Chapter 171 Preparations before the start of the new semester Chapter 171 Preparations before the start of the new semester

Chapter 171 Preparation before the start of the new semester

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen said, when he proposed that Kakuto, a subordinate recruited by Kizaru, supervise the accounts of the nutritional medicine business project, he was opposed by two consultants.

The two advisors tried to talk Hiruzen Sarutobi out of the arrangement, citing trust issues.

This trust issue has two aspects. On the one hand, Hiruzen Sarutobi and the village should trust these two hard-working consultants; on the other hand, the two consultants do not trust the sudden appearance of the bounty ninja Kakuzu.

Of course, the so-called trust issue is just a superficial excuse for the two consultants to refute. In fact, the real reason for their opposition is clear to everyone.

Nutritional medicine is the village’s largest commercial project now. It represents huge financial income and is a real profit margin.

When the two consultants were negotiating for agency rights in the capital of the Country of Fire, the benefits they received were already a considerable amount of wealth.

In the future, when conducting business management and accounting records, the two consultants will continue to gain benefits from it.

With such fat in their mouths, the two consultants naturally did not want to be supervised.

Facing the opposition of his two old friends, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t say much. He just warned them two things in an extremely serious manner.

First, the leader of this project is Kizaru, who has the highest say second only to himself.

Second, he plans to hand over the position of Hokage to Kizaru within 4 to 7 years.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s meaning was very simple. He wanted his two old friends to think clearly that the Konoha of the future belonged to Kizaru, and they should consider the next thing.

Kizaru is not a young man without background, who was promoted to the position of Hokage with the support of senior officials.

Regardless of Kizaru’s powerful strength that shocked the ninja world, Kizaru’s background alone determines that Kizaru can easily grasp real power after becoming Hokage.

Kizaru’s uncle is Danzo who has mastered the roots. His family is a ninja clan as famous as the Sarutobi clan. His teacher is the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. His future wife is the granddaughter of the first Hokage. Konoha Hospital is responsible for Human Tsunade.

Kizaru, who has these backgrounds, will easily control the core power of the village as long as he takes over the position of Hokage from Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The two advisors who gained power relying on Sarutobi Hiruzen are by no means Kizaru’s opponents.

You are now opposing Kizaru’s arrangements and embezzling the benefits created by Kizaru. Will you be liquidated in the future? How will the family behind you be treated? Have you thought about it?

This was the deep meaning behind Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words, no explicit warning.

The two advisors were not fools, and they naturally understood the warning contained in Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words.

They made a gesture of opposition, on the one hand, because of their inner greed, and on the other hand, they were also making a gesture, a gesture that they had suffered losses due to Kizaru’s arrangements.

The two consultants did not expect anything in return from Kizaru. They just wanted Kizaru to see his concessions and losses in exchange for dignity in his future retirement.

In front of Kizaru and Danzo, after a “heated” argument, the two advisors agreed to Hiruzen Sarutobi’s request for Kizaru.

Kizaru naturally understood the thoughts of the two consultants, and he also implicitly expressed that the two consultants would have a decent retirement life.

Ever since, the political show of Hello, Me, Everyone, came to a perfect end.

As time goes by, the atmosphere of the New Year gradually fades away, and the ninjas of Konoha are about to start the work of the new year again.

As the principal of the Ninja School and the person in charge of school reform, Kizaru also started preparations.

At the end of last semester, Kizaru organized an exam for third-grade students, a placement exam.

Based on the students’ performance in the exam, they will be assigned to combat classes, medical classes, and scientific research classes.

In the new semester, these first batch of students who are assigned to different classes will receive training with different emphasis depending on the class they enter.

Most students and parents are cooperative with school reforms, especially students and parents from civilian backgrounds.

These are civilian students who have no blood and no ninjutsu passed down from their families. If they follow the previous training, they will graduate from the ninja school and become the most common cannon fodder in the village after mastering the three basic ninja techniques of clone, substitute and transformation.

These newly graduated civilian genin are the group with the highest casualty rate and the hardest group to get ahead.

But now, due to the reform of the class system, these civilian ninjas have the hope of being exposed to ninjutsu and knowledge that they were not qualified to learn before. Their destiny may change as a result.

This is what parents are happy to see. Who doesn’t want their children to have a safer and more promising job?

Therefore, in the reform of the class system, the vast majority of civilian students and parents have no objections and are active supporters.

What is more troublesome are those students who are from the ninja clan. Among these students, there are a few children who have not been admitted to the combat class. They and their parents are not very happy to let their children go to medical classes and scientific research classes.

In the eyes of these ninjas born in the ninja clan, combat prowess is the key to determining status. They prefer that their children go to the combat class, even if their children do not have outstanding talents in combat.

