Chapter 197: Kizaru spreads his food, and Hinata wags his tail! Chapter 197: Kizaru spreads his food, and Hinata wags his tail!

At ten o’clock in the morning, under Keiko’s slightly nagging instructions, Kizaru put on his daily formal suit, took the gifts that Keiko had prepared long ago, and walked out of the house.

In the center of the village, Kizaru and Tsunade met. The two held hands and went to the first ninja clan they planned to visit, the clan of the Hyuga clan.

The Hyuga clan was the first to place bets on Kizaru among the ninja clan who had no direct relationship (relatives/masters and apprentices) with Kizaru.

In return, Kizaru also designated the Hyuga clan as the first ninja clan he visited.

As for the Sarutobi clan who have a closer relationship, Kizaru doesn’t need to engage in these polite things. He and his teacher have already negotiated.

At 10:30 in the morning, Kizaru and Tsunade were greeted by the heads and elders of the Hyuga clan, as well as the core clan members, and walked into the main house of the Hyuga clan.

The Hyuga family attaches great importance to Kizaru’s visit. They wear traditional kimonos and the four people responsible for the reception are also the four core members of the family.

The patriarch of the Hyuga clan, the elder of the Hyuga clan, the leader of the Hyuga branch, and the young master of the Hyuga clan, Hyuuga Hiashi.

These four people politely welcomed Kizaru and Tsunade into the main hall. They looked serious and thanked Kizaru with joy in their eyes.

Kizaru’s promotion to Hokage represented the success of the family’s bet. The first ninja clan Kizaru visited was them, which made them feel happy and happy that the family had not misjudged the person.

“Everyone has benefited from these three years of reform. The village enjoys peace and prosperity, and it’s all thanks to you!”

“Hahaha! I can do this, firstly, with the trust of Mr. Sarutobi, and secondly, With everyone’s support, the prosperity of the village is the credit of the teacher and everyone. I just did what I can.” ”

Hahaha! You are too modest, Kizaru!”

Faced with Kizaru’s self-effacement, everyone present The four Hinata laughed in agreement, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Sitting next to Kizaru, Tsunade watched her boyfriend play with the old fox of the Hinata family with ease, while also observing the changes in everyone’s expressions.

After a polite exchange, Kizaru picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip. The smile on his face faded slightly and he was ready to get down to business.

Seeing Kizaru’s movements and expressions, the four members of the Hinata family also understood that it was time to get to the point of the visit.

“Indeed, as rumored in the village, Sarutobi-sensei is planning to hand over the position of Hokage to me within this month. Tomorrow’s meeting is also held for this purpose.”

Although this matter has been known from various channels, But hearing it from Kizaru’s mouth made the four Hinata feel more confident.

The Hyuga clan leader looked at the clan elder sitting on his left side as if unintentionally, and then said with a smile: “For you to take over the responsibility of Hokage is exactly what we all expect. I believe that under your leadership, the village will definitely Can continue to develop and grow.”

“Yes! Under the leadership of you, the god of ninja, Konoha will definitely be able to bring new changes to the entire ninja world like it did back then.” The elder of the clan smiled and flattered.

“Hahaha! It’s too much, it’s really embarrassing!” Kizaru laughed.

After hearing what the elder of the Hyuga clan said, Tsunade felt a chill and complained in her heart, they are a bunch of sycophants!

“Konoha will definitely become more prosperous under the leadership of you and Princess Tsunade.” The elder clan leader had a smile on his face and continued to flatter him.

Not to mention Tsunade, even the Hyuga family members felt a little ashamed of this series of flattery. The young Hyuga Hinata couldn’t help but tilt his head slightly and avert his gaze.

Hinata Hizu’s father and the leader of the Hyuga clan picked up the tea cup in front of him and drank it while concealing his expression.

After drinking tea and calming down a little, the Hyuga clan leader looked at Kizaru and continued: “Kizaru, if there is an exodus in the future, my Hyuga family will definitely support it!”

Seeing that the Hyuga clan leader expressed his stance so straightforwardly, Kizaru kept smiling. , be prepared to give feedback.

“After I take over as Hokage, I won’t have much energy to take care of the school’s affairs. However, the school’s reform has only been implemented for three years and is not yet fully mature. Someone still needs to be responsible.”

At this point, Kizaru paused and looked at the Hyuga clan leader and The elder looked expectantly at Hinata Hinashi who had been sitting upright and silent.

