Chapter 176 Listen to me, thank you! Chapter 176 Listen to me, thank you!

The so-called senjutsu is to absorb natural energy into the body and maintain the balance of natural energy and chakra in the body at a certain ratio, thereby strengthening the physical fitness of the caster and the power of Ninjutsu.

Once this balance is broken, too much chakra will lead to failure in the use of magic. Too much natural energy will cause people to transform into toads, or even gradually become petrified.

Therefore, the practice of Miaomushan Xianjutsu is divided into three stages.

The first stage is to use toad oil as an aid to sense and attract natural energy through meditation.

The second stage is to maintain a balance between the absorbed natural energy and the chakra extracted from the body in a still state, and enter the sage mode.

The third stage is to maintain the balance of natural energy and chakra in the body during action.

Only by completing the third stage of practice can the initial practice of immortality be considered successful, and the practitioner can enter the immortal mode to fight.

Before the formal training, Fukasaku Sennin showed the results of his senjutsu training in front of Kizaru.

Under Kizaru’s gaze, Fukasaku Sennin used the increase in natural energy to lift a solid toad statue about six or seven meters high.

Lifting this stone statue is a very easy thing for Kizaru, but for Fukasaku Sennin, who is only the size of a baby, being able to lift the stone statue with the help of senjutsu is a very powerful thing .

Fukasaku Sennin also wanted to use this to show Kizaru the extremely excellent amplifying effect of senjutsu.

After showing off the finished teachings, Fukasaku Sennin guided Kizaru and began the practice of Mt. Myoki Senjutsu.

The first step is to smear toad oil all over Kizaru’s body and let him sit quietly and sense the existence of natural energy.

Fukasaku Sennin stood beside Kizaru, holding a black stick. When Kizaru turned into a toad, he used the black stick to disperse the natural energy in Kizaru’s body.

This first step of practice is not too difficult for Kizaru, who has top-level knowledge and color domineering.

He has a very keen mental perception, and with the help of toad oil, he can more clearly perceive the natural energy that exists between heaven and earth.

Of course, during the process of perception, Kizaru inevitably absorbed too much natural energy, and his body turned into a toad, and he received several blows from the black stick.

It took less than a morning for Kizaru to memorize the natural energy with his body and his knowledge and haki.

After it was confirmed that Kizaru could really sense and absorb natural energy, Sennin Fukasaku, who was responsible for the guidance, was also shocked by Kizaru’s terrifying learning progress.

“Little Kizaru, you are the fastest human being I have ever seen.” Standing in front of Kizaru, Fukasaku Sennin praised him with emotion.

“No, no, no, I’m not happy!” Kizaru quickly denied such praise.

“No, you are the fastest I have ever seen. You can be said to be the fastest man in Mt. Myoboku so far.”

With a troubled expression, Kizaru wanted to tell Fukasaku Sennin that there was a man named Otsutsuki Hagoromo who was faster than I’m still fast.

But then I thought about it, half of the bloodline of Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo comes from aliens, not necessarily human.

Therefore, he is really the fastest man in Miaomu Mountain.

“It’s almost noon, let’s eat first! After we finish eating, we can continue with the next stage of practice.” Looking at the sun that was about to reach the top of the sky, Fukasaku Sage said.

Have a meal?

Looking at Fukasaku Sage, Kizaru suddenly remembered the scene in the anime of Naruto eating when he was training at Mt. Myoboku. His mind was buzzing and he was confused.

All the toads here eat insects!

“To entertain you, the child’s mother has prepared a big meal.” Fukasaku Sennin seemed to have thought of the deliciousness of insects, and couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

“It’s really annoying.” He thanked with a smile, and Kizaru was ready to act according to the situation.

Following Fukasaku Sennin to his home, Kizaru’s head almost hit the ceiling due to his height.

Looking at the three plates of insects that had been placed on the wooden table, Kizaru showed a troubled expression.

Kizaru had eaten bugs and other things in his previous life, but they were always fried or grilled. To be honest, they tasted really good!

But the insects made by Shima Sennin looked very bland, almost all steamed and boiled, which was a bit hard for Kizaru to accept.

Looking at Kizaru’s expression, Fukasaku Sennin, who had entertained Jiraiya before, had a smile in his eyes.

Human beings are not used to eating bugs, and Fukasaku Sennin naturally knows that. Treating the contractors to a feast is a prank that has been reserved for a long time in Miaomu Mountain and everyone loves to see it.

Moreover, as the holy land of toads, Mt. Miaomu only stores insects.

