Chapter 200 The Completely Transformed Danzo Chapter 200 The Completely Transformed Danzo

Chapter 200 Danzo, who was completely transformed

, is back, and with him are Uchiha Fugaku and the five forbidden ninjas he was responsible for escorting.

In view of the small damage caused to the village, these five ninjas will not be directly executed, and even the identities of ninjas are retained.

Of course, this is not because the village wants to punish them lightly, but because it does not waste any living resources.

According to Danzo’s idea, these five people will be sent to the root, stamped with curses, and specially used to perform some tasks with a high risk factor to atone for their sins.

Back in the village, when he heard that Hiruzen Sarutobi had held a village meeting and officially announced the passing of Kizaru to the throne, Danzo’s mood suddenly became wonderful.

In the past few days after knowing that he had left the village, Kizaru and Tsunade visited various ninja clans and famous jounin in the village, and Danzo was even more happy from ear to ear.

OK! That’s great! Kizaru is finally going to ascend to the position of Hokage.

The goal that he and the Shimura clan have worked hard for for decades has finally been achieved in Kizaru’s generation.

Danzo was in a good mood and chose to run to the Hokage Building as soon as possible and report to Hiruzen Sarutobi.

During this report, Danzo’s attitude and tone were extremely gentle, which made even Sarutobi Hiruzen feel uncomfortable and almost dropped the pipe in his mouth several times.

“Ahem! Do you have any information about other ninja villages interfering with Sunagakure Village?” With Danzo staring at him with a smile, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt goosebumps rising on his arms, and he felt unnatural when speaking.

“According to the information from Sunagakure’s interrogation, Kirigakure and Iwagakure are both involved in this matter.” Danzo replied with a smile.

“Where is Kumogakure?” According to Sarutobi Hiruzen’s understanding of Kumogakure, if something like this was directed at Konoha, Kumogakure would have shouted a few times even if it didn’t do anything.

Among the five major ninja villages in the ninja world, the most warlike and ambitious ninja village has to be Kumogakure.

“There is no actual information proving that Cloud Hidden Village is involved in this matter, but I think there must be Cloud Hidden Village behind this.” Danzo said with certainty while maintaining a smile.

“Other villages can’t sit still, and they will definitely unite. This war may be the largest ever. It is a test and an opportunity for Kizaru and the village. We old guys , we must ensure this last hurdle for the village.”

As he spoke, Sarutobi Hiruzen left his seat and stood up, with sighs and confidence in his tone.

Danzo understood the meaning of Hiruzen Sarutobi’s words. If Kizaru leads the village to defeat the coalition forces of other ninja villages as soon as he ascends the position of Hokage, then the prestige of Kizaru as Hokage will surpass that of all previous Hokage and no one can match it. .

At the same time, if this war is won, the future of the ninja world will be completely controlled by Konoha.

“I will do my best.” Danzo finally stopped smiling and said seriously.

“You go back later and have a good chat with Kizaru to see how his celestial arts training is going? Are you ready for this war?” “I will.

Kizaru’s celestial arts training is how’s it going?

Regarding this question, Kizaru’s reply to Danzo was that his current self can beat two of his former selves.

After three years of training, Kizaru, who only uses natural energy to fight with the One Piece training system under normal conditions, is basically equivalent to an enhanced version of the peak general.

The long-term nourishment and strengthening of the body by natural energy further improves Kizaru’s already terrifying physical fitness.

At the same time, Kizaru’s dual-type Haki has also improved. Although it is not very large, it is very rare for a Haki cultivation that is already at its peak to improve even a little.

Moreover, in the past three years, Kizaru has been trying to train to use the natural energy and domineering power in his body under normal conditions to further increase his strength and perception.

The effect of this attempt is good. When Kizaru uses Haki, he can exert the effect of Frog Kumite (using the natural energy around himself to make the attack range wider) and perception enhancement, which is only available after Naruto enters the sage state in the anime. .

And this is just Kizaru’s normal state.

Once he refines chakra, balances and integrates chakra with natural energy, and enters sage mode, Kizaru’s combat power will become more powerful, at least at the Six Paths level.

Of course, Kizaru has not yet had a real fight with a Six Paths level expert, so the comparison of combat power in Sage mode is just his personal speculation.

After hearing that Kizaru had mastered senjutsu training and could fight with all his strength, and that his strength had become stronger, Danzo was completely relieved, with a smile on his face.

For Danzo, this period was simply the most wonderful moment in his life.

Kizaru immediately became the Hokage and successfully practiced senjutsu, which can be said to be a coercion in the ninja world. At this time, several other ninja villages chose to form an alliance and prepared to besiege Konoha together. It was a double blessing.