“Hizu has helped me a lot in the past three years of reform, and I highly recognize his abilities. I hope that after I take office as Hokage, Hizu will serve as the principal of the Ninja School and help me continue to implement the reforms.

” Since the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama founded the ninja school, the position of principal of the ninja school has generally been held concurrently by the Hokage, or by a trusted clan member.

When the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen first became Hokage, in order to cultivate his trusted subordinates, he concurrently served as the principal, and he was even more hands-on. He often went to the ninja school to guide students and win people’s hearts.

Later, Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in the position of Hokage for a long time and became more and more stable. With the power in hand and the people’s hearts at his side, he arranged for his tribe to be responsible for the affairs of the ninja school.

As soon as Kizaru came to power, he handed over the position of principal of the ninja school to Hinata Hizashi. This was not only a confidence in himself, but also an expression of trust in Hinata Hizashi.

As expected by Kizaru, when he told him about this arrangement, the Hyuga clan leader and elders couldn’t help but look happy. Even Hyuga Hizu himself was surprised at first and then happy. He looked at Kizaru with a little more emotion in his eyes. move.


A scholar dies for his confidant, and Hinata Hinatsu’s loyalty and affection for Kizaru are not to this level, but they are close.

Kizaru trusted himself so much and entrusted the important task of ninja school and reform to his hands. Hinata and Hinata were both moved and ambitious to do something great.

“Hizu, Kizaru trusts you so much and trusts the Hyuga clan. You must not slack off in the future and must complete your tasks.” The Hyuga clan leader, who was very satisfied with the arrangements and rewards given by Kizaru, quickly gave his instructions. son.

“At the risk of the honor of the Hyuga family, I will definitely do a good job in school reform!” Hyuga Hiashi promised with a solemn face and a serious tone.

“Then it’s up to you, Hizu!” Kizaru responded very seriously.

Seeing the interaction between Kizaru and his children, the Hyuga clan leader was filled with joy.

OK! How good it is! As long as this friendship continues, I, the Hyuga clan, will have nothing to worry about in the next few decades!

The Hyuga clan leader and elders couldn’t be more satisfied with the arrangements and rewards given by Kizaru, and they also understand that this is the best position that Hyuga and Hizu can get now.

“In addition!”

Kizaru continued to speak, and the Hyuga clan leader and elders couldn’t help but expect again in their hearts. Is there any new arrangement?

The position of principal of the ninja school has already made the Hyuga family very satisfied. If Kizaru has a new arrangement, it will really be too much of an honor to the Hyuga clan.

“In addition! After taking office as Hokage, as a rule, I should form a shadow guard. I heard that Hizashi’s younger brother, Hizashi, is a genius ninja of the Hyuga clan. I am going to arrange him into my shadow guard.” I ca

n’t help but feel. The ground trembled a few times. The Hyuga clan leader had no idea that Kizaru would trust the Hyuga clan to such an extent.

Of his two sons, one became the principal of the ninja school and the other entered the Shadow Guard, which shows Kizaru’s trust in the Hyuga clan.

Kizaru will definitely become the wisest and greatest Hokage in history, at least in the eyes of the Hyuga clan leader!

“Hizu, go and call Hizashi.” Holding back his excitement and joy, the Hyuga clan leader looked at his son and ordered.

Understanding what his father meant, Hinata nodded. Just as he was about to stand up, he was stopped by Kizaru.

“There is no need to be so polite between us. After I become Hokage, just ask Hizashi to come to me.” Kizaru

said this, and the Hyuga clan leader no longer insisted, but instead praised Kizaru.

It can be said that since today’s visit, the Hyuga clan has completely become Kizaru’s most die-hard supporters.

This time it was not because of Kizaru’s prestige and strength, or because of Kizaru’s recognized status as heir, but because of the trust and sincerity that Kizaru showed, which was beyond the imagination of the Hyuga clan.

After the serious talk was over, the rest of the time went back to the original chat, which was mainly about Elder Hyuga praising Kizaru, supplemented by the echo of the Hyuga clan leader.

However, unlike before, the praise now has more emotions and soul.

Kizaru and Tsunade stayed at Hinata’s house until past twelve noon. After having lunch, they left amid everyone’s farewells.

Walking out of the main house of the Hyuga family, Tsunade held Kizaru’s arm and left the territory of the Hyuga family.