Sitting directly on his seat, Fukasaku Sennin grabbed a plump white worm and put it into his mouth.

“Little Kizaru, these insects are very delicious!” Fukasaku Sennin recommended to Kizaru while eating.

“I also have some research on insect delicacies, why don’t you let me help you cook them.” Looking at the large and fat insects on the table, but easy to cook, Kizaru proactively suggested.


“Kizaru-chan, can you cook insects?” It was the first time he heard that a human could cook insects, and Fukasaku Sennin’s curiosity was aroused.

“Dad, little Kizaru, please eat quickly!” Holding a plate of steamed insects in his hand, Shima Sennin walked into the living room with a hospitable smile.

“The mother of the child, Kizaru said, he can cook insects.” Fukasaku Sennin said to his wife.

Putting the plate in his hand on the table, Shima Sennin looked at Kizaru, a little confused and curious.

Do humans really know how to cook bugs?

“In return for your teaching, let me cook it for you!” Looking at the two Toad Sage, Kizaru said politely with a smile, “Where is the kitchen?” ”

Over there!” Shima Sage pointed to himself and walked out. direction.

“Leave the rest to me!” After saying that, Kizaru walked confidently towards the kitchen.

Looking at Kizaru’s back, Shima Sennin looked at his husband, and the two Toad Sennin looked at each other.

“Daddy, can the little Kizaru really do this?”

“Let’s go and have a look!”

Standing up from their seats, Fukasaku and Shima walked towards the kitchen curiously.

Entering the kitchen, under the watchful eyes of the two Toad Immortals, Kizaru demonstrated what cooking skills are and what broad and profound Chinese cuisine is.

Deep-fried, stir-fried, stir-fried, Kizaru even went outside and made a barbecued insect chrysalis.

Salt and pepper sandworms, stir-fried bread worms, hot grasshoppers, and charcoal-grilled insect pupae.

Seeing the four delicious insect delicacies prepared by Kizaru, Fukasaku Sennin couldn’t wait to try them.

While Kizaru was cooking, Fukasaku Sennin, who was seduced by the aroma, kept trying to eat secretly. If his wife hadn’t stopped him, he would have tasted it secretly.

Grabbing a salt and pepper sandworm and putting it in his mouth, Fukasaku Sennin felt that his taste buds were instantly satisfied with the fried aroma combined with the salty and peppery aroma.

Opening his closed eyes, Fukasaku Sennin looked at Kizaru with eagerness in his eyes.

“Little Kizaru, you can stay in Mt. Myouki from now on! The dishes you cook are so delicious.”

Seeing that her husband spoke so highly of Kizaru’s delicacies, Shima Sennin on the side also tried it out of curiosity. stand up.

Grabbing the charcoal-grilled insect chrysalis and putting it in your mouth, you are greeted by the aroma of charcoal grilling, followed by the salty aroma and a hint of refreshing spiciness.

After taking a breath of cold air, Shima Sennin fell in love with this delicacy.

“Little Kizaru, please teach me how to cook from now on!” Shima Sennin asked with admiration as he looked at Kizaru.

“Oh ho ho! Of course it’s no problem! But now, let’s eat first!” Seeing that his dish was so popular, Kizaru was also very happy.

Picking up the chopsticks, Kizaru, who had been hungry for a long time, began to enjoy this protein-exploding lunch.

While Kizaru and the two Toad Immortals were happily enjoying the insect delicacies, Jiraiya, who was practicing hard, had just finished his training in the morning.

I don’t know what Kizaru’s reaction was to that big meal? It must be fun!

Jiraiya, who couldn’t wait to see Kizaru’s deflated appearance and finished his training, excitedly ran to the home of Fukasaku and Shima, the two toad sages.

“Kizaru, you.” Jiraiya, who walked into the living room with a gloating smile on his face and was ready to watch the show, was instantly dumbfounded.

Seeing Kizaru and the two immortals eating insect dishes with relish, Jiraiya rubbed his eyes suspiciously.

This… this must be an illusion, right? Kizaru, why didn’t he show any discomfort at all? Why?

“Ah! Little Jiraiya, you’re here!” Seeing Jiraiya, Shima Sennin stood up, “We left lunch specially for you.”

After saying that, Shima Sennin put what he had made on a plate on the floor. The insect dish was placed back on the table.

“Come and eat!” Sage Shima warmly invited Jiraiya, waving his paw.

It was hard to refuse, so Jiraiya walked over to the dinner plate. Seeing that the four plates were almost empty, he said in surprise: “You have all finished eating.”

