Chapter 145 The hard-working Minato Chapter 145 The hard-working Minato

It’s over, you’re dead this time!

After the first exam, the fourth generation Ai, whose mentality exploded, walked out of the classroom angrily.

Under the personal care of a shameless examiner, the fourth generation Ai failed to cheat and could only bite the bullet and scribble on the paper.

The Fourth Ai could already imagine how angry his father would be when he found out that the genin team carefully formed by the village in order to restore its reputation was stopped in the first round due to his own reasons.

Not only would he be beaten, but his father might even lock himself in the study room after returning to the village and cram in theoretical knowledge every day.

Thinking of this, Fourth Generation Ai, who didn’t like endorsements, couldn’t help but shudder!

With an uneasy mood, accompanied by two teammates, the fourth generation Ai Qiang returned to the residence arranged for them by Konoha with a smile on his face.

After barely coping with his father’s inquiry, the fourth generation Ai, who was in a bad mood, returned to his room to rest early.

Early the next morning, when the fourth generation Ai walked out of the room, preparing to face the whipping of the storm, he unexpectedly received the news that he had passed the first round of exams.

Concern turned into joy, the fourth generation Ai showed a surprised expression.

Are all the candidates in this year’s class like this? Whatever I wrote randomly, it all passed.

In fact, the reason why the Fourth Generation Ai can pass even if he scribbles is very simple.

My father, the village chief!

Based on this, as long as the fourth generation Ai can write his name on his paper, he will not be eliminated.

Even if the relationship between Konoha and Kumogakure is not very good, this most basic face must still be given.

If you want to eliminate the fourth generation Ai, you must at least do it in the second round of combat.

The fourth generation Ai, who still didn’t know that he passed the first round of exams because of his father’s name, had a smile of rejoicing and joy on his face.

The most difficult written test has passed, and with the remaining survival and combat assessments, wouldn’t he be killing indiscriminately?

Thinking of this, Yondaimei smiled even happier, and confidence returned to his face.

With his father’s encouragement and advice, Fourth Ai and his two teammates left their residence and headed to the location of the second round of exams.

The second round of exams to assess genin’s survival and teamwork abilities took place in the Death Forest outside Konoha Village.

Under the guidance of an examiner, Fourth Generation Ai’s team arrived early at the large iron gate entering the Death Forest.

Quite coincidentally, when the Fourth Ai walked in front of the iron gate, the genin teams of Iwagakure and Sunagakure also arrived at about the same time.

Luo Sha, Huang Tu, and Fourth Generation Ai, the future leaders of the younger generation of the three great Ninja Villages of Sha, Yan, and Yun, are gathered here.

Perhaps it was the feeling between strong men, but the three people, each standing at the leading position of the team, looked at each other.

Loess: Kumogakure’s guys are hard to deal with!

Yondaime: Is that the Tsuchikage’s son? I really want to fight him!

Luo Sha: For the sake of the village, I can’t lose to them!

“Oh ho ho! For the sake of passionate youth, we must continue to work hard!”

“Work hard! We must win the first place!”

Standing next to the two hot-blooded monsters, Minato touched the back of his head with a headache, facing everyone gaze, showing an apologetic smile.

Konoha idiot!

Looking at Matt Dai, who was wearing a green jumpsuit, and the vibrant Thousand-Handed Rope Tree beside him, many candidates from other villages complained in their hearts.

“Well, everyone is looking at us.” Minato reminded with a smile as he reached out and patted the two teammates beside him.

“Hey! Thank you for your support!” After receiving Minato’s reminder, Matt Dai also looked at the place in front where the candidates gathered, and confidently gave a thumbs up, showing his shining white teeth.

“Thank you for your support! We will work hard!” The Thousand-Hand Rope Tree on the side, along with Matt Dai, also raised his right hand with a passionate look and gave a thumbs up.


Slapping his right hand on his forehead, Minato turned around silently, facing away from the other candidates.


