Chapter 185: Kizaru Sennin who has been practicing for two and a half years + more than three months (4300) Chapter 185: Kizaru Sennin who has been practicing for two and a half years + more than three months (4300)

Chapter 185: Kizaru Sennin who has been practicing for two and a half years + more than three months (4300)

In the blink of an eye, the freshmen of Nagato’s class have been in school for almost three years.

Today was the day they took the placement test, and it was extremely quiet in the ninja school.

In three years, the class system reform proposed by Kizaru has been completed and matured, and he does not need to worry too much.

Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hizashi became Kizaru’s capable generals, one was responsible for academic management and the other was responsible for discipline management.

Thanks to the terrifying detective ability of the Byakugan, Hinata Hizashi, who is responsible for managing discipline, has become a nightmare for all students in the ninja school.

“The Ubiquitous White Ghost” is the nickname given to Hinata Hiashi by the students in private.

This nickname also made Hinata Hizashi uncomfortable for a while.

Three years of working together have brought Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hizashi closer together. The two are both competitors and mutually recognized friends.

When Hinata and Hinata were feeling uncomfortable because of their nicknames, Uchiha Fugaku comforted his friends many times.

Then, Uchiha Fugaku, who comforted his friend, also accidentally learned his nickname, “Red-eyed Devil of Vicissitudes.”

Things suddenly turned around and it became Hinata Hizu comforting the injured Uchiha Fugaku.

The word vicissitudes of life is extremely hurtful and insulting to Uchiha Fugaku, who has just turned 20!

Both of his subordinates were given nicknames. As the principal, Kizaru had a rather bad personality and often pranked the students. Naturally, he couldn’t escape either.

“The Greedy Smiling Demon King” is Kizaru’s nickname.

The origin of this nickname is mainly because Kizaru has been confiscating snacks, toys, and comic novels brought to school by students for three years, and has never returned.

The biggest victim among them was Scorpion. Not only the toys he brought to school were confiscated by Kizaru, but even the mecha he used for competition was confiscated by Kizaru on the grounds that it was too dangerous.

Fortunately, the business of Bandai Toy Store has grown bigger and bigger in the past three years. Now it has developed from a small workshop to a medium-sized chamber of commerce with more than a dozen small goals in a year. The large dividends every year have made Scorpion’s parents become pioneers. Undead entrepreneur who got rich.

The family is rich and the parents are dead, so Xie has a lot of pocket money, which can be used to develop and manufacture mechas.

Xie’s parents were initially a little unsupportive of Xion’s unconventional approach to puppeteering instead of serious puppetry. However, after Xion’s first-generation mecha was developed and manufactured and showed considerable power, Xie’s parents also No more blocking.

The biggest weakness of the puppet master is the puppet master himself, and the mecha made by Scorpion can make up for this very well.

Just imagine, an excellent puppet master wears a mecha, and his combat power is very powerful. At the same time, he can control several puppets and fight together. So what kind of strength can this puppet master achieve?

This sentence was asked by Kizaru to Scorpion’s parents. It was precisely because of Kizaru’s words and witnessing the power of the mecha made by Scorpion that Scorpion’s parents completely changed their minds and gave their full support. Scorpion’s research and development on mechas.

Not only Scorpion, in the past three years, Kizaru has also tried his best to pay attention to every student in the ninja school, trying his best to help and support his students behind the scenes, so that they can follow the path that they like and are indeed suitable for.

In the third grade, Xie’s classmate is a girl from the Akimichi family. She doesn’t like the secret arts passed down from her family, and she is indeed not very talented in physical skills, but she likes medical ninjutsu and has the Yang Release Chakra passed down from her family. Also suitable for learning medical ninjutsu.

When her parents objected, Kizaru, who knew the situation, visited her parents as the principal and successfully convinced them.

In the second grade, a child from the Hinata family got full marks in the cultural theory class, showed good scientific research talent, and was supported by his parents.

However, the elders of the Zong family intervened forcefully and demanded that the child practice Rouquan and must be admitted to the combat class in the future.

His reason is that the vocation of the branch family is to protect the clan, and the children of the branch family must practice soft fist and become fighting ninjas.

Faced with the pressure from the Zong family, the child’s parents had no choice but to let their child study less cultural classes and spend more time practicing Rouquan.

Kizaru, who learned about the situation from Yahiko, took Hinata Hizashi to visit the clan elder.

This time’s persuasion was a little more troublesome than the one with the Akimichi family, mainly because the clan elder was too stubborn.

For such a stubborn old man, Kizaru could only use a more direct and effective method of persuasion.

That afternoon, the patriarch’s residence was reduced to rubble, and all his few teeth were “accidentally” lost.

