Chapter 167 A noisy day (5200) Chapter 167 A noisy day (5200)

Chapter 167 A Noisy Day (5200)

In the front yard of the main house of the Shimura family, Scorpio was squatting on the lawn alone, holding two well-made toys in his hands, playing a battle game.

On one side is Scorpio’s favorite ninja, Golden Flash Konoha Kizaru, and on the other side is the newly developed toy series of his parents, the Kangdam robot.

“Flash Kick! Ha! Hey! Damn it! Look at my super missile! Ta-ta-ta! Bang!”

While operating manually and dubbing manually, Scorpion was having a great time.

“You’re playing with the Kangdam robot! And Brother Kizaru! He’s so handsome!”

A boy’s voice sounded from behind Xia.

Startled by the sudden sound, Xie stopped what he was doing and turned to look behind him.

Behind Scorpion, the trio of Nagato and Konan, headed by Yahiko, were looking at the toys with shining eyes.

In just two months, the toy figures made by Scorpion’s parents have become popular among children in the entire Konoha Village.

If that child has an expensive and well-made doll toy in his hand, he will become the most beautiful kid in the circle of children.

The young Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato also have no resistance to these toys and are very greedy.

However, as orphans and adopted by Kizaru, Yahiko and Konan were very sensible and did not ask for gifts or toys from Sister Keiko or Kizaru.

The plan of the two little guys is to accumulate the pocket money they receive every week, and then go shopping when they have enough.

Among the three, only Nagato received the cheapest 30cm tall Kizaru figure soon after the toy store opened because he had his parents to take care of him.

And now, the two toys in Xie’s hand are both carefully made by his parents. They are 50 centimeters high and have the most luxurious version with built-in mechanisms.

Scorpio, who has been in Konoha for more than two months, rarely goes out because of his fear of strangers, and has not made a single friend yet.

Facing the excited and envious gazes of Yahiko and the others, Xie was a little scared and nervous.

“Then, can we play together? My name is Yahiko, the one on the left is Nagato, and the one on the right is Konan.” Yahiko, who was familiar with them, took the initiative to introduce them.

After listening to Yahiko’s introduction and seeing the three people’s eyes focused on the toys in their hands, the smart Scorpion suddenly understood something.

“Do you want to play with this?” Xia asked, raising the toy in his hand.

“Yeah!” Yahiko nodded vigorously.

“Okay! Let’s play together! This was given to me by my parents. They made it with their own hands!” With a proud look and a little bit of showoff in his tone, Scorpion extended the invitation.

Eyes widening, Yahiko noticed what Scorpion’s words revealed, that these toys were made by his parents.

“Does Bandai Toy Store belong to you?” Yahiko asked excitedly.

“Yeah! The toys inside are all made by mom and dad!” Xie said very proudly.

“Wow!” The trio made envious sounds in unison.

“Then you can play with toys every day and play with whatever you want!” Yahiko said with an envious tone.

“Yeah! I’ve played them all!” Xie admitted.

Hearing Xie’s admission, Yahiko and the others were filled with envy. They felt that Xie was living in paradise.

This is the dreamy happy life!

That child never dreamed of opening a toy store and snack shop in his home.

Facing the three people’s reactions, Xie felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in his heart. Eager to make friends, he took the initiative to invite them.

“Let’s play together! I’ll take you to my house to play.”

After the toy store business was successful, the Scorpion family moved out of the Shimura clan’s main house and lived in the shop.

The family store provided by Kizaru is located in the commercial street in the center of the village. It has two floors.

The first half of the first floor is a shop open to the public, and the second half plus a small yard is a workshop for manufacturing toys.

The second floor is where the Xion family lives.

The three Yahikos were very excited after receiving the invitation. Konan and Nagato both took the initiative to look at the leader Yahiko.

“Let’s tell the adults first!” Although he was very moved, Yahiko suggested very sensibly.

“Yeah! Come with me, I’ll tell my parents!” Scorpio, who felt like he was about to make friends, stood up and said excitedly.

After saying that, Xie walked ahead and went with the trio to the yard where the adults were chatting.

Faced with Xia’s request to take friends to the store to play with toys, Xia’s parents were very supportive. They were happy to see Xia make friends in Konoha.

