Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 108 Three women and one man! Set off to find Tsunade!


A group of people stormed into Hokage's office.

A Jōnin who happened to be inside saw this scene and immediately yelled loudly.

"What are you doing? This is Lord Hokage's office, not the place for you kids!"

"It's okay."

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his hand to stop it with a smile, and then said.

"I already know the situation of the mission, you can go back to rest first.

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

The unknown Jōnin bowed and left.

Tuo Yu stepped forward: "Lord Hokage, there is something I want to ask for your help. 99

"Oh? What happened? Need my help?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

"Is such that."

Tuo Yu repeated Sasuke's current situation and said.

"It's unclear when Sasuke's body will recover. 99

"If it continues, he will not be able to participate in the graduation examination.

"Sasuke is a genius, and it would be a huge loss for Konoha if he doesn't graduate in time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also sighed with some pity: "Well... But, if the current medical system is helpless, there is really no good way."5

As the only seed of the Uchiha clan, it is indeed a loss to just leave it alone.

But now Third Generation's focus is on Tuo Yu. To be honest, "Zero Qiqi" said that Sasuke is dead or alive, he doesn't care.

If it weren't for the fact that he still has an older brother, I'm afraid Third Generation would have killed Sasuke long ago.

"Then do you have any good ideas?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked, taking a breath.

Tuo Yu nodded: "I heard that Tsunade, one of the Sannin's, is the strongest medical ninja in the entire ninja world."

"If Tsunade-sama takes a shot, Sasuke's body will definitely recover quickly. 99

"Tsunade ah..."

Hearing the name, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned unconsciously.

Tsunade, granddaughter of First Generation, one of his own apprentices.

More than ten years ago, he left Konoha Village in a fit of rage because of the medical policy.

To be honest, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want Tsunade to come back.

After all, the other party is rooted in Miaohong and has a good reputation among the villagers. Logically speaking, she is more suitable as Fourth Hokage than Namikaze Minato.

If this is brought back all at once, will I still sit firmly in my seat?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was caught in a great tangle.

He had the heart to refuse, but could not find a reason to refuse.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the many children in front of him, it was really difficult for him to say no.

After thinking for a moment, he still agreed.

Because he feels that he is not old enough to retire, even if Tsunade comes back, it will not shake his status.

The Third Tsuchikage of the Land of Others is still sitting at such an old age.

What is he.

"Well then, I can approve you to look for Tsunade, you can go to Jiraiya and ask about the situation before you go, he should know where Tsunade is now. 99

Hearing this, to be honest, Tuo Yu was a little surprised.

Sarutobi Hiruzen must be afraid of Tsunade's arrival, which he expected.

Unexpectedly, the other party agreed so readily.

However, in order to completely reassure Third Generation, Tuo Yu naturally has a solution.

As for specific methods.

That still requires him to go back and operate carefully.

“Thank you Hokage-sama!”

Tuo Yu exclaimed loudly.

Naruto cried out, a happy smile on his face.

The others also looked at Lord Hokage gratefully.

"Now Sasuke is saved!"

"Grandpa Hokage, you are so kind!

Hear the gratitude of a bunch of brats.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave a refreshing smile.

After getting a positive answer.

Tuo Yu left the Hokage building with the others.

Then everyone discussed the number of people to go.

"You are leaving the village this time, and you are not official ninjas, so leave this to me."

Tuo Yu said seriously.

Indeed, Naruto and the others who have not obtained the forehead protector cannot leave the village at will.

All of them are the pillars of Konoha in the future. If there is an accident outside like this, it will undoubtedly be a loss to the village.

"But, I also want to help Sasuke-kun..."

Ino said, but despite that, she actually just wanted to go out with Tuo Yu.

"Yes, we are also Sasuke-kun's classmates, and we are also very concerned about Sasuke-kun's health."

Little Sakura nodded again and again.

"No, no, no.""

Tuo Yu firmly disagrees.

"Let's leave this to Tuo Yu.

Shikamaru put his head in his hands and said:

"Tuo Yu's strength is very strong, and he also completed the S-rank mission with him.""

"We're not even ninjas, and going there will only hold back Tuo Yu.

Inuzuka Ya also nodded and said, "Although it is a bit straightforward, Shikamaru is right. 99

"The outside world is full of dangers, we are not ready to face those, and you don't want to die outside for nothing, right?

Ino and little Sakura saw what everyone else was saying so firmly.

Suddenly he lowered his head in disappointment.

They also want to help.

They prefer to be with Tuo Yu.

But everyone refused to do so.

After explaining.

Tuo Yu went outside the women's bathhouse to find Jiraiya.

as predicted.

Jiraiya is taking material.


He walked behind Jiraiya and said respectfully.


