Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 172 Forcibly summon the Great Toad Sage and attack One Tail!

The black soil screamed, and she wanted to help.

But the loess held her hand tightly and wouldn't let her go.

"Black soil! You can save me worry."

"At this juncture, it will cause trouble for your father and me.

"Next time I come to Konoha, I can't bring you with me!

And on the ground.

Facing the tall and tall Shouhe.

"Is this the tailed beast?"

Tuo Yu raised his brows slightly, "That's how it feels. ∼"

"As a congratulations on the restoration of freedom, let me cheer up!-"

"Practice empty bombs!



The huge wind bomb flew out at a very fast speed, destroying an entire forest!

Whoosh whoosh!

Shouhe released several training empty bombs in a row, and the fierce power shocked Naruto and other small players!

"This monster is so strong..."

"I've never seen such a powerful force!

Naruto stared blankly.

"Never let it get close to the village!"

Shikamaru's face was gloomy.

If this monster is allowed to attack the village, I am afraid that the village will turn into ruins after a few moments.

"Huh? Why are there so many ants?"

After Shouhe celebrated, he finally found the little people around him.

As a tailed beast, it naturally looks down on humans.

Although it was sealed by humans, it hated humans very much.

But it doesn't look down on humans at all.

He didn't dare to fight it head-on at all, and would only use despicable means to seal it.

"Just in time for an appetizer for you!

"Then go to that bastard Fourth Kazekage and kill him yourself! 35

Shouhe said, aiming at Tuo Yu and releasing an empty bomb.

But Tuo Yu just tilted his head and avoided it easily.

"With such a large physique, hey, let me experiment with my newly acquired abilities.

“It always feels like I can get it done without my hand. 35

He stretched out his hand and immediately locked the target for Summoning.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the distance, Jiraiya, who was cooperating with Bumata to deal with Sand Shinobi, felt his feet light up, and his whole body suddenly fell from the air.

"What's the matter? Why did Mrs. Wen leave without saying a word?"

Jiraiya is puzzled, but Sand Shinobi, who has come under siege, won't let him continue to think.

Back to Tuo Yu's side.

As the white fog dissipated.

Three huge figures on par with Shouhe appeared.

"What, this time?


Naruto looked at the three huge figures and opened his mouth in surprise.

"This is Summoning!

Temari saw it at a glance.


"To be able to summon such a big Summoning beast, and only three! How strong is this Tuo Yu?!

Seeing the three big toads, not only did Temari's eyes widen, Sasuke bit his lip.


At every critical moment, Tuo Yu will come up with some bizarre ninjutsu, and the power is huge!

You obviously want to catch up, but why do you feel pulled further and further away?

Am I not a genius, just an ordinary person?

How am I going to chase that person?

"This is Summoning? And summoning three Summoning beasts of this size at once?

"It's about the same as Payne's brutish way."

Konan's pupils contracted.

She couldn't help but look deeply at the boy on Toad's head?

Is there a limit to his strength?

Why does he show new abilities every time we see him?

Who the hell is he!

Just when everyone was terrified.

on site.

"Huh? What's going on?

"How could I be here? 35

Toad Wentai looked dazed.

It was just now teaming up with Jiraiya against the enemy.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly appeared here.

And, seems to have been summoning here by someone else.

But the only person still alive who signed a contract with their clan is Jiraiya.

Who exactly did it?

"Brother Wen, have you been summoned too? Is that Jiraiya? 35

The green-skinned Toad Hiro looked at Toad Wenta with a blank expression on his face.

Jiraiya is more of summoning Toad Bunta to fight together, and the number of times it is summoned can be counted on one's fingers.

"You too?"

Toad Wentai was stunned when he saw Toad Hiro.

"Although I am stupid, I will do my best. 35

Toadjian said its mantra, but couldn't find Jiraiya after looking around.

Also stunned.

"Toad Jian? Even you were summoned?"

Toad Wenta was stunned again.

"what on earth is it?

"Who the hell called us?"

"it's me."

Tuo Yu's voice entered the ears of Toad Bunta.

Toad Bunta turned his head and saw that a young man was standing on his shoulders.

"Who are you? I don't remember signing a contract with you."

"Not really.

Tuo Yu shrugged, "But it doesn't matter, I called you to let you deal with that big guy.

"Haha, you just summon these three waste frogs? I'm a dignified beast, how could these three frogs be my opponents!

Shouhe looked disdainful.

After saying that, Shouhe threw out an empty bomb.

The three toads dodged immediately.

Shouhe's words made Toad Bunta angry.

"What is this stinky guy...is that Shoukaku?

"I'm going, why is Shouhe here! 55

"Is Jinchūriki out of control?"

Toad Wentai wants to ask clearly, but if the other party is a tailed beast, I am afraid he has to think about it.

Because I can't beat it!

Although everyone has the same physique, the Tailed beast is much stronger than the Summoning beast!