Kizaru, who had not made a move for two years, used only his physical strength to suppress the die-hards of the Hyuga clan in hand-to-hand combat.

And when he left, he said that if anything happened to his students and his parents, the Hinata family would no longer be his friends.

This sentence was extremely intimidating, causing the other Hyuga clan members who were still a little angry to calm down instantly.

The strongest strength in the ninja world, and it is not the strongest in general, it is the strongest strength that can destroy a big country by one person, plus the identity of the Hokage heir supported by many ninjas in the village and powerful ninjas.

Kizaru’s threat was not empty talk, but real talk. He was really capable of making the Hyuga clan have no place in Konoha, or even disappear altogether.

Therefore, as soon as Kizaru’s words came out of his mouth, some members of the Hinata clan, no matter how many opinions they had, could only suppress them all honestly.

After that day, the Hyuga clan lost one member, and the branch family happily gained a few more members.

This was the explanation given by the Hyuga clan to Kizaru, and it was also carried out by the Hyuga clan head. Hizu’s father just took this opportunity to weaken the power of the elders of the clan.

This attack was Kizaru’s only one in three years, and it caused quite a stir in the village.

Kizaru’s teacher, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and his uncle Danzo, severely criticized Kizaru’s actions at a high-level meeting and punished him with a month of home confinement and a one-year suspension of wages.

After punishing Kizaru “severely” in front of everyone, the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi and the Elder Hokage Danzo also expressed their apologies to the Hyuga family in their private capacity.

The general content of the apology is that although the Hyuga family does not cooperate with the village’s reforms, Kizaru’s behavior is indeed a bit rough and bad. As Kizaru’s teacher/uncle, I am very sorry. I would like to express my apology and condolences to the Hyuga clan on his behalf. Don’t be resentful and ruin the harmonious situation of the village.

After this apology was expressed, other representatives of the ninja clan and representatives of civilian ninjas who attended the meeting all heard that the Hokage and the elders were quite dissatisfied with the Hyuga clan’s disrespectful behavior.

Hinata Hiashi’s father also heard the warning and dissatisfaction in the words. He quickly stated that he was going with the village. His son was good friends with Kizaru and was a supporter of Kizaru.

Seeing that the Hyuga clan was so understanding, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo were quite satisfied and did not continue to pursue the matter.

Yes, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo were originally prepared to hold the Hyuga clan accountable. It was wrong for Kizaru to hit someone, but it was just a small matter of apologizing.

And the behavior of your Hyuga clan, in the overall situation, is public opposition to village reform affairs, an extremely bad behavior that goes against the grain and goes against the grain!

how? Do you, the Hyuga clan, have any objections to the reform of the village, or do you have objections to the Hokage and his heirs?

If this matter really comes to the fore, it can be directly labeled as opposing the Hokage and Konoha to the Hyuga clan.

Of course, things didn’t come to this. When Kizaru came to visit the Hyuga clan, the young master of the Hyuga family was on Kizaru’s side.


The dissatisfaction with the Hyuga family, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo was mainly due to a deeper reason.

Three years ago, after Kizaru transformed into a celestial being, he slightly exaggerated the difficulty of his cultivation in order to prevent his teacher and uncle from arranging tasks for him that would affect his ability to fish.

He told his teacher and uncle that the Great Toad Immortal had told him that he should try to avoid doing anything in the next three to five years when he turned to practice immortality. Otherwise, it might affect the balance of natural energy in his body and make all his previous efforts in practicing immortality useless.

Regarding Kizaru’s conversion to senjutsu, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo chose to support it after understanding the detailed differences between the senjutsu system and the chakra system, as well as the potential for the later development of the two systems.

The two of them knew that the First Hokage had become more powerful when he practiced senjutsu.

If Kizaru switches to the immortal arts system, he will not only become stronger in the future, but also extend his lifespan. This is a good thing!

Under normal circumstances, as a ninja, Kizaru can remain at his peak for at most fifty or sixty years, and then his strength will begin to decline as his body ages, and he will gradually die.

And if Kizaru really masters the senjutsu system, his lifespan will be greatly extended, and he may be able to live for hundreds or even thousands of years like the Toad Sage of Mt. Miaomu Holy Land.

A ninja god who can live for hundreds of years sits in Konoha, which means that Konoha will be the strongest ninja village in the ninja world for at least a few hundred years.

Even thinking bigger, maybe under the protection of Kizaru, Konoha will become a holy place for ninjas like the three holy places in a few hundred years.

If such a beautiful future is delayed because of a mere elder of the Hyuga clan, then Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo will definitely not be able to forgive this person.

Although they have conflicts in Konoha’s development concepts, whether it is Sarutobi Hiruzen or Danzo, their obsession is Konoha Village.