“It really makes me numb.” After walking away, Tsunade took back her hand and rubbed her arm while complaining.

“Hahaha! Aren’t all ninjas like this?” Kizaru said with a smile when he saw Tsunade’s appearance.

“If this happens every day, how am I going to get through these days!”

The longer she stayed with Kizaru, the more Tsunade looked like a little girl in private, losing the domineering and arrogance she had in public.

Seeing Tsunade acting coquettishly and complaining, Kizaru took a half-step forward and held Tsunade in his arms.

“Thank you so much, Sister Tsunade!” With Nephrite in his arms, Kizaru emphasized the word sister.

She nudged Kizaru lightly with her elbow. Staying in the warm embrace, Tsunade raised her head and rolled her eyes charmingly.

“It’s still early, let’s go home and sit down first, and then visit Nara’s house in the afternoon.” Holding Tsunade in his arms, ignoring her shy and feeble struggle, Kizaru walked towards home with a smile.

I’m curious about a question: are all the people who read books at this time single?

Just like me coding tonight, hahaha!

Two more updates!

Chapter 198 Professional Support Chapter 198 Professional Support

Chapter 198 Professional Assistance

Compared with the Hyuga clan, the Nara clan where Kizaru and Tsunade visited in the afternoon, their communication was simpler and more direct.

The Nara clan, or the Ino, Deer and Butterfly clan, have always been loyal to the Hokage of the village. It doesn’t matter who becomes the Hokage. As long as you are the Hokage, we will be loyal to you.

As representatives of the medium-sized ninja clan, their strength cannot threaten the rule of the Hokage. At the same time, they have a high limit of strength and comprehensiveness, and can provide a lot of help to the Hokage.

It is precisely because of such confidence and clear positioning that the three families who are united do not need to think about betting like Hinata. They can only wait with peace of mind until the new Hokage takes over, and then they are loyal.

Not fighting or grabbing, being honest and obedient, and being very capable are the labels that the three tribes have created for themselves over a long period of time.

Kizaru chose the second one to visit the Nara clan. Rather than visiting the Nara family, it was better to visit the Ino, Deer, and Butterfly clan.

Among the three clans of pigs, deer, and butterflies, the Nara clan representing deer is responsible for strategic planning, the Yamanaka clan representing pigs is responsible for intelligence gathering, and the Akimichi clan representing butterflies provides military guarantee.

Among the three clans, the Yamanaka clan and the Shimura clan are the closest and have the best relationship.

Because of this relationship, Kizaru has frequent contact with Pig, Deer and Butterfly, especially the mountain clan, and knows the most about them.

In Kizaru’s view, in the original plot, the Yamanaka family’s legitimate daughter Yamanaka Ino and the family-born Saai were together. Perhaps it was not just a free love relationship, but also the Yamanaka clan wanted to take advantage of Danzo’s sacrifice and the Shimura clan’s loss of power to take over Danzo’s legacy. The little thought at the root.

Of course, it was not because of this speculation that Kizaru chose to visit the Nara clan first among the three clans, the Inar, Deer, and Butterfly, instead of the Yamanaka clan, which was the closest to them.

After all, in this world, the possibility of the Shimura clan losing power because of the appearance of the butterfly Kizaru is extremely slim.

Moreover, Kizaru is not such a stingy person. He would distrust the Yamanaka clan just because of speculation about the plot of the anime.

The reason why Kizaru chose to visit the Nara clan first is very simple. As a highly intelligent family, the Nara clan is the family responsible for making decisions among the three clans.

It’s very easy to chat with smart people, especially smart people with low ambitions.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Kizaru took Tsunade to Nara’s house.

Different from the living style of the great ninja clans such as Hinata and Shimura, the Nara family lived scattered in the clan as a family unit. The house of the head of the Nara family was not too big, just a single-family wooden house with a courtyard.

The size of the house was roughly the same as Kizaru’s house in the main house of the Shimura clan.

The Nara clan that received Kizaru and Tsunade was not as grand as the Hyuga clan. Only the clan leader and the clan leader’s wife of the contemporary Nara clan greeted the two.

In the living room, which was only 50 to 60 square meters in size, four people sat around the table and started a conversation in the form of chatting about home affairs.

After chatting for a while, Kizaru quickly got to the point.

First of all, Kizaru expressed an attitude, that is, after he takes office, the positions occupied by the three tribes in the village will not be reduced, and will even increase later.