Xie’s parents just told Xie not to forget the time while playing and to return here before six o’clock for dinner.

Faced with his parents’ instructions, the excited Scorpio naturally agreed seriously.

At the same time, Nagato also found his parents and explained the situation.

Like Scorpion’s parents, Nagato’s parents also agreed to their child’s request, but told him to be sensible and not break other people’s toys.

Yahiko and Konan, who had no parents, told Sister Keiko that in their eyes, Sister Keiko, who had always taken care of them, was like a mother.

“You must be back before six o’clock! Do you understand?” Keiko warned seriously.

“Yes! I will bring them back before six o’clock! Sister Keiko!” Yahiko promised, patting his chest.

Bending down and patting Yahiko on the head, Keiko smiled softly and said, “Go!”

With the adult’s permission, the trio, led by Xie, cheered excitedly and ran out of the house.

Perhaps they were too excited. The four little ones who ran out of the house collided with Kizaru and Tsunade who were about to go home at the corner of the street.

Scorpion and Yahiko, who were running at the front, bumped into Kizaru’s strong body.


“Xiao, are you okay?”

While helping Xiao up, Yahiko looked at Kizaru.

“Brother Kizaru, sister Tsunade, you are back!”

“It’s really scary!” Kizaru said grumblingly as he looked at the four brats in front of him.

After patting Kizaru lightly, Tsunade showed a very friendly smile, bent down and asked: “Are you okay? Are you injured?”

“I’m okay, Scorpio.” Yahiko shook his head and looked at him with concern. scorpion.

“I don’t feel pain!” With Yahiko’s help, Xie stood up from the ground and said, patting the dust on his clothes.

“It’s almost four o’clock, where are you going?” Kizaru laughed and asked curiously.

“Brother Kizaru! The Bandai toy store is owned by the Xie family. He wants to take us to play with toys.” Yahiko excitedly shared with Kizaru the news he had just learned.

Smiling and nodding, Kizaru said without saying anything more, “Let’s go play! Remember to come back before six o’clock.”

“Well! Let’s go first! Goodbye, Brother Kizaru! Sister Tsunade!”

He said goodbye, but his heart was already full. The four little ghosts who flew to the toy store ran away eagerly.

Looking at the backs of the four children running away, Tsunade said with emotion: “The toys in that store are really good! They fascinated the children in the village.”

“Do you like them too?” Looking at Tsunade, Kizaru asked road.

Shaking her head slightly, Tsunade said: “The rope tree likes it! In order to collect a complete set of toys, he spent all the money he saved from doing tasks, and even overdrafted a lot of pocket money from me.” ”

You tell the rope tree, Next time you want toys, you can come to me.”

“Don’t spend money on the rope tree.”

Tsunade was worried about her younger brother, who would lose his mind playing with toys.

“I own half of that toy store.” Kizaru said with a smile.

“What?” Tsunade looked at Kizaru in surprise.

“I told Scorpio’s parents about the idea of the toy, and I also provided the store where they opened the store.” Kizaru showed off a little in front of his girlfriend.

Tsunade was even more surprised when she heard that the idea for the toy was provided by Kizaru.

The little man I have fallen in love with is a bit too powerful!

He is a fierce fighter, a strong leader, knows how to reform, and can make money. Apart from being lazy, he is simply an all-around genius!

“How many secrets are you hiding in your body?” Tsunade said with a strange expression as she looked at Kizaru.

“No more!” Kizaru denied.

“Really?” Tsunade looked at Kizaru suspiciously.

“Okay, let’s go back quickly! Everyone is waiting for us.” As a smart man, Kizaru would not dwell on this topic, but directly changed the topic.

After saying that, Kizaru hugged Tsunade who was struggling slightly and continued walking towards home.

In the back garden of the Shimura family’s main residence, Kushina and he came here at Minato’s invitation.

“It’s so beautiful here!” Kushina said with praise, looking at the surrounding scenery, as well as the exquisite stone carvings and rockeries.

“Brother Kizaru asked sister Keiko to modify these.” Minato began to explain.

“Although that guy doesn’t sound nice, he still has good aesthetics.” Kushina gave a rare compliment to Kizaru.

“Kizaru-san is a nice person, he’s just talking.” After hesitating, Minato continued, “It’s a little weird.”

