Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 126 Nanoscale craftsmanship! Remove the Y chromosome in Naruto!

[After returning to the village, you suggested that the bodies of the two Obitos be re-stitched. 】

[Naturally, he didn't become alert to you, so he asked you to have an operation. 】

【After a night of hard work, you sewed Obito No. 1 and No. 2 together, and then Obito has a dual personality. 】

[He often uses his left hemisphere to communicate with his right hemisphere, it feels like two people live in one body. 】

[After this wave of operations, your reputation has become famous again, and more and more people want to find you for treatment of injuries. 】

[After another two years, you went out to perform a mission, and when you passed through the country of rain, you met Hanzō of the Salamander and his Rain Shinobi who were confronting the Xiao organization by coincidence. 】

[After witnessing Yahiko's death in battle, Nagato went all out to destroy Rain Shinobi, Hanzō of the Salamander was frightened and ran back to Rain Shinobi Village. 】

[Because of Yahiko's death, Akatsuki was about to blacken, and at this time, you appeared again, because of your reputation, after reporting your name, Konan and Nagato immediately had hope, Konan begged you to save Yahiko. 】

[You glance at Konan, and put forward the condition bluntly: if they can, you will marry me as a wife. 】

[Konan's whole person is stupid, she didn't expect to meet you for the first time and be put on such a condition. 】

[But she still agreed, after all, there is no way, Nagato and Yahiko are his most important people. 】

【After an operation, you successfully rescued Yahiko. 】

[When treating Nagato, a group of initial members of the small organization all came to watch. 】

[Nagato's spine and back have been completely pierced because of the Forbidden Technique, and basically the lower body can only rely on a wheelchair. 】

[But that doesn't stop you. 】

[I saw that you were like killing a pig, connecting Nagato's head to the spine and completely stripping it out. 】

[Everyone at the scene, including Nagato himself, was dumbfounded. 】

[Because this scene only reminded them of one thing: sheep Sasori. 】

[Under your earth-shattering operation, Nagato's head and spine were transferred to another corpse. 】

[All nerves can be connected, organs are functioning normally, and the body is still active. 】

"Dude, is this really nanoscale technology? 087"

Tuo Yu couldn't help but sigh.

You know, the most difficult operation in medical surgery is neurosurgery.

Techniques such as heart bypass organ transplantation have generally matured.

But when it comes to nerves and spine, it is very troublesome.

"And this is to strip out Nagato's whole person directly, this is to make Nagato sheep Sasori, or Nagato spine sword...

[You brought Konan back to Konoha, and for two or three years, you did not have a job but focused on falling in love with her every day. 】

[On this day, Orochimaru came to the door and said that there was a very complicated operation to be done, and asked you to help him as his assistant. 】

[Did you only know after Orochimaru's lab that this is Danzo wanting to transplant Wood Style cells into his body. 】

[At this time, you feel a little confused. 】

【What's the matter, he has made so many things out, Orochimaru has three waists, how dare he ask him to be his assistant? 】

【Is this asking him to help Danzo or let him cheat Danzo?】

[Looking at Orochimaru's calm but seemingly hidden smile, you readily agree. 】

[Your whole person thoughts come up again. 】

【When will you wait for no skin at this time?】

[You rolled your eyes, quietly during the transplantation process, adding a little fly cell to the Hashirama cells injected into Danzo. 】

[To be honest, you don’t even know what kind of consequences this operation will bring. 】

[So you just wait quietly. 】

[After the operation, Danzo is very satisfied. 】

[After all, this is the power of the legendary Senju Hashirama, and he feels that his strength and vitality have been greatly enhanced. 】

[However, when Danzo walked out of the underground laboratory and passed a public toilet, his body got into the toilet uncontrollably, and then ate. 】

[This operation made a group of people at the root look dumbfounded! 】

[They thought Danzo was going to the toilet, but who knows, it was going to eat!]

【“This! What the hell happened!?”】

【Danzo also feels extremely weird and outrageous!】

【Think you were hit by someone's illusion!】

[However, day 2, day 3. 】

[Every time Danzo passed the toilet, a strong urge rushed into his head instantly, causing him to run in uncontrollably. 】

[And every time I go in, I have a full meal, and I can't stop it! 】

"What am I!?"

Seeing this, Tuo Yu was completely dumbfounded, really!

This operation is too rude!

Danzo actually fell in love with eating shit!

And a group of subordinates can't hold it!

This is kind of awesome!

[Afterwards, Danzo was shocked to realize that there was a problem with his operation. He came to Orochimaru, and Orochimaru came to you, because you were very concealed, and Orochimaru did not find out. 】

[Orochimaru, who has not found evidence, naturally does not admit this, and you strongly deny it. 】

[In desperation, Danzo can only receive long-term treatment. 】

[You pretend to be anxious, and cooperate with Orochimaru's improved formula again and again. 】

[But every time he moved his hands and feet during treatment, Danzo couldn't change his habit of eating shit. 】

[Danzo's genes have been seriously affected, even if his will does not allow it, his body will be very honest. 】

[Every time I was forcibly pulled by my subordinates, but I either knocked my subordinates unconscious and ran into the toilet to eat, or I ate it secretly, and was discovered several times. 】

[He has the bad habit of eating shit. 】

"Tsk tsk, this is amazing!