“Brother Jiraiya, we have reserved it just for you.” It’s food.” Kizaru said with a smile as he pushed the insect dish made by Sennin Shima that had just been placed on the table in Jiraiya’s direction.

“Thank you! Kizaru!” He said through gritted teeth with a smile, and Jiraiya, who was feeling miserable, could only sit down.

While eating the insect dish that was like a delicacy from hell with tears in his eyes, Jiraiya couldn’t figure out why Kizaru ate so deliciously. So happy?

Picking up the unused wooden bowl, Kizaru enthusiastically made a bowl of long purple worm soup for Jiraiya that looked very bland and had almost no oil or salt.

“Brother Jiraiya, don’t be in a hurry, eat slowly. Come, have a bowl of soup first.”

Looking at the long purple worm soup that Kizaru brought to him, Jiraiya swallowed the worms in his mouth with difficulty. While shaking his hand, he reached out and took the soup bowl.

“Thank you so much, Kizaru!” Jiraiya gritted his teeth and thanked Kizaru for his great kindness!

Two more updates!

Chapter 177 Wood Escape? Grass Escape! Chapter 177 Wood Escape? Grass Escape!

Chapter 177 Wood Escape? Grass Escape!

When Kizaru was practicing celestial arts at Mt. Myouki, all the affairs he had arranged before leaving Konoha were being carried out in an orderly manner.

Shintaro, who was assigned by Kizaru to be responsible for the business affairs of Bandai Toy Store, devoted himself to the operation of Bandai Toy Store without sleep or food in order not to disappoint his elder brother.

With the help of the family’s resources and connections, Shintaro quickly recruited 57 skilled carpenters and cooperated with Xia’s parents to upgrade the production line.

At the same time, Shintaro also completed the business negotiations very well. Not only did he sign an exclusive agreement with the businessman for the Bandai brand, but he also obtained 100% of the gross profit he promised during the price negotiation.

After calculation, excluding the cost of character copyright and technical design, the current three grades of toy products in Bandai Toy Store cost 285 taels (store price 1,000 taels), 784 taels (3,000 taels), and 1,203 taels respectively. Liang (5000 Liang).

After calculating the cost, Shintaro negotiated with the merchant for wholesale prices of 600 taels, 1,800 taels, and 3,200 taels.

Both parties are very satisfied with this price, which can be regarded as laying a good foundation for future cooperation.

The third elder, who had been secretly supervising and observing, also praised Shintaro’s performance after the negotiation.

Shintaro was very happy to be praised, but he was not satisfied yet. He wanted to be praised and recognized by Brother Kizaru.

Therefore, after the negotiation, Shintaro continued to stay at the Bandai Toy Store, assisting Scorpio’s parents in managing the recruited carpenters and taking charge of external sales.

Knowing the future potential of Bandai toys, the third elder was also happy to see this situation. Instead of calling Shintaro back, he acquiesced to Shintaro staying in the Bandai toy store.

As for Scorpio’s parents, they don’t have any objections to this, or they hope so.

Having already died once for Sunagakure, the two people were once puppet masters, and now they like the research and development and manufacturing of toys.

Whenever they see the toys they designed and manufactured being loved and sought after by children, they feel filled with a sense of accomplishment.

In addition, Scorpio likes and is proud of his parents’ new job, which makes the couple fall in love with their current toy research and development work.

In addition, the two of them are not very good at or interested in sales and management work.

Therefore, after knowing that Shintaro was willing to stay and help, they were naturally very happy.

Compared to Shintaro’s progress, Kizaru’s other partner Orochimaru has been feeling uncomfortable recently.

With the arrival of the new year, he cooperated with Tsunade to develop Hashirama cells for his disciple Naoki. The risk of rejection continued to decrease. Kizaru brought what Orochimaru had always wanted, about the location of Ryūchi Cave.

With the arrival of two good things, it stands to reason that Orochimaru should have gained double happiness.

But unfortunately, this kind of thing will disappear.

After knowing the location of Ryūchi Cave, Orochimaru, who was eager for celestial magic, took the root ninja and went there immediately.

After going through the arduous tests of the three Snake Himeshin Princess, Ichikishima Hime, and Tsunjin Hime in Ryūchi Cave, Orochimaru successfully met the White Snake Sennin and obtained the qualification to practice immortal arts.

Then, Orochimaru was dumbfounded.

Compared with the step-by-step and safer method of practicing senjutsu in Mount Myoki, the practice of senjutsu in Ryūchi Cave, the holy land contracted by Orochimaru, is quite simple and crude.

