.

“Brother Kizaru, be careful!” Yahiko reminded him with concern after noticing the eagle swooping down.

“Kid, don’t worry, that’s a psychic beast, used by the village to deliver messages.” The kind-hearted Matata lowered his head and explained to Yahiko and Konan.

“You can talk?” Yahiko shouted in surprise as he pointed at Youlu.

“What a rude brat!” He glared at Yahiko and raised his voice.

“I’m sorry!” Yahiko quickly bent down and apologized to Matori.

He raised his right hand and asked the fallen Ninja Eagle to put down the scroll on its talons. Kizaru smiled and said, “Go back!”

There was another cry. After Kizaru caught the scroll, the Ninja Eagle spread its wings and flew towards the sky.

Watching the Ninja Eagle flying high, Kizaru withdrew his gaze and opened the scroll in his hand.

“Negotiations with Kumogakure have been blocked. Return quickly.”

Looking at the message on the scroll, the smile on Kizaru’s face became a little more unclear.

“It’s really troublesome!” Kizaru sighed as he put away the scroll.

“What’s the trouble?” Hearing Kizaru’s sigh, Matsuri asked with concern.

“Youlv, what should you do if the child disobeys?” Looking at Youlv, Kizaru asked with a smile.

“The child is disobedient?” Faced with Kizaru’s sudden question, Matsuri was a little confused.

“If a child is disobedient, he or she is probably used to it. Just give him a spanking!”

Seeing Brother Kizaru saying this with a smile on his face, Yahiko and Konan, who were still children, instinctively took a step back.

Brother Kizaru has become scary!

The two of them looked at Kizaru together, feeling the same feeling in their hearts.

Already drained!

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