Chapter 149 Chapter 148 The deep meaning behind the strategy (3200) Chapter 149 Chapter 148 The deep meaning behind the strategy (3200)

Chapter 149 Chapter 148 The profound meaning behind the strategy (3200)

After the trial, the qualified candidates have a week to prepare.

During this week, not only the candidates were preparing for the main competition, but the senior officials behind them were also secretly planning small moves for the benefit of the village.

The Third Raikage of Kumogakure Village, after learning what happened during the second round of exams from his son and Burubi, he immediately noticed the opportunity.

Without any hesitation or any cover, the Third Raikage directly found the Third Tsuchikage Onoki.

The Third Raikage’s purpose in finding Onoki the Tsuchikage was very direct. He wanted to join forces with the Tsuchikage to plunder the Kingdom of Wind.

Due to geographical factors, the Kingdom of Thunder, located in the northeast of the mainland, is extremely far away from the Kingdom of Wind in the southwest, with the Kingdom of Fire and several other small countries in between.

Due to the inconvenient geographical location, the Third Raikage of the Wind Country decided to personally lead the team to take a detour by sea and raid them from the Wind Country’s coastline.

Such a plan is highly concealed, and the cities along the coast of the Kingdom of Wind are very wealthy, so the harvest from looting will be greater.

But after knowing what happened during the second round of exams, the Third Raikage had a bolder idea, which was to join forces with Iwagakure Village to fully invade the Kingdom of Wind.

It was with this idea in mind that the Third Raikage directly found Ohnoki without any cover-up.

This move was not only for the alliance, but also to show Ebizo of Sunagakure.

It would be great if Sunagakure couldn’t resist the pressure and took the initiative to give in and seek peace.

Seeing Raikage’s behavior, Ebizo felt anxious. In order to protect the interests of the village to the greatest extent, he gritted his teeth and found the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Like the Third Raikage, in order to put pressure on Ebizo, the movement greatly visited the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It seems to be telling others that if you force me again, we will surrender to Konoha and become vassals.

Regarding this situation, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and other senior officials in the village were very happy to see it.

They cordially received Ebizo, expressed Konoha’s goodwill, and said that as long as Sunagakure sincerely allies with Konoha, Konoha will also protect the interests of every ally.

During this conversation, Hiruzen Sarutobi also proposed Kizaru’s plan to study abroad.

Of course, in order for Ebizo and Sunagakure to accept this plan well, Sarutobi Hiruzen packaged the overseas student plan well, euphemistically calling it free support for Sunagakure Village to carry out educational reforms and help Sunagakure cultivate new forces.

No one knows the specific thoughts and attitudes of Ebizo regarding this proposal. But during the meeting and after the meeting, Ebizo showed a happy expression that the two sides had a pleasant exchange.

Ebizo’s performance undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on the Tsuchikage and Raikage.

Konoha was already powerful, and if Sunagakure turned to them again, Konoha would lose most of its power in the shinobi world.

This is a situation that no other ninja village wants or can see.

Now, there are only two choices before the Tsuchikage and Raikage. One is to give up bullying the Wind Country and pull them back to their own front; the other is to strike first and directly attack Konoha before it can react. Hidden villages in the sand, divide the resources of the Kingdom of Wind, and strengthen themselves.

No one knows what choices the Tsuchikage and Raikage will make for the time being, but their private meetings have become more frequent.

The game between the four great ninja villages affects the hearts of the ninja clan and the village leaders, but for Kizaru, there is nothing to pay attention to.

Anyway, every night, my uncle would talk to me for a while and tell me the day’s intelligence and his analysis.

Strangely enough, Kizaru found that recently, his uncle’s attitude towards him had been inexplicably better and more cordial.

In the past, Danzo would criticize Kizaru’s etiquette and attitude from time to time, but recently, Danzo has not criticized him once.

On the contrary, after seeing Kizaru’s relaxed appearance, he would smile in confusion, and occasionally say in a caring tone, “Don’t work too hard.”

In response, Kizaru, who left work early and lay dead at home all afternoon, almost showed a black question mark face.

Kizaru estimated that Danzo’s change in attitude toward him was probably due to the conversation before the Chunin Exam.

Danzo didn’t know what deeper meaning he understood from his words, and that’s why he became like this.

However, no matter what Danzo misunderstood, Kizaru felt that his ears were much clearer and his life was more satisfying now that there was no nagging stubborn old man around him.

As the saying goes, good things come in pairs, and when Danzo was “returning to evil”, Kizaru received another piece of better news.

That is the Hashirama cell transplantation technology developed under Orochimaru’s leadership, which has made great progress.

Through the fusion and suppression of Uchiha cells, Orochimaru successfully transplanted a weakened version of Hashirama cells into a living Uchiha body.

The living Uchiha was a middle-aged Uchiha who had opened two Magatama Sharingan eyes. After the persuasion of the clan leader and elders, this person voluntarily participated in the living experiment of Hashirama cell transplantation.

