Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 97 Battle Might Dai! Learn Eight Inner Gates!

[You separate a clone and stand in front of Rock Shinobi Chūnin as a bait. 】

【Rock Shinobi Chūnin was surprised by the size of your wolf king clone, but he immediately showed a fierce look, because, for him, it was a good meal, and he was going to kill you for meat. 】

【“Earth Style · Mud Cannon!”】

[Rock Shinobi did not approach, and could only perform Earth Style attacks from a distance. 】

[The moment the clone was defeated, you, who had already been lurking aside, immediately attacked. 】

【The flame Rasengan that gives Fire Style Nature Transformation is directly pressed by you on Rock Shinobi Chūnin. 】

[The violent flames spread immediately, shrouding Rock Shinobi Chūnin and gradually becoming a huge fire storm. 】

[After a while, only a roasted corpse was left on the ground. 】

[You stepped on the body of Rock Shinobi and screamed in the sky, you are very satisfied with the power of ninjutsu. 】

[You carry the body of Rock Shinobi, go back to the mountains, and let the little ones have a full meal. 】

[You look at your own pack of wild wolves and fall into contemplation again. 】

[You have your own strength, but you cannot rely on yourself to conquer the world alone. 】

[You need an army, a ninja wolf army that is fully armed and can learn ninjutsu, taijutsu, and even illusion. 】

[And the first thing that needs to be cultivated is naturally the elite wolf pack that has been following you. 】

[You start a big election. 】

【Thousands of wolves, all standing in front of you, for you to choose. 】

[After two days, you have selected a group of smart and strong wolves, and you are going to train them into elite wolves. 】

"Dude, has it finally begun?"

Tuo Yu slapped his thighs, applauding the wolf king Tuo Yu's methods.

You know, most of the creatures in the ninja world can actually be extracted from Chakra.

Just like the ninja dogs of the Inuzuka family, they are also canines, but they have Chakra, and some dogs can even speak.

It mainly depends on whether there is someone to teach them.

[One year later, after your careful training, dozens of elite wolves have all extracted Chakra. 】

【With the help of Chakra, their bodies became stronger and faster. 】

[But you are not satisfied, you start teaching them the basic Three Body Technique. 】

"Dude, is this all about Jōnin?"

Tuo Yu is looking forward more and more.

It feels like he is trying to train wolves into adults!

[With your scientific guidance, it took half a year for most of the wolves to learn the basic Three Body Technique, but this is not over yet. You made Chakra test strips based on scientific principles, and began to test the Chakra properties of the wolves. test. 】

[After classifying Chakra, you gradually go deeper and let the wolves learn the corresponding escape techniques. 】

[Because your teachings are different from ordinary ninja teachings. 】

[Like other villages, when ninjas learn ninjutsu, they also need relationships. 】

[Some advanced ninjutsu is firmly held by the master in the hands of those big families, and cannot be released. 】

[Ordinary students in the ninja school also learn some basic ninjutsu. 】

【But you are different. With all your talents, you have mastered countless powerful ninjutsu. 】

【And you are unreserved, serious and strict. 】

[One year later. 】

[You have dozens of elite ninja wolves whose overall strength is at the peak level of Chūnin. 】

[These ninja wolves have skillfully learned the Three Body Technique, as well as fire, water and soil... all kinds of shield ninjutsu. 】

[Have strength and also have troops. 】

[You think it's time to take revenge. 】

"Wait, is this the way to go?"

Tuo Yu was a little worried.

He is not worried about the strength of the wolf king Tuo Yu, but is the strength of the ninja wolves too weak?

At least cultivate to the level of Jōnin before setting off!

But soon.

The wolves surprised him.

[Although the wolves only have the strength of Chūnin, they are extremely disciplined. 】

[Under your training, the wolves have mastered several ninjutsu techniques for strangulation. 】

[The division of labor is clear and there is no delay. 】

[When the ninjas encountered were surprised by the wolves, they were killed by the subtle cooperation of the wolves. 】


Tuo Yu was dumbfounded.

He looked at the simulation screen, the subtle cooperation of the wolves.

It just feels incredible!

A well-trained ninja wolf.

With a keen figure, shuttle in the complex forest terrain.

Disturb the target's sight with the Clone Technique, and deliver a fatal blow at the moment when the opponent exposes their weakness!

Tuo Yu seems to have seen the art of cooperation!

"It's absolutely wonderful!"

What shocked him the most was that, as the wolf king, he didn't take any shots during the whole process.

Instead, he watched from a high place.

Like a king in the world!

[The battle is over, you continue to move forward with the wolves. 】

【However, on the way, you unexpectedly met a familiar face. 】

[Ten Thousand Years Genin Might of Konoha wears. 】

[Although it is Genin, you dare not underestimate each other. 】

【Master's Might wear of Eight Inner Gates Technique, can release extremely powerful explosive power in an instant. 】

[But at the same time the danger is also an excellent opportunity for your Master Eight Inner Gates, so you still shot him. 】

"Put it on with the Might, be very careful.

Tuo Yu was a little worried.

Although Might Dai is only a Genin, the reputation he created before his death is really scary.

Legend has it that with one kick, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were knocked out in half.

It can be seen how strong Might Dai is.