Unlike Mt. Myoboku, which uses toad oil to help contractors gradually perceive and absorb natural energy, the way of practicing celestial arts in Ryūjidō is for the White Snake Sage to use his fangs to inject natural energy into contractors who have passed the test, and then teach it to Ryujidō Sage. model.

It sounds simple, but the problem is that this simple and crude method is extremely dangerous.

Once a practitioner fails to maintain the balance of natural energy, his body turns into a snake and will be eaten!

As a mad scientist, Orochimaru is very radical and crazy, but this is all for the experimental subjects.

Now I have to become a “guinea pig” and be directly injected with natural energy by the White Snake Immortal. The rest is left to talent and luck.

Orochimaru was a little unable to accept such an unstable, risky, and unknown way of practicing immortality.

More importantly, White Snake Sage also told Orochimaru that his chakra amount was not too much (Energy 7), and the success rate of practicing the Sage Mode of Ryūchi Cave would not be too high.


Faced with this situation, Orochimaru did not choose to practice immortality rashly, but left Ryūchi Cave.

Of course, Orochimaru’s trip to Ryūchi Cave was not completely fruitless.

Outside the entrance of Ryūchi Cave, Orochimaru discovered a village. Because the villagers lived close to Ryūchi Cave, their bodies instinctively absorbed some natural energy.

Adhering to the concept of sustainable development, and also in order to observe the long-term impact of natural energy on these villagers, Orochimaru did not directly pack up all these villagers, but secretly collected many blood and human tissue samples.

At the same time, Orochimaru also used becoming a ninja and gaining strength as bait, and took away several teenagers from this village who were unwilling to be ordinary and eager to get ahead.

With these gains, Orochimaru and the root ninjas returned to Konoha.

After returning to Konoha, before Orochimaru began to retreat to study natural energy, he and Tsunade transplanted improved Hashirama cells to his disciple Naoki.

Orochimaru has high hopes for his disciples and this Hashirama cell transplant.

According to Orochimaru’s calculations, the Senju Rouki, who has the direct bloodline of the Senju, should have a great chance of awakening the wood to escape the blood inheritance limit under the stimulation of Hashirama’s cells.

The disciple Naoki did not disappoint his teacher Orochimaru. On the third day after transplanting Hashirama cells, he awakened the Wood Release Blood Succession Limit.

This was originally something that made both Orochimaru and Tsunade happy.

However, as expected, an unexpected surprise came. There was a slight deviation in the wooden escape blood succession limit of Naoshu’s awakening.

Perhaps because the awakening was not thorough enough, or perhaps because the qualifications were insufficient, the wood escape blood inheritance limit of the awakened rope tree could not change into wood, but could only change into grass.

Yes, when the chakra properties of Earth Release and Water Release were changed at the same time, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama transformed into wood, while the Rope Tree transformed into grass.

“Wood Release: The Technique of the Great Forest!”

In the training ground No. 37, under the watchful eyes of his teacher and sister, Shengshu practiced using the secret technique of Wood Release passed down from his family.

Following the rope tree’s seals and shouts, his right hand turned into dozens of relatively thick green grass.

These tough and thick green grasses are like steel cables, spirally intertwined and spreading forward.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru’s expression was calm, but he still felt a little uncomfortable inside.

You and Tsunade worked hard to develop improved Hashirama cells. After the successful transplantation, you awakened me to a grass escape?

This child is hopeless, forget it, I’m tired!

Beside Orochimaru, Tsunade slapped her forehead with a strange expression. Apparently she was also a little confused by her brother’s awakened grass escape.

However, as a qualified sister, Tsunade knew that what her brother needed at this time was encouragement, not accusations and ridicule.

She smiled and took the initiative to walk up to Shengshu, who looked disappointed.

Raising her hand to press on the head of the rope tree, Tsunade smiled and praised loudly: “You did a good job. You can successfully perform it in the first practice. You are worthy of being my younger brother!” ”

But, sister, what I used is not wood. Escape.” Looking at Tsunade’s smile, Naoki said in despair.

“There are no useless ninjutsu, only useless ninjas! Rope Tree, the grass escape you just used, I think it has great potential for development.” Tsunade looked at Rope Tree seriously, guiding and educating.

“Really?” Shen Shu asked unconfidently.

“Compared to my grandfather’s Wood Release, although your Grass Release is a little weaker in attack, it is more flexible in other aspects and has great potential for development.” Tsunade said encouragingly.

“I understand, sister, I will study the Kusanagi Ninjutsu!” Naoki said firmly, raising his right hand and clenching it into a fist.

Have a late night snack and another update!

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