Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 123 Begin to grow into a crazy doctor, specializing in organ transplantation!

【“How did you TND put a bone in me?!” the patient shouted angrily. 】

["Guaranteed not to be anesthetized all year round, and available continuously." You replied in a leisurely tone. 】

[The patient suddenly faints with anger. 】

"Haha, this guy is so stupid!

"After the first operation, I dared to come back and continue the operation.


Tuo Yu laughed as he watched this wave of mischief.

It's not a bad boy!

This can be done!

【When you are 6 years old, you have encountered a bottleneck. 】

[Because of Chakra's relationship, ninjas usually don't get serious illnesses, and minor illnesses can be healed quickly with medicines, and through the study of pharmacology in the past few years, you have improved a lot of medicines. 】

【A little more difficult is toxins, but Tsunade is an absolute connoisseur of this. 】

[As Tsunade's younger brother, you are naturally superior in this regard. 】

[No toxin can stumped your siblings. 】

[However, because of the war, patients often lack arms, legs, or even internal organs. 】

[So, you plan to perform an organ transplant operation. 】

"Organ transplantation, do you want to..."

Tuo Yu's eyes lit up.

But he didn't say it, but looked expectantly.

[You have found a large group of mice with physical defects and are ready to start experiments on them. 】

[In the beginning, it was a simple deformity of broken hands and feet. 】

"083" [Because of the size of the mice, you have to use a microscope to transplant. 】

[Severing hands and feet is the easiest transplant operation, and the rejection is very small. With the treatment of medical ninjutsu, he can walk freely soon. 】

[“Medical Ninjutsu is really convenient.” You sighed, without the cooperation of Medical Ninjutsu, the rejection of transplant surgery would not be so easily resolved. 】

[Next, it's the skin's turn. 】

[First cut off the burnt skin, then sew the intact skin on, and then with the cooperation of medical ninjutsu, it was quickly successfully broken. 】

[The rapid progress makes you very excited. 】

[You continue with the limbs, but slightly smaller limbs like ears, nose, etc. 】

[Although it is much more refined than breaking your hands and feet, but relying on your absolute talent in art, you still succeeded in overcoming it. 】

"Medical ninjutsu adds too much to transplant surgery.

Tuo Yu couldn't help but sigh.

"Will it be smooth sailing?"

"After all, there is an almighty medical ninjutsu."

However, what happened next suddenly took a turn for the worse.

【For your first organ transplant, you chose the spleen. 】

【Failed. 】

[You start to think about the whole operation, looking for the reason for the failure. 】

[There is no problem with the activity of the spleen, and there is no problem with the blood supply...]

[You have found the reason, the operation time is too long, resulting in the temperature imbalance of the operated mice. 】

[After finding the reason, you continue. 】

[Second time, third time. 】

[Failures over and over again stem from tiny problems over and over again. 】

[After finding it, you will keep these failures in your heart, and you will never have the same mistakes again. 】

【Finally, on the fifth time, you successfully transplanted the spleen. 】

【Don't worry, you have performed it many times, and you can successfully complete the operation every time, and the mice who received the operation did not have any adverse reactions. 】

"The internal organs and the limbs are really different."

Tuo Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Previous limb transplants were almost always done in one go.

But when it comes to the internal organs, the first time is a continuous failure.

It didn't work until the fifth time.

Perhaps it is because the internal organs have irreplaceable work in the body.

Once the time is exceeded, or there are some slight mistakes, the operation will fail.

It's just a spleen.

The real challenge lies behind.

Such as kidney, liver, kidney, heart, etc.

None of them can be replaced casually.

Kidneys are fine.

Because the human body has two kidneys, it will not cause too much trouble if one is temporarily removed.

【Next, you are ready to transplant the lung. 】

[The lung is related to the respiratory system, so in the process of transplantation, it is necessary to accurately control the time of transplantation. 】

[And ways to replace lung function. 】

[Simple anesthesia does not work. 】

【You don't have a very good way, you can only complete the transplant operation as soon as possible in the shortest time. 】

[The first time, of course it failed. 】

[But you are not discouraged, you continue to perform transplant operations, even if the sky is already dark, you never leave. 】

[The dedication to medical skills makes you have the spirit of never slackening. 】

"After all, it's the underworld chasing the soul.

Tuo Yu looked at the little Tuo Yu in the simulation, even though the sky was completely dark.

The transplantation of mice was also performed with a microscope in the operating room.

That kind of attention, that kind of difficulty.


[After more than a dozen failures, you have become extremely proficient in every step. 】

【If you are confident, you will be successful next time. 】

[But your spirit is extremely exhausted, and you passed out in a coma. 】

[When you wake up, you are still in the operating room. 】

[After simply eating something, you continue to put all your energy into it. 】

Look at the little Tuo Yu who works so hard.

Tuo Yu was so moved that he was about to cry.

Although he is a bear child, he will definitely become a good doctor in the future!

Tuo Yu is a firm believer.