This middle-aged Uchiha tribesman, who has reached middle age and whose potential has been exhausted, did not show any rejection after transplanting a weakened version of Hashirama’s cells. Instead, a few days after transplanting Hashirama’s cells, the two Magatama Sharingan evolved into Three Magatama.

When the test results appeared, Orochimaru was not excited yet, but Uchiha was excited first.

Sharingan advanced! This is the biggest and most important thing for Uchiha!


If the weakened version of Hashirama cells developed by Orochimaru can really help Uchiha people upgrade their Sharingan, then in the future, wouldn’t the entire Uchiha clan be able to have three magatama for everyone?

Thinking of this, the Uchiha clan leader and several elders quickly reached an agreement after a short discussion. The Uchiha clan fully supports the research of Hashirama cells.

This time, it was not for the sake of betting on the future Hokage heir Shimura Kizaru, but for the overall interests of the family.

The Uchiha clan is an extreme clan. They have the most extreme love, and their pursuit of powerful strength is even more paranoid.

Because of this, the Uchiha clan leaders and elders were so excited after learning that Hashirama cells might promote the evolution of the Sharingan.

If it weren’t for the current strength of the Hokage clan in the village, coupled with the suppression of the clan leader and several elders who saw hope for the future, the martial arts faction of the Uchiha clan might have shouted the slogan of snatching Hashirama’s cells.

And this was what worried Hiruzen Sarutobi after he received the research progress report from Orochimaru.

As soon as he received the report, Sarutobi Hiruzen called Danzo, Orochimaru and Kizaru.

“Hashirama cells may promote the evolution of Uchiha’s Sharingan. What do you think about this?” Hiruzen Sarutobi, who put down the report materials in his hands and smoked a cigarette, asked the three people in front of him.

“Control the Uchiha ninja who participated in the experiment and increase monitoring of the Uchiha clan.” After thinking for a moment, Danzo said directly.

Not very satisfied with the method given by Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Kizaru and Orochimaru again.

With a smile on his face, Orochimaru said nothing, but looked directly at Kizaru beside him.

The longer Orochimaru spends time with Kizaru, the more Orochimaru appreciates and admires Kizaru’s political skills.

In Orochimaru’s view, Kizaru is more suitable to be a Hokage than his teacher Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Being stared at by everyone present, Kizaru showed a troubled smile. He touched the back of his head and slowly opened his mouth.

“It’s really troublesome!” Kizaru complained out of habit, and expressed his opinion with a smile, “Isn’t this a good thing?” A good thing


Danzo frowned when he heard his nephew’s words. In his opinion, if the already powerful Uchiha clan is strengthened by Hashirama cells, it will definitely become a serious problem for the village in the future!

Although he was not as hostile to the Uchiha clan as Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen was equally puzzled by Kizaru’s evaluation.

The Uchiha clan is inherently unruly and extremely difficult to manage. If their strength is increased again, the already restless Uchiha clan will become even more ambitious.

“Kizaru, tell me what you think.” Looking directly at Kizaru, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked calmly.

“If Brother Orochimaru’s improved Hashirama cells can really promote the evolution of the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, then the Hashirama cells will become chains made of candy, allowing the village to better tame the Uchiha.”

” What you mean is to let the village use the improved Hashirama cells to drive the Uchiha clan to serve.”


After listening to Kizaru’s words, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not make a direct evaluation, but thought seriously.

“But doing this will enhance the strength of Uchiha. If one day they have undue ambitions, it will endanger the rule of the village.” Danzo, who inherited the teacher’s ideas and has always been wary of Uchiha, said Worry.

“Isn’t the Uchiha clan also a member of the village? As they become stronger, doesn’t it mean that the village becomes stronger.” Looking at Danzo, Kizaru said.

“What if they want to rebel after they grow in strength?” Danzo said straightforwardly instead of making subtle expressions.

“Danzo!” Looking at Danzo with a frown, Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped his friend.

“Hiruzen, you know how?”

“Oh! Uchiha has become stronger, let them make better contributions to the village!” After laughing, Kizaru came up with a solution.

“Making meritorious service.” After pondering these four words, Sarutobi Hiruzen gradually understood his disciple’s thoughts.

Behind making great achievements, isn’t it bloodshed and sacrifice?

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen completely understood why Kizaru said this was a good thing.

As long as the village can control the ratio of Uchiha’s contribution to Hashirama’s cells, the individual strength of the Uchiha clan will indeed increase, but the number can be controlled.

At the same time, the village can also gain more benefits through the tasks and wars performed by the Uchiha clan, thereby supporting civilian ninjas and small and medium-sized ninja clans.

In this way, the Uchiha get what they want, but their strength will not expand too much.

And the village can also gain their favor and loyalty by supporting and training civilian ninjas and small and medium-sized ninja clans, and enhance the power of the Hokage lineage.

Having figured it out, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Kizaru with full admiration in his eyes.

Reason and sacrifice when necessary are also necessary political qualities for a shadow of a village, and Kizaru possesses this.

As the shadow of a village, it is necessary to make calm judgments based on the overall situation and sacrifice something when necessary.

Two more updates

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