Chapter 192 Sunagakure’s actions Chapter 192 Sunagakure’s actions

Chapter 192 Sunagakure’s actions

“The person who contacted those guys has not yet been determined to be the ninja village. A week ago, Ebizo captured a ninja who sneaked into the village. That ninja was a rebel ninja from Kirigakure Village.”

Sitting in the group In front of Zang, Chiyo revealed all the information he had.

“Didn’t the interrogation reveal more?” Danzo asked as the information was too little.

Chiyo said nothing, just shook his head.

“Give the person to me, and I’ll let the ninjas of the Yamanaka clan interrogate him.”

Danzo knew that there were ninjas from the Yamanaka clan in the base of Konoha’s garrison, who were responsible for intelligence and investigation work.



“The traitor ninja had a sealing technique in his brain, and the sealing technique was activated during the interrogation.”

Hearing this, Danzo couldn’t help but frowned, as he was preparing for the enemy. He was wary of his thoughtfulness, and also dissatisfied with Sunagakure’s abilities.

Are all Sunagakure’s intelligence departments useless? Are there no examinations before the interrogation? Even the sealing technique cannot be discovered.

“Chiyo, what are your plans for this incident?”

“Purge! I am going to use this incident to clean up all those guys.” Chiyo spoke in a calm tone, but there was a strong sense of urgency about him. murderous look.

Obviously, Chiyo’s tolerance has reached the limit for the opposition factions within Sunagakure Village that are always looking for trouble.

“Will it affect your position in the village?” Danzo supported Chiyo in doing this, but he was also worried that Chiyo’s purge of ninjas in the same village would cause unrest among the ninjas below.

If it were Chiyo and Sunagakure in the past, Danzo would definitely be happy to see her act like this. It can not only weaken the effective power of Sunagakure Village, but also shake Chiyo’s position, which is a huge profit.

But it doesn’t work now. Chiyo is already half one of his own, so Danzo should consider being an ally with Duo.

Giving Danzo a meaningful look, Chiyo was satisfied with Danzo’s concern.

Danzo asked this, which shows that he treated his original ally.

This is the attitude Chiyo wants.

Chiyo has seen clearly that in the current ninja world, Konoha, with Kizaru as its leader, stands out and stands above other ninja villages.

As for Sunagakure, who had been crippled, in the increasingly chaotic ninja world, it was difficult for him to survive, let alone make a comeback.

Since nothing can be done, it is better to use the Kingdom of Wind to sell it at a good price for my family and the ninjas of Sunagakure Village.

Anyway, the great names and nobles of the Kingdom of Wind are all a bunch of fat pigs who know how to enjoy themselves, are cowardly and incompetent, and have no ambition to make progress.

Instead of working for these stingy fools, it would be better to lead everyone to find a rich and powerful benefactor.

And, more importantly, Chiyo is a little interested in what Danzo said about a unified world dominated by ninjas.

Ninjas replace nobles and daimyo and rule the world. What a bold idea and what a tempting future!

If the future mentioned by Danzo can really come true, then ninjas will not have to work hard for a little money like they are now, but will become a new noble.

Chiyo had never thought about this in the past, but after experiencing too many things in the past few years, especially the return of her son and daughter-in-law, and the rise of the Bandai Chamber of Commerce in which they held half of the ownership, Chiyo discovered that besides doing tasks, ninjas There are actually more ways to make money.

This is also the reason why Chiyo intends to join Danzo, or should be said to join Kizaru behind Danzo.

Decades ago, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama created the Ninja Village system, uniting the scattered Ninja clans who were doing their own things, greatly improving the status of Ninjas at the official level, and even seizing the military power of daimyo and nobles. .

Now, the emergence of the new ninja god Kizaru may represent the establishment of a new era, a world in which daimyo and nobles have been eliminated and completely dominated by ninjas.

From a small level, I, Danzo, and Kizaru, who belong to two countries, are indeed enemies, but once I set my sights higher, from a large level, I, Danzo, and the others, who both belong to the profession of ninja, are enemies. , in fact they are a group, everyone is in the same camp.

It was after understanding this that Chiyo chose to betray the Country of Wind and form an alliance with Danzo and the others without any pressure.

“Because of the garrison in Konoha, the daimyo and nobles who felt safe felt that we were all useless and began to reduce our military expenditures in the past three years.

The ninjas in the village had great complaints about this. These ninjas all stood On my side, willing to support me.” Chiyo had a sarcastic smile on his face.


This taunt was given to the daimyo and the nobles by Chiyo!

Even Danzo was shocked after hearing the behavior of the lords and nobles of the Land of Wind.

What kind of thinking and operation is this? Don’t you care about the humiliation of Sunagakure Village declining to the point of being garrisoned by Konoha?

You actually think that with the protection of Konoha garrison, the country is safe, and Sunagakure Village is a waste, so you can justifiably reduce military expenditures?

The nobles of the Kingdom of Wind can play this!

Looking at Chiyo with a hint of sympathy in his eyes, Danzo said: “Those nobles are all idiots who only enjoy themselves! They are all insects lying on the ninjas to suck blood!”

With an expression of approval, Danzo said to the nobles To describe it, Chiyo was very satisfied.

“Dong dong dong!”

His mouth opened, and just as Chiyo was about to speak, there was a knock on the door of Danzo’s residence.

Looking at each other, Chiyo did not take any action, but waited for Danzo to arrange a response.

Danzo did not speak, but looked at Aburame Ryoma who was standing behind him to protect him.

Understanding what the leader meant, Aburame Ryoma and Nebe’s companions walked towards the door of the house.

Opening the door, but only half way, and using his body to block the view of those outside the door, Aburame Ryoma looked at the person coming.

The person standing outside the door was no one else, but Dan Kato, the person in charge of the base.

“An unknown number of Sunagakure ninjas have appeared outside the base. I want to see Elder Danzo.” Kato Dan said anxiously.

“Wait a moment, please wait outside the door.” With a paralyzed expression on his face, Aburame Ryoma closed the door regardless of Kato Dan’s anxiety.

After closing the door, Aburame Ryoma quickly walked to Danzo’s side, glanced at Chiyo, then bent down to Danzo’s ear, preparing to report the situation in a low voice.

“Just say it!” In order to show sincerity, Danzo raised his hand to stop his subordinates’ behavior and said.

“An unknown number of Sunagakure ninjas appeared outside the base, with unknown intentions.” As

soon as Aburame Ryoma’s words came out, Danzo and Chiyo’s expressions were very calm, but both of them felt a little excited.

“Those people can’t wait any longer,” Chiyo said speculatively.

“Your whereabouts have not been exposed, right?” Danzo asked cautiously.

“No!” Chiyo replied confidently.

Beside Danzo, Aburame Ryoma also added: “No one is following.”

Nodding, Danzo left his seat and stood up.

Showing a confident smile, Danzo looked at Chiyo and said loudly: “We can’t let them know you are here. I will go outside to check the situation, and you will wait for an opportunity to leave.”

Chiyo nodded to express understanding.

After giving the instructions, Danzo turned around and left the house with his two men.

“Let everyone prepare for battle!”

Danzo calmly gave the order while walking in the aisle.

“I have already arranged it.” Kato Suan replied quickly.

While the two were talking, they had already walked out of the house and arrived at the open space of the base.

At this time, all the ninjas in the base gathered here, with different expressions, some were calm, some were scared, and some were excited.

Chapter 3 is a big chapter and may take a long time to write.

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