[Finally, after perfecting the shortest time required for all steps, you successfully completed the first lung replacement surgery. 】

[With the first time, the second time, the third time also becomes a matter of course. 】

【After you have mastered the lung replacement surgery, you will start the kidney replacement surgery. 】

[Kidney transplantation is not difficult, with the help of medical ninjutsu to reduce rejection, you can complete the transplant in just the third time. 】

[In order to ensure success every time, you have performed ten times in a row and completed the transplant operation perfectly. 】

Strive for the perfect result every time.

Tuo Yu's heart was full of emotion.

"come on!"

He couldn't help but said softly.

But quickly shut up.

Tsunade, who was behind him, grunted, rolled over and went back to sleep.

[Unconsciously, other internal organs have been successfully transplanted. 】

[Now, to the very critical heart. 】

[The heart is the engine of a person and the most important organ of the human body. 】

[You are very cautious about heart transplant surgery. 】

[Before surgery, you should review the small mistakes that are easy to make several times to ensure that you will not commit these mistakes. 】

[However, you still failed the first time. 】

【The transplant operation exceeded the time, and the activity of the heart decreased. 】

[Transplant surgery is a race against time. 】

[Replace the heart in the shortest time to ensure the survival of the heart. 】

Perhaps because of the importance of the heart.

Tuo Yu watched little Tuo Yu go through several recaps before the operation each time.

It is enough to see the serious attitude of little Tuo Yu to the heart transplant operation.

As for other transplant operations, little Tuo Yu maintained his focus.

That's a 15-point focus on heart transplant surgery!

More serious than not hearing things out of the window!

[The second time, it still fails. 】

【But you are not discouraged, you know that a heart transplant is not that simple. 】

[The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time...the tenth time, it still failed. 】

[But you have seen the light. 】

[Every failure allows you to find a way to save time. 】

[You believe that it will not take long for you to achieve success. 】

[Finally, in the twelfth transplant process, you succeeded. 】

【The operated mice survived successfully and appeared very healthy without any adverse reactions..0】

[You are very excited, but you are still cautiously reviewing the whole process, trying to find the part that can be improved. 】

[With the success of the first time, the second time seems to be a matter of course. 】

[In order to form muscle memory for the surgical process, you continue to perform the operation until you are fully familiar with the whole process. 】

"The heart can be replaced, what's left?"

Tuo Yu sighed.

At such a grade, there is a persistent pursuit of medical skills.

If it was him, he could be sure that he couldn't be so focused.

Although the urchin makes little Tuo Yu's character like a bear child.

But in medicine, it is indeed worthy of admiration.

Live in the operating room day and night, doing surgery all the time.

Even if he wakes up after passing out, he simply eats two bites and continues.

This kind of perseverance is admirable!

[The successful transplant of the heart makes you a big sigh of relief. 】

【But you know, the final challenge is waiting for you. 】

[That is the most mysterious area of ​​human beings, the brain. 】

[The field of the brain has not been completely conquered. 】

[It has too many secrets waiting for people to dig. 】

[Fortunately, you are not trying to dig its mystery, you just want to move it. 】

move house?

Tuo Yu laughed.

This describes it really fresh.

But see the specific surgery process.

Tuo Yu couldn't stop laughing right away.

Looking at the opened skull, Tuo Yu couldn't help shivering.

This is just a guinea pig. If it were changed to a human, the scene would be even more frightening.

[Brain transplantation is the most difficult and most unethical operation. 】

[Because all human memories are stored in the brain, there is an ethical paradox in performing brain transplantation. 】

[For example, if A's brain is inserted into B's head, is B now A or B?]

[You don't care about this situation at this time, you just want to complete the brain transplant operation. 】

[As for the specific situation, you can only know it by observing it after you have really completed it. 】

[Comparatively speaking, the brain does not necessarily require sufficient integrity. 】

[Even with a little damage, the brain can still function normally. 】

[However, the precision of the brain still adds great difficulties to the transplant operation. 】

[Fail, fail, fail, fail. 】

[2.6 If you are at a loss, your brain will fall into a state of death during the operation. 】

[Even if you try your best to shorten the time, you still cannot end the transplant operation when the brain itself falls into a state of death. 】

[Try dozens of times, none of them have been successful. 】

[But you are not discouraged. 】

[You start looking for other ways. 】

Tuo Yu followed the simulation to see how many times little Tuo Yu failed.

From the initial nervousness to the current numbness.

He also didn't know how to deal with the situation in which the brain automatically entered a state of death.

But clever little Tuo Yu soon found a way.

[You try to use methods other than medical knowledge. 】

[This idea broadens your thinking, and you come up with a wonderful solution. 】

【That is illusion!】

[Directly perform illusion on the brain, so that it is always in an active state. 】

[After the biggest problem is solved, it is a constant race against time. 】

[After a dozen more failures, you finally succeeded. 】

【The operated mice survived successfully without any adverse reactions. 】

[You can't observe the specific time A or B from the mouse's situation, but this does not prevent your mood from becoming happy. 】

[After that, you continued with the transplant operation. 】

[A series of successes have allowed you to completely master the brain transplant operation. 】

【You finally, completed all the transplant operations!】.

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