"Although I don't know who you are, but you haven't signed a contract with our family, there is no need for us to fight for you."5

"Although that guy looks like a slap in the face, I have other things to do. You should find a way by yourself."

"Go, Toad Jian, Toad Hiro, go and help Jiraiya.

Toad Wentai said to Tuo Yu while dodging Morizuru's attack.

He also invited its two brothers to help Jiraiya together.

"No problem. 35

"Although I am clumsy, I will try my best. 99

Toad Hiro and Toad Jian responded immediately, and at the same time dodged Shou He's attack.

The three giant toads went in the direction of Jiraiya while hiding.

Seeing that the three of them had no intention of staying at all.

"Hey, won't you stay and help me?"

Tuo Yu's voice entered the ears of Toad Bunta.

"Of course! We haven't signed a contract with you, why should we help you! 99

"Oh? Then I'm afraid I have to think of a way to get you to force me to pull it.

Tuo Yu's words are full of inexplicable meanings.

With a tinge of mischief.

Also with a hint of hope.

Toad Wentai felt inexplicably nervous.

I have a bad feeling.

"As I said, we won't help people who have never signed a contract, what you say is useless!

"If you don't save little Jiraiya, he will be killed!"

Toad Bunta answered again.

It's not that I don't help, it's that I don't want to help!

Who would like to fight a tailed beast!

That's no joke.

"OK then.

A playful smile appeared at the corner of Tuo Yu's mouth.

Then he jumped off the shoulders of Toad Bunta, and then, quickly forming a seal in the air, stretched out his hand to the open space.

・・0 flowers・

"Summoning! 39


Appears and disperses with thick smoke.

A giant toad with a bigger physique, with a bucket hat, and an old-fashioned toad appeared.

Seeing this toad, Toad Wentai immediately opened their big mouths and their faces were sluggish, as if they had seen a ghost!


This time Tuo Yu Summoning came out, it turned out to be their mount Myōboku's handle - Great Toad Sage!

"Big, big, big... Great Toad Sage?!!!"

All the toads were dumbfounded!

"This, this is not so!

"It's the Great Toad Sage!?""

"Am I dazzled!?"

Not just the three-headed toad, on the ground.

A group of Xiaoqiang also looked dumbfounded.

"Hey! What's the matter with that big toad! Why does it look so old!

"Yeah! It feels like I'm dying!"

"I'm going! How did Tuo Yu summon another toad! And he seems to be the leader of those toads!"

Xiaoqiang naturally did not understand the status of the Great Toad Sage.

But next to Konan, it's different.

"The Great Toad Sage? Could it be the legendary Great Immortal in charge of Mount Myōboku?"


Konan's fingers trembled slightly, and a cold sweat broke out from his back.

Great Toad Sage…

This is no ordinary Summoning beast!

This is a god-like existence in the Summoning world!

He was also summoned by Tuo Yu!

What the hell is he about!

"My mom! Isn't that the Great Toad Sage!

in the forest.

After finishing Sand Shinobi, Jiraiya who noticed the figure of Toad Bunta happened to arrive.

Then he was shocked to find that the Great Toad Sage was Summoned out!

Not only him, but also Tsunade who appeared with him was shocked!

"This is the Great Toad Sage?"

"What's wrong! How come even he was brought here!"

Tsunade was seeing the Great Toad Sage for the first time.

This shocked her.

These Sannins, don't look at the huge Summoning beast summoned, but in fact, when the contract was signed, the other party was also a small man.

It's just that the contract has not been broken for decades, so it has grown bigger and bigger.

But the Great Toad Sage...

Jiraiya who has been to Mount Myōboku knows it best.

This isn't a fucking Summoning beast!

It's a fairy!


Was actually greeted!

at this time.

battlefield center.

The Great Toad Sage was still asleep.

It's too old, and has become very confused, often forgetting things.

However, its strength is also very strong, but it has not been used for a long time.

"What's your answer now?"

Tuo Yu sat cross-legged on Great Toad Sage's head with a smile on his face.

"You rude person, quickly get off the head of the immortal!

Toad Wentai had blue veins popping out of his head.

But it was afraid of awakening the sleeping Great Toad Sage, so it could only try to lower its voice.

It lowered the voice, but there was a loud voice that kept making noise.

"Another toad summoned? What use is this old toad! Watch me kill it!"

Shouhe didn't know that his words stabbed the hornet's nest.

Toad Wentai and the others immediately turned to look at Shouhe when they heard the words, their eyes filled with a dangerous aura.

However, Shouhe, the second or fifth boy, spit out a training bullet without hesitation, aiming directly at the sleeping Great Toad Sage!


Toad Jian immediately ran a few steps in a row, blocked in front of the Great Toad Sage, raised his shield to block it, and the powerful force of the empty bomb forced it back a few steps.

But its size is huge, just a few steps, there is a distance of hundreds of meters.

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