Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 165 The toad of Mount Myōboku begins to disappear mysteriously!

A tragic world at war.

War always brings tragedies of all kinds.

If there was no war, there would not be so many tragedies in the ninja world.

But it's a pity.

Human desire drives people to plunder and acquire.

Exhausted all means.

Of course it also includes war.

People always choose to hurt others in order to satisfy their own interests.

It's always been that way.

Think carefully.

Whether it is Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito, or Nagato, Yahiko, they are all to eliminate all kinds of things caused by war.

Perhaps their behavior is not worthy of advocacy, but their original intention is still good.

It's just that they were taken advantage of by some people with intentions.

【You, Konan, Yahiko, Nagato are sitting around the table. 】

[No one speaks, the breath of despair is permeating. 】

【You have run out of food, and you have not found new food. 】

【"Are we going to die?" Nagato's eyes revealed blankness, he didn't know what it was like to die, but he didn't want to die. 】

[No one wants to die. 】

["Let's look for it again, you can't sit still." Yahiko said, trying to stand up, but his legs were weak, and the whole person fell directly on the table. 】

[He hasn't eaten much for too long, and severe malnutrition has caused him to have little physical strength. 】

["I'll find a way." You said, and put your hand on the table. 】

["Don't talk nonsense, you are still young." Konan scolded, thinking that you are ignorant. 】

【But in the shocked eyes of the three, you Summoning out a fat toad. 】

["Gudong." You can clearly hear three saliva sounds, very loud in the quiet room. 】

Ha ha.

Faced with the most basic needs of survival, the bodies of the three children are really honest.

Although somewhat funny.

But more distressed.

If there is enough food.

How could these children lead such a life?

In the end, it's still a word.


[The three of Konan looked at each other with embarrassment on their cheeks. 】

[But soon, they will focus on you. 】

【“How did you do it?” Yahiko said eagerly, reaching out to grab your shoulder. 】

["That's right, Summoning comes out normally." You said with a smile. 】

["Maybe you are the genius people often say." Yahiko let go of his hand and couldn't help sighing. 】

[Nagato and Konan look at you with delight. 】

[A toad, although fat, is obviously unable to fill the stomach of four children. 】

[You continue Summoning, this time Summoning produced a fat river fish. 】

["Can you Summoning out anything else?" Yahiko exclaimed, Konan and Nagato's eyes also lit up. 】

[Eating fish has been a very long experience for the three of them. 】

[It seems that I can live a good life in the future, at least I won't be hungry anymore. 】

Tuo Yu watched the scene where the four little guys were full.

A warm smile appeared on his face.

in this troubled world.

Only the feelings of children are the most sincere.

There won't be so much suspicion, and there won't be so much betrayal.

[After eating and drinking, the four of you lie down together with your heads on your back. 】

[Unfortunately, it rains all year round in the Land of Rain, you can't see the starry sky, and the dilapidated roof blocks your sight. 】

["You should be doing the legendary Summoning art, right?" "?" At this moment, Yahiko remembered the incredible action you made. 】

["I heard that Summoning requires a contract with Summoning beasts, but you don't seem to have it." Nagato hesitated and said what he had heard by chance. 】

【“Anyway, we won’t be hungry in the future anyway.” Konan hugged you with a smile, feeling extremely fortunate in his heart. 】

["Yes, we will not be hungry in the future." You also smiled, enjoying Konan's warm embrace. 】

【“And I won’t let others bully you in the future.” Tuo Yu said secretly in his heart. 】

[Konan, Yahiko, Nagato, the three of them did not abandon you even in the most difficult times, and you swore in your heart to protect them for life. 】

This is not a simple matter.

To do this, it takes a lot of effort.

And relying solely on Summoning abilities...

Tuo Yu didn't think there was any way to use Summoning beasts to fight against so many powerhouses for a while.

Too many powerhouses can ignore Summoning beasts.