Jiraiya turned back suddenly, looked up and down and said.

"Aren't you Tuo Yu-kun? What's the matter?"

Tuo Yu briefly stated that he was looking for Tsunade.

"You want to find Tsunade?"

Jiraiya was a little surprised.

"Even if you could find her, she wouldn't come with you. 35

Jiraiya waved his hand, these little devils probably didn't understand, Tsunade had a festival with the village.

Otherwise, how could he not come back for more than ten years.

"I have an emergency on my side and need Tsunade-sama's help.

Tuo Yu looked sincere.

"Don't worry, if I can't bring her back, I won't force it, but I have to win some hope for Sasuke.

"Well... Forget it, since it's approved by the old man, I'll give it to you."

Looking at Tuo Yu's extremely sincere eyes, Jiraiya sighed, then took out a map and said.

"The record here is where she will probably be, in a small town on the border of the Fire Nation. 35

"As for the specific town, you need to find it yourself.

"Thank you very much, Jiraiya-senpai."

"A piece of cake.

Jiraiya waved her hand.

"If you can really get her back, it will be a good thing for Konoha."

"Well, anyway, do your best!"

back home.

Tuo Yu immediately started preparations.

First, he took out the familiar diary.


He was about to start writing a diary again.

Because Tuo Yu is very sure.

When the Third Generation has uncertain thoughts in mind, someone will definitely be sent to search something.

Maybe even send someone to follow him and follow him all the way to Tsunade.

As long as the Third Generation can see this diary written by him, it can avoid a lot of suspicion, and let the Third Generation recognize his behavior and be firmly controlled by himself.

"Well... it's written like this..."

“Here is the point..0”

"Huh...that should be fine.

Tuo Yu took some time to write a small composition called Diary, which really compliments Hokage.

He picked it up and looked at it carefully for a while, then nodded in satisfaction.

Go back to sleep.

Early the next morning.

Had breakfast.

Then prepare all the necessary supplies for travel.

He went out.

Sure enough, as soon as he left his front foot, three Anbu members appeared silently on his back foot.

After a careful search, the Anbu skillfully brought back the diary they visited on the table.

"Lord Hokage, I have brought something, please check it out.

Anbu put the diary on the table respectfully, and disappeared in front of Third Hokage with a swoosh.

Third Hokage lowered his head, opened the diary, and saw the title of the diary.

"Remember to go to find Tsunade-sama's mental preparation"

"Well... it seems that we need to take a closer look.

Third Hokage's eyes became solemn, and he picked up the diary carefully.

[I didn't expect that Hokage-sama would actually agree to my willful request. 】

[I heard them say before, it seems that Tsunade ran away because of a conflict with the village. 】

[In order to save Sasuke classmate, he even went so far as to get back with his former apprentice. 】

[Sure enough, Hokage-sama is so generous. 】

[After Sasuke is cured, I must let everyone thank Hokage-sama. 】


Seeing Tuo Yu's diary, Sarutobi Hiruzen was infected again, especially the sentence "I want everyone to thank Hokage-sama", which made his eyes shine.

If you think about it, that's true.

This matter, as long as it is well publicized, everyone will see that Third Hokage ignores the previous suspicions, and in order to save a student of the ninja school in the village, he does not hesitate to take the initiative to find the apprentice who turned his face.

This will definitely become a beautiful talk in the village, and it will be widely spread!

At that time, his image will become more tall and majestic.

With the Master taking the initiative, Tsunade is unlikely to threaten his Hokage position.

Think about it this way.

Seems to be getting back Tsunade, or is it a good thing?

"It seems that Tuo Yu is really my lucky star."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled happily and put down the diary in his hand.

"Yes, Not Bad.

"Come on, do it, Tuo Yu boy!"

the other side.

Tuo Yu, who was ready, didn't set off directly.

Instead, find Nohara Rin first.

He looked at the map, and it took a long time to go back and forth this time.

He was worried that if there was no replenishment for a long time, Nohara Rin would disappear.

So I came to find her to make up for the magic.

After Nohara Rin blushed and agreed, Tuo Yu kept busy until noon before leaving Nohara Rin's house.

After a short rest, his stamina recovered.

Then took the luggage and left Konoha Village.

However, not long after he left, he felt that someone was following him behind him.

"Who? 35

He frowned back.

I saw little Sakura, Ino and Hinata smirking and came out.

"Didn't I say it's dangerous?

"How can it be dangerous! 35

Little Sakura retorted.

"We're just looking for people, not dangerous missions."

"Even if there are ninjas who are stronger than Tuo Yu-kun, it's impossible for us to meet by chance.

Ino continued.

"Also, we can be of some help."

Ino pulled over Hinata.

"I, my white eyes can help you see what's going on around you.

Hinata said glutinously.

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