Tuo Yu couldn't help but pat his thigh.

This memory must be sent to Danzo later.

[Time continues to pass. 】

[Because you have foiled Black Zetsu's conspiracy in advance, the ninja world has been peaceful for decades. 】

[Obito, who is dark and disabled, fights each other there all day long, and Nagato and Yahiko often come to Konoha Village to visit you and Konan. 】

[In the past few decades, you have devoted yourself to cultivation and continued to improve your medical skills. Not only your own craftsmanship, but you have also developed various advanced instruments. . 】

【On this day, Naruto came to your hospital. 】

[Because I am about to marry Hinata, I have to do a pre-marital medical examination. 】

【“Naruto, there is something wrong with your body (cacy), you suffer from infertility.” “You said to him with a serious face.】

["Ah? What should I do then?" Because you haven't treated anyone for decades, in the eyes of Xiaoqiang of Naruto's generation, you are a respected doctor in the village, and when you hear this, you suddenly become flustered. 】

["Don't worry, I'll help you." You smiled in relief, and then during the operation, you moved something to remove the Y chromosome from Naruto's body. 】

[As a result of this, Naruto can only give birth to girls, not boys. 】

[In other words, an incombustible object like Uzumaki Hiroshi will not be born. 】

[After doing these things, you can't help but sigh, you feel like you have saved a scourge for the ninja world. 】

[In the days that followed, you continued to work as a medical ninja, to treat others, and to continue to do some ridiculous pranks. 】

[But every time it's just a whole person, except for Danzo, others are also recovered by you. 】

【As time goes by, you gradually become old. 】

[50 years later, you lie on Konan's lap, surrounded by a group of descendants, and gradually close your eyes. 】

[Your life ends here. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

The screen gradually turns black.

This means that the simulation this time is also over.

Looking at the sunlight outside the window, Tuo Yu sighed silently, and his mind was full of thoughts.

It's not easy...

Although he was very skinny this time, his achievements in medical ninjutsu have reached an epic pinnacle!

Cell-level surgery, and even later can directly remove the Y chromosome to Naruto...

This can no longer be called medicine, it should be called magic!

Tuo Yu is looking forward to his next medical ninjutsu, what kind of level the level will be raised to!

"System, start settlement!"

[Ding! Settling in progress...]

【please wait……】

【Ding! This simulation, the score is S!】

Well, the S rating is not bad.

At least the most important medical ninjutsu can be obtained.

And, there is another reward!

Tuo Yu is in a good mood.

I just don't know what rewards other than medical ninjutsu.

[Ding! Given that your simulation evaluation reached S this time. 】

【You can choose 2 from the following rewards:】

[1. The medical skills and medical ninjutsu that I have learned throughout my life. 】

[2. The experience of a lifetime of mischief and the impulse to mischief. 】

Tuo Yu was speechless.

He didn't expect to give such a reward.

It's fine if it's just experience, but if you get the urge to play pranks...

Forget it, don't bother.

If he really got the talent for this prank, he'd probably turn around and sew up Tsunade.

"I just want the first reward."

Tuo Yu said helplessly.

To make yourself feel better.

He was going to make the others feel a little worse.

Just right.

He has such a memory in his hand that makes others feel bad.

"By the way, intercept the previous memory to Danzo!

Tuo Yu gave a wicked smile.

The first fly in the ninja world...

Such a wonderful memory, how could Danzo not experience it.

"Let's go!"

Leaf basement.

At this time, Danzo is sitting in the root office.

He was thinking about how to control Tuo Yu.

"Bastard, is this Distinguished Heavenly Gods the strongest illusion?"

"Do you have to find the other one, and use both together, will it be effective?""

Danzo is still struggling with Distinguished Heavenly Gods here.

Yet at this moment.


Like the impact of running water.

For a moment.

Countless memories flooded into his brain.

Let him be a little confused!

"This! What is this?!

Danzo covered his head.

Just feel the scalp tingling and swollen!

Then, he found a strange memory that was carefully reverberating in his mind!

Surgery, Senju Hashirama's cells, Orochimaru, Tuo Yu...

"what happened?"

"Why do I have so many more memories?!

"Is it an illusion?!"


"Under my Distinguished Heavenly Gods, no one can control me with illusions!

"But what about this incredibly real memory?"

"I did find Orochimaru for surgery, but what happened to Tuo Yu!?

"He's not from that era! How could he be there!

Danzo kept talking to himself like crazy.

questioning himself.

But right now.

The subsequent screen flashed.

Danzo rushes into the toilet frantically.

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