Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 14 Tuo Yu: This Taste Is Too Strong!

[You tell Bai He Zaibuzhan to leave quickly, you tell them there is no chance of winning, you tell him the configuration of his squad, that is Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Uchiha genius, copy ninja Kakashi...]

[You even revealed Shiro's skills and how he would lose after the battle with Naruto Sasuke. 】

[Bai was shocked, he questioned your purpose,]

[You smile in the sunshine, revealing your white teeth, you tell him: Don't let any of your companions die, it's good to kill a good person, this is your ninja way, the bloody kingly way! 】

[Bai left the forest with a lot of thought, and you also left with Naruto. 】

[A week later, you and the seventh team arrived at the Nau no Country Bridge. 】

[However, to your surprise, the fog is full of fog here, and there is not a single person in sight, but not long after, two people on the bridge are approaching, it is Zabuzhan and Bai. 】


see here.

Tuo Yu frowned slightly, and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

What's going on here?

Didn't you tell the ending already?

How could he still show up?

With a surprised look, Tuo Yu continued to simulate.

[After discovering that the mask boy was the one who was taken away that day, Naruto and Little Sakura were shocked and angry. 】

[You feel very puzzled, you questioned Bai loudly, why did you come back? 】

[Bai's tone is cold, telling you that this is the fate of the ninja. 】

[Once a person chooses his own path, he can only bite the bullet and go on, even if he knows that the final result is a dead end, he must persevere. 】

【This is ninja! Another kind of ninja that is completely opposite to your hot-blooded royal way! 】

[You are extremely sad and tangled, and you try to persuade again. 】

[But the battle has already begun. 】

[Bai deliberately avoided you and chose to trap Sasuke in the ice crystal barrier. 】

[But you and Naruto, stubbornly barged in. 】

[You keep questioning Bai, why does he still fight, why does he come to fight this battle that must be lost. 】

[But Shiro was just an indifferent attack, his poisonous needles kept shooting out, and you, Sasuke, and Naruto all got hit. 】

[Your fist keeps resisting poison needles, but this level of hidden weapon, relying on your King of Fighters ability, you can easily block it. 】

[Shiro intensified his attack and his speed became faster. You and Sasuke were finally overwhelmed and fell to the ground. 】

[Naruto was furious and burst out Nine Tails Chakra, instantly killing Bai. 】

[At the same time as being defeated, Bai was also extremely shocked, because the situation in which he was defeated was the same as what you told him before. 】

[Naruto yells, constantly questioning Shiro, why he is fighting to not kill that kind of person again. 】

[White told you his tragic life experience, Naruto, Little Sakura, Dazna, everyone was shocked. 】

[After the confession, Bai walked up to you, bowed to you, and said sorry. 】

[Then, he gave up his resistance and planned to be killed by Naruto, but at this moment, he sensed the danger of not slashing again. After teleporting, Bai was ready to sacrifice himself and use his last survival value in this world to block him. Raikiri of Kakashi. 】

[However, just as Kakashi's Raikiri was about to pierce Shiro's heart, a figure suddenly rushed up. 】

【That is you! 】

[You stand in front of Shiro, one of your arms and shoulders are pierced by Raikiri and fall down. 】

[A lot of blood spurted out, the ground dyed red. 】

[You suddenly made this move, watching everyone. 】

【Kakashi, Shiro, Sasuke, Little Sakura, Naruto, Dazna...】

[Even if he didn't cut, he looked panicked, and the knife in his hand couldn't help but fall. 】

[Everyone ran over crying, you were lying in Little Sakura's arms, blood was flowing from the corners of your mouth, and your face showed the same sunny smile as usual. 】

[Naruto and little Sakura weep, Sasuke and Kakashi are shocked. 】

[Bai cried and yelled at you for being a fool, and asked why you did this. 】

[You look at the sky with a smile and tell him: why? The body starts to move on its own...]

[Hearing this, Bai and Little Sakura couldn't bear it any longer, and knelt down and hugged you and cried. 】

[Dazna, Naruto, and even Sasuke lost their voices in pain, and the scene was full of grief! 】

[Your bleeding is getting bigger and bigger, no matter how little Sakura and Kakashi first aid, they can't stop the wound. 】

[Your consciousness is getting more and more blurred, little Sakura is crying in pain and helpless, covering his face with your blood. 】

["Enough is enough, little Sakura." You comforted softly, "It's enough."]

[As you were dying, you looked at the sky and murmured with a confused look: I have a dream, that is, the long-term war in the ninja world will end in your generation. I want to protect everyone who is worthy of protection, I don't want innocent people to be killed... Even the rebels abandoned by the village have the right to live, don't they? 】

[After you finished speaking, all the people on the scene, Kakuzu's eyes were wet and red. 】

[Zaibuzhan falls to his knees weakly, weeping. 】

[At the last moment of your life, you turned your head slightly, looked at Kakashi and asked, "Kakashi-sensei, I have it, do you take care of everyone?"]

[Kakashi nodded solemnly: Yes! 】

[With a smile, you silently murmured: This is it...]

[You slowly closed your eyes and left this world with no regrets. 】

[Your life ends here. 】

[Simulation ends. 】





Watch this entire simulation.

Tuo Yu's whole body fell into a huge shock, and he couldn't calm down for a long time...

It took half a minute for him to come back to his senses.

Then he let out a long breath...

"Depend on!"

"This taste is too strong!!!"

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