The Nara clan has been raising deer for generations and specializes in providing medicinal materials for Konoha Hospital and the development of medical ninjutsu. They also have deep knowledge in medicine and can play the role of traditional Chinese medicine at critical moments.

Knowing this, Kizaru expressed the hope that the Nara clan would deepen their cooperation with Konoha Hospital in the future, jointly develop drugs, and get dividends based on their contribution if the results are achieved.

As the person in charge of Konoha Hospital and the general person in charge of the medical drug development project, Tsunade echoed the invitation.

Regarding the market prospects for the commercialization of pharmaceutical products described by Kizaru, the Nara clan chief, who specializes in the medicinal materials business, fully agrees and expresses his willingness to actively participate.

After the cooperation was negotiated, the Nara clan chief also made a formal statement, representing the Ino, Deer, and Butterfly clans’ official statement that they were willing to fully support Kizaru in becoming Hokage.

For this, Kizaru smiled and expressed his gratitude, and also invited the Nara clan leader to continue to serve as the Hokage’s staff and participate in the management of the village after he became the Hokage.


One thing to mention here is that the Nara clan’s high IQ is very famous in the ninja world. After being recognized, the ninjas of the Nara clan even participated in the political discussions of the Land of Fire.

Some of the Nara clan’s ninjas participate in the Fire Country’s political discussions as representatives of Konoha, and the other part are hired by Fire Country officials as think tank consultants to participate in the political discussions.

The Nara clan has proved one thing very well. Ninjas can not only fight and kill, but can also do well with their brains.

Faced with Kizaru’s invitation and promise, the Nara clan leader naturally expressed his gratitude and solemnly stated that he would fully assist Kizaru, the new Hokage.

Kizaru was very happy about this, really very happy. In his opinion, the Nara clan was simply the best tool for the ruler.

The whole clan is smart and capable, has a clear positioning for themselves and the family, does not have too many ambitions, and is loyal to work.

Such a group of obedient professional assistants are great treasures for Kizaru, who hates trouble and likes to be lazy!

After the business was settled, Kizaru and Tsunade did not leave. Just like in the morning, they stayed at Nara’s house until after six o’clock. After dinner, they said goodbye and left.

The only thing that makes Kizaru a little regretful is that his old classmate Nara Shikaku is not at home today. He went out of the village to perform a mission to follow the instructions of the Jonin.

After leaving the Nara house and talking about business all day, Kizaru and Tsunade were a little tired, mainly mentally.

After the two wandered around the village for a while, Kizaru sent Tsunade home to rest.

In the next few days, Kizaru and Tsunade visited the various ninja clans in the village in order.

With the grand visit of Kizaru and Tsunade Taisho, and the convening of a village meeting, the confirmed news that Kizaru was about to become Hokage also spread in the village.

“Kizaru-sama has become the Fourth Hokage, and other ninja villages will not dare to provoke us.” ”

I heard that when we were in the Land of Rain, Kizaru-sama single-handedly wiped out thousands of ninjas in Sunagakure Village, and also killed He killed the Third Kazekage. That Third Kazekage claims to be the strongest Kazekage. What a joke!”

“With Kizaru-sama as Hokage, we can at least have a few decades of peace.”

“Let me tell you, wait for Kizaru-sama. After becoming Hokage, you should lead everyone to destroy all the other ninja villages. Especially Kumogakure Village, they are ambitious and greedy, so they should be destroyed.” “Are you

crazy? What good is war? Is life not good now?”

“What do you know? Don’t wipe out those ninja villages while Kizaru-sama is young. When Kizaru-sama gets old, those ninja villages will definitely not be able to help but go to war with us. , just like after the death of the first generation.”

For a time, Kizaru was about to become Hokage, becoming the focus of discussion among all ninjas and villagers.

With Kizaru’s solid record, no one questioned whether Kizaru was qualified to become the fourth generation Hokage. Everyone was more discussing Kizaru’s future after becoming Hokage.

The ninja clan and famous ninjas who were visited by Kizaru and Tsunade were also very polite and expressed their support for Kizaru to become Hokage.

With extremely high prestige and popular support, Kizaru’s rise to the position of Hokage did not cause any struggles or disagreements in the village, only support and dreams for a better future.

Under absolute strength, any ambitious person can only bow his head and be petty, hiding his ambition deep in his heart, like a rat in the sewer, not daring to show up.

One more update.

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