[In order to fulfill the promise in your heart, you began to practice Summoning all the time. 】

【With your Summoning technique, Konan and the others no longer need to worry about food, they start thinking about settling in one place. 】

[You don't care about these, you just want to get the power to protect Konan and them as soon as possible. 】

[So you use the Summoning technique day after day. 】

【The Summoning beast you choose first is toad. 】

[Because among the powerful Summoning beasts you know, Toad is one of them, and there is also Toad Sage who has lived for a long time. 】

【If you can Summoning Toad Sage, he will have confidence to fight against Uchiha Madara. 】

[The toad you summoned is getting bigger and bigger. 】

[From the size of a fist, expand it a little bit until it is the size of a human head. 】

[This process took you a full month. 】

[But as your usage increases, you find that the toad's volume increases at a faster rate. 】

[After another month, you actually summoned a half-human-high toad. 】

【What surprises you the most is that the toad you summoned can actually speak. 】

【“What’s the matter? Why am I being Summoned here?” Toad was a little dazed and a little wary. 】

[Then, it saw you, and its eyes were full of doubts. 】

[“Who are you?” Toad asked with a frown. 】

【“Who are you?” You are also a little dazed, but you always feel that the toad in front of you is a little familiar. 】

【"Me? My name is Toad Bunta." Toad Bunta immediately puffed out her chest and looked proud. 】


He actually recruited Toad Wen too?

And is the toad text too small at this time?

But yes.

At this time, Jiraiya should not be too big.

【Summoning out Toad Bunta, your heart is suddenly filled with joy. 】

[Although the current Toad Bunta does not have the huge body size in the future. 】

[But it's only a matter of time, now you, the most is time. 】

[But soon, you encounter new problems. 】

【“You didn’t sign a contract with us, how did you summon me?!” Toad Wenta was full of doubts about this fact. 】

[It has never encountered such a state. 】

["Forget it, don't call me next time, I have no obligation to obey your call." Toad Wentai said, slammed into white smoke and disappeared in front of you. 】

[You just found out that you don't have the ability to control Summoning beasts, you just forcibly summon them, so they won't act as you want. 】

[Your plan to take advantage of Summoning beasts is greatly discounted. 】

What to do next?

Tuo Yu looked forward to it.

If even Summoning beasts can't control, this Summoning King's talent is too watery.

[After being surprised, you quickly think about solutions. 】

【“Since you can forcibly summon the other party regardless of the conditions, there must be a way to forcibly control it, but I don’t have a Master yet. 35 You are convinced of this.】

[So, instead of pursuing the size of the Summoning beast, you start to try to control the actions of the Summoning beast. 】

[You Summoning out a normal-sized toad, and then concentrate on imagining the behavior of controlling the toad. 】

[The first attempt gives you a very novel experience, you find that your mind is connected to a certain existence, and you can control all the actions of the other party. 】

[""`Raise your right back foot. "You try to give an order in your mind, and magically see the toad in front of you raising its right hind foot eerily, as if doing a kind of yoga. 】

["Really!" You are full of information, and try to make more and more complicated commands. 】

[No matter what kind of order, the toad will repeat it unconditionally, and even when you give an order to kill it, it will faithfully execute it. 】

"Good guy, not only is Summoning forced, but battles are also forced..."

Tuo Yu had to sigh, this control ability is really pervert!

Compared with the contract with Summoning beast, it is much more overbearing!

But this is the right place to be called the King of Summoning!

[After the control action is successful, you start to try to increase the size of the toad. 】

[You Summoning out a toad the size of a human head, and then try to control it. 】

[This time, you feel your head hit a wall and bounce you back. 】

[You know right away that the control has failed. 】

[And also gave you a bit of backlash, making you dizzy at the moment. 】

[Indignant, you immediately made this toad for dinner tonight. 】

"Are you outraged?"

Tuo Yu chuckled lightly, but his eyes were full of caution.

(Acquired Zhao) Forcibly controlling it is really not that easy.

It still looks like it needs to be done gradually.

The consequences of the backlash seem troublesome.

Fortunately, there is no bigger toad from Summoning, maybe the backlash will be more powerful.

It is unclear what the consequences of a stronger backlash will be.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If it were possible to pay with a life...

So it's better to be cautious.

[With the lessons learned, the toads you produced this time by Summoning are slightly smaller. 】

[Then you try to take control and feel your spirit passing through a very flexible barrier. 】

[Suddenly, that magical feeling of connection reappeared, and the mind control succeeded again. 】

[This inspires you, and then increases the size of the toad a little bit. middle】

[From the size of the head turned to the toad of the same height as a person. 】

[It took you nearly a year to successfully control the one-man-high toad. 】

[You and Konan are also growing up a little bit, but the war spreads again, and the Land of Rain is involved again. 】

[You can only control a tall toad, you know, you have no ability to protect Konan and them. 】

[In order to avoid being affected by the pond fish, you have to leave the cabin for the next year. 】

[Looking back at the humble cottage that gave you many warm memories, you secretly swore that you will take back everything you lost in the future. ].

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