The stiff smile that was barely maintained on his face was already Minato’s greatest tenderness.

For a moment, the scene fell silent. Facing such ordinary and confident two Konoha genin, everyone was silenced.

“Minato is so pitiful!”

The Uchiha Inari team, which had just arrived, happened to see this scene.

With sympathetic eyes, Minato’s three classmates looked at Minato, who had his back turned to everyone.

“If it were me, I would rather give up the exam.” After imagining the scene where he and Minato were swapping, Uchiha Inari felt a chill.

For the arrogant Uchiha, he would rather commit suicide if he were to team up with such two weird teammates.

Nodding silently, Yuki and Hinata Toda, standing on both sides of Uchiha Inabi, agreed.

“I’m going to kill that bastard!”

In the village’s monitoring room, Tsunade, who cared about his younger brother, and Jiraiya, who cared about his disciples, came here together, wanting to see the performance of this team through the monitoring room.

As a result, the first scene Tsunade saw was a passionate performance art jointly performed by her brother and Matt Dai.

Thinking of her younger brother who was quite normal before forming the team, and then looking at the younger brother who was assimilated by Matt Dai on the screen, Tsunade was so angry!

His cheeks twitched, and Jiraiya couldn’t help but sympathized when he saw his disciple Minato’s autistic look on the surveillance screen.

Thank you so much for your hard work, Minato!

“Oh ho ho! It’s getting more and more interesting!”

Instead of going to the control room with Tsunade and Jiraiya, Kizaru, who has a special mission, is using the invisibility illusion technique he developed to hide a person in the corner of the scene. Beside a big tree.

Kizaru’s special mission was given to him by Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo, and it was fairly simple.

The content of the mission is to secretly monitor Kumogakure’s Eight-Tails Jinchūriki Burubi, and stop him in a timely manner if he loses control and goes berserk.

Because of this simple task, Kizaru became one of the examiners for the second round of exams.

At the same time, the plan formulated by Danzo was also approved by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen made a request regarding the execution of the plan.

That is, the son of the third Tsuchikage and the third Raikage can be disabled, but cannot die.

It was not that Sarutobi Hiruzen was soft-hearted when he brought this up, but that he was worried that going too far would arouse the vigilance of the Tsuchikage and Raikage, and that they would discover the truth, putting Konoha into a passive situation.

Danzo was naturally dissatisfied with this, and the two had another classic conversation in the office.

“Hiruzen, you will regret it!”

“Danzo, I am the Hokage!”

Kizaru, who was in the office at the time, was lucky enough to watch this classic performance up close.

At the end of the performance, Danzo snorted and left the office angrily.

After Danzo left, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was worried about his old friend, asked Kizaru for help.

“Kizaru, if the sons of the Raikage and Tsuchikage are in danger during the assessment, you must stop it in time.”

Faced with Teacher Sarutobi’s request, Kizaru just smiled and nodded to express his acceptance.

Definitely three updates today!

Chapter 146 Luo Sha picks up human heads Chapter 146 Luo Sha picks up human heads

Chapter 146: Luo Sha, Picking Up Human Heads

As the time specified for the second round of exams arrived, the examiner first explained the content of the assessment to all the candidates.

Each genin team can obtain a Sky Scroll or Earth Scroll from the examiner.

After obtaining the scroll, the genin team can enter the forest of death behind the iron gate.

The genin team who obtained the scrolls and entered the Death Forest must collect the two scrolls of heaven and earth within 72 hours, and successfully reach the stone tower at the other end of the death forest.

As long as the above two points can be achieved, the genin team will pass the second round of the exam and successfully advance to the third round.

After explaining the rules, the examiner distributed different scrolls in sequence, and asked the genin teams from each village to go to the entrances at different locations, and put the candidates into the forest of death in batches, and

used the candidates to enter the forest of death. At the right time, Danzo arranged a team composed entirely of jounin, also disguised as a team from a small ninja village, and successfully sneaked into the forest of death.

