Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 102 Exploding the scene! All ninja dogs, kneel down to Tuo Yu!?

At this time.

Tuo Yu was just across the street.

"What are you talking about?

Tuo Yu said with a smile.

"Of course it's about you adopting a ninja dog!"

"I just heard from Asuma and Toya that it seems difficult to cultivate ninja dogs."

Little Sakura couldn't resist Kaidō.

"Tuo Yu-kun, what kind of dog do you like?"

Ino took Tuo Yu's arm and asked curiously.

"A gentle little dog, or a majestic big dog?

"Still like me..."

"Cough cough!

Tuo Yu coughed twice.

"Every dog ​​has its own unique strengths."

"No matter which one I choose, I will treat it as a friend and treat it well."

"So, does Tuo Yu-kun have the confidence to tame the ninja?"

Hinata asked quietly.

"I heard that it takes a long time and is difficult to tame a ninja dog.

"What's so difficult about that.

Tuo Yu looked puzzled.

Hear this.

Inuzuka Ya, who had been silent all this time, was unhappy.

"Hey, Tuo Yu, don't underestimate the breeding of ninja dogs."

"Even for our Inuzuka clan, if we want to cultivate a qualified ninja dog, it takes time to train and get along day and night."

“It takes years of practice to engage in combat in a tacit understanding. 35

"Don't think that your talent is high, this kind of thing can't rely on talent.

"That's right, Tuo Yu."

Asuma smoked a cigarette and rolled his eyes.

"Training ninja dogs is not something that can be done overnight.

"Although I know that you have the intention to contribute to the village, it does not count as completing difficult tasks.

"Those low-level tasks that you look down on are also one of the main sources of income for the entire village. 99

"And it is precisely because of a large number of low-level tasks that Genins can quickly accumulate enough experience.

"Asuma-senpai is right."

Tuo Yu smiled slightly.

"But I want to give it a shot, what if it works? 35

"Hey, you will definitely fail. On the first day, maybe the dog will ignore you."5

Inuzuka Ya said with a smile, sitting and waiting to see Tuo Yu's good show.

Soon, a group of people came to the mansion of the Inuzuka clan.

Inuzuka Ya leaned over to Tuo Yu and whispered:

"Hey, if you don't want to lose face, I advise you to leave now.

"If you let everyone see your embarrassing appearance, I'm afraid your glorious image will no longer exist.

"Don't talk nonsense.

Ino said.

"How could Tuo Yu-kun fail?

"He's so strong! He said he can do it, and he can definitely do it.

"That's right."

Little Sakura also spoke for Tuo Yu.

"Hey, I told you all, training ninja dogs has nothing to do with talent.

"This takes time, and we have to get along day and night!"

Facing Inuzuka Ya's explanation, Tuo Yu just smiled and didn't speak.

"Hey, there are so many people here?"

Inuzuka Paw and Inuzuka Hana came up.

There were two ninja dogs behind them.

Kuromaru of Inuzuka Claw, and the three brothers of Haimaru of Inuzuka Hana.

It's just that the four ninja dogs seemed a little restrained after they approached.

Inuzuka Claw and Inuzuka Hana didn't notice the difference between the ninja dogs behind them.

"Mom, old sister, Tuo Yu dares to look down on the training of ninja dogs!"

As soon as he saw his mother and sister, Inuzuka Ya immediately stepped forward to vent his dissatisfaction.

"He actually thinks it's easy to build a bond with the ninja dog! You have to know how much effort we spent to get the ninja dog to connect with us.

"This guy Tuo Yu thinks he can do it casually!

Inuzukazu and Inuzuka Hana just smiled at this.

This calf in my own family may be jealous.

After all, the person Tuo Yu is handsome and strong, and it is normal to be jealous.

Inuzuka Claw stepped forward and said to Tuo Yu seriously.

"Ninja dogs are different from ordinary domestic dogs, they are more intelligent and more aggressive. 35

"Every ninja dog is best cultivated from an early age, which is conducive to the cultivation of fetters.

"Initially you have to eat with him, sleep with him, and give him a sense of security."

"When he has enough trust in you, you can train him, so that it will not be easy to rebel.

"Usually, the above steps take years to do day after day.

"So even if you fail, it's okay, just relax your mind.

In the end, Inuzuka Pao comforted Tuo Yu.

Apparently she also doesn't think Tuo Yu can tame a ninja dog at once.

"Ok, I see.

Tuo Yu said seriously.

"Although I don't know which one I will choose, I will definitely take care of it as my friend."

Naruto and the others on the side were also full of emotion.

"Ah, do you want to eat and sleep together? I thought it was enough to put Akamaru on your head, just like Tooth."

"You guy!

Inuzuka couldn't help rolling his eyes and punching Naruto in the head.

"Well, the ninja dogs are different from the bad bugs of our Aburame family, we are more of a commander, after all, the bad bugs themselves don't have much wisdom.

Aburame Shino analyzed.

"They act more on instinct. 35

"I didn't expect it to be so troublesome." Ino said helplessly, "I was thinking about raising one to see, but now I think it's better to forget it.""

"That's right. 39

Little Sakura also looked resentful.

Hinata is nothing.

Even if she wanted to raise her, it is estimated that her father would not agree.

As a member of a large family, in some respects, it is indeed not as convenient as ordinary small families or ordinary villagers.