“Kizaru, if war breaks out, let’s take advantage of the opportunity and plan to annihilate all the coalition forces in the Ninja Village!” Sitting opposite Kizaru, Danzo said slightly excitedly.

“After annihilating the ninja village coalition, we can completely lead the ninjas in the village to counterattack other countries and completely end the current era of endless wars between major powers.” As he said this

, Danzo thought that his plan was very likely to be realized.

That’s too much! I just promised you to become Hokage, and now you want me to unify the world immediately? Are you putting all your wishes into reality on me?

“Uncle, I am not a djinn!” Kizaru replied sarcastically.


Danzo was stunned for a moment, wondering what Kizaru’s words meant.

“Oh ho ho! I’m just kidding, I mean, you’re too impatient.” Kizaru continued without bothering to explain to Danzo what a djinn is.

“Kizaru, in this war, we have the right time, place, and people on our side. It would be a pity not to take advantage of this opportunity to directly unify the ninja world.”

In Danzo’s view, he and Hiruzen’s generation , is still in its final peak period, and the generation of Sannin and Hatake Sakumo has also entered its peak. Coupled with Kizaru’s improved strength again, Konoha today can be said to be at its peak.

In addition, Huang Yuan’s reforms have increased a lot of income for the village and won over the hearts and minds of various forces in the village. Everyone is very supportive of Huang Yuan.

If this isn’t timing and harmony, what is it?

Besides the geographical location, the three combined ninja villages are located in three directions on the mainland, forming a triangle that surrounds the Land of Fire.

Konoha is located in the center. It can choose to concentrate its forces to eliminate one country first, or wait for them to join together and annihilate them all in one battle. The strategic initiative is completely in Konoha’s hands.

This isn’t a good location, what is it?

With the right time, right place, and right people, this is simply the best opportunity for Konoha to unify the shinobi world.

“I know what you are worried about? What you are worried about is the management issue after reunification. You don’t have to worry about this. As long as we win the war, we can naturally recruit the ninjas and ninjas who surrendered from each ninja village.

There are still places Management, I have also thought about it. We only need to control the daimyo of each country, and at the same time ensure the interests and safety of the nobles and officials. Those weaklings who are scared out of their wits and only know about pleasure will not resist to the end. They will surrender to us without hesitation.”

Listening to Danzo’s story, Kizaru said nothing. He found that the unity of understanding between himself and Danzo was fundamentally different.

The unification that Danzo wants is just to eliminate and incorporate all the ninja villages, get rid of the daimyo of each country, and then have all the local nobles surrender and be loyal to Konoha.

That is, it is similar to the enfeoffment system in Kizaru’s previous life and the shogun system in ancient Japan.

The unification that Kizaru understands is, at the end, a centralized system like the Qin and Han Dynasties, which wiped out all the ninja villages, daimyo, and local nobles, and then let Konoha unified the management of the continent.

“This kind of unification is not what I want. If I really want to lead Konoha to unify the entire ninja world, then all the daimyo, ninja villages, and local nobles will be wiped out by me. The management of this continent will be left to Konoha. Ye directly arranged personnel to take charge.”

Kizaru, who was really not interested in unification or anything like that, and even looked down upon the unification that Danzo said, chose to use a greater ambition and a more difficult goal to block Danzo’s Mouth.

Faced with Kizaru’s answer, Danzo was stunned again. He thought that his ambition was already very great, but he didn’t expect that his nephew’s ambition was even greater.

Completely annihilating the daimyo and nobles and allowing Konoha’s ninjas to directly rule and manage the entire continent is an ambition to subvert the entire era!

The god of ninjas, the first Hokage, created the ninja village system and brought unprecedented changes to the entire world.

And Kizaru, the new ninja god, also wants to bring unprecedented changes to the world. He does not want to be the only daimyo. He wants to completely eliminate the daimyo and aristocracy, a system that has been passed down for thousands of years, and establish a brand new one. nation.

This. What a great idea!

Thinking of this, Danzo’s body couldn’t help but tremble. He looked at Kizaru with admiration in his eyes.

“Kizaru, I understand what you are thinking! Just follow your own ideas to bring changes to this world! I will fully support you!” Danzo was excited with his hands on his thighs.

Looking at his uncle’s appearance, Kizaru secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Um! It seems that he was fooled! For a long time to come, I can continue to fish happily again!

I spent all night coding yesterday. After I finished writing, I stayed up until noon and had lunch before going to bed.

I slept till night, but I didn’t get enough sleep. I was woken up by the alarm clock, so I cheered up, got up, and coded this chapter. It was very slow.

I’m so sleepy now that I really can’t write any more. I’ll write a chapter tonight, and when I get up during the day, I’ll continue to update.

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