Chapter 202 Uchiha Madara’s incomprehension Chapter 202 Uchiha Madara’s incomprehension

Chapter 202: Uchiha Madara’s Incomprehension: Not

only Kumogakure Village is studying Kizaru, but also Iwagakure Village and Kirigakure Village.

If Sunagakure Village hadn’t been crippled by Konoha, coupled with the struggle for power among the top management, and Kazekage Chiyo preparing to surrender, people would have probably organized people to study Kizaru’s information.

There is a saying that although the ninjas in the Naruto world are limited by the training they received since childhood, their knowledge in politics, economy, culture, scientific research and other aspects is relatively short-sighted.

But at least in terms of combat, ninjas have good IQs. Collecting enemy intelligence, studying the enemy’s weaknesses, and finding countermeasures are the basic qualities of a qualified ninja.

Cloud Hidden Village was able to discover the secret of Kizaru’s immunity to attacks, and Iwagakure Village was naturally able to do the same.

The experienced Ohnoki also made the same guess as the Kumogakure Village think tank after analyzing the intelligence collected and provided by the village and watching Kizaru’s battle with his own eyes.

The secret behind Kizaru’s immunity to attacks is that he elementalized his body.

The result of this guess can be said to be very useful, or it can be said to be of little use.

The main reason for saying this is that after Kizaru becomes elemental, it turns into light! How to hit this light? How to restrain yourself?

Onoki fell into the same problem as the Third Raikage. After Kizaru turned into light, you had no way to restrain yourself!

Tell me, how did you attack a beam of light? No one can do this! At least for these ninjas, that’s the case.

Faced with this problem, the think tank of Iwagakure Village gave the same answer as the think tank of Kumo Hidden Village. They could only use sealing techniques and space-time ninjutsu to possibly restrain Kizaru.

This answer is said to be unsaid. As long as it is of some use, it does not mean that it is of no use at all.

When it comes to sealing techniques and space-time ninjutsu, Konoha is the expert. What other ninja villages master are basically scraps, which are completely useless. Especially for space-time ninjutsu, except for spiritualism and Kumogakure’s divine gift. Outside of surgery, it’s gone.

As for the sealing technique, the two major ninja villages have some mastery of it, but considering that after Kizaru turns into light, he can move as fast as teleportation. Even if you develop a useful sealing technique, you can’t control people.

Of course, it would be wrong to say that Iwagakure Village has no means of harming Kizaru.

The blood succession elimination dust release mastered by the third Tsuchikage Onoki can theoretically kill Kizaru instantly.

After all, Dust Release can directly break down the enemy into atomic size, making it disappear in an instant.

In terms of power, the damage caused by the Dust Release is absolutely sufficient, and Kizaru cannot withstand it at all.

But this goes back to the old problem, no matter how much damage you do, you can’t hit anyone!

Kizaru’s speed and movement are considered to be the fastest in the ninja world. You have a ninjutsu that requires reading, no matter how powerful it is, is it useless? It can’t hit anyone at all.

In the past few years, Onoki has been thinking hard about how he should defeat Kizaru if Iwagakure and Konoha went to war, or at least hold him back.

After spending several years, Onoki could think of only two methods. One was to rely on the gravity created by Earth Release to restrict Kizaru’s movement, and then use Dust Release to cause damage.

Ohnoki felt that there was little hope for this method. He could only say that there was a small chance due to Kizaru’s carelessness in underestimating the enemy.

The second method is to find a few more strong men to hold back Kizaru and give himself a chance to cast Dust Release.

Compared with the first one, Onoki felt that the second one was more interesting, which was why he agreed to the Ninja Village Alliance initiated by Kiri Shadow Village.

Konoha is too strong, and Kizaru is too young and too strong. We must find a way to suppress them, otherwise the future ninja world will be Konoha’s world.

It was precisely because of this clear understanding that Onoki took a huge risk and chose to join the Ninja Village Alliance.

This siege of Konoha is about the fate of the Three Kingdoms and the pattern of the ninja world in the next hundred years.

If they win, they will advance together and Konoha will decline. If they lose, everything will stop and Konoha will reach the top of the ninja world.

Flying in front of the stone that symbolizes the spirit of Iwagakure Village, Onoki held an oval stone in his hand that was about to be coated with pulp.

As the time came closer and closer to the time agreed by the three great ninja villages to launch a surprise attack on Konoha, Onoki’s heart always felt a trace of uneasiness and hesitation.

He doesn’t know where his decision this time will take the future of Yanyin Village?

Maybe better, maybe worse?

But no matter what, if you give up this opportunity and do nothing, the future of Iwagakure Village will definitely be bad.

Konoha! Konoha! Occupying the best land and having the most talents is really enviable!

Playing with the stones in his hands and looking at the stones symbolizing Iwagakure Village placed on the stand, Onoki’s ears heard again the “Will of Stone” told to him by the first Tsuchikage Ishikawa, his grandfather.

Perseverant and immovable, the real treasure enshrined by Yanyin Village is not this stone, but the “will of the stone” contained in it.

Perseverance, perseverance!