“Yes!” Kushina nodded in agreement.

While Minato and Kushina were chatting, a tanuki was hiding in a bush on the outskirts of the garden.

Damn tomato kid, Uncle Shukaku is going to make a fool of yourself in front of your little boyfriend today!

Shukaku, who held a grudge, had not forgotten the severe beating he had received.

This is a rare opportunity. Taking advantage of everyone’s relaxation due to the arrival of the New Year, Shukaku prepares to launch his own revenge.

“Jie, Jie, Jie!” Shukaku couldn’t help but let out a slight laugh when he thought of the tomato kid, who would be so angry later.

“Shukaku, what do you want to do?” On the wall next to the bushes, Matsuri noticed Shukaku’s sneaky behavior and followed him all the way.

Putting his paw in front of his mouth to signal for silence, Shukaku took out his secret Shukaku Bomb, a tomato that was about to rot.

He jumped off the wall, walked up to Shukaku, and persuaded him, “Everyone is celebrating the festival, so don’t make trouble!” ”

This is the gift I prepared for that brat!” Shukaku said confidently.

“You can’t fight here, you will cause big trouble!” You Brigade said warningly.

“Don’t worry, I’m measured!” Shukaku said confidently, waving his paw.

After saying that, Shukaku ignored Matabusa and took a few steps forward to the edge of the bushes, ready to launch an attack.

Seeing this scene, Mataburi knew that he could not stop Shukaku, so he decisively left and prepared to find Kizaru.

Hearing the noise and seeing the troublemaker leaving, Shukaku’s smile became even more proud.

Jie Jie Jie! Get ready to receive the gift from Mr. Shukaku! Stinky tomato kid!

Shukaku, who couldn’t wait, didn’t throw the smelly tomatoes directly, but fired micro blank bullets from his mouth.

Miniature missiles resembling the Wind Release and Vacuum Jade were shot out from Shukaku’s mouth one after another, attacking Kushina’s surroundings.

“Be careful!” Sensing the movement, Minato quickly stepped forward, hugged Kushina directly, and jumped to the side.

Being hugged by Minato, Kushina’s head immediately went into a shutdown state, and her face began to get hot and red.

“It’s a stinky tanuki!” Kushina’s body, Kyuubi, sensed Shukaku’s chakra and warned.

“Ah” Kushina, whose mind could not handle unnecessary things for the time being, responded instinctively.

“Stop going into heat, Kushina!” Kyuubi yelled dissatisfied.

“Ah!” Kushina screamed shyly when she was stimulated by Kyuubi’s words.

Standing on a stone with words carved on it, facing Kushina’s scream in his arms, Minato thought she was scared.

“Don’t be afraid, I will protect you, Kushina!” Minato comforted softly as he hugged Kushina tighter.

Swish, swish, swish!

While Minato was comforting Kushina, Shukaku fired a few more micro-blank missiles.

Using the teleportation technique, Minato, who was holding Kushina, disappeared from the stone in an instant.


The miniature blank bullet did not hit Minato and Kushina, but it shattered the stone that Kizaru had someone carve.

“Haha Jie Jie Jie!” With a proud laugh, Shukaku took advantage of Minato’s opportunity to jump into the air and control the sand to rise from the ground.

Noticing the sand and Shukaku launching the attack, Minato looked confused in the air.

Why did Brother Kizaru conquer the one tail and attack us?

“Let me go.” Kushina, who was held in Minato’s arms, raised her head with a blush and whispered.

“It’s not safe now!” As he spoke, Minato stretched out his foot to lightly touch the sand that was coming up. Before the sand wrapped around his right foot, he quickly left again.

“Damn bastard!” Shukaku yelled angrily after seeing Shasha’s first attack failed.

After falling to the ground and slightly letting go of Kushina in his arms, Minato asked in confusion: “Why are you attacking us?”

“Jie Jie Jie!” With an evil laugh, Shukaku did not answer, but just threw it out Tomatoes in paws.

Holding Kushina in his arms and turning around, Minato dodged the tomatoes thrown by Shukaku.

Looking at the tomatoes that exploded behind him, and then at Shukaku, Minato’s expression became serious.

