
Chapter 61 Yunyin takes action! Chapter 61 Yunyin takes action!

Chapter 61 Yunyin takes action!


In a closed secret room, a dark-skinned Kumogakure ninja with long dark blond hair and a stout figure sat cross-legged on the ground with a tired look on his face.

“Buyum, how about the seal?” The third generation Raikage’s voice sounded from the corner.

“Stabilized.” Looking at the Third Raikage, the elite Jonin of Kumogakure Village and a clansman of the Raikage, Buyum stood up from the ground.

Looking at Buyum apologetically, the Third Raikage stepped forward and walked in front of his confidant.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“For the village, for you, all sacrifices are deserved.” Although he had just experienced a tailed beast riot, Buyum still cheered up and said firmly.

Without saying anything, the Third Raikage patted his confidant on the shoulder with relief.

Buyum was once a candidate for the jinchuriki plan, but it was stopped because the plan had not been successful and there had been many tailed beast riots, resulting in the death of the jinchuriki and the loss of the village.

And Buyum was lucky enough not to become a Jinchūriki because of this.

But after Kizaru attacked the village last time, he felt deeply that there were too few Kage-level experts in the village except himself, so he launched the Jinchuuriki plan again.

As a former candidate, Buyum was also selected to become the Jinchūriki of the Second Tails.

Just one week after becoming a two-tailed jinchuriki, Buyum had a tailed beast riot this morning. Fortunately, his strength was good, and he was discovered in time, so no disaster occurred.

“For this operation, you should stay in the village!” The Third Raikage said out of sympathy for his subordinates.

“Raikage-sama, please take me and the Kohaku Bottle with you!” Buyum, who had been prepared to sacrifice from the day he became a jinchuriki, suggested firmly.

Hearing Buyum’s words, the Third Raikage fell silent.

The Amber Purifying Bottle was a six-path ninja tool held by the former Kumogakure Village rebel ninja Golden Horn. It was later recaptured by the Third Raikage. It has a very powerful sealing function and is the strongest means used by Kumogakure Village to suppress the sealed tailed beasts.

Buyum proposed to take the amber purification bottle with him to the front line. He was prepared to sacrifice himself and regarded himself as a disposable large-scale destruction weapon.

After a long silence, the Third Raikage, who felt the pressure of this war, made a decision in his heart.

“You will become the hero of the village!” Looking at Buyum with complicated eyes, the Third Raikage said seriously.

The corners of his mouth were raised high, Buyum smiled happily.

“At five o’clock in the afternoon, you come with me and set off with the vanguard.”

“Yes, boss!” Buyum replied loudly with a smile.

“Have a good rest!”

After saying that, the Third Raikage turned and left the secret room.

Sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, Kizaru handed a check to Kakuzu beside him.

Kakuzu, who usually accepted cash at the money exchange, frowned and took the check worth 5 million, and asked loudly: “Don’t have any cash?” ”

Brother, this is a border patrol point!” Kizaru smiled. explained.

Nodding and accepting Kizaru’s explanation, Kakuzu solemnly put the check into the inner pocket of his clothes.

“Today’s patrols will be put together. From 10 to 12 o’clock in the evening, you will be in charge.”


“Then please, little brother!” Looking at Kakuzu, Kizaru said with a smile.

Collecting money to do things is a matter of course! Kakuzu replied loudly: “Don’t worry, nothing will go wrong.”

“That’s the best.”

Before Kizaru could finish his words, Kakuzu had already turned around and left the room.

Shaking his head with a smile, Kizaru closed his mouth and looked out the window.


It’s really exciting!

Living up to Kizaru’s expectations, at five o’clock in the afternoon, the Third Raikage set out from the village with 500 people from the vanguard and Buyum who had just become the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

As for the main force of the village, they will be dispatched in three hours, led by two of the Third Raikage’s henchmen.

The Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire are not bordering each other. If the ninjas from Cloud Hidden Village want to attack the Kingdom of Fire, they must pass through the Kingdom of Tang.

The Third Raikage had no objections to this, and the Country of Yu had no objections either.

It took the vanguard force led by the Third Raikage more than three hours to travel quickly from the village to the border of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Arriving at the border, the Third Raikage asked his men to make simple repairs for half an hour before setting off again and directly breaking into the Country of Yu.

In order to hide their traces, the vanguard force led by the Third Raikage did not approach the towns of Yuno Country and instead traveled through the mountains and woods.

The Kingdom of Tang is not big, and it took the entire vanguard force less than two hours to successfully reach the border between the Kingdom of Tang and the Kingdom of Fire.

“Five teams, be on guard within a three-kilometer radius, while others rest.” Hidden in the dense woods, the Third Raikage ordered the men around him.

“Yes!” replied softly, a Jonin of the Yotsuki clan stepped back from the Third Raikage and went to arrange the task.

Just as the Third Raikage led the troops to start repairing, Kakuzu also started his first patrol.

Kakuzu, who left Kizaru’s stronghold and had already memorized the patrol route, walked into the dark woods alone.

As the strongest and most famous person in the bounty hunter circle, Kakuzu relies not only on his strong strength, but also on his reliable service attitude.

Collect money from people and do things for them!

Kakuzu, who adheres to this sentence, has extremely high professionalism.

Hiding his aura and walking silently through the woods, Kakuzu’s position gradually approached the border.

As if sensing something, the horns jumping among the branches suddenly stopped.

Moving his body, hiding behind the tree trunk, Kakuzu looked towards the 10 o’clock direction.

Three ninjas from Cloud Hidden Village appeared in Kakuzu’s sight.

With joy in his heart, Kakuzu knew that the opportunity to make money had come.

Without seeming to hesitate, Kakuzu jumped down from the tree and used earth escape to sneak into the ground.

Approaching the three enemies, Kakuzu suddenly rose up and hit one of the enemies with his hardened fist.

Being attacked suddenly, the ninja from Hidden Cloud Village had no time to react before he was knocked away by Kakuzu and hit a big tree heavily.

After a successful blow, the horn did not pause, the right hand was retracted, the left hand flew out directly from the wrist, and with the help of the secret technique of resentment and Yu control, it hit the enemy holding a kunai from the side.

Seeing such a weird ninjutsu for the first time, the ninja from Hidden Cloud Village showed a shocked expression, and quickly swung his kunai in an attempt to resist Kakuzu’s attack.

Unfortunately, the left fist controlled by Kakuzu was very flexible. He actually turned in the air, avoided the enemy’s attack, and hit the enemy hard in the abdomen.

His body was directly beaten into a crescent shape. The Kumogakure ninja suffered heavy injuries, lost his fighting ability, and fell to the ground.

In order to seize the living mouth, Kakuzu had already reserved his strength, otherwise, the enemy’s abdomen would have been penetrated by him.

The enemy was too weak, and a trace of disappointment flashed in Kakuzu’s eyes.

But disappointment is a disappointment, and Jiaodu will not let go of every penny he can earn.

Withdrawing his left hand, Kakuzu looked at the last enemy who had started to run away, and used a teleportation technique to catch up.

Teleporting behind the enemy, Kakuzu directly knocks him out with a single blow of his sword.

“A bunch of worthless trash!”

He complained aloud. Kakuzu used his resentment to control the enemy, returned to the place where he first fought, and began to collect the loot.

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