"Do you understand how hard it is now?"

Asuma stepped forward and smiled.

"I advise you to give up this mission."

"If you have this time, it is better to do more low-level tasks. When you have accumulated enough experience, the village will naturally need you to deal with those difficult tasks."

"Otherwise, if you are strong, you will be embarrassed. Nian

Asuma looked at Tuo Yu with a smile on his face.

Although his eyes were rolled inside, Tuo Yu said seriously: "I want to try it."

"Since you insist, come with me."

Inuzukapaw leads the way.

Inuzuka Tooth quietly leaned over to his mother and whispered.

"Mom, when a stranger approaches for the first time, the ninja dogs will definitely be disturbed, and they will scare Tuo Yu, you have to look after them.

Despite all the disgust in his mouth, Inuzuka Ya still worried that Tuo Yu would be threatened.

Because if Tuo Yu gets hurt, little Sakura and Ino will definitely tear him apart!

"It's true, but don't worry, with me there, nothing will happen.

Inuzukapaw is confident.

Inuzuka Hana also stepped forward and whispered.

"I will soothe their emotions, no need to worry.

As a group of people gradually approached the greenhouse.

A strange feeling came to Inuzuka Ya's heart.

"Mom, do you feel something is wrong?

Inuzukapa also frowned.

"A little bit."

"Is it... too quiet?"

Inuzuka Hana was also surprised.

"Usually at this time, when you hear people's noise, you will be noisy!"

"Are they all sick?"


Inuzukapao immediately refuted.

"I also checked their status this morning."

"Then why is it so quiet? It's usually very lively inside at this time.""

Inuzuka Hana looked puzzled.

"Maybe it's because of the relationship between strangers?"

Inuzukapao glanced back.

There are indeed many strangers.

Asuma and Might Guy have definitely been there.

But Tuo Yu and the others were the first time they came to the residence of the Inuzuka clan.

··0 Seeking flowers........

Their breath must be very unfamiliar to ninja dogs.


Inuzuka Tou shook his head and said.

"It's not uncommon for strangers to occasionally smell in the kennel, but it's never been this quiet."5

"Forget it, just go and see it.

Inuzukazu finally interrupted the guess and brought a group to the gate of the greenhouse.

However, when she walked into the greenhouse, she was stunned.

Then, there was a terrifying sound!


"What's wrong?"

Inuzuka Ya was immediately nervous, and when he walked in and took a look, he was also dumbfounded.

"Did something happen?

Inuzuka Hua suddenly screamed anxiously and rushed in.

Then, she was also dumbfounded.

Others didn't know why, so they followed.

Then, they saw a shocking scene.

At this time, the entire greenhouse, hundreds of large and small ninja dogs, all squatted on the ground obediently.

Facing the door, watching quietly.

Their eyes are extremely unified, and they are only aimed in one direction.

Or in other words, facing someone with an indifferent face!

Following the gaze of the ninja dogs, their necks seemed to be rusted as they slowly turned around.

Look at Tuo Yu.

"Damn!!! This! What's going on?! 35


Naruto yelled.

It wasn't just him who was frightened.

Aburame Shino, Shikamaru…

Ino, little Sakura, and even hug each other, trembling with fear!

This picture is very strange, but also very shocking!

The ninja dog, who would have been irritable because of the arrival of strangers, actually sat on the ground as if he had been tamed, and all eyes were on one person—Tuo Yu!

It feels like Tuo Yu is like their king!


Asuma and Might looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

"This! What happened!?"

"Why, why is everyone looking at Tuo Yu!?"

"Besides, he still looks so obedient!! 99

Inuzuka Ya screamed in horror.

Inuzuka Flower and Inuzuka Paws are also shocked! They have been dealing with dogs for decades, and they have cultivated thousands of ninja dogs, but they have never seen such a scene!

Bow down?

That's right, in this scene, just like all the ninja dogs, when they saw their king, they bowed and bowed their heads and bowed their heads!

In the face of everyone seeing a ghost.

At this time.

Tuo Yu stood up.

A random wave of hands.


All the ninja dogs, at this moment, all respectfully knelt down on one knee!

Including the ninja dog following Inuzukapaw and Inuzuka Hana.

Akamaru was a little sluggish because of his bad stomach, and he was lying on Inuzuka Ya's head at the moment.

But after sensing Tuo Yu's breath, he jumped down quickly, rushed in front of Tuo Yu, lowered his head, and knelt down in front of Tuo Yu!

Pay homage to their destined king!

This scene deeply shocked everyone present.

Everyone's eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost!

"How is this possible?"

Inuzuka Claw's face is full of disbelief, and his legs are soft!

She has domesticated ninja dogs for so many years, and she has never seen such a scene!

All the ninja dogs are actually worshipping one person!?

A ninja kneeling on one knee in front of someone?

It was the first time she saw this kind of action on a ninja dog!

Even the Akamaru of Inuzuka Tooth, the Kuromaru of Inuzuka Claw, and the three brothers of Shiimaru of Inuzuka Hana all knelt down respectfully!

"What, what's going on?

"What's going on!!!"

Asuma's face was contorted in horror, and he shouted to ask everyone's heart.


He trembled all over.

"Absolutely impossible!"

"What the hell is going on here!!?" Lose.

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