“It’s really troublesome!” Kizaru sighed as he put down the parent wish list collected by the school teacher.

“For those who don’t agree, we can visit their homes.” As Kizaru’s assistant and teaching director, Hinata Hiashi suggested.

“Ordinary people would not agree to those old stubborns. If Kizaru visits the house in person, it may be misunderstood as coercion, which can easily have a bad impact on Kizaru.” Another assistant to the principal, Nara Shikaku, said Something went wrong.

“Kizaru, let me go!” Hyuga Hizu insisted that he still had a certain status, and he also wanted to make more contributions to Kizaru’s reform.


Looking at Hinata Hinashi, Kizaru did not speak immediately.

Hyuga Hizu’s identity is sufficient, but nearly a year of getting along with him has made it clear to Kizaru, who knows him well, that this guy’s personality is more suitable for execution rather than communication.

“You need to be responsible for the new school regulations and curriculum arrangements. Let other people do the home visits.”

After saying that, Kizaru looked at Shikaku again and complained, “You guy, why were you born so late? ”

You talk to my dad about this issue.” Leaning on the chair, Lu Jiu rolled his eyes speechlessly.

“Let the school teachers be responsible for home visits first! If that doesn’t work, I’ll arrange someone else.” Kizaru made a temporary arrangement, “Rizu, I’ll leave the job of selecting teachers to you.” ”

Okay.” Hinata Hizu agreed.

“There are a few stubborn old men who are not easy to deal with.” Lu Jiu reminded them.

After laughing, Kizaru said with a smile: “Those disobedient guys, I will find someone to talk to them.”

“Who?” Shikaku asked curiously.

“Elder Danzo!” Kizaru’s smile became dangerous at this time.

“You’re such a cruel guy!” Lujiu complained.

Danzo’s home visit is no different from an evil spirit’s visit, threatening everyone.

Definitely a same day conversation, same day results, one course of treatment to solve all problems.

After arranging the preparations before the start of school, Kizaru ended the meeting. He asked Hizu and Shikaku to go back and finish the work at hand.

Just as Kizaru was making final preparations for the reform of the new semester, a group of freshmen who were about to enter the school also began their preparations for admission.

In the backyard of the Bandai toy store, Xia was using chakra strings to control two toys, playing a battle game.

Next to Xie, his father, who taught him the art of puppetry, widened his eyes.

It had only been three days since Scorpion had learned the puppetry technique, and he was able to control puppets and toys through chakra lines to fight.

Such talent is simply terrifying.

The child Scorpion’s achievements in puppetry may surpass those of his mother and even the ancestor of puppet masters, Chikamatsu Monzaemon.

My own child is a true puppet master genius!

At this moment, Xie Xie’s father, You Sha, was filled with pride and pride.

At the same time, Nagato, who was refining chakra at his home, suddenly stopped.

Covering his eyes, Nagato had a confused expression on his face.

All the chakra he had just extracted was absorbed by his eyes. Why is this?

Is there anything wrong with your eyes?

Nagato, who was confused and worried, quickly jumped out of bed, and he was going to ask his mother about the situation.

At Konoha Hospital, Nagato’s father was working. Next to him, stood a little girl with light orange-blond hair, holding disinfectant and cotton swabs in her hands.

The little girl with light orange-blond hair is the pharmacist Nono U. She was supposed to enroll in school last year, but postponed her enrollment for a year in order to take care of the children in the orphanage.

Now six years old, she entered Konoha Hospital under the arrangement of Kizaru, and started learning medical ninjutsu under the guidance of Tsunade.

This little guy has outstanding talent in medical ninjutsu. She has just refined chakra for half a year and been exposed to medical ninjutsu for a month, and she can already initially heal a dying fish.

In order to repay Kizaru and Tsunade for their kindness, the sensible and well-behaved pharmacist Noonoyu will stay in the hospital to help and do whatever he can after practice.

In the training ground within the Shimura clan, Konan and Yahiko were practicing taijutsu under the guidance of Namikaze Minato.

Watching the two people’s taijutsu battle, a smiling Minato kept pointing out their problems and giving suggestions for improvement.

With Minato’s current strength, it was very easy to teach two children who had not yet entered school.

Guiding Yahiko and Konan was the task given to Minato by Kizaru.

This year, Jiraiya will continue to practice senjutsu, and for the time being he does not have the energy to guide and take care of Minato, so he can only let this disciple stay in the village and follow Kizaru to practice the Wind Release and Rasengan Shuriken.

In line with the principle of not wasting manpower, Kizaru left the pre-school training of Yahiko and Konan to Minato.

There will be no updates tonight. Maomao is going to stay up all night and go to bed early to get back the jet lag.

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