“Smelly tomato brat! Try Uncle Shukaku’s secret bomb!” As he spoke, Shukaku put his paws on the ground and used countless amounts of sand.

The sand that surged forward divided into several strands and rose up, surrounding Minato and Kushina.

Dozens of small claws stretched out from the rising sand, holding tomatoes in their claws.

“Shukaku’s secret technique! Infinite bombs!”

“Let me go! I’ll deal with it!” Seeing those tomatoes, Kushina was furious and very angry.

“Leave it to me! Kushina!” Minato said seriously looking at the angry Kushina.

While the two were talking, dozens of tomatoes were thrown at Minato and Kushina from all directions.

“Hahahaha!” Patting his belly happily, Shukaku laughed wildly, completely unaware that many ninjas were already surrounding him outside the garden behind him.

Facing the attack of a large number of tomatoes, if Kushina was to deal with it alone, she would use the nine-tailed chakra to block the tomatoes around her body.

But now, Minato, who had been protecting Kushina and was a little angry, adopted another way of coping.

Relying on his abnormal nerve reaction speed and his dexterous and high-speed movement, Minato moved around with Kushina while returning some of the tomatoes to Shukaku.

“Jie Jie!” Shukaku, who was laughing, was hit in the face by a tomato suddenly thrown back by Minato.

Kushina, who was holding Minato tightly with both hands, saw this scene, her anger turned into joy, and she laughed happily.

“Smelly tanuki! Stupid tanuki! Eat tomatoes!”

“Ah! Damn it!” Shukaku was angry and anxious after being hit by tomatoes one after another and mocked by Kushina.

“Uncle Shukaku wants to”


The angry Shukaku was stepped on the ground by a big foot that descended from the sky before he could even utter harsh words.

“Oh, it hurts!” Shukaku, who was suddenly attacked, cried out in pain.

“Disobedient guys will get beaten!” Kizaru put his hands in his pockets and stepped on Shukaku with one foot, lowering his head and saying with a smile.

“Kizaru, I was wrong, let me go!” Shukaku, who had been so proud just now, suddenly became frightened when he saw Kizaru coming.

Kizaru removed his right hand and bent down to lift Shukaku up. Kizaru looked at the tanuki with a smile full of oppressive eyes.

“I was just joking with them!”

At this moment, Shukaku looked like a child who was discovered by an adult after doing something bad.

Listening to Shukaku’s explanation and looking around at the messy garden it had made, the smile on Kizaru’s face became more terrifying and frightening.

“My garden seems to be dirty! It’s really annoying!” As he spoke, Kizaru looked at Shukaku again.

“Seal it! Kizaru!” Danzo said with a cold face as he walked out of the crowd at the right time.

“Give it to me, and I will arrange a suitable container for it!”

“No, no!” After finally getting free, Shukaku was frightened by Danzo’s words.

Staring at the old bastard Danzo, Shukaku hurriedly said to Kizaru: “I will clean up this place!” ”

Kizaru, let me supervise Shukaku!” Seeing that Shukaku was almost frightened. , and the brigade stood out again.

“Smelly tanuki!” Kushina was angry and ashamed as many adults watched her being hugged by Minato.

“Kizaru, don’t seal it, give it to me, I will take care of it!” Kushina walked up to Kizaru.

“Then I’ll leave it to you and Mataburi to punish it.” As he spoke, Kizaru threw Shukaku to Kushina.

Holding Shukaku in disgust, Kushina complained to Kyuubi in her consciousness: “Kyuubi, I saved it.”

“I didn’t want to save it, I just felt that it would be more difficult to fight like this.” Relieve your hatred!” The arrogant Kyuubi made excuses.

“Ku Lama, you are so cute like this!” Kushina said teasingly.

“Hmph!” With an angry roar, Kyuubi temporarily cut off the connection with Kushina’s consciousness.

Discovering the cute and arrogant side of Kyuubi for the first time, Kushina found it extremely interesting and a smile appeared on her face.

“Kushina, are you okay!” Minato walked over and asked with concern.

Hearing Minato’s voice, Kushina’s face turned red again, “I’m fine!”

Standing with Kizaru, looking at Minato and Kushina, Danzo became thoughtful.

Minato is his adopted son. If he is with the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, he can increase the power of Kizaru.

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