[You whispered and drank the wolves that were about to move back. 】

[You know, in the face of Might Dai's speed of opening Eight Inner Gates, Chūnin's peak-level wolf pack, the speed is simply not enough to watch. 】

["The green clothes, let's fight one-on-one." You look directly at each other and speak. 】

["Fuck! The wolf, the wolf has spoken!" Might Dai was stunned by your words, and the other party was so frightened that his legs were almost weak. 】

"Hey hey hey! When can you talk?"

Tuo Yu couldn't help but complain.

There were no hints at all.

"Is it because I haven't met acquaintances, so I don't want to talk?"

But soon the self in the simulation gave an explanation.

【Your ambition is not just to rule the wolves, you also want to rule the world. 】

[So you have used Chakra to change your throat long ago, to change the way your vocal cords sound, so you can speak. 】

[This is the first time you have a conversation with someone, Might Daiguo is astonished. 】

It turned out to be so.

Tuo Yu nodded suddenly.

So those ninja beasts can speak because they have changed their vocal organs?

[Might Dai was shocked for a while before he recovered, and you waited quietly. 】

【This is a competition, you are not sure to defeat Might Dai who opened the Eight Gate. 】

[So you don't want to fight Might to the death. 】

"That's normal.

Tuo Yu nodded.

Knowing that you may not be able to beat the opponent, you have to fight hard.

This is really not in line with the character of the wolf king Tuo Yu.

[After the shock, Might Dai accepts your challenge. 】

[The wolves are far away from the battlefield. 】

[The breeze blows through the hair that Might wears, and the hair on your body. 】

[In an instant, the two of you moved at the same time. 】

[Although he is a Genin, the Might with strong physical skills wears very fast!]

[But your physical talent is much stronger than his, and because of the superiority of the species, four legs must be faster than two legs, and the speed is faster than him! 】

【Swish! In a split-second fight, you left several deep claw marks on Might's body, and the wound was almost bone deep. 】

··0 Seeking flowers··

"Although it has an advantage now, it won't be so in the future."

Tuo Yu watched carefully and silently prayed that the wolf king Tuo Yu would not overturn.

[For the first time, Might Dai understands that he is far from your opponent in his current state. 】

[He hit the fourth fourth gate in a row, Chakra skyrocketed, and his speed was greatly improved! 】

[And you watch it all the way, learning how to use Eight Inner Gates. 】

[This move will not be hailed as the strongest physical technique, you can basically learn the other numbers by guessing twice. 】

[But Eight Inner Gates, you want Grandmaster, you need a long time to practice. 】

[Afterwards, you used ninjutsu, Fire Style Great Fireball Technique. 】

[Might Dai is dumbfounded. 】


Tuo Yu looked at Might's dumbfounded look with his eyes turned into white circles in the simulation, and was instantly overjoyed.

"Stupid? Haven't seen it?"

"Wolf can also Great Fireball Technique!

【Might Dai was startled, a wolf spewed out a fireball!】

[He jumps away quickly. 】

[But then, you used more ninjutsu. 】

【Water Style, Earth Style, Wind Style…】

【Your fighting style is almost the same as a real ninja!】


[Might Dai was shocked and felt that the compound ninjutsu you used was very difficult. 】

【He continues to open the Eight Inner Gates, until the Sixth Gate!】

[At this time, you quietly used illusion, and Naraku saw Technique. 】

[Dealing with physique-type ninjas, illusion is the most useful way. 】

[And you know the details of all ninjas, so you can prescribe the right medicine. 】

[Might Day was hit immediately, and his most feared scene appeared in front of him. 】

[Your purpose in this battle has been achieved. 】

[Although Might Dai didn't open all Eight Inner Gates, but with your ninjutsu talent, you can already understand the eight tricks by just reading it once. 】

"The speed of stealing is almost as fast as the copy ninja Kakashi."

Tuo Yu still couldn't help but complain.

After all, this talent is too pervert!

Any ninjutsu, although you can't read it once, you can master the tricks after two or three times, and not everyone can do it.

【You left the scene and let Might Dai go. 】

[In the next few months, you begin to practice Eight Inner Gates hard. 】

[Because of your unique talent, you will soon master this technique. 】

【With Eight Inner Gates as your trump card, your road to revenge is even more unhindered. 】

【On this day, you are patrolling down the mountain, looking for Mist Ninja to guard. 】

[At this moment, you see a flare in the distance. 】

[And the next second, a green flash in the distance dashed past you, it was Might Dai, with a panicked expression on his face, as if he dared to save someone. 】

【You have a thought, thinking of this scene. 】

[It is very likely that the one who sent the flares is Might Guy. According to the plot, they are now surrounded by the seven people of Mist Shinobi's ninja swords and are in danger. 】

[Thinking of this, a trace of anger flashed in your eyes, and you galloped away in the direction of the flare. 】

"Nindao seven people.

Tuo Yu said silently.

When the wolf king Tuo Yu took the tens of thousands of ethnic groups out of the Lonely Mountain, it was one of the seven people of the ninja sword, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, who led the troops to disperse.

This time, the wolf king Tuo Yu came out to seek revenge for the mist ninja, and the watermelon mountain puffer fish is one of his sure to kill!


[You look up to the sky and let out a mournful wolf howl. 】

[You are not mourning the dead race. 】

【You just think that your last escape damaged your dignity. 】

[You want to get back your dignity as a king!] Loss.

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