What Sarutobi Hiruzen hopes is that if Kizaru successfully transforms into immortality, he can protect Konoha for hundreds or thousands of years and make Konoha prosperous and powerful forever.

What Danzo wants is to complete the great cause of Konoha’s unification of the ninja world in his own generation, and then Kizaru will be in charge to maintain the unification.

Danzo once worried that after Konoha unified the shinobi world, as he and Kizaru grew old and passed away, the unified situation would gradually collapse and disintegrate.

This worry disappeared immediately after learning that Kizaru’s conversion to the Immortal Technique System could greatly extend his lifespan.

As long as Kizaru can maintain his peak life for 300 years, the unification of Konoha will be completely stable and no one can break it.

The two may have different ideas, but the same thing is that they both hope that Kizaru can live for hundreds of years and protect Konoha.

Of course, after learning that the immortal arts system could extend lifespan, the two of them also considered the possibility of switching to immortal arts themselves.

After all, who doesn’t want to live longer?

Kizaru didn’t hide his secrets. He tried to inject natural energy into the two people’s bodies to help them practice immortal arts.

But perhaps because of their age and lack of qualifications, after more than a month of hard work, the two still couldn’t sense the natural energy, let alone absorb and control it.

As powerful ninjas who had grown up through fighting all the way, the two of them were not too disappointed. After confirming that they were incompetent, they gave up the practice of celestial arts.

For Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo, if they do the things they are doing well and fulfill their ideals, they will die without regrets.

Tsunade, on the other hand, started planning to switch to senjutsu after learning that Kizaru’s practice of senjutsu would extend his life.

Tsunade planned to switch to senjutsu, not because she wanted to extend her life, she just didn’t want Kizaru to be hooked up with other little bitches after she died.

Kizaru belongs to me! I want to live and die with him! Just so domineering!

Kizaru naturally fully supports Tsunade’s choice. He also hopes that in the future, there will be someone he loves to accompany him.

After three years of practice, Kizaru’s magic has actually been successful. His body has already formed a memory for the balance and control of natural energy.

Now, in normal times, he can freely use natural energy combined with the One Piece training system to fight.

When necessary, Kizaru can also refine chakra and enter sage mode to explode with stronger combat power.

Although he has never fought against a strong person at the Six Paths level, according to Kizaru’s estimation, he should be able to give a 50-50 draw to a Six Paths level person when he enters the sage mode.

The only thing that makes Kizaru a little regretful is that he cannot currently achieve the giant form of light predicted by the great toad sage.

The reason is simple. Compared with the energy required for the Dynamax, Kizaru’s accumulated natural energy is too little and cannot meet the minimum requirements for transformation.

Judging from the current rate at which Kizaru is accumulating natural energy, it will take him at least 10 to 15 years to meet the minimum requirements for transformation.

At this time, Kizaru could afford to wait, he had plenty of time.

Time is very abundant for Kizaru, but for some people, it is very scarce.

Nearly three years have passed, and Uchiha Madara, who lives in the Kirigakure Village in the Land of Water, has become even older.

Now, although he can still move freely, it is difficult for him to continue fighting with others.

Knowing that time is precious to him, Uchiha Madara has not dared to waste a single minute of his time in the past three years.

It took him three years to control the core senior management of Kirigakure Village through genjutsu. He even completed the dynasty change in Kirigakure Village, causing the third generation Mizukage to “die” of a hidden disease due to the battle, and selected and supported the fourth generation Mizukage. On behalf of Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura.

For the young fourth-generation Mizukage Goju Yagura, Uchiha Madara did not simply use illusions to control him, but used illusions, brainwashing, and a little pain (the ninja who controlled Konoha killed him when he was out on a mission). Wife.), completely conquered this person.

Under the influence of Uchiha Madara, using “Infinite Tsukuyomi” to create a world where his wife is alive has become Goju Yagura’s obsession.

To realize this wish, Konoha, who has three tailed beasts, has become Goju Yagura’s biggest enemy.

In order to defeat Konoha, kill Kizaru, and take away the tailed beast, Goju Yagura, under the influence of Uchiha Madara, worked hard to develop the strength of the village on the one hand, and actively contacted Kumogakure Village and Iwagakure Village on the other hand.

Kirigakure Village and Iwagakure Village have accumulated a lot of hatred because of the hatred and mutual death between the second generation Kages.

But under the strong pressure of Konoha and Kizaru’s powerful ninja world, these hatreds were temporarily put on hold.

Joining forces to defeat Konoha has become a common goal for everyone.

Today I took my cat to have a sterilization surgery (he kept peeing randomly and couldn’t bear it anymore). I ate out again in the evening, which wasted time. I only had time to update a big chapter.

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