This jounin team is composed of a jounin from the Yamanaka family, a root jounin who is excellent in ninjutsu and taijutsu, and Kato Dan, an elite jounin in the jounin class.

The Yamanaka family jounin and Kato Dan are responsible for remotely controlling team members in the target team, provoking fights and creating hatred.

The jounin at the root is responsible for taking care of the two people’s bodies when they perform ninjutsu.

With three experienced Jonin carrying out the mission, Danzo’s plan went very smoothly.

The three of them first relied on their excellent perception abilities to confirm the location of the genin teams in Kumogakure and Iwagakure villages, and then used the disguise of the genin team in Xiaonin Village to provoke the impulsive Fourth Generation Ai.

With Yondaime Ai being held in hatred, the three of them attracted Kumogakure’s genin team to the vicinity of the Iwagakure genin team’s location.

After doing this, the three of them had a brief battle with the Kumogakure team led by the Fourth Ai.

After several rounds of fighting, the three pretended to be outmatched, used smoke bombs to block their sight, and successfully escaped.

The battle between the Kumogakure team and Kato Dan’s group naturally attracted the attention of the Iwagakure team led by Huangtu.

Before entering the Forest of Death, the young and energetic Fourth Generation Ai and Huang Tu, who had already fought each other with sight, started fighting after exchanging a few words.

Hiding in the dark, watching the melee between the two genin teams, Kato Dan and the jounin of the Yamanaka family each activated their family’s secret technique.

The Spiritualization Technique and the Heart Turning Technique are both weird ninjutsu that use soul and mental power to invade the opponent’s mental space and control their body to fight.

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen demanded that Loess and the Fourth Ai not be killed, Kato Dan and the Yamanaka family jounin controlled the two teams, the weakest and without any background.

The ordinary genin who controlled Kumogakure and Iwagakure, Kato Dan and the Yamanaka family jounin, according to the discussed plan, first fought each other for several rounds, and then launched fatal attacks on each other.

Because the secret technique of the Yamanaka family is harmed when controlling the enemy’s body, it will also cause trauma to one’s own body.

The Jonin of the Yamanaka family instantly released the Heart Turning Technique when the attack was about to hit.

Kato Dan’s spiritual transformation technique did not have such shortcomings. He continued to control the target’s body, ensuring that the two genin died at the same time.



Huang Tu and Sidai Ai, who were fighting, both noticed the crisis of their companions.

Jumping backwards in unison, the two looked at their teammates who had lost their chakra aura, with a trace of sadness and anger flashing in their eyes!

“Asshole~Asshole! Damn Iwagakure, you actually killed Baiyun!” His eyes were red and his whole body was wrapped in Thunder Chakra. The fourth generation Ai was furious.

With the same anger, Huang Tu looked at his teammates who fell to the ground with hatred.

“You bastard of Kumogakure, go to hell!”

He yelled, and Huang Tu used the technique his father taught him, Earth Release and Rock Fist!

Turning his right hand into a hard rock fist, and increasing the hardness and weight, Loess rushed towards the Fourth Ai.

“I’m going to kill you!” He

shouted in response, and the fourth generation Ai, who entered the thunder escape chakra mode, also rushed towards Loess.

Lei Dun·Thunder Plow Hot Knife!

With the thunder escape chakra gathered all over his body, the fourth generation Ai rushed towards the loess at high speed, preparing to use his powerful wrist to give the loess a fatal blow.

The two people, caught in anger, roared and used their strongest moves to rush towards each other.


There was a loud noise, and the two collided without reservation.

Under the huge force and shock wave, the earth was broken into countless rubbles, which together with the raised ash layer, splashed in all directions.


On the other side, Burubi, who was fighting a genin of Iwagakure’s Explosive Escape Blood Successor, temporarily stopped fighting with him.