As he muttered this word silently, the uneasiness and hesitation in Ohnoki’s heart slowly dissipated.

You have already made a decision, why are you worried and hesitating?

When did you start to be afraid of failure? Afraid of facing Kizaru and Konoha?

We can’t go on like this. Iwagakure can die standing up, but we can’t live on our knees!

If he wins this time, that’s fine. If he loses, just like Sunagakure, if he pays small compensation and endures the humiliation, there will always be hope for the village’s revival in the future.

Thinking of this, Onoki’s heart completely settled down.

The war was coming, and he couldn’t be cowardly before fighting. For the future of the village, it was just a matter of dying!

Back then, I saw Madara Uchiha being superior, crushing his teacher, and treating himself like an ant. Didn’t he get over such a disastrous defeat and humiliation?

“You are like this, you still want to dance? You are a bunch of trash!”

Uchiha Madara used the physical clone created by Bai Zetsu’s body to stand upright on the training ground of Kirigakure Village.

Wearing a wooden gray mask, Uchiha Madara scolded the four Kirikage ninjas standing in a rectangular position in front of him in a bad tone.

These four ninjas all came from the Snow Clan, the Ice Release Blood Successor Limited Ninja Clan of Kirigakure Village. (Minazuki is a second creation by a fan)

Just like the two great ninja villages of Kumogakure and Iwagakure are thinking of ways to restrain Kizaru, Uchiha Madara is also making preparations to restrain Kizaru.

When he met and fought against Kizaru, Uchiha Madara confirmed that Kizaru’s immunity to damage relies on elementalizing his body.

Considering that Kizaru turns into light after being elementalized, it is difficult to deal with it through attribute conflict, and using a mirror to reflect light is difficult to achieve due to the high temperature of the laser.

Uchiha Madara set his sights on the Snow Clan who was using ice escape.

Coincidentally, among the Snow Clan’s secret techniques of ice escape, there is a secret technique called Magic Mirror Ice Crystal, which can use ice crystals to create mirror-like ice cubes.

It took a lot of time, based on the powerful barrier ninjutsu “Four Red Sun Formation” that requires four shadow-level experts to perform together and can easily trap even tailed beasts, and combined with the secret ice escape technique that can refract light. ·Magic Mirror Ice Crystal, Uchiha Madara created a new enchantment technique “Four Ice Crystal Array”.

Considering that the Snow Clan does not have four shadow-level experts, Uchiha Madara lowered the defense of the “Four Ice Crystal Array” to reduce its need for chakra.

In contrast, the boundary wall of the “Four Ice Crystal Array” has turned into ice crystals that can reflect light, and greatly improve the hardness of the ice crystals, which can withstand extremely high temperatures and powerful damage.

In this way, the laser light emitted by Kizaru will be reflected by the mirror, and it also avoids the possibility of Kizaru turning into light and escaping from the barrier.

The second point is what Uchiha Madara attaches the most to, because he is not sure whether the “Four Red Sun Formation” can trap Kizaru who turned into light.

The “Four Ice Crystal Array” can avoid Uchiha Madara’s worries. When Kizaru turns into light, it will be reflected back by the mirror, and when it returns to its physical form, it will be blocked by the barrier. It can be said to be double insurance.

After creating the “Four Ice Crystal Formation”, Uchiha Madara asked the fourth generation Mizukage Goju Yagura to select four elite Jonin from the Snow Clan to practice this formation specifically.

Madara Uchiha was responsible for teaching and training the four people in the name of the master of sealing techniques found by the fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura and the consultant of Kirigakure Village.

The four elite Jonin of the Snow Clan have been taught by Uchiha Madara for a long time. These four people have been able to use the “Four Ice Crystal Formation”, but the speed of use and the stability of the barrier cannot be achieved. To Uchiha Madara’s complete satisfaction.

For this reason, Uchiha Madara almost turned into a stress monster, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the Jonin of the Snow Clan several times. He felt that Uchiha Madara was swearing and insulting himself and others.

If it weren’t for the pressure of the Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura, these four jonins of the Snow Clan would have quit working long ago.

Regarding the complaints from these four people, Uchiha Madara was even more resentful. In his opinion, is there anything difficult about ninjutsu? If you take a look and make a seal, wouldn’t it be easy to release it?

Shouldn’t it be simple and natural to cast a ninjutsu to its strongest level?

Is this thing difficult? It’s not difficult! It only took a few days to create this ninjutsu yourself. You are just practicing ninjutsu. It has taken you more than a month and you are still not at your best?

What a bunch of stupid pigs, a bunch of trash!

Uchiha Madara didn’t want to curse, he just told the truth. Although it sounded insulting to others, Uchiha Madara really didn’t feel that he was cursing.

What kind of insult is it to tell the truth?

Maomao spent a lot of time researching the surname of Kirikage’s ice ninja clan tonight, and it turns out that it is indeed not called “Waterless Moon”, including Shiro, as it is mentioned in the official setting book as Shiro.

And the official simply said that Kirikage’s ice escape clan is the snow clan.

Since the official didn’t give a specific surname, let’s assume their surname is Snow!

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