“Cease the war first!” Looking at the Iwagakure genin in front of him, Burubi actively suggested.

After the genin nodded silently, he jumped down from the tree and rushed towards the place where Loess and the Fourth Ai were fighting.

Following closely behind, worried about the safety of his cousin Yondaime Ai, Burubi also jumped down from the tree and rushed over.

Kato Dan and the Yamanaka family jounin, who were hiding in the dark and both had excellent perception abilities, looked at each other after confirming that the chakra aura of the fourth generation Ai and Huangtu had become weak.

Nodding, the two of them gestured to the Genin Genin, indicating that they could lead the Sunagakure Genin team over.

While the genin of Kumogakure and Iwagakure were focusing on the safety of their team members, the three jounin quietly left.

Repeating the old trick, the three of them transformed into the genin of Amegakure Village this time. After finding the Sunagakure team, they began to provoke.

Compared to the Fourth Ai, Rasa, who has a calm personality, was not resented by the three jonin disguised as the Aegakure team.

Seeing this, the three jounin adjusted their strategy, and the root jounin suddenly broke out and subdued Garura and kidnapped him.

“Kara!” Seeing his teammate and favorite being kidnapped by his opponent, Luosha was also anxious.

Unable to stabilize himself, Luo Sha could only launch a pursuit with another puppet master teammate toward the Aegakure team that began to retreat.

Maintaining a neither fast nor slow pace, Kato Dan and the others successfully attracted Rasa to the location where Kumogakure and Iwagakure’s teams were fighting.

After making a false mistake and being injured by the gold sand controlled by Rasa, the root jounin who had been holding Garura hostage threw Garura in his arms to the ground in the distance.

“Kara!” shouted again. Rasa ignored the attack on the enemy and instantly burst out with chakra, rushing towards Garura who fell to the ground.

“Kara, are you okay?” Squatting on the ground, Luo Sha held Garura in her arms with concern.

Garura, who was still conscious, showed an apologetic smile to Rasa. Just as she was about to speak out, she found that behind Rasa, the Amegakure genin who attacked her shot towards Rasa’s back. Several thousand copies (flying needles) were obtained.

“Be careful!” He shouted, and Garura stretched out his arms to hug Rasa and rolled to the ground, barely avoiding the sneak attack of Amegakure genin.

“Damn it!” With an angry look in his eyes, Rose helped Garuruo stand up from the ground.

Looking at the three Amegakure genin not far away, Luo Sha was about to speak when he heard a voice coming from the other side of him.


Rasa, who heard the voice, quickly looked to the other side and found the Kumogakure and Iwagakure genin teams standing in the distance.

“There are too many enemies, retreat!”

After seeing Rasa discovering Iwagakure and Kumogakure’s people, the three Konoha jounin disguised themselves as Amegakure. After Kato Dan gave the order, they all used the teleportation technique to escape from the tree. disappeared.

“Stay with these Amegakure bastards!” Hearing the voice and turning his head again, Rasa could no longer see the three Amegakure genin.

Rasa, who was angry but had nowhere to vent, clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and looked at the genin teams of Kumogakure and Iwagakure again.

Seeing the four people, all of whom were injured and in a very embarrassed state, and scanning the messy land in front of them, Luo Sha had an idea in his mind.

If he can eliminate all the genin of Kumogakure and Iwagakure here, then his chances of winning the chuunin exam this time will be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, Luo Sha’s heart skipped a beat. He turned to Kaura next to him and whispered, “This is a good opportunity!”

“Yeah! Be careful!” Kaura reminded him with concern, nodding lightly.

“Don’t worry, they are no match for me now!” Luo Sha said confidently, and looked at the puppet master teammates who had just arrived.

After giving his teammates a look and seeing them nodding, Luo Sha looked into the distance again.

The four heads with residual health in front of them are simply God helping me!

With a smile on his face, Luo Sha led his two teammates, took confident steps, and walked forward.

One more update, keep coding!

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